Number of items: 81.
Boeren, E. , McMahon, M. and Coll, R.
Religion, research and the REF-UoA23 education: a thematic investigation.
British Journal of Religious Education,
(doi: 10.1080/01416200.2024.2446359)
(Early Online Publication)
Mitchell, A. , Harvie, J. , Rooney, A. M., Nihill, M., Forde, C. and McMahon, M.
Tipping Points: What Supports or Undermines Aspirations to Educational Leadership Roles in Scotland and in the Republic of Ireland?
BELMAS Annual Conference 2024, Glasgow, UK, 5-7 July 2024.
Gangone, L., McMahon, M. , Anderson, S. , Ledger, S. and Jain, P.
Growing Our Work in Internationalization - Invited International Presentation.
American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE) Annual Conference, Denver, CO, USA, 16-19 February 2024.
Anderson, S. and McMahon, M.
An Anti-Racist Framework for Teacher Education Programmes: Six Areas for Action.
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) Annual Conference, Denver, CO, USA, 16-19 February 2024.
Gangone, L. M., Anderson, S. and McMahon, M.
Lunch with Lynn – Internationalization.
AACTE Webinars, Virtual, 30 Jan 2024.
Mitchell, A. , Baker, M., Davren, C. and McMahon, M.
Education Policy: In Whose Interests? A Research/Policy/Practice University and School District Professional Learning Partnership to Strengthen Leadership of and for Critically Conscious School Communities.
ICSEI Congress 2024, Dublin, Ireland, 8-12 January 2024.
Anderson, S. and McMahon, M.
A partnered approach to quality assurance in educator preparation.
In: Monaco, Malina, Thomas Horne, Erin and Tanguay, Carla (eds.)
Working Together for Success: A Guide to Effective Stakeholder Engagement and Collaboration.
Information Age Publishing.
(In Press)
McMahon, M. and Mitchell, A.
Development of a Politically Cognisant Teaching Profession to Navigate Global and Glocal Ambiguities and Transformations.
Association of Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE) Winter Conference, Braga, Portugal, 26-28 Oct 2023.
Harvie, J. , Torrance, D. , Forde, C. , McMahon, M. and Mitchell, A.
Leadership and Management: A Relevant Distinction for Leadership in Education?
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER 2023), Glasgow, UK, 22-25 Aug 2023.
Mitchell, A. , Harvie, J. , Forde, C. , Torrance, D. and McMahon, M.
Career-long Professional Learning in Scotland: Questions for the Future.
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER 2023), Glasgow, UK, 22-25 Aug 2023.
Mitchell, A. , Torrance, D. , Harvie, J. , Forde, C. and McMahon, M.
The changing role of the headteacher in Scottish education: implications for career-long teacher education.
In: Mifsud, Denise and Day, Stephen P. (eds.)
Teacher Education as an Ongoing Professional Trajectory: Implications for Policy and Practice.
Series: Teacher education, learning innovation and accountability.
Springer: Cham, pp. 181-204.
ISBN 9783031286193
(doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-28620-9_9)
Mitchell, A. , McMahon, M. , Reid, A. and Baker, M.
System-level Education Reform in Scotland: Implications for Teacher Education = Riforma dell'istruzione a livello di sistema in Scozia: Implicazioni per la formazione degli insegnanti.
20th Biennial International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT) Conference 2023, Bari, Italy, 3-7 July 2023.
Mitchell, A. , McMahon, M. , Reid, A., Baker, M., Drennan, O. and Arthur, J.
Leading Critically Conscious School Communities: A Research/Practice Partnership to Strengthen Political Literacy in School Principals = Principali scuole criticamente consapevoli: Un partenariato di ricerca/pratica per rafforzare l'alfabetizzazione politica nei dirigenti scolastici.
In: 20th Biennial International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT) Conference 2023, Bari, Italy, 3-7 July 2023,
(Accepted for Publication)
Harvie, J. , Mitchell, A. , Forde, C. , Torrance, D. and McMahon, M.
School Leadership in Globally Challenging Times: Developing Understandings Through Life History Narratives.
