Dr Paul Lynch
- Reader (Culture, Literacies, Inclusion & Pedagogy)
- Associate (School of Health & Wellbeing)
Paul joined the Culture, Literacies, Inclusion and Pedagogy research and teaching group at the School of Education in October 2020. He was previously a member of the Department of Disability, Inclusion and Special Needs at University of Birmingham. He is now an Honorary Senior Research Fellow in the Vision Impairment Centre for Teaching and Research (VICTAR) at the University of Birmingham.
Before becoming a lecturer, Paul conducted commissioned research for Sightsavers into the educational and social inclusion of children with disabilities in sub-Saharan Africa (2006 – 2019). He has conducted different types of, mixed-method, qualitative, and ethnographic research into the lives of children with vision impairment and has developed an increasingly strong interest in the cultures, beliefs and histories of children and young people with disabilities in sub-Saharan Africa (including children with albinism). He also has a keen interest in participatory action research approaches to understanding early childhood development, education and disability in the Global South (principally sub-Saharan countries).
More recently, he has been leading research into early childhood education and disability in Malawi. Paul is currently running a two year GCRF British Academy funded project into early childhood education and disability in Malawi (2019-2021).
He has carried out a series of consultancies for the Department for International Development (DFID) in Ghana specifically aimed at working closely with the Ministry of Education and Science to develop an ICT and SEN policy as well as an Inclusive Education strategy.
Paul is a full member of the Disability and Society Editorial Board and on the British Journal of Visual Impairment. He is also an editor for the International Journal of Educational Development.
PhD in Psychology and Education (Queen’s University Belfast)
Diploma in Autistic Spectrum Disorders Studies (University of Birmingham)
MSc in IT and Education (Trinity College Dublin)
B.Ed. (Hons.) Special Educational Needs (Middlesex University)
Research interests
Paul is interested in a range of themes associated with children, childhood and disability in the Global South. He has a strong interest in exploring the relationship between the education, health and social protection of children with neuro-developmental disabilities. He also has a strong interest in developing tools to support the inclusion, transition and participation of children into early childhood centres and primary schools.
Paul's recent research takes an international perspective into:
- vision impairment and education,
- early childhood education (and school readiness) of children with disabilities,
- role of assistive technology to support learners with disabilities,
- inter-disciplinary research into chid development, neuro-developmental disability and wellbeing,
- models of inclusion and participation.
Research Grants and Consultancies
GCRF- British Academy (219-2021): Principal investigator for ‘Exploring the historical and cultural contexts of early childhood education for children with disabilities in Malawi’ (£240,000).
GCRF-ESRC (2018-2021): Co- investigator for ‘Understanding, Developing, and Supporting Meaningful Work for Youth with Disabilities in Bhutan: Networks, Communities, and Transitions’. (£550,000).
Sightsavers/USAID (2017-2019): Technical lead for the ‘Adaptation of the Early Reading Graded Reading Assessment (EGRA) for children with vision impairment in Mali’ (£100,000).
ESRC/DFID (2015-2018): Principal investigator for ‘Improving the curriculum and teaching methods to influence policy and increase the quality of ECDE provision for children with disabilities in Malawi’ (£500,000).
ESRC (2013-2014): Principal investigator for ‘Making educational research count for children with disabilities in Malawi, Kenya and Uganda’ (£80,000).
British Academy (2012-2014): Co-investigator for research project exploring the education of children and young people with albinism in Northern Malawi with Dr P. Lund, Coventry University (£10,000).
DfID/Sightsavers (2012-2014): Principal investigator for ‘Early childhood development and education of young children with visual impairment in Malawi’ (£80,000).
Sightsavers (2006-2015): Co-investigator between 2006 and 2010 and then principal investigator on a series of education research projects which have led to the publications outlined in this proposal (£1.5m).
Big Lottery Fund (2011-2013): Co-investigator on 3 year project to collect data to use to remodel services at the RNIB for clients furthermost from the labour market and track a sample to gauge impact. (£500,000).
Dr Paul Lynch welcomes students interested in the following areas:
- Early childhood development and education
- Education of children with vision impairment
- Education of children with disabilities in the Global South
- Assessment of young children with developmental delay and disabilities
- Dahal, Pritha
Exploring Contextually Relevant LCE Model in Nepali Schools - JIANG, Tianle
Enhancing Parental Engagement in Special Education in China: A Parental Perspective - McBain, Mary
Is Music Education a Human Right? An analysis of Music Education for Deaf children in Scotland, England and Australia.
Paul currently lectures on the following MEd and MSc Educational Studies programmes:
- MEd – Inclusive Classrooms, Inclusive Pedagogies
- MSc- International Comparative Education
- MSc – Modern Educational Thought and Introduction to Educational and Social Research, Contemporary Themes in Educational Policy
Additional information
Member of the Early Childhood Development Task Group.
Reviewer for the Carnegie Trust, European Commission - Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency and the Norwegian Research Agency.