Dr Margaret McColl

  • Senior Lecturer (People, Place & Social Change)

telephone: 01413303473
email: Margaret.McColl@glasgow.ac.uk

College of Social Sciences, School of Education, N306 Level 3, St Andrew's Building, Glasgow, G3 6NH

Import to contacts


I am a Senior Lecturer in Museum and Heritage Education at the University of Glasgow and Programme Lead of the MSc Museum Education which I developed in 2017. In 2019, drawing on my international museum and heritage network relations, I built an international consortium of academic and practitioner experts and led the development of an innovative new International Master of Education in Museums and Heritage (EDUMaH). In 2023, EDUMaH was awarded Erasmus funding, becoming an Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters. Both the MSc Museum Education and EDUMaH explore the intersections between education, culture, arts, societal issues and heritage and both programmes are characterised by strong links with field practice and professionals.

I have published on Teacher Education and Museum and Heritage Education and have presented at numerous international conferences on both subjects.

Research interests

Research Interests

  • Art Education: why do we make art?
  • The museum as a source of learning: learning in and through the museum
  • Creativity: the creative process and the transferability of creative skills
  • Partnerships in Teacher Education: new and effective models of partnership (clinical practice)
  • Quality experiences in Teacher Education: developing effective learning experiences for teacher education students


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2025 | 2024 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2018 | 2014 | 2013
Number of items: 12.


Tubadji, A., Lido, C. , Osborne, M. , Conroy, J. , Baur, P., Zipsane, H., McColl, M., Mark, R. and Nemeth, B. (2025) Aesthetic Education: What Are Learning Cities Learning in Order to Bring Peace & Human Flourishing? PASCAL Briefing Paper 30. [Research Reports or Papers]


McColl, M. and Brown, P. (2024) Transporting the museum to a place of innovative, immersive and inclusive educational engagement: where are we now? In: Murr, Karl Borromäus (ed.) The Museum of the Future: Between Physical Place and Virtual Space. Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht unipress, pp. 191-208. ISBN 9783847117056

McColl, M. and Wilson, D. (2024) Redefining the museum placement in a post-pandemic world. In: Cempellin, Leda and Crawford, Pat (eds.) Museum Studies for a Post-Pandemic World: Mentoring, Collaborations, and Interactive Knowledge Transfer in Times of Transformation. Routledge: Abingdon, pp. 77-89. ISBN 9781032492162 (doi: 10.4324/9781003393191-12)

Cheadle, T. , Brunache, P. , Lloyd, K. , McColl, M., Plaquevent, B. and Pickens, C. (2024) Radical collaboration: co-creating feminist online graduate courses through a university and museum partnership. Dialogues in Social Justice: An Adult Education Journal, 9(1), 1696. (doi: 10.55370/dsj.v9i1.1696)


McColl, M. (2022) Exploring Social Memory as Represented by Visual Culture in the Form of the Mural. XII Congreso Internacional de la Oralidad a la LIJ: Memorias Que Nos Habitan, 27-28 October 2022.

Eady, S., Essex, J., Livingston, K. and McColl, M. (Eds.) (2022) Mentoring Teachers in Scotland: a Practical Guide. Series: Mentoring trainee and early career teachers. Routledge. ISBN 9780367405984

Farrar, J. and McColl, M. (2022) ‘Meet my mentor’ – the student teacher’s view. In: Eady, Sandra, Essex, Jane, Livingston, Kay and McColl, Margaret (eds.) Mentoring Teachers in Scotland: a Practical Guide. Series: Mentoring trainee and early career teachers. Routledge, pp. 49-60. ISBN 9780367405984 (doi: 10.4324/9780429356957-6)


McColl, M., Wilson, D., Wandel, J. and Cipriano, B. (2021) International Student Placement in Museum Education. Museum Studies International Symposium Virtual Dialogue: Museum Academics and Professionals on Challenges and Opportunities in the Post-COVID World, 16-19 November 2021.


Jaggo, M. and Zipsane, H. (2020) Reflections by EMA and other experts. In: Museums and the Web at the Times of COVID-19: In Search of Lasting Museological Innovations During the Pandemic. European Museum Academy, pp. 65-77.