In: British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society (BELMAS) Annual Conference 2023, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 14-16 July 2023,
(Accepted for Publication)
Mitchell, A. , McMahon, M. , Drennan, O., Arthur, J., Reid, A. and Baker, M.
Enhanced Political Awareness: Authentic Engagement in a Research/Practice Partnership to Strengthen Leadership for Critically Conscious School Communities.
British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society (BELMAS) Annual Conference 2023, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 14-16 July 2023.
Anderson, S. , Boath, L. and McMahon, M.
Scotland's Strategy for High-quality Educator Preparation Strand I: Addressing the Evolving Needs of Education.
American Association of College for Teacher Education 75th Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, USA, 24-26 Feb 2023.
Mitchell, A. , Harvie, J. , Torrance, D. , Forde, C. and McMahon, M.
Reimagining School Leadership Post-Pandemic: Learning From the Experiences of Headteachers in Scotland = Reimaginando el liderazgo escolar después de la pandemia: Aprendiendo de las experiencias de Directores en Escocia.
International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI) Annual International Conference, Viña del Mar, Chile, 10-13 Jan 2023.
Mitchell, A. , Torrance, D. , Forde, C. , Harvie, J. and McMahon, M.
Developing leadership for school education: constructions of system leadership.
In: Woods, Philip A., Roberts, Amanda, Tian, Meng and Youngs, Howard (eds.)
Handbook on Leadership in Education.
Series: Elgar handbooks in education.
Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 474-490.
ISBN 9781800880412
Torrance, D. , Mitchell, A. , Harvie, J. , McMahon, M. and Forde, C.
Leadership and management: a relevant distinction for leadership in education?
In: Woods, Philip A., Roberts, Amanda, Tian, Meng and Youngs, Howard (eds.)
Handbook on Leadership in Education.
Series: Elgar handbooks in education.
Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 45-59.
ISBN 9781800880412
McMahon, M.
Mentoring new teachers in Scotland.
In: Eady, Sandra, Essex, Jane, Livingston, Kay and McColl, Margaret (eds.)
Mentoring Teachers in Scotland: a Practical Guide.
Series: Mentoring trainee and early career teachers.
Routledge, pp. 61-71.
ISBN 9780367405984
(doi: 10.4324/9780429356957-7)
Forde, C. , Torrance, D. , Mitchell, A. , McMahon, M. and Harvie, J.
Education governance and the role of the headteacher: the new policy problem in Scottish education.
Management in Education, 36(1),
pp. 18-24.
(doi: 10.1177/08920206211057348)
Torrance, D. , Forde, C. , Mitchell, A. , Harvie, J. and McMahon, M.
Using the Delphi Method to Investigate the Work of School Middle Leadership Teams.
ECER 2021 European Conference on Educational Research, 06-10 Sep 2021.
Forde, C. , Mitchell, A. , Harvie, J. , McMahon, M. and Torrance, D.
The Changing Role of the Headteacher in Scottish Education: Implications for Headship Preparation and Induction.
ECER 2021 European Conference on Educational Research, 06-10 Sep 2021.
Forde, C. , Harvie, J. , McMahon, M. , Mitchell, A. and Torrance, D.
Back on Track or Re-envisioning a Different Track. Social Justice Leadership and its Implications in the Post-Pandemic Scottish Education Systems.
BELMAS UK Review Webinar: Post COVID Future of Educational Leadership and Administration, 26 May 2021.
Torrance, D. , Mitchell, A. , Harvie, J. , McMahon, M. and Forde, C.
How Can Leadership-as-Practice and Collective Leadership Re-Vision Headship?
Colloquium on Collective Leadership and L-A-P: How Can We Raise Each Other Up, 21 Jan 2021.
Forde, C. , Torrance, D. , McMahon, M. and Mitchell, A.
Middle leadership and social justice leadership in scottish secondary schools: harnessing the Delphi method’s potential in a participatory action research process.
International Studies in Educational Administration, 49(3),
pp. 103-121.
Mitchell, A. , Torrance, D. , Forde, C. , Harvie, J. and McMahon, M.
Social justice leadership in Scottish schools: Building on co-constructed understandings and aspirations.
