Dr Lesley Doyle

  • Senior Lecturer (People, Place & Social Change)

telephone: 01413301805
email: Lesley.Doyle@glasgow.ac.uk

Room N308, North Wing, Level 3F, St Andrew's Building, Glasgow, G3 6NH

Import to contacts

ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-3521-6456

Research interests

Research interests

My research interests revolve around education and work transitions through the lifecourse, particularly in relation to vocational education and training for young people, what influences transitions and their impact on learning and development. 

Related interests are in the management of transitions in education and work, young people in the community, youth work, mixed methods approaches in research, and socio-cultural theory.


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2023 | 2022 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2002 | 1998
Number of items: 35.


Doyle, L. , Graham, L., Wang, G. , Dikoko, V., Wang, Z. and Gulgecer, J. (2023) Precarious Work and Future Careers: Examining the transitions of young people in China and South Africa. [Research Reports or Papers]

Doyle, L. and Wang, G. (2023) Strengthening precarity? A critical analysis of education and training programmes in the UK (Scotland). Education and Training, 65(1), pp. 74-87. (doi: 10.1108/ET-03-2022-0122)


Wang, G. and Doyle, L. (2022) Constructing false consciousness: vocational college students’ aspirations and agency in China. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 74(4), pp. 664-681. (doi: 10.1080/13636820.2020.1829008)

Nicoll, J. C., Doyle, L. and Okay-Somerville, B. (2022) The occupational aspirations and wellbeing of young people in the UK. In: Knight, E. and Okay-Somerville, B. (eds.) Young People’s Career Thoughts and Wellbeing - An Enquiry across National Education Systems Based on Longitudinal Data. Series: International study of city youth education. Springer Nature Switzerland AG: Switzerland. (Accepted for Publication)


Vanderhoven, E. , Bravo, A., Valiente, O. , Hermannsson, K. , Lowden, K. , Doyle, L. , Schweisfurth, M. and Capsada-Munsech, Q. (2019) YOUNG_ADULLLT Scotland: Key Messages for Scottish Policy Actors. [Research Reports or Papers]


Karyotis, G. , Colburn, B. , Doyle, L. , Hermannsson, K. , Mulvey, G. and Skleparis, D. (2018) Building a New Life in Britain: The Skills, Experiences and Aspirations of Young Syrian Refugees. [Research Reports or Papers]


Doyle, L. (2017) YOUNG_ADULLLT Work Package 5: Qualitative Analysis. [Research Reports or Papers]


Doyle, L. , Egetenmeyer, R., Singai, C. and Devi, U. (2016) Professionalisation as development and as regulation: adult Education in Germany, the United Kingdom and India. International Review of Education, 62(3), pp. 317-341. (doi: 10.1007/s11159-016-9560-y)


Doyle, L. (2014) DISCUSS: Expansive Learning Approach. Discuss Working Paper 6b. [Research Reports or Papers]

Doyle, L. (2014) Formation of a ‘starter’ VCoP for the DISCUSS platform. Discuss Working Paper 4. [Research Reports or Papers]


Doyle, L. (2013) United Kingdom - Lingfield Report: The Fragility of Professionalism in the De-Regulated Environment. [Research Reports or Papers]

Doyle, L. and Brown, V. (2013) Curriculum for Excellence: Impact on higher education. Final report. [Research Reports or Papers]

Kamando, A. and Doyle, L. (2013) Universities and community-based research in developing countries: community voice and educational provision in rural Tanzania. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 19(1), pp. 17-38. (doi: 10.7227/JACE.19.1.3)


Doyle, L. (2012) Conceptualising a transition: the case of vocational and academic learning in England, Scotland and the USA. Research in Comparative and International Education, 7(4), pp. 446-464. (doi: 10.2304/rcie.2012.7.4.446)

Hayward, L. et al. (2012) Assessment at Transition. [Research Reports or Papers]

Hayward, L. et al. (2012) Assessment at Transition: Executive Summary. [Research Reports or Papers]

Hayward, L. et al. (2012) Assessment at Transition: Report. [Research Reports or Papers]

Lally, V. and Doyle, L. (2012) Researching Transitions in Learning and Education: international perspectives on complex challenges and imaginative solutions. Research in Comparative and International Education, 7(4), pp. 394-408. (doi: 10.2304/rcie.2012.7.4.394)


