Dr Max Antony-Newman

  • Lecturer in Education (School of Education)


I am an educational researcher, working from a critical sociological perspective to uncover the hidden curriculum in education and show how the identities of culturally and linguistically diverse students, teachers and parents together with social institutions shape the process of education.

My main focus is on school-family partnerships, education policy, and teacher education with the overarching goal of moving from parental engagement as a source of social inequality to an opportunity for social justice. My work also centers immigrant and refugee students and linguistic minorities in diverse classrooms. My current research focuses on immigrants and refugees with post-Soviet backgrounds in the North American context, the role of teacher educators in preparing teachers for parental engagement in Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia as well as critical analysis of policy requirements for teacher readiness for parental engagement.

My work has been published in the British Journal of Sociology of Education, Canadian Journal of Education, Comparative and International Education, Curriculum Journal, Educational Review, International Journal of Bilingualism and Bilingual Education, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, Journal of Teacher Education, School Community Journal.

My teaching expertise is in the sociology of education with special emphasis on social justice, immigration, and social inequality. I worked with undergraduate and postgraduate students at the University of Toronto in 2017-2021 and Sheffield Hallam University in 2022-2023. Prior to joining academia, I taught ESL to linguistically and culturally diverse students in Canada and Europe for more than a decade and worked in language assessment and writing support in Toronto, Canada.

Research interests

My current research interests include the following:

  • parent engagement, parental involvement, family-school collaboration
  • immigrants and refugees in education
  • educational inequality
  • Pierre Bourdieu's thinking tools (habitus, field, capital, doxa)
  • linguistic diversity in education
  • plurilingualism
  • critical policy analysis

Recent research projects:

Educational experiences of Canadian high school students from post-Soviet backgrounds: A multiple method, multiple embedded case study (2022-2025), Collaborator

Parental engagement and family-school relationships in the COVID and post-COVID world (2020-2022), Principal Investigator

Preparing teachers for parental engagement: Role of teacher educators in Canada, the UK, and Australia (2022-2024), Principal Investigator


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2020 | 2019
Number of items: 12.


Antony-Newman, M. (2024) Parent engagement and the teaching profession: a policy framework. School Community Journal, 34(2), pp. 109-128.

Antony-Newman, M. (2024) The role of plurilingual parenting in parental engagement of immigrant families. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 45(8), pp. 3362-3378. (doi: 10.1080/01434632.2022.2097686)

Antony-Newman, M. (2024) Teachers and school leaders’ readiness for parental engagement: critical policy analysis of Canadian standards. Journal of Teacher Education, 75(3), pp. 321-333. (doi: 10.1177/00224871231199365)

Antony-Newman, M. (2024) Preparing teachers for parent engagement: role of teacher educators in Canada. Educational Review, (doi: 10.1080/00131911.2024.2324154) (Early Online Publication)

Antony-Newman, M. , Niyozov, S. and Pashchenko, K. (2024) Middle-class parental engagement in pandemic times: developing strategies and mobilizing capitals. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 45(2), pp. 193-209. (doi: 10.1080/01425692.2023.2294687)


Antony-Newman, M. (2023) Questioning equity and excellence in Ontario and Scotland: critical policy analysis of parent inclusion for reducing educational inequality. Comparative and International Education, 52(1), pp. 73-86. (doi: 10.5206/cie-eci.v52i1.15365)

Antony-Newman, M. and Niyozov, S. (2023) Barriers and facilitators for academic success and social integration of refugee students in Canadian and US K–12 schools: a meta-synthesis. Canadian Journal of Education, (doi: 10.53967/cje-rce.5859) (Early Online Publication)


Masson, M., Antony-Newman, M. and Antony-Newman, M. (2022) The immigrant perspective: Eastern-European parental discourses about the value of French, plurilingualism and plurilingual literacy practices. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 25(9), pp. 3507-3520. (doi: 10.1080/13670050.2022.2079372)


Antony-Newman, M. (2020) Curriculum orientations and their role in parental involvement among immigrant parents. Curriculum Journal, 31(3), pp. 340-356. (doi: 10.1002/curj.10)

Antony-Newman, M. (2020) Parental involvement of Eastern European immigrant parents in Canada: whose involvement has capital? British Journal of Sociology of Education, 41(1), pp. 111-126. (doi: 10.1080/01425692.2019.1668748)


Antony-Newman, M. (2019) Parental involvement of immigrant parents: a meta-synthesis. Educational Review, 71(3), pp. 362-381. (doi: 10.1080/00131911.2017.1423278)

Antony-Newman, M. (2019) Parental involvement policies in Ontario: a critical analysis. School Community Journal, 29(1), pp. 143-170.