Boland, M. , Jago, M. and Macdonald, J. (2018) Teaching for creativity and creative teaching. In: Carroll, Mike and McCulloch, Margaret (eds.) Understanding Teaching and Learning in Primary Education. 2nd Edition. SAGE Publications Ltd: London, pp. 236-250. ISBN 9781526421173


Boland, M. , Jago, M. and Macdonald, J. (2014) Teaching for creativity and creative teaching. In: Carroll, Mike and McCulloch, Margaret (eds.) Understanding Teaching and Learning in Primary Education. SAGE: London, pp. 206-219. ISBN 9781446254820


Wilson, D., Jago, M. and Elliot, D. (2013) Clinical approaches to school experience during initial teacher education: the student experience. Researching Education Bulletin(5), pp. 25-28.

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 19:44:57 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 12.


Cheadle, T. , Brunache, P. , Lloyd, K. , McColl, M., Plaquevent, B. and Pickens, C. (2024) Radical collaboration: co-creating feminist online graduate courses through a university and museum partnership. Dialogues in Social Justice: An Adult Education Journal, 9(1), 1696. (doi: 10.55370/dsj.v9i1.1696)

Wilson, D., Jago, M. and Elliot, D. (2013) Clinical approaches to school experience during initial teacher education: the student experience. Researching Education Bulletin(5), pp. 25-28.

Book Sections

McColl, M. and Brown, P. (2024) Transporting the museum to a place of innovative, immersive and inclusive educational engagement: where are we now? In: Murr, Karl Borromäus (ed.) The Museum of the Future: Between Physical Place and Virtual Space. Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht unipress, pp. 191-208. ISBN 9783847117056

McColl, M. and Wilson, D. (2024) Redefining the museum placement in a post-pandemic world. In: Cempellin, Leda and Crawford, Pat (eds.) Museum Studies for a Post-Pandemic World: Mentoring, Collaborations, and Interactive Knowledge Transfer in Times of Transformation. Routledge: Abingdon, pp. 77-89. ISBN 9781032492162 (doi: 10.4324/9781003393191-12)

Farrar, J. and McColl, M. (2022) ‘Meet my mentor’ – the student teacher’s view. In: Eady, Sandra, Essex, Jane, Livingston, Kay and McColl, Margaret (eds.) Mentoring Teachers in Scotland: a Practical Guide. Series: Mentoring trainee and early career teachers. Routledge, pp. 49-60. ISBN 9780367405984 (doi: 10.4324/9780429356957-6)

Jaggo, M. and Zipsane, H. (2020) Reflections by EMA and other experts. In: Museums and the Web at the Times of COVID-19: In Search of Lasting Museological Innovations During the Pandemic. European Museum Academy, pp. 65-77.

Boland, M. , Jago, M. and Macdonald, J. (2018) Teaching for creativity and creative teaching. In: Carroll, Mike and McCulloch, Margaret (eds.) Understanding Teaching and Learning in Primary Education. 2nd Edition. SAGE Publications Ltd: London, pp. 236-250. ISBN 9781526421173

Boland, M. , Jago, M. and Macdonald, J. (2014) Teaching for creativity and creative teaching. In: Carroll, Mike and McCulloch, Margaret (eds.) Understanding Teaching and Learning in Primary Education. SAGE: London, pp. 206-219. ISBN 9781446254820

Edited Books

Eady, S., Essex, J., Livingston, K. and McColl, M. (Eds.) (2022) Mentoring Teachers in Scotland: a Practical Guide. Series: Mentoring trainee and early career teachers. Routledge. ISBN 9780367405984

Research Reports or Papers

Tubadji, A., Lido, C. , Osborne, M. , Conroy, J. , Baur, P., Zipsane, H., McColl, M., Mark, R. and Nemeth, B. (2025) Aesthetic Education: What Are Learning Cities Learning in Order to Bring Peace & Human Flourishing? PASCAL Briefing Paper 30. [Research Reports or Papers]

Conference or Workshop Item

McColl, M. (2022) Exploring Social Memory as Represented by Visual Culture in the Form of the Mural. XII Congreso Internacional de la Oralidad a la LIJ: Memorias Que Nos Habitan, 27-28 October 2022.