Doyle, L. (2011) Equality Impact of Reductions in Youth Service Provision. [Research Reports or Papers]

Doyle, L. (2011) Identifying, Evaluating and Comparing Vocational Learning Opportunities for Individual Career Pathways for 14-19 year olds in Scotland (Edinburgh), England (Kent) and the USA (Virginia). [Research Reports or Papers]


Doyle, L. (2010) The role of universities in the 'cultural health' of their regions: universities' and regions' understandings of cultural engagement. European Journal of Education, 45(3), pp. 466-480. (doi: 10.1111/j.1465-3435.2010.01441.x)


Doyle, L. (2009) Drivers and Barriers to Collaborative Partnerships for the Delivery of 14-19 Education in Kent. [Research Reports or Papers]

Doyle, L. (2009) Evaluation of Kent County Council’s 14-16 Vocational Education & Training Programme. [Research Reports or Papers]


Doyle, L. and Welsh, P. (2008) Connecting research, policy and practice in building stronger communities. In: Doyle, L, Adams, D, Tibbitt, J and Welsh, P (eds.) Building Stronger Communities: Connecting research, policy and practice. NIACE: Leicester, pp. 1-18. ISBN 978-1-86201-345-2


Doyle, L. (2007) Cultural presence’ and disadvantage: what difference do HEIs make? In: Osborne, M, Sankey, K and Wilson, B (eds.) Researching Social Capital, Lifelong Learning Regions and the Management of Place: an international perspective. Routledge: London.

Doyle, L. (2007) Learning to Learn in a Learning Region. Lifelong Learning in Europe, XII(1), pp. 42-51.

Doyle, L. , Houston, M. and Osborne, M. (2007) Grading: A Review of National and International Issues. [Research Reports or Papers]

Mannion, G., Doyle, L. , Sankey, K., Mattu, L. and Wilson, M. (2007) Young People’s Interaction with Natural Heritage through Outdoor Learning. [Research Reports or Papers]


Barr, A. and Doyle, L. (2006) Setting Standards for Community Engagement. In: Duke, C., Doyle, Lesley and Wilson, B (eds.) Making Knowledge Work: Sustaining Learning Communities and Regions. NIACE: Leicester.

Doyle, L. , McKay, G. and Bogdanovic, D. (2006) The ‘cultural presence’ of higher education institutions in disadvantaged communities. In: Brennan, J., Little, B. and Locke, W. (eds.) Higher education’s effects on disadvantaged groups and communities: Report of an ESRC Network on cross-regional perspectives on the transformative impact of higher education on disadvantaged groups and communities. ESRC.


Wilson, B., Osborne, M. and Doyle, L. (2005) Building Partnerships to Promote Economic and Social Wellbeing and Learning. In: International Conference on Engaging Communities, Brisbane, Australia, 14-17 Aug 2005,

Doyle, L. and Godfrey, R. (2005) Investigating the reliability of the Key Stage 2 test results for assessing individual pupil achievement and progress in England. London Review of Education, 3(1), pp. 29-45.


Doyle, L. (2002) Continuity from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3 (Primary to Secondary School) in England [Unpublished PhD thesis]. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)


Doyle, L. and Herrington, N. (1998) Bridging the gap: A case study of curriculum continuity at Key Stage 2/Key Stage 3 transfer. Management in Education, 12(6), pp. 11-12.

Doyle, L. and Herrington, N. (1998) Does learning progression for the individual child continue across the primary/secondary divide? All-in Success: Journal of the Centre for the Study of Comprehensive Schools, 9, pp. 16-17.

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 09:40:25 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 35.


