Dr Nicola Galloway
- Senior Lecturer in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (Education)
Nicola joined the School of Education in October 2020. She is Senior Lecturer and Programme Director for the MSc/Med TESOL and Publications Lead for The School of Education. Nicola is an applied linguist with an interest in the pedagogical implications of the use of English as a global lingua franca and the internationalisation of higher education in non-Anglophone contexts. She has published widely in the fields of Global Englishes and English Medium Instruction (in higher education) and has authored 7 books on these topics. She is currently editing the first Routledge Handbook of Teaching English as an International Language (2023). She sits on the Editorial Board of RELC, Language and Education and the JALT Journal.
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=ueMsGRsAAAAJ&hl=en; Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nicola-Galloway
Research interests
I have engaged in consultancy projects with The University of Tokyo to develop two Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) on EMI and Global Englishes (https://utokyo-ea.com/en) and was awarded an Invitational Fellowship for Research in Japan by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) to develop this work. I have also engaged in several consultancy projects for the The British Council on various EMI projects. I am currently working with colleagues in Indonesia to develop a MOOC for the internationalisation of higher education in vocational universities.
I lead an online global network, Education, Language and Internationalisation network (www.elinet.org).
Current project grants
British Council Indonesia (£50k).
Past project grants
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Invitational Fellowship for Research in Japan
British Council ELT Research Partnership scheme (£20k)
Knowledge Transfer Partnership (£133k)
British Council ELT Research Partnership scheme - East Asian EMI (£15k)
- Nek Kamal, Nurfadzilah Binti
The quality of dialogic teacher-student talk in Malaysian ESL classroom using picturebooks - Ren, Yiming
The role of English in Chinese EMI students' learning - Zhou, Jingwen
Investigating professional development of content and language teachers in English Medium Instruction (EMI) contexts in China
Teaching & PhD supervision
Postgraduate teaching
I teach on a range of MSc & Med TESOL courses.
Open to PhD supervision enquiries?
Areas of interest for supervision
Nicola is currently open to supervising students researching the following areas:
- Global Englishes
- Teaching English as an international language (and teacher education)
- English Medium Instruction (EMI) in higher education.
- Language attitudes
Additional information
Conference Plenary address
- May, 2023. “First Annual UNNC EAP Conference: Transformations in Context”, University of Nottingham Ningbo China.
- November, 2021. New perspectives for Teaching English as a Global Language. Japan Association for Language Teaching Conference. Plenary.
- March, 2021. Internationalisation in Higher Education. 55th RELC International Conference, Singapore. Plenary.
- September, 2020. Global Englishes and ELT. Indonesia. International Virtual Conference on Language and Literature 2020, Politeknik Negeri Malang, Indonesia. Plenary.
- June, 2020. Informing successful and sustainable curriculum innovation for 21st century ELT: a research agenda. English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, Buriram, Thailand. Plenary.
Conference keynote/featured speaker
- March, 2023. Invited panelist. Towards transcultural pedagogy: dynamics in global EAP. St Andrews 12th annual EAP conference. St Andrews.
- September, 2022. Internationalisation in Vietnam. Conference on education collaboration and investment. International Cooperation Department, MOET (Ministry of Education and Training).
- June, 2022. Global Englishes: language variation and change. Global Englishes: Online Language Conference for A Level Teachers. English and Media
- December, 2021. EMI in Vietnam. EMI Oxford Symposium, University of Oxford. Featured speaker.
- February, 2020. Internationalisation and English in Higher Education. National Higher Education seminar on internationalisation of education. Hanoi, Vietnam. Keynote speaker
- January, 2020. EMI in Higher Education: The Thai context. Thailand TESOL Conference, Bangkok, Thailand. Featured Speaker
- October, 2019. English Medium Instruction: a complex phenomenon. The role of English in higher education and its impact on graduate employability. Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Keynote speaker
- October, 2019. EMI in Higher Education: differing contexts, differing perspectives. The role of English in higher education and its impact on graduate employability. Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Keynote speaker
- September, 2019. The role of English and other languages in HE mobility in East Asia. The Inclusion, Mobility and Multilingual Education Conference: Exploring the role of language for education and development. Bangkok, Thailand. Featured speaker.
