Number of items: 67.
Collier, D., Lowden, K. , Hall, S. , Li, S. and Odena, O.
Evaluation of LMNS and South Ayrshire Council Instrumental Music Service Programme: Final Report.
[Research Reports or Papers]
McKinney, S. et al.
The effects of poverty on school education – research from the Poverty and Education
Researching Education Bulletin, 1,
pp. 42-46.
Henthorn, R., Lowden, K. and McArdle, K.
‘It gives meaning and purpose to what you do’: Mentors’ interpretations of practitioner action research in education.
Educational Action Research, 32(2),
pp. 169-185.
(doi: 10.1080/09650792.2022.2106260)
McKinney, S. , Hall, S. and Lowden, K.
Food poverty and Catholic schools in the post Covid-19 era.
Networking: Catholic Education Today, 25(1),
pp. 8-10.
McKinney, S. et al.
Beyond the pandemic – poverty and school education in Scotland.
Scottish Educational Review, 54(2),
pp. 238-264.
(doi: 10.1163/27730840-20231002)
Neary, J. , Chapman, C. , Hall, S. and Lowden, K.
Local authorities and school-to-school collaboration in Scotland.
In: Armstrong, Paul Wilfred and Brown, Chris (eds.)
School-to-School Collaboration: Learning Across International Contexts.
Emerald Publishing, pp. 27-41.
ISBN 9781800436688
(doi: 10.1108/9781800436688)
Ainscow, M. et al.
Finding pathways to educational equity.
In: Chapman, Christopher and Ainscow, Mel (eds.)
Educational Equity: Pathways to Success.
Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 171-183.
ISBN 9780367652043
(doi: 10.4324/9781003128359-10)
Drever, A., McLean, J. and Lowden, K.
Focusing on place: working beyond the school gate.
In: Chapman, Christopher and Ainscow, Mel (eds.)
Educational Equity: Pathways to Success.
Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 115-133.
ISBN 9780367652043
(doi: 10.4324/9781003128359-7)
Hall, S. , Lowden, K. and Neary, J.
Sustaining and scaling up a collaborative educational improvement approach: the Network for Social and Educational Equity.
In: Chapman, Christopher and Ainscow, Mel (eds.)
Educational Equity: Pathways to Success.
Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 94-114.
ISBN 9780367652043
(doi: 10.4324/9781003128359-6)
Lowden, K. , Hall, S. and Neary, J.
Promoting educational equity through collaborative inquiry.
In: Chapman, Christopher and Ainscow, Mel (eds.)
Educational Equity: Pathways to Success.
Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 58-76.
ISBN 9780367652043
(doi: 10.4324/9781003128359-4)
Lowden, K. , Neary, J. and Hall, S.
Lessons from the School Improvement Partnership Programme.
In: Chapman, Christopher and Ainscow, Mel (eds.)
Educational Equity: Pathways to Success.
Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 77-93.
ISBN 9780367652043
(doi: 10.4324/9781003128359-5)
McKinney, S. , Hall, S. and Lowden, K.
The challenges of digital exclusion.
Researching Education Bulletin, 10,
pp. 37-39.
McKinney, S. J. , Hall, S. and Lowden, K.
Learning from lockdown.
Open House, 292,
pp. 9-10.
McKinney, S. J. , Hall, S. and Lowden, K.
Learning from lockdown.
Networking: Catholic Education Today, 22(2),
pp. 20-21.
McKinney, S. J. , McKendrick, J. H., Hall, S. and Lowden, K.
What might the Covid pandemic mean for the SERA Poverty and Education Network?
Scottish Educational Review, 52(2),
pp. 4-8.
McKinney, S. J. , Hall, S. and Lowden, K.
Poverty and education in Scotland.
In: Thompson, Ian and Ivinson, Gabrielle (eds.)
Poverty in Education Across the UK: A Comparative Analysis of Policy and Place.
Policy Press: Bristol, pp. 65-88.
ISBN 9781447327998
Crawford, K., Lowden, K. , Hall, S. , Mitchell, E., McErlean, T., Sherrard, H. and Daley, L.
The SSERC Primary Cluster Programme in Science and Technology – impact on teaching and learning.
Journal of Emergent Science, 18,
pp. 13-18.
Valiente, O. , Lowden, K. and Capsada-Munsech, Q.
Lifelong learning policies for vulnerable young adults in post-recession Scotland.
British Journal of Sociology of Education, 41(2),
pp. 218-233.
(doi: 10.1080/01425692.2019.1685937)
Lowden, K. , Hall, S. , Bravo, A., Orr, C. and Chapman, C.
Knowledge Utilisation Mapping Study: Scottish Education System.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Lowden, K. , Hall, S. , Lusk, D. and Bravo Chacon, A. M.