Centre for Leadership and Diversity (CLD) at Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) Annual International Conference, Toronto, Canada (Online), 9- 10 December 2021.
Torrance, D. , Forde, C. , McMahon, M. A. , Mitchell, A. and Harvie, J.
Potential theoretical approaches to support the critical exploration of ‘the problem(s)’ of preparing, recruiting and retaining headteachers in Scotland.
In: Mifsud, Denise (ed.)
Narratives of Educational Leadership.
Series: Educational Leadership Theory.
Springer: Singapore, pp. 131-158.
ISBN 9789811658303
(doi: 10.1007/978-981-16-5831-0_6)
King, F., McMahon, M. , Roulston, S. and Nguyen, D.
Leadership Learning in Initial Teacher Education (LLITE).
[Research Reports or Papers]
King, F., McMahon, M. , Nguyen, D. and Roulston, S.
Leadership learning for pre-service and early career teachers: insights from Ireland and Scotland.
International Studies in Educational Administration, 47(2),
pp. 6-22.
Harvie, J. , McMahon, M. and Kerrigan, K.
A leadership lens on St Teresa of Avila.
In: Puente, Juan Carlos (ed.)
Tendicial y retos en la formacion inicial de los docentes.
Universidad Pontificia Comillas.
Forde, C. and McMahon, M.
Teacher Quality, Professional Learning and Policy: Recognising, Rewarding and Developing Teacher Expertise.
Palgrave McMillan: London.
ISBN 9781137536532
(doi: 10.1057/978-1-137-53654-9)
McMahon, M. and Purdie, J.
Headteacher-in-residence: an authentic approach to leadership preparation.
International Studies in Educational Administration, 47(1),
pp. 89-101.
Mowat, J. G. and McMahon, M.
Interrogating the concept of ‘leadership at all levels’: a Scottish perspective.
Professional Development in Education, 45(2),
pp. 173-189.
(doi: 10.1080/19415257.2018.1511452)
McMahon, M. and Harvie, J.
Servant Leadership - A Radical or Redundant Concept of Leadership for Our Time?
ACISE International Conference, Glasgow, UK, 4-6 April 2018.
Hamilton, G., Forde, C. and McMahon, M.
Developing a coherent strategy to build leadership capacity in Scottish education.
Management in Education, 32(2),
pp. 72-78.
(doi: 10.1177/0892020618762715)
McMahon, M.
Teacher leadership.
In: Bryce, T.G.K., Humes, W.M., Gillies, D. and Kennedy, A. (eds.)
Scottish Education.
Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 858-866.
ISBN 9781474437844
Drew, V., McMahon, M. , Whelan, L., Allan, A. and Travis, A.
Translating Educational Leadership Policies into Practices Through Collaborative Partnership Working: Policy Actors' Perspectives One Year On.
30th Annual Conference of the International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement: ICSEI Symposium, Ottowa, Canada, 7-10 Jan 2017.
McMahon, M. , Flores, M., Valeeva, R. A. and Finn, A.
Symposium: Advancing Professionalism for School Effectiveness and Improvement: Professional Standards and Teacher Quality.
30th Annual Conference of the International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement: ICSEI Symposium, Ottowa, Canada, 7-10 Jan 2017.
McMahon, M. A. , Forde, C. and Murray, R.
The development of accomplished teaching.
In: Peters, M., Cowie, B. and Menter, I. (eds.)
A Companion to Research in Teacher Education.
Springer Nature: Singapore, pp. 87-100.
ISBN 9789811040733
(doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-4075-7_6)
McMahon, M.
Extending partnership through system-level leadership.
In: O'Brien, Jim (ed.)
School Leadership.
Dunedin: Edinburgh, pp. 151-165.
ISBN 9781780460512
McMahon, M.
Learning for leadership, leadership for learning.
In: O'Brien, Jim (ed.)
School Leadership.
Dunedin: Edinburgh, pp. 133-150.
ISBN 9781780460512
Forde, C. , McMahon, M. A. , Hamilton, G. and Murray, R.
Rethinking professional standards to promote professional learning.
Professional Development in Education, 42(1),
pp. 19-35.
(doi: 10.1080/19415257.2014.999288)
Wingrave, M. and McMahon, M.
