Dr Kate Reid

  • Senior Lecturer (People, Place & Social Change)
  • Associate (School of Health & Wellbeing)

email: Kate.Reid@glasgow.ac.uk
pronouns: She/her/hers

University of Glasgow, G128QB

Import to contacts

ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-2353-3830


Dr Kate Reid

Senior Lecturer and Chartered Health Psychologist 

I am appointed the School of Education (People, Place and Social Change Research Group) and offer specialist teaching and PGT dissertation coordination in the School of Psychology.  I am also the School of Education regional champion for South East Asia and Australasia. 

I teach qualitative methods, and clinical health psychology across undergraduate and PGT programmes in Psychology and Education.  I also offer staff training to support the academic supervision of qualitative research dissertations.  I am programme leader and dissertation coordinator for the successful ODL (online) Psychological Studies programme (PGT Conversion) which is managed across both the School of Education and School of Psychology.   This programme attracts students globally and our programme of online courses and research methods training are professionally accredited by The British Psychological Society.  

My teaching is informed by my research interests in the areas of health psychology, social justice and tackling inequalities.  At present I am leading the qualitative arm of a multi-site, complex intervention feasibility trial funded by the MRC/NIHR.  This feasibility trial aims to assess whether ASSIST (A Stop Smoking In Schools Trial) that uses educational, peer-led interventions to encourage adolescents to not smoke is acceptable in countries where smoking rates for younger people are persistently high (Indonesia and Phillipinnes).

I am also experienced in working within my community and reinforcing the civic partnerships that the University of Glasgow values.   I have co-researched with social enterprises such as Food Train, Meal makers leading to publication and raising the profile of their valuable work to tackle older adult food insecurity.  

IKEA ESRC Festival of Social Science (2017) - Laser Cut Local Authority Jigsaw Fun (Reid and Lido, IAA Award, 2017).  Picture Credit (@UniversityofGlasgow)



Research interests

Key areas of research interest

Health Psychology, health inequalities, social justice topics, qualitative methods, online learning, complex interventions in health, food insecurity, dignity in food access, open science, big 'qual' data, learning and health, counselling skills, chronic pain, documenting illness, qualitative methodology, Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), NVivo, public engagement, creative qualitative methods, photo-elicitation.

Knowledge Exchange, Public Engagement and Impact. 

I regularly present and engage with a wide variety of non academic audiences through public engagement and knowledge exchange.   I have participated at the ESRC Festival of Social Science in IKEA (2017), Glasgow Science Festival, and MOSS Fest (Middle of Scotland Science Festival) as organising knowledge exchange events such as the recent 'Healthy Ageing in Place' sold out conference (in partnership with our third sector partners) and older persons afternoon tea (Reid and Lido, 2019) - more is planned with the assistance of recent funding from The Glasgow KE Flexible Fund (Lido & Reid, 2019/20).


Data collection with older adults for Eat Well Age Well & Food Train research study (Reid and Lido, 2019 - Commissioned Research) Picture Credit @KateReidGlasgow




List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2012 | 2011 | 2009 | 2005
Number of items: 35.


Davies, R. and Reid, K. (2024) Supporting each other: older adults’ experiences empowering food security and social inclusion in rural and food desert communities. Appetite, 198, 107353. (doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2024.107353)


Lido, C. and Reid, K. (2023) Big data, lifelong learning and learning cities: Promoting city discourse on social inequalities in learning. In: Osborne, M., Tibbitt, J. and Kearns, P. (eds.) Learning and City Futures: Addressing the Policy Challenges. Selected Writings from PASCAL International Observatory. Taipei City Government: Taipei, pp. 40-43. ISBN 9786267381472


Lido, C. , Reid, K. and Osborne, M. (2022) 大數據、終身學習與學習型城市:促進論述關於城市中社會不平等的學習 = Big data, lifelong learning and learning cities: Promoting city discourse on social inequalities in learning. In: Osborne, M., Tibbitt, J. and Kearns, P. (eds.) 學習與城市未來:應對政策挑戰 PASCAL 國際觀察中心文選輯 = Learning and City Futures: Addressing the Policy Challenges. Selected Writings from PASCAL International Observatory. Taipei City Government: Taipei, pp. 38-41. ISBN 9786267144985

Robinson-Miles, T., Reid, K. and Cairns, L. (2022) Eat Well Age Well: tackling the hidden problem of undernutrition amongst older people. In: Bruce, D. and Bruce, A. (eds.) Transforming food systems: ethics, innovation and responsibility. Brill, pp. 392-397. ISBN 9789086869398 (doi: 10.3920/978-90-8686-939-8_61)