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 01:41:52 2025 GMT.
Jump to: Articles
Number of items: 12.


Antony-Newman, M. (2024) Parent engagement and the teaching profession: a policy framework. School Community Journal, 34(2), pp. 109-128.

Antony-Newman, M. (2024) The role of plurilingual parenting in parental engagement of immigrant families. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 45(8), pp. 3362-3378. (doi: 10.1080/01434632.2022.2097686)

Antony-Newman, M. (2024) Teachers and school leaders’ readiness for parental engagement: critical policy analysis of Canadian standards. Journal of Teacher Education, 75(3), pp. 321-333. (doi: 10.1177/00224871231199365)

Antony-Newman, M. (2024) Preparing teachers for parent engagement: role of teacher educators in Canada. Educational Review, (doi: 10.1080/00131911.2024.2324154) (Early Online Publication)

Antony-Newman, M. , Niyozov, S. and Pashchenko, K. (2024) Middle-class parental engagement in pandemic times: developing strategies and mobilizing capitals. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 45(2), pp. 193-209. (doi: 10.1080/01425692.2023.2294687)

Antony-Newman, M. (2023) Questioning equity and excellence in Ontario and Scotland: critical policy analysis of parent inclusion for reducing educational inequality. Comparative and International Education, 52(1), pp. 73-86. (doi: 10.5206/cie-eci.v52i1.15365)

Antony-Newman, M. and Niyozov, S. (2023) Barriers and facilitators for academic success and social integration of refugee students in Canadian and US K–12 schools: a meta-synthesis. Canadian Journal of Education, (doi: 10.53967/cje-rce.5859) (Early Online Publication)

Masson, M., Antony-Newman, M. and Antony-Newman, M. (2022) The immigrant perspective: Eastern-European parental discourses about the value of French, plurilingualism and plurilingual literacy practices. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 25(9), pp. 3507-3520. (doi: 10.1080/13670050.2022.2079372)

Antony-Newman, M. (2020) Curriculum orientations and their role in parental involvement among immigrant parents. Curriculum Journal, 31(3), pp. 340-356. (doi: 10.1002/curj.10)

Antony-Newman, M. (2020) Parental involvement of Eastern European immigrant parents in Canada: whose involvement has capital? British Journal of Sociology of Education, 41(1), pp. 111-126. (doi: 10.1080/01425692.2019.1668748)

Antony-Newman, M. (2019) Parental involvement of immigrant parents: a meta-synthesis. Educational Review, 71(3), pp. 362-381. (doi: 10.1080/00131911.2017.1423278)

Antony-Newman, M. (2019) Parental involvement policies in Ontario: a critical analysis. School Community Journal, 29(1), pp. 143-170.

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 01:41:52 2025 GMT.


2022-2025 Educational experiences of Canadian high school students from post-Soviet backgrounds: A multiple method, multiple embedded case study 

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), $195,000, Collaborator with Dr Sarfaroz Niyozov (Principal Investigator, University of Toronto/OISE), Dr Steven Bahry (Collaborator, University of Toronto/OISE), and Dr Olesya Falenchuk (Collaborator, University of Toronto/OISE)

2015-2018 Parental involvement of Eastern European immigrant parents of elementary school students in Ontario

Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS), Government of Ontario, $45,000, Principal Investigator                                  



I am looking forward to supervising research students in the following areas:

  • parent engagement, parental involvement, family-school collaboration
  • immigrant and refugee students
  • educational inequality and application of Pierre Bourdieu's "thinking tools"
  • JIANG, Tianle
    Enhancing Parental Engagement in Special Education in China: A Parental Perspective


Past courses

Sheffield Hallam University

  • Curriculum Design and Innovation
  • Educational Identities
  • Integrating Theory and Practice
  • Social In/Exclusion in Education
  • Social Justice Education

