Professor Nicki Hedge

  • Professor (People, Place & Social Change)

telephone: 01413305492

R528 Level 5, St Andrew's Building, Glasgow, G3 6NH

Import to contacts


Research interests

My research interests and activity centre on the role of affect and emotions in learning and teaching, social justice with particular respect to internationalization and inclusion, gender and identity, the Capabilities Approach, and philosophy as research. My current projects are focussed on peer review, academic friendship, and emotional wellbeing and compassion in learning and teaching. I am supervising a range of doctoral students includig those working on emotions in education, e-learning and distance education, educational change and innovation, gender, identity, critical literacy, and applied linguistics. 


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2012 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2005 | 2004 | 2002 | 2001 | 1996 | 1994 | 1992
Number of items: 30.


Enslin, P. and Hedge, N. (2024) Decolonizing higher education: the university in the new age of Empire. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 58(2-3), pp. 227-241. (doi: 10.1093/jopedu/qhad052)


Cebula, C., Nicoll Baines, K., Lido, C. , Thijssen, J. H.J., Halliday, K., Hedge, N. , Mulvana, H. and Gauchotte-Lindsay, C. (2021) Inclusion in the time of COVID: 14 ways to seize the moment for change. Nature Index, 9 Feb.

Enslin, P. and Hedge, N. (2021) Trust and institutional values in higher education. In: Mahon, Áine (ed.) The Promise of the University: Reclaiming Humanity, Humility, and Hope. Series: Debating higher education: philosophical perspectives. Springer: Singapore, pp. 41-53. ISBN 9789811652769 (doi: 10.1007/978-981-16-5277-6_4)


Gauchotte-Lindsay, C. , Nicoll Baines, K., Cebula, C., Mulvana, H. , Lido, C. and Hedge, N. (2020) Mrs0479 - Unequal impact: Coronavirus (Covid-19) and the impact on people with protected characteristics. [Research Reports or Papers]


Enslin, P. and Hedge, N. (2019) Academic friendship in dark times. Ethics and Education, 14(4), pp. 383-398. (doi: 10.1080/17449642.2019.1660457)


Enslin, P. and Hedge, N. (2018) On peer review as the ‘gold standard’ in measuring research excellence: from secrecy to openness? Journal of Philosophy of Education, 52(3), pp. 379-396. (doi: 10.1111/1467-9752.12312)


MacKenzie, A., Hedge, N. and Enslin, P. (2017) Sex education: challenges and choices. British Journal of Educational Studies, 65(1), pp. 27-44. (doi: 10.1080/00071005.2016.1232363)


Hedge, N. and Mackenzie, A. (2016) Scotland’s curriculum for excellence: a defence of autonomy and personhood. Oxford Review of Education, 42(1), pp. 1-15. (doi: 10.1080/03054985.2015.1128890)

Mackenzie, A., Enslin, P. and Hedge, N. (2016) Education for global citizenship in Scotland: reciprocal partnership or politics of benevolence? International Journal of Educational Research, 77, pp. 128-135. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijer.2016.03.007)


Hedge, N. and Mackenzie, A. (2015) Riots and reactions: hypocrisy and disaffiliation? Journal of Philosophy of Education, 49(3), pp. 329-346. (doi: 10.1111/1467-9752.12132)


Enslin, P. and Hedge, N. (2014) Feminist ethics. In: Phillips, D.C. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Educational Theory and Philosophy. Sage: London, pp. 326-331. ISBN 9781452230894


Hedge, N. and Mackenzie, A. (2012) Putting Nussbaum's Capability Approach to work: re-visiting inclusion. Cambridge Journal of Education, 42(3), pp. 327-344. (doi: 10.1080/0305764X.2012.706252)

Hedge, N. and Mackenzie, A. (2012) Beyond care? Journal of Philosophy of Education, 46(2), pp. 192-206. (doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9752.2012.00844.x)


Enslin, P. and Hedge, N. (2010) A good global neighbour: Scotland, Malawi and global citizenship. Citizenship Teaching and Learning, 6(1), pp. 91-105. (doi: 10.1386/ctl.6.1.91_1)

Enslin, P. and Hedge, N. (2010) Inclusion and diversity. In: Bailey, R., Barrow, R., Carr, D. and McCarthy, C. (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Philosophy of Education. SAGE: London, pp. 385-400. ISBN 9781847874672

Hayward, G., Hayward, L. , Hedge, N. and Magill, J. (2010) P3A: Promotion of Engineering through Creation of a Structured School-University Interface. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)


Hedge, N. and Enslin, P. (2009) A good global neighbour? In: The Sixteenth International Conference on Learning, University of Barcelona, Spain, 1-4 July 2009, (Unpublished)


Enslin, P. and Hedge, N. (Eds.) (2008) Education and Multicultural Understanding: Proceedings of the International Network of Philosophers of Education Conference, Kyoto, Japan, 2008. International Network of Philosophers of Education.

