Dr Queralt Capsada-Munsech
- Senior Lecturer (Educational Leadership & Policy)
11 Eldon Street, St Andrews Building, Office 525, Glasgow, G3 6NH
Dr Queralt Capsada-Munsech is Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Sociology of Education at the School of Education at the University of Glasgow. Queralt’s main research interests are educational inequalities, social stratification and youth transitions from education to the labour market. She contributes to postgraduate courses in the MSc Education, Public Policy and Equity (EPP&E), the Erasmus Mundus IntM Educational Policies for Global Development (GLOBED) and the Doctorate in Education (EdD).
She is currently involved in the following research projects: 1) the UK and Ireland ALE policies research project, focused on addressing the lack of consistency of the current statistical evidence base on adult learning and education (ALE) across the four countries of the UK and Ireland, to better understand the decline in participation in ALE and investigate ALE discourses across the UK nations (ESRC funded); 2) the pilot study of Youth Building Future (YBF) policy in Mexico, focused on understanding under what institutional and contextual circumstances apprenticeship policies can support the educational and labour market trajectories of young people in low- and middle-income countries. (British Academy/Leverhulme small research grants)
She was involved in the following research projects: 1) the Comparative European LIFETRACK research project, focused on the long-term consequences that sorting processes in secondary education have for social inequality in later stages of educational and employment careers (NORFACE funded); 2) the Comparative European YOUNG_ADULLLT research project, focused on lifelong learning policies tackling young adults in vulnerable situations in their transition from education to the labour market (EU H2020 funded).
Before that, Queralt was a predoctoral researcher at the Department of Political and Social Sciences at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF, Barcelona), where she got her PhD in Sociology entitled "Overeducation: Incidence, Persistence and Institutional Differences across countries. The influence of field of study and social origin on graduates' overeducation risk". During her predoctoral training, she enjoyed research stages at the Directorate for Education and Skills at the OECD (Paris), at the Amsterdam Centre for Inequality Studies (AMCIS) (Amsterdam) and at the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI, Dublin). She has also participated and presented her research in several European and International academic conferences organised by the European Consortium for Sociological Research (ECSR), the RC28 of the International Sociological Association (ISA) and the Transition in Youth (TIY) network, among others.
Research interests
- educational inequalities
- social stratification
- social inclusion & justice
- educational and skill (mis)match
- youth transitions from education to the labour market
- educational policy
- higher education & further education
- comparative education research
- ALE policies (Co-I)
A UK-Ireland investigation into the statistical evidence-base underpinning adult learning and education policy-making (£605k)
Funder: Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) – ES/X000826/1
Project duration: 1 April 2023 – 31 March 2025
- Youth Building Future (YBF) (Co-I)
Youth Building a Future: Institutional and contextual factors mediating the effectiveness of apprenticeships on the trajectories of young people in Mexico (£10k)
Funder: British Academy/Leverhulme small research grants
Project duration: 1 October 2022 - 30 September 2025
- Devadas, Mayukh
The Impact of education through Digital Communication Technologies in Kerala, India
Paulina Bravo Contreras (2022) Understanding the adoption and implementation of Sector Skills Councils in Chile. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Professional activities & recognition
Selected international presentations
- 2019: I Workshop on Public Policy Evaluation (Valencia)
- 2019: SPA Conference (Durham)
- 2019: DIAL Conference (Turku)
- 2019: BSA Conference (Glasgow)
- 2018: CESE Conference (Nicosia)
- 2017: ESREA Conference (Verona)
- 2017: CES Conference (Glasgow)
- 2016: 24th Annual Workshop Transition in Youth (Trento)
Additional information
- Editorial Board British Educational Research Journal (BERJ) (2024-present)
- Editorial Board International Studies in Sociology of Education (2023-present)
- Editorial Board of Sociology (2019-2022)
- British Sociological Association (BSA) member
- International Sociological Association (ISA) member (RC28)