Mr McRhon Banderlipe
- Learning & Teaching Team Manager (School of Social & Political Sciences Administration)
- Associate Tutor (School of Education)
Adam Smith Building, 28 Bute Gardens, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom, G12 8RS
I am an education specialist with almost 2 decades of experience working in the intersection of continuing-higher (tertiary)-adult & lifelong education, community building, government, business and international development sectors. I am trained in capability building, higher education management, executive education, research and consultancy, and professional/lifelong education programmes.
Before my appointment at the University of Glasgow, I became the Head of Lifelong Learning Programmes for South and Southeast Asia at the National University of Singapore (NUS) School of Continuing and Lifelong Education. I also managed a significant strategic portfolio of government, not-for-profit and development sector executive education, capacity-building consultancy and lifelong learning programmes at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (NUS). I also led developing education consulting projects with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Ethiopia, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in the Philippines, Central Asia and Sri Lanka, and the various state and national departments of the Governments of India, Japan, Korea (Republic of), Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam among many others.
At the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), I contributed to the work of the Global Network for Learning Cities (GNLC) and UIL's various research projects, including the role of universities and higher education institutions in the pursuit of lifelong learning.
Research interests
I specialise in qualitative research focusing on teacher education, higher education, learning cities and communities, and professional learning.
My current doctoral research focuses on exploring the lives of activist teachers in Scotland and how their experiences of professional learning are shaping their activist orientation and identities. I borrow the term 'activist teacher' from Judyth Sachs (2003) who underscored the possibilities for teachers to take an active stance in identifying issues and challenges and solutions and ideas to transform teaching and the education system in general. In doing so, activism opens up the spaces for dialogue and becomes a catalyst for the transformative practice of education and teaching.
As an Associate Tutor at the School of Education, I have the privilege of supervising postgraduate students in the following programmes, working along with amazing and supportive academic colleagues and programme leads:
- MEd Adult Learning, Community Development & Youth Work Practice (CLD Standards Accredited)
- MSc/MEd Educational Studies
I celebrate the success of these students who have completed their postgraduate dissertations at the School of Education.
AY 2023-2024:
- Bai, Y. "Promoting Higher Education Modernization in China Through English Learning: An Analysis of Sino-Foreign Cooperative Programmes"
- Liu, H. "Social Media Use and Mental Health: The Experiences of Chinese University Students"
- Qiu, J. "The Impact of Social Media on Youth Volunteering: A Case Study of a Volunteer Organization in China"
- Yang, Q. "Achieving Higher Educational Equity in Henan Province: Insights from Comparative Studies"
AY 2022-2023:
- Comfort, M.K. "The Intersection of Personal Experiences, Identities, and the Feasibility of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in Master's Programs: A Qualitative Inquiry"
- Hu, W. "The contribution of charity shops to community development through the lens of employment opportunities and skills upgrading"
Additional information
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:
- Banderlipe, M. & Ingram, V. (2024). Building communities and professionalism through student-organised conferences: Opportunities and reflections for doctoral education. (2024). Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 68.
Book Chapters:
- Green, M.J., Hertzman, E.J., Banderlipe, M. (2021). Resilience and Growth: A University’s Response for Future-Proofing Graduates and Careers. In: Ra, S., Jagannathan, S., Maclean, R. (eds). Powering a Learning Society During an Age of Disruption. Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: Issues, Concerns and Prospects, vol 58. Springer, Singapore.
- Banderlipe, M. (2003). The Philippines and Beauty Pageants. In: Capili, J.W. et al. (eds.). Mabuhay to Beauty! Profiles of Beauties and Essays on Pageants. Manila: Milflores Publishing, Inc. https://10.5281/zenodo.14793476
Professional Memberships:
- Scottish Educational Research Association
- British Educational Research Association
- World Educational Research Association
- Comparative and International Education Society
- Global Research Award, PhD in Education, University of Strathclyde (2022-present)
- Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD), International Master Adult Education for Social Change (IMAESC) offered by the University of Glasgow, University of Malta, Tallinn University and the Open University of Singapore (2020-2022)
- Li-Ka Shing Scholarship, Master of Public Administration, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore (2012-2013)