Doyle, L. and Wang, G. (2023) Strengthening precarity? A critical analysis of education and training programmes in the UK (Scotland). Education and Training, 65(1), pp. 74-87. (doi: 10.1108/ET-03-2022-0122)

Wang, G. and Doyle, L. (2022) Constructing false consciousness: vocational college students’ aspirations and agency in China. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 74(4), pp. 664-681. (doi: 10.1080/13636820.2020.1829008)

Doyle, L. , Egetenmeyer, R., Singai, C. and Devi, U. (2016) Professionalisation as development and as regulation: adult Education in Germany, the United Kingdom and India. International Review of Education, 62(3), pp. 317-341. (doi: 10.1007/s11159-016-9560-y)

Kamando, A. and Doyle, L. (2013) Universities and community-based research in developing countries: community voice and educational provision in rural Tanzania. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 19(1), pp. 17-38. (doi: 10.7227/JACE.19.1.3)

Doyle, L. (2012) Conceptualising a transition: the case of vocational and academic learning in England, Scotland and the USA. Research in Comparative and International Education, 7(4), pp. 446-464. (doi: 10.2304/rcie.2012.7.4.446)

Lally, V. and Doyle, L. (2012) Researching Transitions in Learning and Education: international perspectives on complex challenges and imaginative solutions. Research in Comparative and International Education, 7(4), pp. 394-408. (doi: 10.2304/rcie.2012.7.4.394)

Doyle, L. (2010) The role of universities in the 'cultural health' of their regions: universities' and regions' understandings of cultural engagement. European Journal of Education, 45(3), pp. 466-480. (doi: 10.1111/j.1465-3435.2010.01441.x)

Doyle, L. (2007) Learning to Learn in a Learning Region. Lifelong Learning in Europe, XII(1), pp. 42-51.

Doyle, L. and Godfrey, R. (2005) Investigating the reliability of the Key Stage 2 test results for assessing individual pupil achievement and progress in England. London Review of Education, 3(1), pp. 29-45.

Doyle, L. and Herrington, N. (1998) Bridging the gap: A case study of curriculum continuity at Key Stage 2/Key Stage 3 transfer. Management in Education, 12(6), pp. 11-12.

Doyle, L. and Herrington, N. (1998) Does learning progression for the individual child continue across the primary/secondary divide? All-in Success: Journal of the Centre for the Study of Comprehensive Schools, 9, pp. 16-17.

Book Sections

Nicoll, J. C., Doyle, L. and Okay-Somerville, B. (2022) The occupational aspirations and wellbeing of young people in the UK. In: Knight, E. and Okay-Somerville, B. (eds.) Young People’s Career Thoughts and Wellbeing - An Enquiry across National Education Systems Based on Longitudinal Data. Series: International study of city youth education. Springer Nature Switzerland AG: Switzerland. (Accepted for Publication)

Doyle, L. and Welsh, P. (2008) Connecting research, policy and practice in building stronger communities. In: Doyle, L, Adams, D, Tibbitt, J and Welsh, P (eds.) Building Stronger Communities: Connecting research, policy and practice. NIACE: Leicester, pp. 1-18. ISBN 978-1-86201-345-2

Doyle, L. (2007) Cultural presence’ and disadvantage: what difference do HEIs make? In: Osborne, M, Sankey, K and Wilson, B (eds.) Researching Social Capital, Lifelong Learning Regions and the Management of Place: an international perspective. Routledge: London.

Barr, A. and Doyle, L. (2006) Setting Standards for Community Engagement. In: Duke, C., Doyle, Lesley and Wilson, B (eds.) Making Knowledge Work: Sustaining Learning Communities and Regions. NIACE: Leicester.

Doyle, L. , McKay, G. and Bogdanovic, D. (2006) The ‘cultural presence’ of higher education institutions in disadvantaged communities. In: Brennan, J., Little, B. and Locke, W. (eds.) Higher education’s effects on disadvantaged groups and communities: Report of an ESRC Network on cross-regional perspectives on the transformative impact of higher education on disadvantaged groups and communities. ESRC.

Research Reports or Papers

Doyle, L. , Graham, L., Wang, G. , Dikoko, V., Wang, Z. and Gulgecer, J. (2023) Precarious Work and Future Careers: Examining the transitions of young people in China and South Africa. [Research Reports or Papers]

Vanderhoven, E. , Bravo, A., Valiente, O. , Hermannsson, K. , Lowden, K. , Doyle, L. , Schweisfurth, M. and Capsada-Munsech, Q. (2019) YOUNG_ADULLLT Scotland: Key Messages for Scottish Policy Actors. [Research Reports or Papers]

Karyotis, G. , Colburn, B. , Doyle, L. , Hermannsson, K. , Mulvey, G. and Skleparis, D. (2018) Building a New Life in Britain: The Skills, Experiences and Aspirations of Young Syrian Refugees. [Research Reports or Papers]