Mackenzie, M. D., Scott, H., Reid, K. and Gardani, M. (2022) Adolescent perspectives of bedtime social media use: a qualitative systematic review and thematic synthesis. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 63, 101626. (doi: 10.1016/j.smrv.2022.101626)


Brown, H. and Reid, K. (2021) Navigating infodemics, unlocking social capital and maintaining food security during the COVID-19 first wave in UK: older adults' experiences. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(14), 7220. (doi: 10.3390/ijerph18147220) (PMID:34299671) (PMCID:PMC8306598)


Roebuck, D. C. and Reid, K. (2020) How trainee therapists experience resilience: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 20(3), pp. 545-555. (doi: 10.1002/capr.12286)

Carruthers, M., Cairns, L., Reid, K. and Lido, C. (2020) Covid-19 and Food Train - More Food Security, Kindness and Dedication to Vulnerable Older People at Home. [Research Reports or Papers]

Reid, K. (2020) Bringing food insecurity and the role of the charity sector into sharp focus during time of Covid-19: researcher reflections. [Website]

Lido, C. , Reid, K. and Osborne, M. (2020) Blurring boundaries: exploring the potential for ‘Big Data’ to address inequalities in lifewide learning engagement. In: Slowey, M., Schuetze, H. G. and Zubrzycki, T. (eds.) Inequality, Innovation and Reform in Higher Education: Challenges of Migration and Ageing Populations. Series: Lifelong learning book series (25). Springer: Cham, pp. 265-283. ISBN 9783030282264 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-28227-1_18)


Lido, C. , Reid, K. and Osborne, M. (2019) Lifewide learning in the city: novel big data approaches to exploring learning with large-scale surveys, GPS, and social media. Oxford Review of Education, 45(2), pp. 279-295. (doi: 10.1080/03054985.2018.1554531)

Branney, P., Reid, K. , Frost, N., Coan, S., Mathieson, A. and Woolhouse, M. (2019) A context-consent meta-framework for designing open (qualitative) data studies. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 16(3), pp. 483-502. (doi: 10.1080/14780887.2019.1605477)


Reid, K. , Elliot, D. , Witayarat, N. and Wilson-Smith, K. (2018) Reflecting on the Use of Photo-elicitation Methods in IPA Research. Enhancing the Interpretative Lens and Re-balancing Power Back to the Participant. A Review of Published Studies. In: World Conference on Qualitative Research, Lisbon, Portugal, 17-19 Oct 2018, pp. 108-109. ISBN 9789728914899

Lido, C. , Reid, K. and Osborne, M. (2018) Big Data, Lifelong Learning and Learning Cities: Promoting City-Discourse on Social Inequalities in Learning. [Research Reports or Papers]

Elliot, D. L. , Houston, M. , Makara, K. , Reid, K. and Lido, C. (2018) Enhancing the Experience of International Doctoral Researchers - Key Messages. [Research Reports or Papers]


Reid, K. (2017) Adventures in design and data - how good design took big data to IKEA. [Website]

Elliot, D. L. , Houston, M. , Makara, K. and Reid, K. (2017) ESRC IAA Workshop: Towards Maximising International PhD Students' Experience: Extended Summary. [Research Reports or Papers]

Branney, P., Woolhouse, M. and Reid, K. (2017) The ‘innocent collection of details’ and journal requests to make qualitative datasets public post-consent: Open access data, potential author response and thoughts for future studies. QMiP Bulletin, 23, pp. 19-23.

Elliot, D. L. , Reid, K. and Baumfield, V. (2017) Capturing visual metaphors and tales: innovative or elusive? International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 40(5), pp. 480-496. (doi: 10.1080/1743727X.2016.1181164)

Johnstone, D., Swingler, M. and Reid, K. (2017) The social experience of volunteering for young adult volunteers: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. QMiP Bulletin, 24, pp. 42-50.


