Dr Jennifer Farrar
- Senior Lecturer (Pedagogy, Praxis & Faith)
0141 330 3434
room 691, St Andrews Building, 11 Eldon Street
I am a specialist in children’s literature and literacies with a background in secondary English teaching. My ESRC funded doctoral research from the University of Glasgow (2017) was an exploration of intergenerational readers’ responses to the disruptive effects of metafiction in picturebooks, with a particular focus on their critically literate potential. I also have an MEd in Children's Literature and Literacies from the University of Glasgow and an undergraduate degree (MA Hons) in English Literature.
Before coming to initial teacher education, I worked as a secondary English teacher, with experience of state schools in both London and Edinburgh. Prior to that, I worked as an education journalist in London.
I am currently researching student teachers’ knowledge and use of children’s literature, and am also working on ways to raise Scottish teacher and policy makers’ awareness and understandings of critical literacy and its potential in the classroom and beyond.
Research interests
My research interests include: critical literacy, children's literature, non-fiction, metafiction, family literacies and home-school relationships, pedagogies for literacy teaching, picturebooks and initial teacher education.
I welcome enquiries from students and colleagues with research interests in these fields.
2019-: Developing Politically Literate Young Citizens in Scottish Education: Barriers and Opportunities, funded by the Gordon Cook Foundation (£40,000).
Under supervision:
Natalie Naihuei Hsie: Young Adult Literature and Intercultural Encountering
Dorothy Munro: An analysis of the impact of cross-curricular incorporation of metaphor awareness as a tool for enhanced literacy in the English classroom and other secondary school subjects.
Fuling Deng: Teaching and Learning with Picturebooks: Developing multimodal litreacy with a commuity of primary school teachers in China.
I have also supervised a wide range of MEd and MSc dissertations in Educational Studies and Children's Literature, both MEd and Erasmus Mundus CLMC.
- Deng, Fuling
Teaching and Learning with Picturebooks: developing multimodal literacy with a community of primary school teachers in China. - Hsieh, Natalie Naihuei
Encountering Windows and Mirrors in the Diaspora: Using Young Adult literature to explore the stories and counterstories of East Asian young persons - Van Dinter, Emma
Summative Multimodal Assessments: Developing Practitioners' Understanding and Access to Multimodal Assessments for Utilisation in the BGE English Classroom
Julian Lui: An Exploration of Pedagogy Implication for Oracy Demands in Higher Education and ESL (English as a Second Language) Students. (Completed 2021)
Dobrochna Futro: Translanguaging art: Multilingual practices of contemporary artists and their implications for language pedagogy. (Completed 2023)
Herdiana Hakim: The Power and Potential of Multicultural Literature in A Diverse Archipelago: Multiculturalism in Indonesian Children’s Books, Children’s Responses, and Teachers’ Perspectives
I am currently the School of Education's Director for Initial Teacher Education and Undergraduate. For four years, I led the the PGDE Primary and Secondary programme. I was also the Programme Leader for the MSc Education (online) for three years. I teach across a wide range of undergraduate and post-graduate courses in the School of Education, including:
- Language and Literacy: MEduc Year 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and PDGE Primary and Secondary
- Children's Literature elective (MEduc Year 3)
- Culture, Arts and the Humanities elective (MEduc Year4)
- Texts for Children and Young People (CLL and Erasmus IMCLMC)
I have been a School Experience Placement tutor for MEduc Year 3 and 4 and PGDE students. I am fully GTCS registered. I supervise a wide range of M-level and doctoral students.
Professional activities & recognition
Prizes, awards & distinctions
- 2013: Winner, William Boyd Prize for Education (University of Glasgow)
- 2018: Winner, Estelle Brisard Prize for Early Career Researcher (Scottish Educational Research Association)
- 2019: Highly commended (BERA Doctoral Thesis Prize)
- 2021: Winner, Outstanding Contribution to Teaching (University of Glasgow Student Teaching Awards)
- 2021: Winner, College of Social Sciences Team award, Children's Literature and Literacies (University of Glasgow Teaching Excellence Awards)
Editorial boards
- 2021: Literacy, UKLA
- 2021: Literacy Research: Theory, Method, and Practice
- 2023: The Reading Teacher
Professional & learned societies
- 2007: , General Teaching Council for Scotland
- 2019: SIG co-convener, Member of UKLA National Committee, United Kingdom Literacy Association
Selected international presentations
- 2021: "Researching Reading for Pleasure Practices in Initial Teacher Education: An International Comparative Study" (University of Geneva (online))
- 2020: “I prefer to read books at my level”: An enquiry into student teachers’ perspectives of Children’s Literature Fostering Dialogue: Teaching Children’s Literature at University, University of Padua, Italy. (University of Padua (online))
- 2020: Reading between the lines: What's critical about literacy in the CfE? University of Strathclyde Seminar Series, Glasgow (University of Strathclyde)
- 2019: ‘Student teachers’ knowledge of Children’s Literature: some preliminary findings’, UKLA Primary English in Initial Teacher Education Special Interest Group (Open University, London)
- 2019: ‘Repositioning Readers Through Metafiction: Disrupting notions of ‘what counts’ as reading in the early years’, AHRC-funded Children’s Literature Colloquium (University of Newcastle)
- 2018: ‘Playing about with picturebooks – and power: Towards a decolonization of reading relationships between adults and young children, A Child’s World Conference, (University of Aberystwyth)
- 2018: Conversations about critical literacy: what it is, what it looks like, what it could be’, UKLA In-ternational Conference (UKLA, Cardiff)
- 2018: Tools for multicultural reading: the potential of children’s literature in culturally diverse class-rooms, British Council funded Workshop on Multicultural Education (Mahidol University, Thailand)
- 2016: Challenging picturebooks; challenging assumptions’, SERA Conference (SERA, University of Dundee)
- 2016: ‘Parents mediating picturebooks: An exploration of “what counts” when reading words and pictures’, Mediating Children’s Reading’, The RSE Susan Manning workshop, The Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities. (University of Edinburgh)
- 2015: ‘But is it critical literacy?’ Exploring ‘what counts’ in pupils’ and parents’ responses to metafiction in picturebooks'. (The University of Koblenz Landau and The University of Heidelberg, Germany)
- 2015: ‘Disrupting ‘what counts’ as reading: the power and potential of picturebooks’, The Child and the Book Conference. (The University of Aviero, Portugal)
- 2014: ‘Narratives of Change: Creating a Community of Inquiry Using Drama’, Diverse Teachers for Diverse Learners Conference. (University of Strathclyde)
Additional information
Podcasts & webinars
- https://soundcloud.com/user-161625818/dr-jennifer-farrar-silenced-by-the-gaps
- ‘Critical Literacy in the Classroom, General Teaching Council for Scotland (2018 webinar): https://www.gtcs.org.uk/News/news/gtcs-webinar-recording-critical-literacy.aspx
- UKLA Conversations Series (2020) with Navan Govender: Finding Critical Literacies
External Examining
External Examiner, PDGE Secondary, University of Edinburgh, 2020 - present.
External Examiner, MA Outdoor Education, University of Worcester, 2020 - present.