Doyle, L. (2017) YOUNG_ADULLLT Work Package 5: Qualitative Analysis. [Research Reports or Papers]

Doyle, L. (2014) DISCUSS: Expansive Learning Approach. Discuss Working Paper 6b. [Research Reports or Papers]

Doyle, L. (2014) Formation of a ‘starter’ VCoP for the DISCUSS platform. Discuss Working Paper 4. [Research Reports or Papers]

Doyle, L. (2013) United Kingdom - Lingfield Report: The Fragility of Professionalism in the De-Regulated Environment. [Research Reports or Papers]

Doyle, L. and Brown, V. (2013) Curriculum for Excellence: Impact on higher education. Final report. [Research Reports or Papers]

Hayward, L. et al. (2012) Assessment at Transition. [Research Reports or Papers]

Hayward, L. et al. (2012) Assessment at Transition: Executive Summary. [Research Reports or Papers]

Hayward, L. et al. (2012) Assessment at Transition: Report. [Research Reports or Papers]

Doyle, L. (2011) Equality Impact of Reductions in Youth Service Provision. [Research Reports or Papers]

Doyle, L. (2011) Identifying, Evaluating and Comparing Vocational Learning Opportunities for Individual Career Pathways for 14-19 year olds in Scotland (Edinburgh), England (Kent) and the USA (Virginia). [Research Reports or Papers]

Doyle, L. (2009) Drivers and Barriers to Collaborative Partnerships for the Delivery of 14-19 Education in Kent. [Research Reports or Papers]

Doyle, L. (2009) Evaluation of Kent County Council’s 14-16 Vocational Education & Training Programme. [Research Reports or Papers]

Doyle, L. , Houston, M. and Osborne, M. (2007) Grading: A Review of National and International Issues. [Research Reports or Papers]

Mannion, G., Doyle, L. , Sankey, K., Mattu, L. and Wilson, M. (2007) Young People’s Interaction with Natural Heritage through Outdoor Learning. [Research Reports or Papers]

Doyle, L. (2002) Continuity from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3 (Primary to Secondary School) in England [Unpublished PhD thesis]. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)

Conference Proceedings

Wilson, B., Osborne, M. and Doyle, L. (2005) Building Partnerships to Promote Economic and Social Wellbeing and Learning. In: International Conference on Engaging Communities, Brisbane, Australia, 14-17 Aug 2005,

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 09:40:25 2025 GMT.



  • DISCUSS – European Communities of Practice in Lifelong Learning with Mike Osborne and European colleagues
  • PUMR: PASCAL Universities for a Modern Renaissance
  • Kent County Council Youth Transformation project
  • QAA Developing & supporting the curriculum enhancement theme curriculum for excellence and its impact on higher education 2012-2013
  • Comparative study of Career Pathways and Planning for 14-19 year olds in England, Scotland and the USA 
Kent County Council and Skills Development Scotland (PASCAL Project) 
  • Qualifications Policy & New Products: Framework Agreement with Scottish Qualifications Authority
Scottish Qualifications Authority 
  • Evaluation of Kent County Council’s Vocational Education & Training 14-19 Programme
Kent County Council
Sept 2007-June 2009 and 2012-2014
  • Young People’s Interaction with Natural Heritage through Outdoor Learning
Scottish Natural Heritage/Learning and Teaching Scotland 
Mar 2006-Jan 2007
  • Cultural Impact strand in the ESRC seminar series to explore cross-regional perspectives on the transformative impact of higher education on disadvantaged groups and communities 
  • LILARA (Learning in Local and Regional Authorities (project developing learning needs audits for local and regional authority and other stakeholder staff to help promote learning regions)
EU Socrates Grundtvig funded
2005- 2007
  • Comparison of Years 6, 7 and 8 SATs results in England 
Qualifications and Curriculum Authority



I welcome enquiries from prospective PhD students relating to:

Transitions and learning including

  • between different stages of education
  • from school to vocational education and training, to apprenticeships, and to work
  • from school to HE, from HE to work
  • early training to work and work to work/unemployment transitions 
  • from one life stage to another
  • moving from one country to another and
  • the management of these transitions

I also carry out and/or supervise research on:

  • Delivery and impact of vocational education and training programmes for youth and young adults
  • Youth and young adults in contemporary society
  • The role of education in community development (especially UK, Tanzania, Botswana and Nigeria)
  • Social inclusion issues for young people especially relating to training and work opportunities

Current students

Joseph Gallagher: Towards better choices and improved practice: A study of the influences on students’ course and college choices in Ireland 
  • Cindy Corliss: Cyber bullying in Glasgow Schools
  • Karen Torrance: The use and avoidance of Information and Communication Technologies by adult literacies learners
  • Syafiqah Abdul Rahim: The Impact of Youth Policy on the Youth Movement in Malaysia: An exploration of youth participation in the policy making process
  • Walter Omo Ikhumhen: Community-Economic development in Emerging Nations: Investigative Studies of Infrastructures, Dynamics and Strategies in Nigerai

 Completed students

  • Amina Kamando:  Community/Government Provision of Secondary Education in Tanzania
  • Douglas Sutherland: The transition of adult students to Higher Education: Communities, Practice and Participation 
  • Keneilwe Molosi: The Impact of the Remote Area Development Programme (RADP) on the Socio-Economic Development of the San: the case of the Khwee and Sehunong settlements
  • Craik Nicoll, Jennifer
    Determinants and impact of wellbeing during university
  • Sneed, Haley D
    An Investigation of Young People’s Perspectives on the Effectiveness of Scottish Youth Work in Supporting Wellbeing in COVID-19 Times.
  • Yan, Danchen
    Navigating Inequalities: Understanding the Motivations, Mobilities, and Changing Identities of International Students from Chinese Third-Tier Cities



  • Youth Studies (Programme Leader)
  • Young People, Learning and Development for MSc Youth Studies (Course leader)
  • Introduction to Educational and Social Research (Masters core course; Course leader)

Additional information

Conference presentations

  • Ikhumhen, W. O and Doyle (L) (2015) Underdevelopment in, and emigration from, Nigeria: trying  to  get  to  the  root  of  the  problem, Pascal International conference, Catania
  • Doyle, L. and Eckert, T. (2015) Expansive Learning and Communities of Practice in Lifelong Learning: the DISCUSS project Pascal International conference, Catania
  • Doyle, L. (2009) Can vocational learning improve academic learning? The experiences of 14-16 year olds taking vocational courses alongside GCSEs in England Scottish Education Research Association Conference, Perth
  • Doyle, L. (2009) Collaborative Provision of 14-19 Education in the UK: Activity Theory as Method and Data Analysis Tool, Theory and Evidence in European Educational Research, European Conference on Educational Research University of Vienna September 2009
  • Doyle L. (2007) Continuity, Transfer and the Learning Environment in Danish schools: a comparison of pedagogy and management in all-through and primary to secondary schools in Years 5 and 6 at the Transforming Transitions: International Research Conference, University of Strathclyde
  • Doyle, L. (2007) The Affective Domain and Young People's Interaction with Natural Heritage through Outdoor Learning, Royal Geographical Society Conference, London
  • Doyle, L. and Longworth, N. (2007) The ‘learning city’: local authority staff perceptions and their training needs in six European locations at the Ninth International Lifelong Learning in Europe Conference on Learning Regions - Learning Cities Rovaniemi, Finland
  • Doyle, L. (2006) Learning in Local and Regional Authorities: the case of Stirling Council, Paper presented at the Third PASCAL International Conference, RMIT, Melbourne
  • Doyle L. (2006) All change? Transitions in the lifecourse, choice and the pupil voice in the transition from primary to secondary school at the Annual Conference of the British Education Research Association, University of Warwick
  • Doyle L. (2006) What’s happening under the bridge? Activity theory, effective learning environments and the ‘Third Space’ in School Transitions and Transfers in England and Denmark at the European Education Research Conference, Geneva

Book and journal reviewing

  • Doyle, L. (2006) Review of Primary-Secondary Transition (2005) Boyd, B. London: Hodder Gibson. Scottish Educational Review, 38, 2, p239-240.
  • KEDI Journal of Educational Policy
  • British Education Research Journal

Academic and professional body membership

  • British Educational Research Association
  • Scottish Educational Research Association
  • Community Learning and Development Council (Scotland)

Additional information

Interests include literature, walking, bird watching, animal welfare, sailing, keeping fit and music