Dr Lesley Wiseman-Orr

  • Research Fellow (School of Education)
  • Honorary Research Fellow (School of Mathematics & Statistics)


Lesley used her first degree in Zoology from the University of Glasgow to embark upon a career in educational publishing. For 20 years she worked as editor, project manager and commissioning editor for publishing houses in Glasgow, Edinburgh and London, developing high-quality educational publications for primary and secondary schools across the UK and overseas. During that time she was also dissertation supervisor and assessor for postgraduate students of publishing at the University of Stirling.

Lesley then returned to the University of Glasgow with a proposal for research that she has pursued for more than two decades, at post-graduate and post-doctoral level and beyond. During that time she has developed and tested novel instruments to measure the quality of life of companion and farmed animals, using generic and specialised measurement principles and methodologies to develop paper-based and digital instruments and to demonstrate their validity and reliability. In 2013 Lesley co-founded a company (NewMetrica) to generate funding to continue that research and to make the resulting digital instruments as widely available as possible. 

In 2011 Lesley joined SQA (Scottish Qualifications Authority), working initially on vocational qualifications and then as the assessment specialist for the Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) project team. In the latter role she worked closely with subject specialists and colleagues across the organisation to ensure that SQA policy and comprehensive guidance were applied consistently to develop valid and reliable assessments for the new National Qualifications (NQs) in all subjects and at all levels.  

Lesley was also part of a small SQA team that carried out fieldwork in the two academic years following the launch of the NQ assessments for CfE, visiting schools across Scotland to discover how the qualifications and their assessments were being experienced by pupils and staff. As part of that research, Lesley was responsible for designing and conducting an online survey of teachers and for the analysis and reporting of their individual views on the new assessments. 

In more recent recent years Lesley has contributed to the development and delivery of a range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses and programmes in the School of Education, including its MSc in Educational Assessment. She is a member of the University of Glasgow Educational Assessment Network (UGEAN) and the International Educational Assessment Network (IEAN), contributing her varied experience and expertise to their research and other activities.

Now a Research Fellow in the School of Education, Lesley was recently part of a team of researchers from the University of Glasgow and the University of Oxford working on SQA-commissioned research into understanding public perceptions of standards in Scottish qualifications. She was also part of a research team from the University of Glasgow and the University of Wales Trinity Saint David who were tasked by the Welsh Goverment with developing an assessment toolkit for the Curriculum for Wales. She is currently part of the research team for the Camau i’r Dyfodol project.  

Lesley is also currently an external reviewer for the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework Partnership (SCQFP), and she had created and delivers face-to-face and online Learning Outcomes and Assessment workshops for that organisation. 

Since 2010 Lesley has been an Honorary Research Fellow in the University’s School of Mathematics and Statistics and she continues to pursue her interest in the measurement of animal quality of life, working collaboratively with colleagues within and outwith the University on projects related to animal quality of life, its measurement, and ethical decision-making. 

An AEA-E (Association for Educational Assessment - Europe) Accredited Assessment Practitioner since 2016, Lesley was elected to the AEA-E Council in 2022 on which she has particular responsibiity for the Association's Special Interest Groups that she has been instrumental in establishing. 

Lesley's wide-ranging expertise and experience gained over many years has proven valuable in every part of her career to date, allowing her to bring fresh perspectives, knowledge and skills to her work in diverse fields.   

Research interests

Lesley is a Research Fellow in the School of Education. She was recently part of a team of researchers from the University of Glasgow and the University of Oxford working on SQA-commissioned research into understanding public perceptions of standards in Scottish qualifications; and a team from the University of Glasgow and the University of Wales Trinity Saint David who were tasked by the Welsh Goverment with developing an assessment toolkit for the Curriculum for Wales. She is currently part of the research team for the Camau i’r Dyfodol project.  

Lesley's research interests and expertise relate to measurement and assessment: the development of high-quality instruments that are fit for purpose, and what facilitates or creates barriers to the effective use of assessment in practice. Since 2010 Lesley has been an Honorary Research Fellow in the University’s School of Mathematics and Statistics through which she continues to pursue her interest in the measurement of animal quality of life, working collaboratively with colleagues within and outwith the University on projects related to animal quality of life, its measurement, and ethical decision-making. 

