Professor Marta Moskal
- Professor of Migration and Diversity (Education)
St Andrews Building, 11, Eldon Street, Glasgow, G3 6NH
Marta Moskal joined the School of Education at Glasgow from Durham University (2017-20). She trained at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow and at the University of Montpellier in geography, sociology and public policy and received a PhD from Jagiellonian in 2004. She then held Assistant Professor post at the Jagiellonian University, Post-doctoral Research Fellowship at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities at Edinburgh (2006-07), Marie Skłodowska-Curie personal research fellowship at the Centre for Educational Sociology at Edinburgh (2008-11), and Lord Kelvin Adam Smith personal research fellowship at the University of Glasgow (2012-16).
Her research is concerned with social marginalisation, peripherality, belonging, sense of place. She works on a wide range of migration research, including key themes such as transnationalism and family migration; migrant youth identities and citizenship; university internationalisation and international student mobilities; family engagement and refugee education.
Her research is funded by the European Commission, Economic and Social Research Council, Art and Humanities Research Council and British Academy. Her work is published in leading international journals, including International Migration Review, Global Networks, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, International Journal of Educational Development, Globalisation Society and Education, Geoforum, Children's Geographies, Race, Ethnicity and Education and elsewhere.
She was UK lead for two projects funded by European Commission - Inter4Ref “Accreditation framework to up-skill interpreters to support social inclusion of refugees” and ReCulm “Resources for local and international intercultural mediators addressing the refugees’ needs”. She led design and delivery of the massive open online courses (MOOCs):
Interpreting for Refugees: Contexts, Practices and Ethics
Working Supportively with Refugees: Principles, Skills and Perspectives
Research interests
Belonging, Sense of Place, Social Identities;
International Education and Migration
Geographies of Children, Youth and Families
Minority Languages and Intercultural Relations
Race, Ethnicity, Gender, Intersectionality
Social and Environmental Sustainability
Housing precarity in the social transitions of international students, Co-I with Ben Mulvey, British Academy/Leverhulme SRG23-231008, September 2023 - June 2025
Internationalisation at home, PI Chancellor's Fund, April 2022 - March 2024
University to work transitions among international student graduates, PI College Strategic Research Fund, 2022
Inter4Ref CVET and accreditation framework to up-skill interpreters to support the social inclusion of refugees, UK PI with National Centre for Social Research Athens, Greece - Coordinator, University of Modena, Italy and University of Almeria, Spain, EOPPEP, Greece, EU Grant 2018-1-EL01-KA202-047813, October 2018 - August 2021
BIPHEC Building an intercultural pedagogy for higher education in conditions of conflict and protracted crises, Co-I at University of Durham (lead), with University of Istanbul, Turkey, University of Gaza, Palestine and University of Los Andes, Columbia, AHRC GCRF AH/S003967/1, January- December 2019
Here To Stay? Identity, Belonging and Citizenship among Eastern European Settled Migrant Children in the UK, Co-I with Daniela Sime PI, University of Strathclyde and Naomi Tyrrell, University of Plymouth, ESRC ES/M011038/1, March 2016 - January 2019
ReCulm: Resources for local and international intercultural mediators addressing the refugees’ needs, UK PI with National Centre for Social Research Athens, Greece - Coordinator, University of Modena, Italy and University of Almeria, Spain, EU Grant 2016-1-EL01-KA202-023714, Project won Erasmus+ Good Practice Award, October 2016 - September 2018
Racial Equality and Scottish School Education PI at Glasgow joint with Rowena Arshad, PI at Edinburgh ESRC IAA, April 2016 - March 2017
Migrant Youth Identities in Post-Referendum Scotland Knowledge Exchange project, Co-I with University of Stirling and University of Edinburgh SUII, 2015
International student mobility, culture change and capacity building in sending countries, PI, British Academy/Leverhulme SG131149, September 2013 - June 2015
Migration and Intimate Life, GRAMNet workshops Robertson Bequest and New Initiatives Fund UoG, 18 June and 14 November 2014 (with Francesca Stella)
International Students in UK Universities: Institutional Settings, Individual Life Projects and Identity Change, Adam Smith Research Foundation Seedcorn Fund, October 2012 - September 2013
MIGRATE: Post-enlargement Migration, Integration and Education: Polish Immigrants in Scotland at CES Edinburgh, EC Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (Jenny Ozga - mentor), April 2008 - July 2010
Families and children of Polish migrant workers in Scotland, Royal Society of Edinburgh, January-March 2008
Migration, identity dynamics and construction of social differences: Polish migrants in Scotland IASH Postdoctoral Fellowship funded by AHRC Migration, Identities and Diaspora programme, October 2006 - June 2007
START competition Award for Outstanding Early Career Researcher Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) 2006
I am an experienced PhD supervisor. I welcome enquiries about doctoral supervision from students who share any of my research interests and who are keen on qualitative empirical studies or mixed methods research.