Professionalisation through academicisation: valuing and developing the early years sector in Scotland.
Professional Development in Education, 42(5),
pp. 710-731.
(doi: 10.1080/19415257.2015.1082075)
McMahon, M.
Coaching as Pedagogy for Professional Learning: Changing Practices, Shifting Landscapes in Scotland.
International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI), Cincinnati, OH, USA, 3-6 Jan 2015.
McMahon, M. , Boland, M. , Finn, A. and Chapman, C.
Small system, Big Ideas. Is it Working? Scotland Spotlight Session at 2015 International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI) Conference.
International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI), Cincinnati, OH, USA, 3-6 Jan 2015.
McMahon, M. , Forde, C. and Dickson, B.
Reshaping teacher education through the professional continuum.
Educational Review, 67(2),
pp. 158-178.
(doi: 10.1080/00131911.2013.846298)
Forde, C. and McMahon, M.
Leadership for learning: the evolving role of the primary teacher.
In: Carroll, Mike and McCulloch, Margaret (eds.)
Understanding Teaching and Learning in Primary Education.
SAGE: London.
ISBN 9781446254820
Forde, C. and McMahon, M.
Approaches to teacher effectiveness in Scotland: balancing development and accountability
Publisher: Cengage Learning Asia.
In: Tan, O. and Liu, W. (eds.)
Teacher Effectiveness: Capacity Building in a Complex Learning Era.
ISBN 9789814605564
McMahon, M.
Reforming teacher education in the United Kingdom: different goals,
different roads in England and Scotland?
In: Flores, Maria Assunção (ed.)
Formação e Desenvolvimento Profissional de Professores: Contributos Internacionais.
Almedina: Coimbra.
ISBN 9789724056456
Forde, C. , McMahon, M. , Gronn, P. and Martin, M.
Being a leadership development coach: a multifaceted role.
Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 41(1),
pp. 105-119.
(doi: 10.1177/1741143212462699)
Forde, C. , McMahon, M. and Gronn, P.
Designing individualised leadership development programmes.
School Leadership and Management, 33(5),
pp. 440-456.
(doi: 10.1080/13632434.2013.813455)
Hulme, M., Menter, I. and McMahon, M.
Accountability and accomplished teaching: researching the chartered teacher programme in Scotland.
Irish Educational Studies, 32(3),
pp. 291-308.
(doi: 10.1080/03323315.2013.814748)
Forde, C. , McMahon, M. and Dickson, B.
Leadership development in Scotland: after Donaldson.
Scottish Educational Review, 43(2),
pp. 55-69.
McMahon, M.
Leaders of learning: accomplished teachers as teacher leaders.
In: Townsend, A. and MacBeath, J. (eds.)
International Handbook of Leadership for Learning.
Series: Springer International Handbooks of Education (25).
Springer, pp. 779-794.
ISBN 9789400713499
(doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-1350-5_43)
Forde, C. and McMahon, M.
Accomplished Teaching, Accomplished Teachers in Scotland: A Report Submitted to the Committee Reviewing Teacher Employment in Scotland.
[Research Reports or Papers]
McMahon, M.
International Education: Educating for a Global Future.
Series: Policy and practice in education (26).
Dunedin: Edinburgh.
ISBN 9781906716035
McMahon, M.
Policy: Overview.
In: McMahon, M., Forde, C. and Martin, M. (eds.)
Contemporary Issues in Learning and Teaching.
Sage: London.
McMahon, M.
Schools and Schooling.
In: McMahon, M., Forde, C. and Martin, M. (eds.)
Contemporary Issues in Learning and Teaching.
Sage: London.
McMahon, M. , Forde, C. and Martin, M.
Introduction: Contemporary Issues in Learning and Teaching.
In: McMahon, M., Forde, C. and Martin, M. (eds.)
Contemporary Issues in Learning and Teaching.
Sage, pp. 1-10.
ISBN 9871849201285
Reeves, J., McMahon, M. , Hulme, M., McQueen, I., Redford, M., McKie, F. and McSeveney, A.