Whether developing novel instruments to measure abstract constructs such as animal quality of life, or developing instruments to measure progression in learning, the underpinning principles and key aspects of methodology are the same. Lesley has created or helped to create valid and reliable instruments to measure abstract constructs though a painstaking process of instrument development and testing, using best practices established in a range of disciplines. 

In addition to validity and reliability a key quality of any assesssment instrument is its utility. Such utility should be designed-in during the development process but also tested in the field, both of which are particular research interests of Lesley's.   


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2016 | 2015 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2009 | 2007 | 2006 | 2004 | 2003 | 2001 | 1981
Number of items: 27.


Borquez Sanchez, E. , Makara Fuller, K. , Patrick, F. and Wiseman-Orr, L. (2024) Exploring progression in learning in the context of Curriculum for Wales and in the research literature. AEAE Annual Conference, Cyprus, 6-9 November 2024. (Unpublished)


Makara Fuller, K. et al. (2023) Camau i'r Dyfodol: Building practical understandings of Curriculum for Wales. [Research Reports or Papers]

Hayward, L. , Baird, J.‐A., Allan, S., Godfrey‐Faussett, T., Hutchinson, C., MacIntosh, E., Randhawa, A., Spencer, E. and Wiseman-Orr, M. L. (2023) National qualifications in Scotland: a lightning rod for public concern about equity during the pandemic. European Journal of Education, 58(1), pp. 83-97. (doi: 10.1111/ejed.12543)

Morrison-Love, D. et al. (2023) Camau i'r Dyfodol: Curriculum for Wales: evolving understandings of progression in learning. [Research Reports or Papers]


Athrof, Y. et al. (2022) CAMAU Assessing for the Future Handbook. [Research Reports or Papers]


Scott, E. M. , Davies, V. , Nolan, A. M., Noble, C. E., Dowgray, N. J., German, A. J., Wiseman-Orr, M. L. and Reid, J. (2021) Validity and responsiveness of the generic health-related quality of life instrument (VetMetrica™) in cats with osteoarthritis. Comparison of vet and owner impressions of quality of life impact. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 8, 733812. (doi: 10.3389/fvets.2021.733812)


Deakin, G. et al. (2020) Learning Progression: Implications for Curriculum and Assessment. [Research Reports or Papers]

Deakin, G. et al. (2020) Rethinking Learner Progression for the Future. [Research Reports or Papers]

Downie, J.R., Wiseman-Orr, L. , O'Reilly, M. and Beveridge, M. (2020) The Faroe Islands Expedition, 1979: the usefulness of class reunions. Glasgow Naturalist, 27(2), (doi: 10.37208/tgn27212)


Davies, V. , Reid, J., Wiseman-Orr, M. L. and Scott, E. M. (2019) Optimising outputs from a validated online instrument to measure health-related quality of life (HRQL) in dogs. PLoS ONE, 14(9), e0221869. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0221869) (PMID:31532799) (PMCID:PMC6750605)

Noble, C. E., Wiseman-Orr, L. M. , Scott, M. E. , Nolan, A. M. and Reid, J. (2019) Development, initial validation and reliability testing of a web-based, generic feline health-related quality of life instrument. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 21(2), pp. 84-94. (doi: 10.1177/1098612X18758176) (PMID:29463202)


Reid, J., Wiseman-Orr, L. and Scott, M. (2018) Shortening of an existing generic online health-related quality of life instrument for dogs. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 59(6), pp. 334-342. (doi: 10.1111/jsap.12772) (PMID:29023735)


Yam, P.S. , Butowski, C.F., Chitty, J.L., Naughton, G., Wiseman-Orr, M.L. , Parkin, T. and Reid, J. (2016) Impact of canine overweight and obesity on health-related quality of life. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 127, pp. 64-69. (doi: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2016.03.013) (PMID:27094142)


Reid, J., Wiseman-Orr, M. L. , Nolan, A. and Scott, E. M. (2015) Health-related quality of life measurement. In: Gaynor, J. S. and Muir, III, W. M. (eds.) Handbook of Veterinary Pain Management. Third Edition. Elsevier: St. Louis, Missouri, pp. 98-110. ISBN 9780323089357 (doi: 10.1016/B978-0-323-08935-7.00006-5)


