Dr Lauren Boath
- Senior Lecturer in Education (Physics) (School of Education)
St Andrew's Building, Eldon Street, Glasgow, G3 6HN
Lauren has a background in higher education and as a teacher of physics and science in Scotland, having undertaken her first degree in physics at the University of Strathclyde and teacher education (PGCE in physics with science) at Dundee University. During a two-year secondment to Learning & Teaching Scotland and Education Scotland, Lauren had responsibility at a national level for developments in sciences (STEM) for 3 - 18 year olds including the STEM Central project, and involvement in development of the new National Qualifications in sciences (biology, chemistry, environmental science and physics).
Lauren completed her PhD in science education at Trinity College, Dublin exploring children's learning in science beyond the teacher-led, involving 1100 children in 13 primary and secondary schools in five Scottish local authorities, using a children’s rights-based approach to children’s voice, underpinned by Vygotsky’s cultural-historical theory.
In her role as a Lecturer in Education at the University of Dundee, Lauren oversaw of development, accreditation and implementation of an innovative route into secondary teaching in Chemistry, Computing, Home Economics, Mathematics and Physics, integrating initial teacher education with the General Teaching Council for Scotland Teacher Induction Scheme (TIS).
As Senior Lecturer in Education (Physics and Science) in the University of Glasgow's School of Education, Lauren continues to be responsible for developing beginning and qualified teachers, both within science and more widely across Master's level programmes. In the role of Director of Initial Teacher Education and Undergraduate (2021-2024), Lauren had broader responsibility for the ITE and undergraduate portfolio in the School of Education. In April 2024, Lauren began her new role as International Accreditation Lead for Initial Teacher Education for the School of Education.
2024- |
International Accreditation Lead for ITE, School of Education |
2023-2024 |
Academic Lead and Managing Editor for Periodic Subject Review of Education |
2021 - 2024 |
Director of Initial Teacher Education and Undergraduate, School of Education |
2020 - |
Senior Lecturer in Science Education (Physics) |
2015 - 2020 |
Associate Tutor / Lecturer in Education, University of Dundee |
2016 |
Thesis Marker, Postgraduate Masters in Education, Trinity College Dublin Supply Teacher (Physics / Science). Fife Council |
2013 - 2015 |
Science Learning Manager, Dundee Science Centre |
2010 - 2016 |
Marker, Standard Grade Physics, Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) |
2011 - 2013 |
Development Officer (sciences), Learning & Teaching Scotland / Education Scotland (secondment) |
2009 - 2013 |
Teacher of Physics & Science, Monifieth High School, Angus |
2006 - 2008 |
Teacher of Physics, High School of Dundee, Dundee |
2005 - 2011 |
A variety of additional professional roles including as a Qualifications Development Specialist for SQA Intermediate 1 and 2 and Higher Physics assessments, Item Writer for the Scottish Survey of Achievement, Writer and peer reviewer for Learning & Teaching Scotland, Consultant for Angel Eye Media science films commissioned by the BBC |
1997 - 2005 |
Roles with the Universities of Dundee, Aberdeen and Abertay, including working with the North Forum for Widening Access and Participation University for Children & Communities project, and as Student Records Officer at the University of Abertay |
Research interests
Lauren's research interests include: science learning; children's rights and voice; teacher education and teacher professional learning.
She is currently working on research relating to:
- practitioner enquiry as a whole school improvement approach;
- teacher educators' experiences of professional learning within an HEI;
- understanding beginning teachers' perceptions of 'teacher qualities' and their development through a teacher education programme;
- inclusive practice and 'preparedness' for teaching.
£29385 University of Glasgow Knowledge Exchange Fund grant
Practitioner enquiry at a Glasgow High School: a deep understanding of school improvement
PI (Glasgow) Dr Sarah Anderson, School of Education, CoSS
Co-applicants Dr Thomas Cowhitt and Dr Lauren Boath, School of Education, CoSS
University of Sydney - University of Glasgow Ignition Grants (20000 AUS $)
Pre-Service Teacher Preparedness for Understanding Quality Inclusive Education
PI (Glasgow) Dr Ines Alves, School of Education, CoSS
University of Dundee School of Education & Social Work Seed Grant (£405)
The child as coresearcher in the early years: A children’s rights-based methodology to improve the outdoor learning environment while supporting children’s autonomy
Current PhD students in:
Mathematics Education, second supervisor with Dr Ismail Zembat
Inclusive Education, second supervisor with Dr Ines Alves
- Rustamova, Sevinj
Exploring the current status of inclusive education through teacher’s role: Comparative case study between the Republic of Azerbaijan and Scotland.