University of Toronto

  • Bourdieu: Theory of Practice in Social Sciences
  • Language and Meaning
  • Special Topics in Social Justice Research in Education: Master's Level Research Methods from an Interdisciplinary Approach

Additional information


Antony-Newman, M. (2022). Plurilingual parenting: why many experts think families who speak multiple languages should just go with the flow. The Conversation UK. https://theconversation.com/plurilingual-parenting-why-many-experts-think-families-who-speak-multiple-languages-should-just-go-with-the-flow-185255

Antony-Newman, M. (2022). Curriculum for inclusion: Case of immigrant students. Knowledge in
Education Blog. https://blogs.shu.ac.uk/kierg/2022/04/27/curriculum-for-inclusion-case-of-immigrant-students/#_ftnref2

Antony-Newman, M. (2020). Curriculum orientations and the inclusion of immigrant parents. BERA Blog. https://www.bera.ac.uk/blog/curriculum-orientations-and-the-inclusion-of-immigrant-parents

Antony-Newman, M. (2019). Are immigrant parents really 'hard to reach'? TES. https://www.tes.com/news/are-immigrant-parents-really-hard-reach 

Antony-Newman, M. (2018). Whose involvement has capital? The application of Bourdieu’s thinking tools for the study of parental involvement. Social Theory Applied. https://socialtheoryapplied.com/2018/12/17/8842/ 

Antony-Newman, M. (2018). Fundraising and fees in Ontario’s schools. Toronto: People for Education.

Antony-Newman, M. (2016). School demands for parents to do more hits low-income and minority students hardest. The Conversation UK. https://theconversation.com/school-demands-for-parents-to-do-more-hits-low-income-and-minority-students-hardest-67068 





2017 Bourdieu and the Social Science. Toronto (October 21, 2017).


2023 Preparing teachers for parental engagement: Role of teacher educators in Canada Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE). Toronto (June 1).

2023 From enduring issues to actions in the education of students of refugee background in Canada & beyond [w/ S. Bahry, A. Gagné, E. Le Pichon-Vorstman, S. Niyozov, & D. Wattar]. Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE). Toronto (May 30).

2022 Immigrant parents: Normative engagement, resistance, and possibilities for decolonial approach. Comparative Education Research Centre (CERC) Seminar, University of Hong Kong, Online (May 20).

2022 Educational experiences of Canadian school students from post-Soviet backgrounds A systematic review of the literature [w/ S. Niyozov, S. Bahry, Z. Jafarova, Y. Ortega, K. Pashchenko, and O. Falenchuk]. Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Online (May 19).

2022 Parental engagement and family-school relationships in the COVID and post-COVID world: Voices from Canada organizations [w/ S. Niyozov, and K. Pashchenko]. Comparative
and International Education Society (CIES), Minneapolis (April 21).

2022 Equity and excellence in Scotland and Ontario: Inclusion of parents for reducing educational inequality in high-performing and equitable education systems. British Sociological Association (BSA) Annual Conference. Online (April 20).

2021 Immigrant and refugee students in Canadian secondary schools: The role of teachers, families, and community organizations [w/ S. Bahry, S. Niyozov, and Y. Ortega]. Migration Working Group. Ryerson University (April 27).

2021 Transnational habitus: Immigrant parents’ engagement in their children’s education in Canada. British Sociological Association (BSA) Annual Conference. Online (April 15).

2020 Immigrant parental involvement: Rules of the game and resistance to normative involvement. Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), Miami, USA (March 16).

2019 The role of parental involvement in the maintenance of plurilingual repertoires among children of immigrants in Canada. EducLang 2019, Ottawa (September 27).

2019 Plurilingual practices in immigrant families: Missing voice in Ontario language policy. Multidisciplinary Approaches in Language Policy and Planning Conference, Toronto (August 23).

2018 Parental involvement as capital: a case study of immigrants in Canada. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, New York City (April 17).

2017 Parental involvement among immigrant parents in Canada: Eastern European voices. American Sociological Association (ASA) Annual Meeting, Montreal (August 12).

2017 Critical analysis of parental involvement policy documents in Ontario schools. Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE). Toronto (May 30).