Reid, J., Wiseman-Orr, M.L. , Scott, E.M. and Nolan, A.N. (2013) Development, validation and reliability of a web-based questionnaire to measure health-related quality of life in dogs. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 54(5), pp. 227-233. (doi: 10.1111/jsap.12059)

Reid, J., Scott, M. , Nolan, A. and Wiseman-Orr, L. (2013) Pain assessment in animals. In Practice, 35(2), pp. 51-56. (doi: 10.1136/inp.f631)


German, A.J., Holden, S.L., Wiseman-Orr, M.L. , Reid, J., Nolan, A.M., Biourge, V., Morris, P.J. and Scott, E.M. (2012) Quality of life is reduced in obese dogs but improves after successful weight loss. Veterinary Journal, 192(3), pp. 428-434. (doi: 10.1016/j.tvjl.2011.09.015)


Wiseman-Orr, M.L. , Scott, E.M. and Nolan, A.M. (2011) Development and testing of a novel instrument to measure health-related quality of life (HRQL) of farmed pigs and promote welfare enhancement (part 1). Animal Welfare, 20, pp. 535-548.

Wiseman-Orr, M.L. , Scott, E.M. and Nolan, A.M. (2011) Development and testing of a novel instrument to measure health-related quality of life (HRQL) of farmed pigs and promote welfare enhancement (part 2). Animal Welfare, 20, pp. 549-558.


Wiseman-Orr, M. L. , Stuart, S. A.J. and McKeegan, D.E.F. (2009) Ethical dilemmas in practice: development of an ethical reasoning assessment tool for veterinary undergraduates. Discourse: Learning and Teaching in Philosophical and Religious Studies, 8(2), pp. 187-196.

Wiseman-Orr, M. L. , Reid, J., Nolan, A. M. and Scott, E. M. (2009) Quality of life issues. In: Gaynor, J. S. and Muir, III, W. M. (eds.) Handbook of Veterinary Pain Management. Second Edition. Elsevier: St. Louis, Missouri, pp. 578-587. ISBN 9780323046794 (doi: 10.1016/B978-032304679-4.10029-2)


Scott, E.M. , Nolan, A.M., Reid, J. and Wiseman-Orr, M.L. (2007) Can we really measure animal quality of life? Methodologies for measuring quality of life in people and other animals. Animal Welfare, 16(SUPPL.), pp. 17-24.


Wiseman-Orr, M. L. , Scott, E. M. , Reid, J. and Nolan, A. M. (2006) Validation of a structured questionnaire as an instrument to measure chronic pain in dogs on the basis of effects on health-related quality of life. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 67(11), pp. 1826-1836. (doi: 10.2460/ajvr.67.11.1826) (PMID:17078742)


Wiseman-Orr, M. L. , Nolan, A. M., Reid, J. and Scott, E. M. (2004) Development of a questionnaire to measure the effects of chronic pain on health-related quality of life in dogs. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 65(8), pp. 1077-1084. (doi: 10.2460/ajvr.2004.65.1077) (PMID:15334841)


Scott, E.M. , Fitzpatrick, J.L., Nolan, A.M., Reid, J. and Wiseman, M.L. (2003) Evaluation of welfare state based on interpretation of multiple indices. Animal Welfare, 12(4), pp. 457-468.


Wiseman-Orr, M.L. , Nolan, A.M., Reid, J.A. and Scott, E.M. (2001) Preliminary study on owner-reported behaviour changes associated with chronic pain in dogs. Veterinary Record, 149(14), pp. 423-424. (doi: 10.1136/vr.149.14.423) (PMID:11678215)


Orr, L. and Hansell, M. (1981) Effect of asymmetric contact stimulation on subsequent righting direction in the ophiuroid Ophiocomina nigra (Echinodermata). Animal Behaviour, 29(2), pp. 634-635. (doi: 10.1016/S0003-3472(81)80133-9)

This list was generated on Fri Feb 21 13:50:13 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 27.