Examples of completed supervision
PhD students:
Alexia Barrable: A new focus for education? Nature connection as a goal for all education: theoretical, research and practical perspectives (Ph.D. by publication 2020; first supervisor Professor Divya Jindal-Snape, second supervisor Dr Lauren Boath)
Supervision in the Scottish context:
Master of Education (integrated undergraduate) Primary Education with Teaching Qualification dissertation students:
To what extent has the Coronavirus Pandemic negatively impacted the Scottish Government’s attempt to close the poverty related attainment gap?
How can Scottish educators use what is known in research to support the learning and wellbeing of refugee learners in the classroom?
MEd Professional Practice dissertation students:
How effective is retrieval practice as a learning strategy for children aged five to eleven?
The effective development and assessment of pupils' inquiry skills in Scottish high school classrooms
Supervision in international contexts:
MSc Educational Studies dissertation students:
How to improve biology education in primary and secondary schools: an extended literature review
Student experiences and perceptions of self-efficacy in a grammar class using a flipped classroom model: a mixed-methods exploratory study in a Saudi college
In 2024/25, Lauren's main focus is her role as International Accreditation Lead for Initial Teacher Education, as well as continuing to supervise PhD students and having oversight of the sciences within the curriculum enquiry strand of the undergraduate integrated Masters ITE programme and within the Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) in the Curriculum, Pedagogies and Practice courses for Primary and for Secondary students. Lauren is the Course Leader for EDUC5933 Dissertations for the MSc Education (Online) and supervises a number of international dissertation students in the areas of teacher education and learning & teaching.
Lauren has been Course Leader for:
- Year 5 Dissertations for students in the undergraduate integrated Master of Education (Primary Education) with Teaching Qualification (MEduc);
- Curriculum, Assessment and Pedagogy: Understanding Learners, within the MSc Education (online distance learning) programme;
- the Masters-level PGDE course 'Understanding Learning and Teaching';
as well as teaching, assessing and supervising within
- PGDE 'Understanding Learning and Teaching' and 'Professional Enquiry' courses;
- PGDE 'Learning & Teaching in the Primary / Secondary' (BGE science for primary and secondary) including exploration and building upon children's existing ideas of science, science pedagogies beyond the content exploring nature connection and empathy in science learning;
- MEduc Year 5 (Education in Practice seminars, dissertation supervision);
- MEduc (BGE science for primary in Years 2-4, interdisciplinary learning through arts, drama and science, focusing on the intersection of science and human rights ('being human') and exploring the environment through nature connection and empathy);
- MEd Professional Practice with PGDE (Professional Enquiry and Decision Making, dissertation supervision);
- MSc Educational Studies (Contemporary Issues seminars, dissertation supervision).
Lauren supported colleagues in the 2021 review and successful reaccreditation of the Postgraduate Dipoma in Education, in particular focussing on the new Research & Enquiry-Led Learning and Teaching course, a core 30 credit Masters-level course within the PGDE. She has developed and delivered Master’s-level learning in primary science teaching for early-career teachers, funded by Scottish Government. Lauren has also supported teachers undertaking mentoring roles within schools, including those participating in Master's-level learning about mentoring and coaching.