- March, 2019. English Medium Instruction – a growing global phenomenon. TESOL Conference. Atlanta, Georgia. Featured symposia.
- June, 2018. Internationalisation, higher education and the growing demand for English. The University of Oxford EMI symposium. Featured speaker.
- January, 2018. English as an Asean Lingua Franca: Implications for language and education policy and practice (Researcher Links scheme offered within the Newton Fund, the British Council and the Thailand Research Fund). Invited workshop participant. Bangkok, Thailand.
Invited talk (External university)
- March, 2023. EMI and the resurgence of Linguistic Imperialism. Prince of Songkla University, Thailand.
- March, 2023. ELT Assessment from the Perspective of Global Englishes. Prince of Songkla University, Thailand.
- December, Global Englishes. University of Tehran, Iran.
- December, 2021. Curriculum innovation and Global Englishes. University of Leuphana, Germany.
- November, 2021. English as a Medium of Instruction: a growing global phenomenon. VIII Symposium on Internationalization (SPIn), Brazil.
- July, 2021. Growing global phenomenon: Global Englishes in Educational Contexts. Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.
- June, 2021. Global Englishes innovation. University of Bamberg, Germany.
- October, 2020. English Medium Instruction and the English Language Practitioner. Centre for Global Englishes, The University of Southampton.
- November, 2019. Global Englishes for Language Teaching: Curriculum innovation. University of Bremen, Germany.
- June, 2019. The internationalisation of higher education: Realities, challenges and implications for EMI practitioners (content and language). Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam.
- June, 2019. The Englishization of Higher Education in East and Southeast Asia. The University of Southampton.
- February, 2019. Faculty Development training in EMI. The University of Tokyo, Japan.
- February, 2019. EMI – future research directions. The University of Tokyo, Japan.
- September, 2018. Global Englishes and English Language Teaching. The Centre for Open Learning (COL), The University of Edinburgh.
- March, 2018. Promoting successful and sustained Global Englishes curricular innovation. The University of Bath.
- January, 2018. Global Communication in ‘English’ – but what English? Heriot-Watt University.
- September, 2017. Global Englishes and English Language Teaching. The Centre for Open Learning (COL), The University of Edinburgh.
- November, 2016. English Medium Instruction – a growing global phenomenon. The University of Southampton.
- November, 2016. Global Englishes for Language Teaching. The University of Leeds.
- May, 2016. ELF and ELT Materials. Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET), Waseda University, Tokyo.
- June, 2016. Global Englishes and materials development. Shantou University, China.
- October, 2015. Global Englishes language teaching on an MSc TESOL Programme. The 21st conference of the International Association of World Englishes, Bogazici University, Istanbul.
- September, 2014. Global Englishes. Japan Association of Language Teachers (JALT), Sophia University, Japan.
- March, 2017. KTP Project: Digital Game based learning. Knowledge Exchange Office Learning Lunch: Making, building and developing external partnerships. The University of Edinburgh.
- January, 2012. Emancipation and the ELF speaker. Waseda University, Japan.
- January, 2012. English as a Lingua Franca and English Language Teaching. Tsuru University, Japan.
- Designed and delivered two Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) (English in higher education and Global Englishes for higher education with The University of Tokyo:
- Engagement with professional groups via interviews:
- The language teacher blog (http://alttrainingonline.blogspot.com/2018/06/emi-in-japan.html)
- Podcast (https://www.lostincitations.com/)
- Japanese ALT training organisation (http://alttrainingonline.blogspot.com/2018/06/emi-in-japan.html)
- TESOL’s Interest Section (http://newsmanager.commpartners.com/tesolalis/issues/2019-08-26/3.html)
- British Council Voices Magazine ((https://www.britishcouncil.org/voices-magazine)
- NNEST Caucus in TESOL (https://nnestofthemonth.wordpress.com/2018/02/20/nicola-galloway/)
- Japan Association of College English Teachers (https://jacetelf.wordpress.com/events/sig-meetings/)
- British Council Conversations (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IozX0tTj3m4)
In the press
The Financial Times: https://www.ft.com/content/9639babc-31ac-11e3-817c-00144feab7de