Enslin, P. and Hedge, N. (2008) International students, export earnings and the demands of global justice. Ethics and Education, 3(2), pp. 107-119. (doi: 10.1080/17449640802395984)


Feyerer, J., Hayward, L. and Hedge, N. (2005) EUMIE: Inclusion in Europe. EUropean Masters in Inclusive Education (EUMIE): Linz, Austria.

Hayward, L. , Hedge, N. and Spencer, E. (2005) Closing the Gap: primary secondary liaison in South Lanarkshire. South Lanarkshire Education Authority.

Hayward, L. and Hedge, N. (2005) Travelling towards change in assessment: policy, practice and research in education. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice, 12(1), pp. 55-76. (doi: 10.1080/0969594042000333913)


Hayward, E. and Hedge, N. (2004) Early intervention for all: back to basics? Early Years’ Matters, 6, pp. 8-9.

Hedge, N. and Hayward, E. (2004) Redefining roles: university e-learning contributing to lifelong learning in a networked world? E-Learning and Digital Media, 1(1), pp. 128-145. (doi: 10.2304/elea.2004.1.1.3)

Hedge, N. and Hayward, E. (2004) Universities and e-learning in a networked world. In: Murphy, D., Carr, R., Taylor, J. and Wong, T.M. (eds.) Distance Education and Technology: Issues and Practice. OUHK Press: Hong Kong, pp. 111-128. ISBN 9789627707479


Hayward, E. and Hedge, N. (2002) Consultation on Review of Assessment within New National Qualifications: Analysis of Responses. [Research Reports or Papers]


Hayward, E. and Hedge, N. (2001) Analysis of Early Education and Childcare Plans, Planning Matters. [Research Reports or Papers]


Hedge, N. (Ed.) (1996) Going the Distance: Teaching, Learning and Researching in Distance Education. University of Sheffield Department of Education: Sheffield. ISBN 9780902831322


Hedge, N. and Giles, K. (Eds.) (1994) The Manager's Good Study Guide. Open University Worldwide: Milton Keynes. ISBN 9780749249502


Hedge, N. and Gosden, H. (1992) Language awareness and EAP courses. In: James, C. and Garrett, P. (eds.) Language Awareness in the Classroom. Longman: Harlow, pp. 186-197. ISBN 9780582067370

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 17:59:29 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 30.


Enslin, P. and Hedge, N. (2024) Decolonizing higher education: the university in the new age of Empire. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 58(2-3), pp. 227-241. (doi: 10.1093/jopedu/qhad052)

Cebula, C., Nicoll Baines, K., Lido, C. , Thijssen, J. H.J., Halliday, K., Hedge, N. , Mulvana, H. and Gauchotte-Lindsay, C. (2021) Inclusion in the time of COVID: 14 ways to seize the moment for change. Nature Index, 9 Feb.

Enslin, P. and Hedge, N. (2019) Academic friendship in dark times. Ethics and Education, 14(4), pp. 383-398. (doi: 10.1080/17449642.2019.1660457)

Enslin, P. and Hedge, N. (2018) On peer review as the ‘gold standard’ in measuring research excellence: from secrecy to openness? Journal of Philosophy of Education, 52(3), pp. 379-396. (doi: 10.1111/1467-9752.12312)

MacKenzie, A., Hedge, N. and Enslin, P. (2017) Sex education: challenges and choices. British Journal of Educational Studies, 65(1), pp. 27-44. (doi: 10.1080/00071005.2016.1232363)

Hedge, N. and Mackenzie, A. (2016) Scotland’s curriculum for excellence: a defence of autonomy and personhood. Oxford Review of Education, 42(1), pp. 1-15. (doi: 10.1080/03054985.2015.1128890)

Mackenzie, A., Enslin, P. and Hedge, N. (2016) Education for global citizenship in Scotland: reciprocal partnership or politics of benevolence? International Journal of Educational Research, 77, pp. 128-135. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijer.2016.03.007)

Hedge, N. and Mackenzie, A. (2015) Riots and reactions: hypocrisy and disaffiliation? Journal of Philosophy of Education, 49(3), pp. 329-346. (doi: 10.1111/1467-9752.12132)