PhD currently supervised
- Izham, Nur Afzan Binti
Internationalisation of Higher Education in Malaysia - Jiang, Ruiqi
Exploring the concept of formal environmental education - KARAKUS, HATICE
The experiences, perceptions, and aspirations of the Chevening Scholarship alumni. - Nimyel, Adebolaji Kudirat
Pathway experiences to accessing, progressing, and completing higher education – a case study of refugees and asylum-seeking people in Scotland. - Nygren, Lindsay Marie
The role of the university in international students’ employability in the UK - Wang, Xu
Stay-at-home fathers: An Intersectional Exploration of Changing Family Relationships in Contemporary China - Yao, Chengzhe
Anxious Youth in Elite Universities of China - Zhang, Yinuo
Exploring rural students’ participation and sense of belonging in Chinese elite universities in the post-pandemic era
PhD Completed
Dr Munther Nuraldeen Examining Refugee Educational Inclusion in the UK: Opportunities and Challenges for Syrian Students in Greater Glasgow
Dr Gaston Esteban Bacquet Quiroga Decolonial perspectives on nonviolence: Building inclusive learning communities in Chile through a participatory approach
Dr Ania Gruszczyńska-Thompson Immigrant-background young adults giving accounts of themselves: agentic and dialogic reframing of parental cultural heritage (ESRC scholarship)
Dr Keyu Zhai Social mobility and international graduates in China (CSC-UG scholarship)
Dr Sihui Wang International students' participation in intercultural classroom at a the UK university (CSC-UG scholarship)
Dr Yun Yu Church participation as intercultural encounter in the experiences of Chinese international students in the UK (CSC-UG scholarship)
PhD examination
The impacts of parental migration on left-behind children in the northern provinces of ViệtNam: From the child’s perspective, The Uniersity of New South Wales, Australia
A comparative study of Polish and Chinese student migrants in the UK motivation, integration and national identity, University College London
Students on the move - interregional migration aspirations of higher education institution graduate candidates in Central China, University of Glasgow
A ‘mirror-image’ investigation: foreign language learners’ acculturation experiences in Chinese and British Study Abroad Programmes, University of Glasgow
Students' Choice of Postgraduate Education at G University in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China, University of Nottingham
Current teaching
MSc Educational Studies programme:
- Sustainable Development and Education (2021 – present, convener)
- Seminars in Contemporary Issues in Education (2020 – present, convener)
- Comparative Education (2022 – present, convener)
Previous teaching
- International and Comparative Education (postgraduate/ convener)
- Intercultural Communication and Education (postgraduate/ programme convener)
- Intercultural Communication (postgraduate/ convener)
- International Development and Education (postgraduate, contributor)
- Education in a Global Age (3 level/ convener)
- Race, Ethnicity, Migration (3 level/ contributor)
- Advanced Research Methods (postgraduate, contributor)
- Applied Qualitative Methods (postgraduate, contributor)
- Introduction to Social and Educational Research (postgraduate, contributor)
- Social and Political Geography (1 level/ convener)
- Social Demography (3 level/ convener)
- BA - 7, MA, MPhil, MSc - 33 dissertations completed in Social Sciences (supervisior)
Research datasets
Additional information
Professional memberships include
- IMISCOE (International Migration Research Network)
- Education and Social Inequality standing committee
- Families, Welfare, Care and the Life Course standing committee
- CRFR Centre for Research on Families and Relationships (at Edinburgh)
- GRAMNet (Glasgow Refugee Asylum and Migration Network)
- Comparative Education Sociaty in Europe (CESE)
- Comparative and International Education Society (CIES)
- Fellowship of the Royal Geographical Society (RGS)