Raising Aspirations in Science Education (RAiSE) pilot: final evaluation report.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Vanderhoven, E. , Bravo, A., Valiente, O. , Hermannsson, K. , Lowden, K. , Doyle, L. , Schweisfurth, M. and Capsada-Munsech, Q.
YOUNG_ADULLLT Scotland: Key Messages for Scottish Policy Actors.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Bynner, C. , Drever, A., Lowden, K. , McBride, M., Ward, S. , Weakley, S. , Watson, N. , Chapman, C. , McLean, J. and Tannahill, C.
Children’s Neighbourhoods Scotland Evaluation Strategy.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Lowden, K. , Hall, S. , Lusk, D. and Bravo Chacon, A. M.
Raising Aspirations in Science Education (RAiSE): External Evaluation. Summary Findings.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Mcbride, M., Lowden, K. , Chapman, C. and Watson, N.
Educational Needs and Experiences of Refugee Children in Scotland.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Furlong, A. , Goodwin, J., O'Connor, H., Hadfield, S., Hall, S. , Lowden, K. and Plugor, R.
Young People in the Labour Market: Past, Present, Future.
Series: Youth, young adulthood and society.
Routledge: London.
ISBN 9781138798069
Chapman, C. , Chestnutt, H., Friel, N., Hall, S. and Lowden, K.
Taking the lead: teachers leading educational reform through collaborative enquiry in Scotland.
In: Harris, Alma, Jones, Michelle and Huffman, Jane B. (eds.)
Teachers Leading Educational Reform: The Power of Professional Learning Communities.
Series: Teacher quality and school development series.
Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 11-31.
ISBN 9781138641051
McKinney, S. J. , Hall, S. T. and Lowden, K.
Catholic Schools and attainment in Scotland.
Open House, 269,
pp. 14-15.
Lowden, K. , Valiente, O. and Capsada-Munsech, Q.
WP3 Policy Mapping, Review and Analysis.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Chapman, C. , Lowden, K. , Chestnutt, H., Hall, S. , McKinney, S. and Friel, N.
The School Improvement Partnership Programme: Sustaining Collaboration and Enquiry to Tackle Educational Inequity.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Chapman, C. , Chestnutt, H., Friel, N., Hall, S. and Lowden, K.
Professional capital and collaborative inquiry networks for educational equity and improvement?
Journal of Professional Capital and Community, 1(3),
pp. 178-197.
(doi: 10.1108/JPCC-03-2016-0007)
Lowden, K. , Hall, S. and Friel, N.
Evaluation of the SSERC Primary Cluster Programme in Science and Technology: Final Report.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Chapman, C. , Hall, S. , Hayward, L. , Livingston, K. , Lowden, K. , McKinney, S. and Watters, N.
Knowledge into Action in Education: Research and Development Project. Final Report.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Hall, S. , Lowden, K. , Wardle, G. , Watters, N., Hermannsson, K. , Friel, N., Hermannsson, K. , Renfrewshire Council, and Macmillan-Currie, J.
Renfrewshire Families First Evaluation.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Conroy, J.C. , Lundie, D. , Davis, R.A. , Baumfield, V., Barnes, L.P., Gallagher, T., Lowden, K. , Bourque, N. and Wenell, K.
Does Religious Education Work? A Multi-dimensional Investigation [New Paperback Edition with Corrections].
Bloomsbury: London.
ISBN 9781474234658
Chapman, C. , Lowden, K. , Chestnutt, H., Hall, S. , McKinney, S. , Hulme, M. and Friel, N.
The School Improvement Partnership Programme: Using Collaboration and Enquiry to tackle Educational Inequity.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Forde, C. and Lowden, K.
Aspirations to headship?: The views of experienced deputy headteachers in Scotland.
Contemporary Education Leadership, 2(2),
pp. 31-49.
Chapman, C. , Lowden, K. , Chestnutt, H., Hall, S. , McKinney, S. , Hulme, M. and Watters, N.
Research on the Impact of the School Improvement Partnership Programme: Using Collaboration and Enquiry to
Tackle Educational Inequity. Phase 1 Report to Education Scotland.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Lowden, K. , Hall, S. , Watters, N., O'Brien, J. and McLean, M.
Measuring the Impact of the ‘Two Hours/Two Periods of Quality Physical Education’ Programme.
[Research Reports or Papers]
McKinney, S.J. , Hall, S. , Lowden, K. , McClung, M. and Cameron, L.
Poverty and prospects for young people in Glasgow.
Open House(240),
Chapman, C. , Lowden, K. , Chestnutt, H., Hall, S. , McKinney, S. and Hulme, M.
Research on the Impact of the School Improvement Partnership Programme: Interim Report.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Hall, S. , McKinney, S. , Lowden, K. , Smith, M. and Beaumont, P.
Collaboration between Science and Religious Education teachers in Scottish Secondary schools.
Journal of Beliefs and Values, 35(1),
pp. 90-107.