Hedge, N. and Mackenzie, A. (2012) Putting Nussbaum's Capability Approach to work: re-visiting inclusion. Cambridge Journal of Education, 42(3), pp. 327-344. (doi: 10.1080/0305764X.2012.706252)

Hedge, N. and Mackenzie, A. (2012) Beyond care? Journal of Philosophy of Education, 46(2), pp. 192-206. (doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9752.2012.00844.x)

Enslin, P. and Hedge, N. (2010) A good global neighbour: Scotland, Malawi and global citizenship. Citizenship Teaching and Learning, 6(1), pp. 91-105. (doi: 10.1386/ctl.6.1.91_1)

Enslin, P. and Hedge, N. (2008) International students, export earnings and the demands of global justice. Ethics and Education, 3(2), pp. 107-119. (doi: 10.1080/17449640802395984)

Hayward, L. and Hedge, N. (2005) Travelling towards change in assessment: policy, practice and research in education. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice, 12(1), pp. 55-76. (doi: 10.1080/0969594042000333913)

Hayward, E. and Hedge, N. (2004) Early intervention for all: back to basics? Early Years’ Matters, 6, pp. 8-9.

Hedge, N. and Hayward, E. (2004) Redefining roles: university e-learning contributing to lifelong learning in a networked world? E-Learning and Digital Media, 1(1), pp. 128-145. (doi: 10.2304/elea.2004.1.1.3)


Feyerer, J., Hayward, L. and Hedge, N. (2005) EUMIE: Inclusion in Europe. EUropean Masters in Inclusive Education (EUMIE): Linz, Austria.

Hayward, L. , Hedge, N. and Spencer, E. (2005) Closing the Gap: primary secondary liaison in South Lanarkshire. South Lanarkshire Education Authority.

Book Sections

Enslin, P. and Hedge, N. (2021) Trust and institutional values in higher education. In: Mahon, Áine (ed.) The Promise of the University: Reclaiming Humanity, Humility, and Hope. Series: Debating higher education: philosophical perspectives. Springer: Singapore, pp. 41-53. ISBN 9789811652769 (doi: 10.1007/978-981-16-5277-6_4)

Enslin, P. and Hedge, N. (2014) Feminist ethics. In: Phillips, D.C. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Educational Theory and Philosophy. Sage: London, pp. 326-331. ISBN 9781452230894

Enslin, P. and Hedge, N. (2010) Inclusion and diversity. In: Bailey, R., Barrow, R., Carr, D. and McCarthy, C. (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Philosophy of Education. SAGE: London, pp. 385-400. ISBN 9781847874672

Hedge, N. and Hayward, E. (2004) Universities and e-learning in a networked world. In: Murphy, D., Carr, R., Taylor, J. and Wong, T.M. (eds.) Distance Education and Technology: Issues and Practice. OUHK Press: Hong Kong, pp. 111-128. ISBN 9789627707479

Hedge, N. and Gosden, H. (1992) Language awareness and EAP courses. In: James, C. and Garrett, P. (eds.) Language Awareness in the Classroom. Longman: Harlow, pp. 186-197. ISBN 9780582067370

Edited Books

Enslin, P. and Hedge, N. (Eds.) (2008) Education and Multicultural Understanding: Proceedings of the International Network of Philosophers of Education Conference, Kyoto, Japan, 2008. International Network of Philosophers of Education.

Hedge, N. (Ed.) (1996) Going the Distance: Teaching, Learning and Researching in Distance Education. University of Sheffield Department of Education: Sheffield. ISBN 9780902831322

Hedge, N. and Giles, K. (Eds.) (1994) The Manager's Good Study Guide. Open University Worldwide: Milton Keynes. ISBN 9780749249502

Research Reports or Papers

Gauchotte-Lindsay, C. , Nicoll Baines, K., Cebula, C., Mulvana, H. , Lido, C. and Hedge, N. (2020) Mrs0479 - Unequal impact: Coronavirus (Covid-19) and the impact on people with protected characteristics. [Research Reports or Papers]

Hayward, G., Hayward, L. , Hedge, N. and Magill, J. (2010) P3A: Promotion of Engineering through Creation of a Structured School-University Interface. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)

Hayward, E. and Hedge, N. (2002) Consultation on Review of Assessment within New National Qualifications: Analysis of Responses. [Research Reports or Papers]

Hayward, E. and Hedge, N. (2001) Analysis of Early Education and Childcare Plans, Planning Matters. [Research Reports or Papers]

Conference Proceedings

Hedge, N. and Enslin, P. (2009) A good global neighbour? In: The Sixteenth International Conference on Learning, University of Barcelona, Spain, 1-4 July 2009, (Unpublished)

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 17:59:29 2025 GMT.