2017 Parental Involvement of Immigrant Parents: A Meta-Synthesis. Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), Atlanta (March 7).

2016 The Impact of Québec Language Policies on Linguistic Minority Education. [w/ Gérin-Lajoie, D., Khan, A., & Ahn, J-H.]. Multidisciplinary Approaches in Language Policy and Planning, Calgary (September 2).

2016 Critical discourse analysis of parental involvement policies in selected English-speaking countries. Parenting and Personhood: Cross-cultural perspectives on expertise, family life and risk management, Canterbury, UK (June 23).

2016 Le discours des jeunes anglophones au Québec sur leur rapport à la langue et à l’identité [w/ Gérin-Lajoie, D., Khan, A., & Ahn, J-H.]. ACFAS, Montreal (May 9).

2015 Language maintenance and students’ identities in English minority language schools in Québec [w/ Gérin-Lajoie, D., Bonin, P.O.]. International Conference on Education and New Developments, Porto (June 28).

2015 Parental Involvement of Eastern European immigrant parents of elementary school students in Canada: Why study invisible minorities in education? Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Ottawa (June 1).

2015 Particularities of acquiring cultural capital in Eastern Europe: Benefits for Ukrainian university students in Canada, Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Ottawa (June 1).


2023 Immigrant parents and social justice: Solutions for practice, policy, and teacher education. University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Education, Comparative Education Research Centre
(October 5).

2023 An asset-based approach to immigrant parents: From plurilingual parenting to curriculum
orientations. University of Toronto, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
(January 23).



2022 Going with the plurilingual flow: A Q&A with education researcher Max Antony-Newman [interview with Rabesandratana, T.]. Home Mixed Home (October 20). https://homemixedhome.substack.com/p/002

2022 Britain’s multilingual children: ‘We speak whatever language gets the job done’ [interview with Morgan, E.]. The Guardian (September 4). https://www.theguardian.com/science/2022/sep/04/britains-multilingual-children-we-speak-whatever-language-gets-the-job-done-

2020 Parental involvement of Eastern European immigrant parents of elementary school students in Ontario. Interview with Stephen Hurley for the podcast “Off the Shelf” on voicED.ca

2020 Curriculum orientations: How do they affect family engagement. Interview with Nancy Angevine-Sands for the podcast “Schools Don't Own Education” on voicED.ca

2019 Does definition of parent engagement in policy documents match family expectations? Interview with Nancy Angevine-Sands for the podcast “Schools Don't Own Education” on voicED.ca

2018 Engaging immigrant families. Interview with Nancy Angevine-Sands for the podcast “Schools Don't Own Education” on voicED.ca



2023 – Editorial Board Member, International Studies in Sociology of Education

2023 – Co-Chair for Eurasia SIG, Comparative and International Education Society (CIES)

2022 – Social media coordinator, Canadian Association of Sociology of Education

2021 – Co-convenor of the Immigration and Refugee Education Research Group, University of Toronto/OISE

2020 – Reviewer for Educational Review, Cambridge Journal of Education, Cogent Education, International Studies in Sociology of Education, SAGE Open, Sociology of Education, Teaching and Teacher Education

2020 – Reviewer for Routledge

2020 Reviewer, American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2021 Annual Conference, SIG - Family, School, Community Partnerships and Sociology of Education

2019 Reviewer, Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Annual Conference, Cultural Contexts of Education and Human Potential SIG

2018 Conference Volunteer, XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology

2018 Research Volunteer, Annual school survey for 2017/18, People for Education

2017 Reviewer, American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference, SIG - Family, School, Community Partnerships

2016 Reviewer, American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference, Division G, Division L, SIG – Sociology of Education

2016 Organizer, Curriculum Studies and Teacher Development (CSTD) Informal Series Talks, University of Toronto

2015 Reviewer, Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Annual Conference, Comparative and International Education Society of Canada (CIESC)

2015 Research Volunteer, Researching Elite Education Conference, University of Toronto


2023 Collaborative Course Leader for foundation degree in Education Learning Support, Sheffield Hallam University

2016 Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Students Association (CTLSA) PhD student representative, University of Toronto

2015 Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), University of Toronto representative