(doi: 10.1080/13617672.2014.884846)
McKinney, S.J. , Hall, S. , Lowden, K. , Smith, M. and Beaumont, P.
Searching for meaning: science and religious education teachers collaborating in interdisciplinary teaching and learning.
Scottish Educational Review, 46(1),
pp. 32-47.
McKinney, S. , Hall, S. , Lowden, K. , McClung, M. and Cameron, L.
Supporting school leavers in areas of deprivation into initial positive leaver destinations.
Improving Schools, 16(1),
pp. 67-83.
(doi: 10.1177/1365480213476366)
Hall, S. , Lowden, K. and McKinney, S.
Searching for Meaning. Science and Religious Education teachers working together.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Hall, S. , McKinney, S. and Lowden, K.
Science and religious education teachers in Scottish secondary schools: aspirations for greater collaboration.
Researching Education Bulletin, 5,
pp. 4-7.
McKinney, S. , Hall, S. , Lowden, K. , McClung, M. and Cameron, L.
The relationship between poverty and deprivation, educational attainment and positive school leaver destinations in Glasgow secondary schools.
Scottish Educational Review, 44(1),
pp. 33-45.
Menter, I., Baumfield, V., Dickson, B. , Carroll, M., Hulme, M., Lowden, K. and Mallon, W.
The Glasgow West Teacher Education Initiative: A Clinical Approach to Teacher Education: Evaluation Report.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Lowden, K. , Hall, S. , Lally, V. and Mancy, R.
SSERC's Support for Science Education in Scotland through CPD: External Evaluation Final Report.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Lowden, K. , Hall, S. , Elliot, D. and Lewin, J.
Employers' perceptions of the employability skills of new graduates.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Menter, I., Elliot, D. , Hulme, M., Lewin, J. and Lowden, K.
A Guide to Practitioner Research in Education.
Sage: London.
ISBN 9781849201858
Menter, I. et al.
Research to Support Schools of Ambition: Final Report.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Menter, I., Hulme, M., Lowden, K. and Hall, S.
Learning from Innovation and Change Management in Glasgow Secondary Schools: Lessons learned from Schools of Ambition and Glasgow Partnership
Programme Schools.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Lowden, K. and Hall, S.
Determined to Succeed: Collation and Analysis of Local Authority Progress Reports (2008-09). Final Report.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Lowden, K. and Hall, S.
Evaluation of the 20:20 Programme: Final Report.
[Research Reports or Papers]
MacBeath, J., Gronn, P., Opher, D., Lowden, K. , Forde, C. , Cowie, M. and O'Brien, J.
The Recruitment and Retention of Headteachers in Scotland.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Hall, S. , Lowden, K. , Lally, V. and Mancy, R.
Support for science education in Scotland through CPD.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Lowden, K. , Devlin, A.M. , Hall, S. , Head, G. and Lewin, J.
Production of Case studies of the delivery of Skills for Learning, Skills for Life and Skills for Work.
Series: Education and Lifelong Learning.
Scottish Government Social Research.
ISBN 9780755975181
Baumfield, V., Livingston, K. , Menter, I., Hulme, M., Devlin, A.M. , Elliot, D. , Hall, S. , Lewin, J. and Lowden, K.
Curriculum for Excellence Draft Experiences and Outcomes: Collection, analysis and reporting of data: Final report.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Hulme, M., Lowden, K. and Elliot, D.
Teachers as researchers: initial experiences within the Scottish 'Schools of Ambition'.
Journal of Teacher Education and Teachers' Work, 1(1),
pp. 18-30.
Lowden, K. , Devlin, A.M. , Hall, S. , Head, G. and Lewin, J.
Production of Case studies of flexible learning and support packages for young people who require More Choices and More Chances.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Menter, I. et al.
Research to support Schools of Ambition: Annual report 2009.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Baumfield, V., Menter, I., Hulme, M., Devlin, A.M. , Davidson, J., Elliot, D. , Hall, J., Hall, S. and Lowden, K.
Curriculum for Excellence Draft Experiences and Outcomes: Collection, analysis and reporting of data. Interim report.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Menter, I. et al.
Research to support schools of ambition: annual report 2008.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Menter, I. et al.
Research to support schools of ambition: annual report 2007.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Elliot, D. , Devlin, A.M. , Livingston, K. , Menter, I., Hall, S. , Lowden, K. , Hulme, M. and Rimpilainen, S.
Research to support schools of ambition: experience of the first year.
In: British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, Institute of Education, University of London, Sept 2007,
Pirrie, A. and Lowden, K.
The magic mirror: an inquiry into the purposes of education.
Journal of Education Policy, 19(4),
pp. 515-528.
(doi: 10.1080/0268093042000227528)
Powney, J. and Lowden, K.
From information to moral issues: dilemmas in drug education.
Scottish Educational Review, 33(1),
This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 13:11:31 2025 GMT.