Completed PhDs and EdDs

Deborah Aldred (2002) Exploring students' and teachers' perceptions of roles in English language classrooms in Hong Kong. (PhD)

Kathleen McMillan (2006) The minority ethnic group experience in Scottish higher education. (PhD)

Sandra Sweenie (2009) 'NEETS': perceptions and aspirations of young people Not in Education, Employment or Training'. (EdD)

Liz Ashworth (2010) Elementary art education: an expendable curriculum? (EdD)

Andrew Killen (2012) Democratic experiences for children in an urban primary school? (EdD)

Julie McDonald (2012) Moving in a narrative space: dental practitioners  developing professionally in and out of ICT. (EdD)

Alison MacKenzie (2013) Emotions and education: cultivating compassionate minds. (PhD)

Usman Mahboob (2014) Professionalism in medical schools’ curricula. (Professional Doctorate in Health Professions Education [DHPE] - secondary supervisor, lead supervisors Phillip Evans & Philip Cotton)

Mary Wingrave (2014) An old issue in a new era: early years practitioners' perceptions of gender. (EdD - second supervisor)

Kay Barbour (2016) The changing role of career guidance in UK universities. (EdD)

Alex Hartley (2016) Learning to foster. (EdD)

Niaz Soomru (2016) Towards an understanding of Pakistani undergraduates' current attitudes towards learning and speaking English. (PhD)

Salem Abosnan (2017) The teaching of reading English in a foreign language in Libyan universities: methods and models. (PhD)

Wid Daghustani (2017)  Journeys of mothers of adolescents with autism in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia: issues of justice? (PhD)

Claire Connolly (2019) Reflective Activists? Exploring Student Teachers’ Emerging Practice in Northern Ireland: A Bourdieusian Analysis. (EdD)

Nora Howley (2019) The Role of Education Support Professionals in Supporting the Whole Child: A Capabilities Approach. (EdD) [with Penny Enslin]

Rabab Aldarasi (2020) Foreign Language Anxiety: Libyan Students Speaking in English. (PhD)

Donna Hazzard (2020) Developing Pre-Service Teachers' Critical Literacy Perspectives. (EdD)

Dave Beck (2020) Phd by publication. (staff)


Current PhDs

Anna Mackenzie - education for capabilities in prisons (with Prof. Fergus McNeill, Criminology and Social Work) [pt] - post-viva minor changes submitted

Joyce Nicholson - educational care for children affected by parental substance use [pt].

Abida Ayesha post-viva changes in progress

Angeliki Peponi

Daniël van Dijk

Rongrui Yu

Abduleelah Mohammed H Mohammed

Tahsina Akbar

Kate Ramsay


Current EdDs (lead supervisions only)

Michelle Donaghy

Bob Morrison (completion stages in progress post-viva)

Sarah Hopp

Rehana Shanks

Siobhan Whelan

  • Smith, Lauren
    What are the Views and Experiences of Autistic People in Alternative Provision Settings in England?


My teaching is focussed, mainly, on educational theory and philosophy, and research methods. This includes leading Advanced Research Methods courses for the School's PhD and EdD programmes, support (as materials writer) for an online Masters course in Modern Educational Thinking, and an EdD course in Educational Futures.  I also enjoy providing occasional lectures and seminars for the PGDE and MEduc programmes in, for example, Communication, Gender and Education, Emotional Wellbeing, Research Ethics and Global Citizenship. I am currently supervising doctoral students (EdDs and PhDs) working on emotions in education, e-learning and distance education, educational change and innovation, gender, identity, and applied linguistics. Until August 2018 I was the School's Director of Postgraduate Research and the Co-Director of our EdD Programme. Prior to that I was the leader of the Social Justice, Place and Lifelong Learning Research and Teaching Group and PGT Director in the School of Education. I am also the School's representative for the ESRC Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) education pathway. 

Additional information

Until 2018, Editorial Board member of Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education and External Examiner for University of Aberdeen, MRes in Social/Educational Research.

I am also:

  • an invited member of the International Expert Review Group for the UK Prevention Research Partnership (UKPRP) [a £40m - £50m initiative to support multidisciplinary research teams investigating the upstream and environmental determinants of health relevant to a range of non-communicable diseases]
  • an external adviser for the Chilean National Research Center in Inclusive Education
  • an invited Occasional Editor for Disability and Society