Evaluating Accomplished Teaching: Report of a Pilot Study into Means of Investigating the Impact of Accomplished Teaching on Pupils’ Learning in the Context of the Chartered Teacher Initiative in Scotland.
[Research Reports or Papers]
McMahon, M.
Rialtos agus Polaitiocht Thuaisceart Eireann.
Colourpoint: Belfast.
Britton, A. and McMahon, M.
Continuing intercultural professional development: new technologies and new paradigms in teacher professional development.
In: International Technology, Education and Development (INTED) Conference 2009, Valencia, Spain, 9-11 March 2009,
Forde, C. , McMahon, M. and Reeves, J.
Putting together professional portfolios.
Sage: London.
ISBN 9781412946698
McMahon, M. , Reeves, J., Devlin, A.M., Jaap, A. and Simpson, J.
Evaluating the Impact of Chartered Teacher in
Scotland: The views of Chartered Teachers: Final Report.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Davidson, J., Forde, C. , Gronn, P., MacBeath, J., McMahon, M. and Martin, M.
Towards a mixed economy of Head Teacher development: Evaluation Report to the Scottish Government on the Flexible Routes to Headship Pilot.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Forde, C. , Gronn, P., MacBeath, J., McMahon, M. , Martin, M. and Davidson, J.
Coaching and the journey to school leadership [roundtable].
In: European Conference for Educational Research, Gothenburg, Sweden, 8-12 Sept 2008,
McMahon, M.
Government and Politics of Northern Ireland.
Colourpoint Publishers: Belfast.
ISBN 9781904242956
McMahon, M.
International education.
In: 3rd Chartered Teacher National Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 7 June 2008,
McMahon, M. , Reeves, J., Murray, R., Ingvarson, L., Macaulay, S. and LLewellyn, H.
Identifying and rewarding accomplished teachers: international approaches.
In: European Conference for Educational Research, Gothenburg, Sweden, 8-12 Sept 2008,
Connelly, G. and McMahon, M.
Chartered teaching: accrediting professionalism for Scotland's teachers- a view from the inside.
Journal of In-Service Education, 33(1),
pp. 91-105.
(doi: 10.1080/13674580601157752)
Doherty, R. and McMahon, M.
Politics, change and compromise: restructuring the work of the Scottish teacher.
Educational Review, 59(3),
pp. 251-265.
(doi: 10.1080/00131910701427165)
Forde, C. , Devlin, A.M. , McMahon, M. , Hall, J. and Menter, I.
Reforming teachers: how teachers conceive of their work.
In: European Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Ghent, 19-20 Sept 2007,
McMahon, M. , Reeves, J., Devlin, A. , Simpson, J. and Jaap, A.
Evaluating the impact of Chartered Teacher in Scotland: the views of Chartered Teachers.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Patrick, F. , Devlin, A. , McMahon, M. , McPhee, A., Hall, J., Forde, C. and Menter, I.
Teacher Working Time Research (TWTR): survey results and teachers' professional identity.
In: Joint Conference on Teacher Education and Teachers' Work, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 15 June 2007,
Forde, C. , McMahon, M. , McPhee, A. and Patrick, F.
Professional Development, Reflection and Enquiry.
Paul Chapman Publishing: London.
ISBN 9781412919364
Hall, J., Devlin, A.M. and McMahon, M.
Teacher Working Time Research (TWTR): results of the survey.
In: Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Conference, Royal George Hotel, Perth, Scotland, 26 - 28 November,
McMahon, M. , Morrison-Love, D. and Deakin-Crick, R.
Mediated Support for Learning Enhancement (ELLI) (Effective Lifelong Learning Inventory).
[Research Reports or Papers]
Menter, I., McMahon, M. , Forde, C. , Hall, J., McPhee, A., Patrick, F. and Devlin, A.M.
Teacher Working Time Research: Final Report to the Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers.
[Research Reports or Papers]
McMahon, M. and Forde, C.
Chartered teacher: enhancing practice, enriching professionalism.
Professional Development Today, 9(1),
McMahon, M. and Morrison-Love, D.
Mediated Support for Learning Enhancement.
SERA Conference, Perth, Scotland, 25-27 Nov 2004.
This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 03:43:24 2025 GMT.