Elliot, D. L. , Reid, K. and Baumfield, V. (2016) Beyond the amusement, puzzlement and challenges: an enquiry into international students’ academic acculturation. Studies in Higher Education, 41(12), pp. 2198-2217. (doi: 10.1080/03075079.2015.1029903)

Elliot, D. L. , Baumfield, V., Reid, K. and Makara, K. A. (2016) Hidden treasure: successful international doctoral students who found and harnessed the hidden curriculum. Oxford Review of Education, 42(6), pp. 733-748. (doi: 10.1080/03054985.2016.1229664)

Elliot, D. , Baumfield, V. and Reid, K. (2016) Searching for 'a third space’: a creative pathway towards international PhD students’ academic acculturation. Higher Education Research and Development, 35(6), pp. 1180-1195. (doi: 10.1080/07294360.2016.1144575)

Elliot, D. , Baumfield, V., Reid, K. and Makara Fuller, K. (2016) Critical Insights from Successful International Student Sojourners. In: American Educational Research Association Conference (AERA), Washington DC, USA, 8-12 Apr 2016, (Unpublished)


Baumfield, V., Elliot, D. and Reid, K. (2015) The Academic Journeys of International Postgraduate Students. In: Going Global 2015, London, UK, 1-2 Jun 2015, (Unpublished)

Elliot, D. , Baumfield, V. and Reid, K. (2015) 'The world is your oyster': international students' doctoral journey. In: European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Limassol, Cyprus, 25-29 Aug 2013, (Unpublished)

Elliot, D. , Reid, K. and Baumfield, V. (2015) Reaching new heights and capturing complexity: a case for greater use of visual methods in qualitative research. In: European Conference on Educational Research (ECER 2015), Budapest, Hungary, 8-11 Sep 2015, (Unpublished)

Reid, K. , Elliot, D. and Baumfield, V. (2015) In Pursuit of 'A Third Space': Strengthening the Links Between Research and Practice for International PhD Students. In: CRLL International Conference: Student Engagement: From Research to Practice, Glasgow, Scotland, 9 Sep 2015, (Unpublished)


Elliot, D. , Reid, K. and Baumfield, V. (2014) Academic acculturation in British academia: international PhD students' journey. In: Earli SIG Conference 2014: Assessing Transitions in Learning, Leuven, Belgium, 20-22 Aug 2014, (Unpublished)


Anderson, V. and Reid, K. (2012) Students’ perception of a problem-based learning scenario in dental nurse education. European Journal of Dental Education, 16(4), pp. 218-223. (doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0579.2012.00745.x)


Reid, K. (2011) Workshop Review: Timescapes Secondary Analysis Workshop, March 2011, Edinburgh. Qualitative Methods in Psychology Section Bulletin, 12,

Reid, K. (2011) Workshop Review: Timescapes Secondary Analysis Workshop. In: Timescapes Secondary Analysis Workshop, Edinburgh, March 2011,

Skinner, A., Berger, M., Bainbridge, C., Dixon, M., Dooley, C., Finnigan, J., Reid, K. and Mudie, Z. (2011) Guidelines on the use of Electronic Health Records. [Research Reports or Papers]


Docherty, J. and Reid, K. (2009) 'What's the Next Stage?' Mothers of young adults with Down syndrome explore the path to independence: a qualitative investigation. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 22(5), pp. 458-467. (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-3148.2009.00492.x)


Reid, K. , Flowers, P. and Larkin, M. (2005) Exploring lived experience. Psychologist, 18(1), pp. 20-23.

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 20:10:31 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 35.


Davies, R. and Reid, K. (2024) Supporting each other: older adults’ experiences empowering food security and social inclusion in rural and food desert communities. Appetite, 198, 107353. (doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2024.107353)

Mackenzie, M. D., Scott, H., Reid, K. and Gardani, M. (2022) Adolescent perspectives of bedtime social media use: a qualitative systematic review and thematic synthesis. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 63, 101626. (doi: 10.1016/j.smrv.2022.101626)

Brown, H. and Reid, K. (2021) Navigating infodemics, unlocking social capital and maintaining food security during the COVID-19 first wave in UK: older adults' experiences. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(14), 7220. (doi: 10.3390/ijerph18147220) (PMID:34299671) (PMCID:PMC8306598)

Roebuck, D. C. and Reid, K. (2020) How trainee therapists experience resilience: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 20(3), pp. 545-555. (doi: 10.1002/capr.12286)

Lido, C. , Reid, K. and Osborne, M. (2019) Lifewide learning in the city: novel big data approaches to exploring learning with large-scale surveys, GPS, and social media. Oxford Review of Education, 45(2), pp. 279-295. (doi: 10.1080/03054985.2018.1554531)

Branney, P., Reid, K. , Frost, N., Coan, S., Mathieson, A. and Woolhouse, M. (2019) A context-consent meta-framework for designing open (qualitative) data studies. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 16(3), pp. 483-502. (doi: 10.1080/14780887.2019.1605477)

Branney, P., Woolhouse, M. and Reid, K. (2017) The ‘innocent collection of details’ and journal requests to make qualitative datasets public post-consent: Open access data, potential author response and thoughts for future studies. QMiP Bulletin, 23, pp. 19-23.