Professional activities & recognition
Professional & learned societies
- 2022: Representative for School of Education, University of Glasgow, Scottish Council of Deans of Education
- 2022: Representative for School of Education, University of Glasgow, Scottish Universities Inclusion Group
- 2008 - 2010: Annual Conference Chair 2010, Association for Science Education (Scotland)
- 2005 - 2010: Tayside & Fife Committee Member, Association for Science Education (Scotland)
Selected international presentations
- 2023: American Association of College for Teacher Education 75th Annual Meeting (Indianapolis, IN, USA)
- 2021: International Congress to School Effectiveness and Improvement (Virtual Congress)
- Professional learning for practitioners including advice, guidance and exemplification for sciences in Curriculum for Excellence, published by Learning & Teaching Scotland and Education Scotland Boath, L. (2012) Skills for Science: Advice, Guidance and Exemplification for National 5 Physics Boath, L. (2012) Skills for Science: Advice, Guidance and Exemplification for National 4 Physics Boath, L. (2012) Food Security: Advice, Guidance and Exemplification for National 5 Biology with colleagues from the Scottish Science Equipment Research Centre Boath, L., Nielsen, N. (2012) Nuclear Chemistry: Advice, Guidance and Exemplification for National 5 Chemistry Higham, H., Boath, L. (2012) Health and Disease: Advice, Guidance and Exemplification for National 5 Biology Higham, H., Boath, L. (2012) Biology: Advice, Guidance and Exemplification for National 5 Biology Boath, L. (2011) Teaching Dynamics in Revised Higher Physics: resources for learners and teachers. Materials to support teaching within the Revised Higher Physics, with a focus on dynamics. Boath, L. (2011) Teaching Particle Accelerators in Revised Higher Physics: resources for learners and teachers. Materials to support teaching within the Revised Higher Physics, with a focus on particle accelerators, following a SCIPD visit to CERN, Geneva, funded by Learning and Teaching Scotland. Participation by invitation in a project funded by ERSC Boath, L., Jones, N., & Rodrigues, S. (Producer). (2012). Theory and Practice: Teacher Professional: Reflective Practice Parts I and II. Digital or Visual Products, Online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqoGWvxg8IU and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRLOWMRPgz4 Participation by invitation in series of Learning & Teaching Scotland events: Climate Change as an Interdisciplinary Context for Learning in the Broad General Education (2011) Participation by invitation in a STEM-ED project: Connecting it up: towards a Route Map for STEM Education in Scotland (2008) Participation in a joint project of the Association for Science Education in Scotland, Scottish Technology Teachers' Association and Scottish Mathematical Council to identify and promote coherent and progressive pathways to develop key concepts and skills across STEM in education up to age 15. Participation by invitation in a project led by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate for Education: The Connected Nature of Learning in CfE: exemplar lessons plans integrating science and technologies in Curriculum for Excellence (2007) Selected Media / Press Times Educational Supplement (Scotland) (2019) Supported induction: is the fast-track into teaching working? (https://www.tes.com/magazine/article/supported-induction-fast-track-teaching-working) The Courier (2017) Merged teaching course to see students paid wage while learning (https://www.thecourier.co.uk/fp/news/scotland/507589/merged-teaching-course-to-see-students-paid-wage-while-learning/) The Herald (2017) Agenda: providing help and support to aspiring teachers (https://www.heraldscotland.com/opinion/15522714.agenda-providing-help-and-support-for-aspiring-teachers/)
Additional information
External Examining
01/10/2022 - present External Examiner for University of St Andrews, interdisciplinary modules ID4001 Communication and Teaching in Science and ID4002 Communication and Teaching in Arts
01/10/2021 - present External Examiner for University of Strathclyde Understanding Inclusive Education, Providing Effective Educational Support and Inclusive Pedagogy modules with the MEd programme.
Boath, L. (2019) Children’s aspirations and perceptions of science learning beyond the teacher-led. Trinity College, University of Dublin, Ireland.
Participation by invitation
'STEM' education: what's the problem, what's the solution? at the 23rd Science and the Parliament event in Edinburgh, hosted at Dynamic Earth on 22 November 2023.
Dr Boath was invited to join a panel, comprising four presentations and Q&A from an audience of around 200 members including keynote speakers, the President of the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Minister for Higher and Further Education. Panel members Professor Martin Hendry, Headteacher Bruce Robertson, Chair of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Education Committee (and formerly Chief Executive of the SQA) Dr Janet Brown, spoke to the theme of STEM Education. In her contribution, Lauren presented thinking on the direction of travel of education in sciences, technologies, engineering and mathematics, and the impact of policy pursuit of STEM, lacking an evidence base or pedagogical meaning, on learning and teaching in schools which meets the needs of diverse learners. Challenging the view of a ‘pipeline’ for developing the workforce, Lauren questioned the privileging of STEM subjects and whether our attempts to promote may be doing more harm than good, in schools and in building the right skills and dispositions for future citizens, and beginning teachers.