McColl, M., Wilson, D., Wandel, J. and Cipriano, B. (2021) International Student Placement in Museum Education. Museum Studies International Symposium Virtual Dialogue: Museum Academics and Professionals on Challenges and Opportunities in the Post-COVID World, 16-19 November 2021.

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 19:44:57 2025 GMT.



I currently supervise 6 MSc Museum Education Masters students on subjects ranging from Historic Building Collections and Racial Equality to Connecting Museums with Marginalised Communities.

I also supervise 2 PhD students:

Anne O’Reilly - Children’s Autonomy in Museum Education

Shuang Du – Creating a Diverse and Inclusive Museum Education Profession



Long history of teaching on Bachelor of Education, Honours and Post Graduate Diploma of Education

Previous Coordination and Convening Roles

BEd 4 Year Coordinator (2008 - 2013)

Established and convened BEd 4 Practitioner Enquiry (2011 - 2013)

Current Teaching

Bachelor of Education

  • BEd 3 Curriculum Developers 2: Expressing the Unseen; Interdisciplinary Learning
  • BEd 4 Art & Design Specialist Study
  • BEd 1- 4 Art & Design Generalist Study: drawing, painting, design
  • BEd 4 Practitioner Enquiry: Inclusion & Inclusive Pedagogy
  • Study Abroad; Georgia, USA 2014
  • BEd 4 School Experience


  • Art & Design: drawing, painting, printmaking, design
  • School Experience: Partnership Model

Master of Education with Teaching Qualification

Education in Practice: The Identity of the Teacher

Journey of an Art Educator

Additional information

Additional Information

  • Senior Lecturer: Museum Education and Art Education
  • Director of Post Graduate Taught Programmes
  • Programme Leader: MSc Museum Education
  • Programme Leader: International Masters in Education, Museums and Heritage
  • Programme Leader: Master of Education with Teaching Qualification (2013 - present)
  • I am the Programme Leader Bachelor of Education Honours and under my leadership, the BEd Honours Programme was voted the best for Teacher Training in the United Kingdom for Session 2013/14 (2009 - present)
  • I am the Chair of MEduc/BEd Committee, a forum that is attended by MEduc & BEd student representatives, School of Education Year Coordinators, Head Teachers from across Scotland and College-wide representatives. The MEduc/BEd Committee provides a forum for students and staff to raise and to discuss stengths and points for development in relation to Programme content, structures, procedures and management (2012 - present)
  • I am the Chair and Lead of Master of Education Writing Group, a group that is currently developing a cutting-edge masters qualification for teacher educators, in line with Scottish Government recommendations to make teaching a Masters profession (2013 - present)
  • In 2010 I worked in collaboration with a colleague to establish a new model of school experience; The Partnership Model of Teacher Education. This model is now Glasgow University's preferred model of TE and similar models have been adopted in other HE institutions.
  • External Examiner on Educational Enhancement Panel: St. Mary's University College, Queen's University Belfast (December 2014)
  • In line with Glasgow University's strategic vision for the promotion of international collaboration, I organised and led a 3 week summer school for 10, BEd 3 teacher education students to Georgia University, Athens, USA (August/September 2014)
  • I am currently writing my doctoral thesis; Accessing Other Worlds: Engaging Art
  • I have enjoyed a long-standing collaboration with Glasgow Museums, resulting in 2 major Museum Education conferences and continued museum education provision
  • I am currently working with Glasgow University's Hunterian Museum staff to develop a new Masters in Museum Education the first of its kind in Scotland


  • Member of The School of Education's Board of Academic Studies (2013 - present)
  • Member of The School of Education Undergraduate Committee (2011 - present)
  • Member of Glasgow University's Academic Regulations Sub-Committee (2013 - present)
  • Member of National Society for Education, Art & Design (NSEAD) (2002 - present)
  • General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) (1995 - present)


  • March 2010 Leeds Trinity University College: Joint presentation with Head of Education at Glasgow Museums: Forming and Sustaining Partnerships
  • STEC 2011 Stirling University: The Partnership Model of Teacher Education
  • SERA 2013 University of Glasgow: Clinical approaches to school experience during initial teacher education: the student experience
  • May 2014 Artevelde University, Ghent: Quality Assurance in Teacher Education, European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP). Sole representative from Scottish universities