Elliot, D. L. , Reid, K. and Baumfield, V. (2017) Capturing visual metaphors and tales: innovative or elusive? International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 40(5), pp. 480-496. (doi: 10.1080/1743727X.2016.1181164)

Johnstone, D., Swingler, M. and Reid, K. (2017) The social experience of volunteering for young adult volunteers: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. QMiP Bulletin, 24, pp. 42-50.

Elliot, D. L. , Reid, K. and Baumfield, V. (2016) Beyond the amusement, puzzlement and challenges: an enquiry into international students’ academic acculturation. Studies in Higher Education, 41(12), pp. 2198-2217. (doi: 10.1080/03075079.2015.1029903)

Elliot, D. L. , Baumfield, V., Reid, K. and Makara, K. A. (2016) Hidden treasure: successful international doctoral students who found and harnessed the hidden curriculum. Oxford Review of Education, 42(6), pp. 733-748. (doi: 10.1080/03054985.2016.1229664)

Elliot, D. , Baumfield, V. and Reid, K. (2016) Searching for 'a third space’: a creative pathway towards international PhD students’ academic acculturation. Higher Education Research and Development, 35(6), pp. 1180-1195. (doi: 10.1080/07294360.2016.1144575)

Anderson, V. and Reid, K. (2012) Students’ perception of a problem-based learning scenario in dental nurse education. European Journal of Dental Education, 16(4), pp. 218-223. (doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0579.2012.00745.x)

Reid, K. (2011) Workshop Review: Timescapes Secondary Analysis Workshop, March 2011, Edinburgh. Qualitative Methods in Psychology Section Bulletin, 12,

Docherty, J. and Reid, K. (2009) 'What's the Next Stage?' Mothers of young adults with Down syndrome explore the path to independence: a qualitative investigation. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 22(5), pp. 458-467. (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-3148.2009.00492.x)

Reid, K. , Flowers, P. and Larkin, M. (2005) Exploring lived experience. Psychologist, 18(1), pp. 20-23.

Book Sections

Lido, C. and Reid, K. (2023) Big data, lifelong learning and learning cities: Promoting city discourse on social inequalities in learning. In: Osborne, M., Tibbitt, J. and Kearns, P. (eds.) Learning and City Futures: Addressing the Policy Challenges. Selected Writings from PASCAL International Observatory. Taipei City Government: Taipei, pp. 40-43. ISBN 9786267381472

Lido, C. , Reid, K. and Osborne, M. (2022) 大數據、終身學習與學習型城市:促進論述關於城市中社會不平等的學習 = Big data, lifelong learning and learning cities: Promoting city discourse on social inequalities in learning. In: Osborne, M., Tibbitt, J. and Kearns, P. (eds.) 學習與城市未來:應對政策挑戰 PASCAL 國際觀察中心文選輯 = Learning and City Futures: Addressing the Policy Challenges. Selected Writings from PASCAL International Observatory. Taipei City Government: Taipei, pp. 38-41. ISBN 9786267144985

Robinson-Miles, T., Reid, K. and Cairns, L. (2022) Eat Well Age Well: tackling the hidden problem of undernutrition amongst older people. In: Bruce, D. and Bruce, A. (eds.) Transforming food systems: ethics, innovation and responsibility. Brill, pp. 392-397. ISBN 9789086869398 (doi: 10.3920/978-90-8686-939-8_61)

Lido, C. , Reid, K. and Osborne, M. (2020) Blurring boundaries: exploring the potential for ‘Big Data’ to address inequalities in lifewide learning engagement. In: Slowey, M., Schuetze, H. G. and Zubrzycki, T. (eds.) Inequality, Innovation and Reform in Higher Education: Challenges of Migration and Ageing Populations. Series: Lifelong learning book series (25). Springer: Cham, pp. 265-283. ISBN 9783030282264 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-28227-1_18)

Research Reports or Papers

Carruthers, M., Cairns, L., Reid, K. and Lido, C. (2020) Covid-19 and Food Train - More Food Security, Kindness and Dedication to Vulnerable Older People at Home. [Research Reports or Papers]

Lido, C. , Reid, K. and Osborne, M. (2018) Big Data, Lifelong Learning and Learning Cities: Promoting City-Discourse on Social Inequalities in Learning. [Research Reports or Papers]