Hayward, L. , Baird, J.‐A., Allan, S., Godfrey‐Faussett, T., Hutchinson, C., MacIntosh, E., Randhawa, A., Spencer, E. and Wiseman-Orr, M. L. (2023) National qualifications in Scotland: a lightning rod for public concern about equity during the pandemic. European Journal of Education, 58(1), pp. 83-97. (doi: 10.1111/ejed.12543)

Scott, E. M. , Davies, V. , Nolan, A. M., Noble, C. E., Dowgray, N. J., German, A. J., Wiseman-Orr, M. L. and Reid, J. (2021) Validity and responsiveness of the generic health-related quality of life instrument (VetMetrica™) in cats with osteoarthritis. Comparison of vet and owner impressions of quality of life impact. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 8, 733812. (doi: 10.3389/fvets.2021.733812)

Downie, J.R., Wiseman-Orr, L. , O'Reilly, M. and Beveridge, M. (2020) The Faroe Islands Expedition, 1979: the usefulness of class reunions. Glasgow Naturalist, 27(2), (doi: 10.37208/tgn27212)

Davies, V. , Reid, J., Wiseman-Orr, M. L. and Scott, E. M. (2019) Optimising outputs from a validated online instrument to measure health-related quality of life (HRQL) in dogs. PLoS ONE, 14(9), e0221869. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0221869) (PMID:31532799) (PMCID:PMC6750605)

Noble, C. E., Wiseman-Orr, L. M. , Scott, M. E. , Nolan, A. M. and Reid, J. (2019) Development, initial validation and reliability testing of a web-based, generic feline health-related quality of life instrument. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 21(2), pp. 84-94. (doi: 10.1177/1098612X18758176) (PMID:29463202)

Reid, J., Wiseman-Orr, L. and Scott, M. (2018) Shortening of an existing generic online health-related quality of life instrument for dogs. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 59(6), pp. 334-342. (doi: 10.1111/jsap.12772) (PMID:29023735)

Yam, P.S. , Butowski, C.F., Chitty, J.L., Naughton, G., Wiseman-Orr, M.L. , Parkin, T. and Reid, J. (2016) Impact of canine overweight and obesity on health-related quality of life. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 127, pp. 64-69. (doi: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2016.03.013) (PMID:27094142)

Reid, J., Wiseman-Orr, M.L. , Scott, E.M. and Nolan, A.N. (2013) Development, validation and reliability of a web-based questionnaire to measure health-related quality of life in dogs. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 54(5), pp. 227-233. (doi: 10.1111/jsap.12059)

Reid, J., Scott, M. , Nolan, A. and Wiseman-Orr, L. (2013) Pain assessment in animals. In Practice, 35(2), pp. 51-56. (doi: 10.1136/inp.f631)

German, A.J., Holden, S.L., Wiseman-Orr, M.L. , Reid, J., Nolan, A.M., Biourge, V., Morris, P.J. and Scott, E.M. (2012) Quality of life is reduced in obese dogs but improves after successful weight loss. Veterinary Journal, 192(3), pp. 428-434. (doi: 10.1016/j.tvjl.2011.09.015)

Wiseman-Orr, M.L. , Scott, E.M. and Nolan, A.M. (2011) Development and testing of a novel instrument to measure health-related quality of life (HRQL) of farmed pigs and promote welfare enhancement (part 1). Animal Welfare, 20, pp. 535-548.

Wiseman-Orr, M.L. , Scott, E.M. and Nolan, A.M. (2011) Development and testing of a novel instrument to measure health-related quality of life (HRQL) of farmed pigs and promote welfare enhancement (part 2). Animal Welfare, 20, pp. 549-558.

Wiseman-Orr, M. L. , Stuart, S. A.J. and McKeegan, D.E.F. (2009) Ethical dilemmas in practice: development of an ethical reasoning assessment tool for veterinary undergraduates. Discourse: Learning and Teaching in Philosophical and Religious Studies, 8(2), pp. 187-196.

Scott, E.M. , Nolan, A.M., Reid, J. and Wiseman-Orr, M.L. (2007) Can we really measure animal quality of life? Methodologies for measuring quality of life in people and other animals. Animal Welfare, 16(SUPPL.), pp. 17-24.

Wiseman-Orr, M. L. , Scott, E. M. , Reid, J. and Nolan, A. M. (2006) Validation of a structured questionnaire as an instrument to measure chronic pain in dogs on the basis of effects on health-related quality of life. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 67(11), pp. 1826-1836. (doi: 10.2460/ajvr.67.11.1826) (PMID:17078742)

Wiseman-Orr, M. L. , Nolan, A. M., Reid, J. and Scott, E. M. (2004) Development of a questionnaire to measure the effects of chronic pain on health-related quality of life in dogs. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 65(8), pp. 1077-1084. (doi: 10.2460/ajvr.2004.65.1077) (PMID:15334841)

Scott, E.M. , Fitzpatrick, J.L., Nolan, A.M., Reid, J. and Wiseman, M.L. (2003) Evaluation of welfare state based on interpretation of multiple indices. Animal Welfare, 12(4), pp. 457-468.

