Mrs Lynne Cooper

  • Lecturer in Education (School of Education)


Mrs Lynne Cooper is a lecturer in Initial Teacher Education at the University of Glasgow.

Lynne has taught Physical Education in Secondary and Primary schools since 2010 and has also worked extensively in the third sector as an Active Schools Coordinator. Between 2014-16 Lynne worked with Education Scotland and Inverclyde Council to support the delivery of quality Physical Education and develop staff confidence, particularly in the primary sector. Lynne has worked on several leadership programmes and has represented her LA at national steering groups including Raising Attainment for All, Early Years Collaborative, National Network for Outdoor Learning and Scottish Advisor’s Panel for Outdoor Education.

Lynne is the course leader for School Experience for all PGDE and MEduc ITE programmes. Lynne has worked with several nursery and primary schools to develop staff confidence in taking learning outdoors and Outdoor Learning.

Lynne’s current research interest is in exploring the role and nature of School Experience and the impact this has on preparedness to teach beyond the ITE setting. She is also keen to develop further research on the above interests,  Learning Through Play  and Outdoor Learning and is currently exploring how Play Pedagogy can be utilised in the Higher Education setting to support effective learning and teaching.