Elliot, D. L. , Houston, M. , Makara, K. , Reid, K. and Lido, C. (2018) Enhancing the Experience of International Doctoral Researchers - Key Messages. [Research Reports or Papers]

Elliot, D. L. , Houston, M. , Makara, K. and Reid, K. (2017) ESRC IAA Workshop: Towards Maximising International PhD Students' Experience: Extended Summary. [Research Reports or Papers]

Skinner, A., Berger, M., Bainbridge, C., Dixon, M., Dooley, C., Finnigan, J., Reid, K. and Mudie, Z. (2011) Guidelines on the use of Electronic Health Records. [Research Reports or Papers]

Conference Proceedings

Reid, K. , Elliot, D. , Witayarat, N. and Wilson-Smith, K. (2018) Reflecting on the Use of Photo-elicitation Methods in IPA Research. Enhancing the Interpretative Lens and Re-balancing Power Back to the Participant. A Review of Published Studies. In: World Conference on Qualitative Research, Lisbon, Portugal, 17-19 Oct 2018, pp. 108-109. ISBN 9789728914899

Elliot, D. , Baumfield, V., Reid, K. and Makara Fuller, K. (2016) Critical Insights from Successful International Student Sojourners. In: American Educational Research Association Conference (AERA), Washington DC, USA, 8-12 Apr 2016, (Unpublished)

Baumfield, V., Elliot, D. and Reid, K. (2015) The Academic Journeys of International Postgraduate Students. In: Going Global 2015, London, UK, 1-2 Jun 2015, (Unpublished)

Elliot, D. , Baumfield, V. and Reid, K. (2015) 'The world is your oyster': international students' doctoral journey. In: European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Limassol, Cyprus, 25-29 Aug 2013, (Unpublished)

Elliot, D. , Reid, K. and Baumfield, V. (2015) Reaching new heights and capturing complexity: a case for greater use of visual methods in qualitative research. In: European Conference on Educational Research (ECER 2015), Budapest, Hungary, 8-11 Sep 2015, (Unpublished)

Reid, K. , Elliot, D. and Baumfield, V. (2015) In Pursuit of 'A Third Space': Strengthening the Links Between Research and Practice for International PhD Students. In: CRLL International Conference: Student Engagement: From Research to Practice, Glasgow, Scotland, 9 Sep 2015, (Unpublished)

Elliot, D. , Reid, K. and Baumfield, V. (2014) Academic acculturation in British academia: international PhD students' journey. In: Earli SIG Conference 2014: Assessing Transitions in Learning, Leuven, Belgium, 20-22 Aug 2014, (Unpublished)

Reid, K. (2011) Workshop Review: Timescapes Secondary Analysis Workshop. In: Timescapes Secondary Analysis Workshop, Edinburgh, March 2011,


Reid, K. (2020) Bringing food insecurity and the role of the charity sector into sharp focus during time of Covid-19: researcher reflections. [Website]

Reid, K. (2017) Adventures in design and data - how good design took big data to IKEA. [Website]

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 20:10:31 2025 GMT.



Current and Recent Grants

ASSIST GLOBAL (2020-2024): Feasibility study of a peer-led, school-based, adolescent smoking prevention intervention (ASSIST) in culturally different middle income countries MRC/NIHR: Council Reference: MR/T040416/1 

ASSIST GLOBAL: Groundwork and preparation for a research study to adapt, develop and test the implementation effectiveness of ‘A Stop Smoking In Schools Trial’ (ASSIST) in low and middle income settings”.  This project is funded by the Scottish Funding Council (SFC) Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF), grant reference SFC/AN/10/2018. Click Here for Kate's Infographic

Assessing older adults’ nutritional and wellbeing outcomes associated with ageing in place with supported food accessibility: A mixed-methods, Biopsychosocial analysis (February, 2019-2020).  In partnership with Eat Well Age Well and Food Train and funded through Community Lottery Fund.  PI (KR) and Co-I Catherine Lido. DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/D8EAU  Click Here for Kate's Infographic 

Eat Well Age Well Partnership Project Impact & Community Outreach. Funded through the Glasgow KE Flexible Fund 2019/20, Lido, C (P-I), Reid, K (Co-I).  See Visual Minutes from our Recent Healthy Ageing Conference! 

British Psychological Society -  Research seminar competition for expert hearings on qualitative methods and open science, 2019/20, Branney, P, Gwyther, H, Reid, K. 