Wiseman-Orr, M.L. , Nolan, A.M., Reid, J.A. and Scott, E.M. (2001) Preliminary study on owner-reported behaviour changes associated with chronic pain in dogs. Veterinary Record, 149(14), pp. 423-424. (doi: 10.1136/vr.149.14.423) (PMID:11678215)

Orr, L. and Hansell, M. (1981) Effect of asymmetric contact stimulation on subsequent righting direction in the ophiuroid Ophiocomina nigra (Echinodermata). Animal Behaviour, 29(2), pp. 634-635. (doi: 10.1016/S0003-3472(81)80133-9)

Book Sections

Reid, J., Wiseman-Orr, M. L. , Nolan, A. and Scott, E. M. (2015) Health-related quality of life measurement. In: Gaynor, J. S. and Muir, III, W. M. (eds.) Handbook of Veterinary Pain Management. Third Edition. Elsevier: St. Louis, Missouri, pp. 98-110. ISBN 9780323089357 (doi: 10.1016/B978-0-323-08935-7.00006-5)

Wiseman-Orr, M. L. , Reid, J., Nolan, A. M. and Scott, E. M. (2009) Quality of life issues. In: Gaynor, J. S. and Muir, III, W. M. (eds.) Handbook of Veterinary Pain Management. Second Edition. Elsevier: St. Louis, Missouri, pp. 578-587. ISBN 9780323046794 (doi: 10.1016/B978-032304679-4.10029-2)

Research Reports or Papers

Makara Fuller, K. et al. (2023) Camau i'r Dyfodol: Building practical understandings of Curriculum for Wales. [Research Reports or Papers]

Morrison-Love, D. et al. (2023) Camau i'r Dyfodol: Curriculum for Wales: evolving understandings of progression in learning. [Research Reports or Papers]

Athrof, Y. et al. (2022) CAMAU Assessing for the Future Handbook. [Research Reports or Papers]

Deakin, G. et al. (2020) Learning Progression: Implications for Curriculum and Assessment. [Research Reports or Papers]

Deakin, G. et al. (2020) Rethinking Learner Progression for the Future. [Research Reports or Papers]

Conference or Workshop Item

Borquez Sanchez, E. , Makara Fuller, K. , Patrick, F. and Wiseman-Orr, L. (2024) Exploring progression in learning in the context of Curriculum for Wales and in the research literature. AEAE Annual Conference, Cyprus, 6-9 November 2024. (Unpublished)

This list was generated on Fri Feb 21 13:50:13 2025 GMT.


Lesley has been dissertation supervisor and marker for postgraduate students of publishing in the University of Stirling and for postgraduate students of education in the University of Glasgow. She was also for several years a facilitator on the University of Glasgow's undergraduate medical course.

In more recent years she contributed to developing the UGEAN-designed MSc Assessment in Education. As part of that programme Lesley led the development of the course 'Theoretical Underpinning and Practical Issues in Tests and Examinations', and also contributed to the development of two others: 'Principles and Theories of Assessment for Social Justice' and 'Assessment for Improvement, Accountability and Social Justice'. 

In addition, Lesley has contributed to the delivery of other University of Glasgow undergraduate and post-graduate courses in the College of Social Sciences, including 'Educational Enquiry' and 'Introduction to Educational and Social Research', and the online Masters courses 'Curriculum, Assessment and Pedagogy: Understanding Learners' and Curriculum, Assessment and Pedagogy: International Perspectives'.

She is a guest lecturer on the University's Animal Welfare Assessment course in the College of Medical Veterinary and Life Sciences, and she developed and delivers face-to-face and online 'Learning Outcomes and Assessment' workshops for college staff as an associate of the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework Partnership.   


Professional activities & recognition

Professional & learned societies

  • 2023: Council Member, Association for Educational Assessment - Europe

Selected international presentations

  • 2014: University of California, San Diego Veterinary Pain Short Course (San Diego, USA)