Selected presentations
Murphy, C. & Boath, L. (2016) Decolonising Educational Research. Trinity College Dublin School of Education Research Seminar Series 2016-17, Trinity College, University of Dublin, Ireland.
McAdam, M., & Boath, L. (2012). Curriculum Area Impact Project in Sciences 3-18: Report Launch. Scottish Learning Festival 2012, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Professional learning for practitioners including advice, guidance and exemplification for sciences in Curriculum for Excellence, published by Learning & Teaching Scotland and Education Scotland
Boath, L. (2012) Skills for Science: Advice, Guidance and Exemplification for National 5 Physics
Boath, L. (2012) Skills for Science: Advice, Guidance and Exemplification for National 4 Physics
Boath, L. (2012) Food Security: Advice, Guidance and Exemplification for National 5 Biology with colleagues from the Scottish Science Equipment Research Centre
Boath, L., Nielsen, N. (2012) Nuclear Chemistry: Advice, Guidance and Exemplification for National 5 Chemistry
Higham, H., Boath, L. (2012) Health and Disease: Advice, Guidance and Exemplification for National 5 Biology
Higham, H., Boath, L. (2012) Biology: Advice, Guidance and Exemplification for National 5 Biology
Boath, L. (2011) Teaching Dynamics in Revised Higher Physics: resources for learners and teachers. Materials to support teaching within the Revised Higher Physics, with a focus on dynamics.
Boath, L. (2011) Teaching Particle Accelerators in Revised Higher Physics: resources for learners and teachers. Materials to support teaching within the Revised Higher Physics, with a focus on particle accelerators, following a SCIPD visit to CERN, Geneva, funded by Learning and Teaching Scotland.
Participation by invitation in a project funded by ERSC
Boath, L., Jones, N., & Rodrigues, S. (Producer). (2012). Theory and Practice: Teacher Professional: Reflective Practice Parts I and II. Digital or Visual Products, Online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqoGWvxg8IU and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRLOWMRPgz4
Participation by invitation in series of Learning & Teaching Scotland events: Climate Change as an Interdisciplinary Context for Learning in the Broad General Education (2011)
Participation by invitation in a STEM-ED project: Connecting it up: towards a Route Map for STEM Education in Scotland (2008)
Participation in a joint project of the Association for Science Education in Scotland, Scottish Technology Teachers' Association and Scottish Mathematical Council to identify and promote coherent and progressive pathways to develop key concepts and skills across STEM in education up to age 15.
Participation by invitation in a project led by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate for Education: The Connected Nature of Learning in CfE: exemplar lessons plans integrating science and technologies in Curriculum for Excellence (2007)
Chapters in Books
Yates, C. & Boath, L., (2010) Teaching sound in the Curriculum for Excellence in Interpreting Excellence. Kibble, R (ed.) Association of Science Education, Hatfield, England. ISBN 9780955966514
Peer Review
Scottish Educational Review (2025)
Sustainability (2020) (special issue 'Teaching Sustainable Development Goals in Science Education')
International Journal of Inclusive Education (2020)
International Journal of Student Voice (2017)
Selected Media / Press
Times Educational Supplement (Scotland) (2019) Supported induction: is the fast-track into teaching working? (https://www.tes.com/magazine/article/supported-induction-fast-track-teaching-working)
The Courier (2017) Merged teaching course to see students paid wage while learning (https://www.thecourier.co.uk/fp/news/scotland/507589/merged-teaching-course-to-see-students-paid-wage-while-learning/)
The Herald (2017) Agenda: providing help and support to aspiring teachers (https://www.heraldscotland.com/opinion/15522714.agenda-providing-help-and-support-for-aspiring-teachers/)
Other professional membership
General Teaching Council of Scotland membership 064679 (2005 - present)