Representing literacies in times of precarity using Glasgow ‘Big Data’ (UBDC partnership): Turning research data into interactive and engaging social objects for the public (with MakLab). ESRC Impact Acceleration Account, December 2016. PI (KR) and Co-I Catherine Lido. Click Here for Kate's Infographic 1, and   See the University of Glasgow ESRC Festival of Social Science VIDEO which features our participation at the 2017 IKEA in store event & my Blog post on Urban Big Data Centre Webpage)

Towards maximising international PhD students' experience in the UK.  ESRC Impact Accelation Account, December 2016: Co-I with Dely Elliot (PI), Muir Houston and Kara McKara:  Summary Article written for UK Council for Graduate Education 

A phenomenological exploration of the role, function and meaning of young adults volunteering. Carnegie Undergraduate Vacation Scholarship award for 2016.  Maxine Swingler, Kate Reid and David Johnston.

Intercultural Understanding of Postgraduate Studies. University of Glasgow International Partnership Development Funding (IPDF), 2014. With Professor Vivienne Baumfield and Dr Dely Elliot

Academic acculturation through international education: The British Higher Education (HE) experience. University of Glasgow, Adam Smith Seedcorn Fund.  Funded November 2013 for 6 months.  Co-authored with Dr Dely Elliot

Qualitative data sets; ethical, practical and pedagogical issues for psychologists.  The British Psychological Society (BPS): Psychology Education Board.  Funded January 2014 for 6 months.  Co-authored with colleagues from Qualitative Methods in Psychology Section (BPS Committee) of the BPS. Click Here for Kate's Infographic 


I am interested in supervising on themes that combine perspectives on psychology as it relates to issues of learning, health, behaviour change, qualitative methods. I am also keen to work with students who are interested in applying qualitative or mixed methodology in their studies. 

I am happy to receive enquiries from prospective students who feel my research interests are a good match for their planned topic and methodological alignment.

I recognise that students benefit from feeling part of a vibrant community of learners and have organised community events for our PGR students - such as 'walkabout' tours (see poster below!)

Current PhD Student

Ms Chiara Hill-Harding  School of Psychology.  Studying climate change anxiety. Scholarship awarded from SGSSS. 


Completed PGR Students  

Wenhao Wang - International students' sports participation, acculturation and wellbeing w- Co-Supervision with Dely Elliot (School of Education)

Linda Murdoch 'Institutional Responses to the 'Vulnerable Student' in Higher Education through the Lens of the Careers Service' - Co-supervision with Susan Deeley 

Gillian Shirrefs - Co-supervisor with Elizabeth Reeder (Critical Studies/English Literature)

Andrew Burns, - Co-supervision with Keith Kintrea and Lucy Pickering (Urban Studies and Sociology)  - 

Natastorn Witayarat  Co-supervision with Dr Dely Elliot

Jaime Earnest 2015, Lord Kelvin/Adam Smith PhD Scholarship at University of Glasgow: Title: Incorporating public responses to health communication into epidemiological models

Jonathan Cavana, 2015 MPhil Title: Conceptualisation, design and development of a primary school based child healthy weight intervention.

PGT Supervision

I currently supervise a range of students including L4 Maxi, MSc 

Organising PGR 'walkabout tours' to connect international students to the people and places of Glasgow and beyond - Funding through New Initiatives Grant (2017)

  • Hill-Harding, Chiara
    Exploring climate change-related emotional experiences in Scottish students and the British public ?



Current teaching (course lead and programme lead) responsiblities for:

MSc Psychological StudiesMSc Psychology Science programme and ODL (Online MSc Psychology Programme).  Courses in Applied Qualitative Methods, Qualitative Research Enquiry, Clinical Health Psychology, Research Methods,  Dissertation support workshops (writing introductions, applying for ethical approval)

BSc Psychology Honours - L4 Option in Applied Qualitative Methods, L4 Dissertations 

Additional information

Academic and professional body membership

Chartered Health Psychologist and Associate Fellow of The British Psychological Society (promoted status in 2014) 

Elected Ordinary Member of Division of Health Psychology: Scottish Branch (2017-19)

Fellow of Higher Education Academy (FHEA)

Associate Member of Association for Learning Technology.

Member of Stakeholder group for EatWellAgeWell 

Journal Reviewer for Health Psychology Update (BPS Publication), Men and Masculinities (SAGE Journals), Appetite (Elsevier) and Journal of Adult and Continuing Education (SAGE Journals), PLOS-ONE

Member of PASCAL International Observatory