Professor Hans Schuetze

  • Honorary Professor (School of Education)


Hans G. Schuetze holds a PhD in international and comparative public law from the University of Göttingen, Germany, and a LL.M. from the University of California at Berkeley. He worked in Germany as a lawyer, legal policy expert at two levels of government and part-time lecturer.

Between 1977 and 1986 he was a researcher and policy analyst at the Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Paris. The main foci of his work were  on policies of Higher Education, vocational and professional education and training, as well the concept, organization and financing of Lifelong Learning

From 1991 to 2006 he was Professor of Higher Education, and Research Associate, Centre for Policy Studies in Higher Education and Training, at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada (now professor emeritus). From 2006 to 2017 he worked as a lawyer in private practice in Hannover, Germany, specializing on legal issues in education, and as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Oldenburg, Germany.

He was a Visiting Professor at public universities in Austria, France, Germany, Japan and China. He is a member of the Editorial Boards of the Journal for Adult and Continuing Education (SAGE), and of Frontiers of Education in China (Springer), and a Honorary Professor at the University of Glasgow, Scotland.

Research interests

For many years, Hans has specifically studied and explored different themes of reforms in Higher Education. Starting in 2003, he has organized, in close collaboration with colleagues in other countries, an annual series of International Workshops on Higher Education Reform. Sixteen of such workshops have taken place in eight different countries, five in Europe, four in Asia and seven in North America. A seventeenth was scheduled to take place at Glasgow University in 2020 - which had to be postponed because of the COVID epidemic.


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2022 | 2020 | 2019 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012
Number of items: 15.


Schuetze, H. G. (2022) Bildungsrecht: Einführung und Überblick = Education Law: Overview and Introduction. Series: Studienreihe Bildungs- und Wissenschaftsmanagement (23). Waxmann: Münster. ISBN 9783830945185


Slowey, M., Schuetze, H. G. and Zubrzycki, T. (Eds.) (2020) Inequality, Innovation and Reform in Higher Education: Challenges of Migration and Ageing Populations. Series: Lifelong learning book series. Springer: Cham, Switzerland. ISBN 9783030282264

Slowey, M., Schuetze, H. G. and Zubrzycki, T. (2020) Implications of migrating and ageing populations for inclusion and equality in higher education and lifelong learning. In: Slowey, Maria, Schuetze, Hans G. and Zubrzycki, Tanya (eds.) Inequality, Innovation and Reform in Higher Education: Challenges of Migration and Ageing Populations. Series: Lifelong learning book series (25). Springer: Cham, Switzerland, pp. 3-21. ISBN 9783030282264 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-28227-1_1)


Zgaga, P., Teichler, U., Schuetze, H. G. and Wolter, A. (Eds.) (2019) Higher Education Reform: Looking Back - Looking Forward. Series: Higher education research and policy. Peter Lang: Berlin. ISBN 9783631772577

Schuetze, H. G. (2019) Private higher education in Canada and the United States: development, reform, and likely futures. In: Zgaga, P., Teichler, U., Schuetze, H.G. and Wolter, A. (eds.) Higher Education Reform: Looking Back - Looking Forward. Series: Higher education research and policy (8). Peter Lang: Berlin, pp. 273-291. ISBN 9783631772577

Archer, W. and Schuetze, H. G. (Eds.) (2019) Preparing Students for Life and Work: Policies and Reforms Affecting Higher Education's Principal Mission. Brill Sense: Leiden ; Boston. ISBN 9789004393066

Schuetze, H. G. (2019) Student policies and protests: the student movements of the 1960s and the 2012 Canadian "Maple Spring". In: Archer, Walter and Schuetze, Hans G. (eds.) Preparing Students for Life and Work: Policies and Reforms Affecting Higher Education's Principal Mission. Brill Sense: Leiden ; Boston, pp. 239-254. ISBN 9789004393066 (doi: 10.1163/9789004393073_013)

Schuetze, H. G. and Archer, W. (2019) Access to and participation in higher education in Canada. In: Archer, Walter and Schuetze, Hans G. (eds.) Preparing Students for Life and Work: Policies and Reforms Affecting Higher Education's Principal Mission. Brill Sense: Leiden ; Boston, pp. 19-41. ISBN 9789004393066 (doi: 10.1163/9789004393073_002)


Schuetze, H. G. (2015) Schule, Recht und Gerechtigkeit = School, the law, and equity. In: Manitius, Veronika, Hermstein, Björn, Berkemeyer, Nils and Bos, Wilfried (eds.) Zur Gerechtigkeit von Schule: Theorien, Konzepte, Analysen. Waxmann: Münster ; New York, pp. 51-71. ISBN 9783830932901


Schuetze, H. G. (2014) From adults to non-traditional students to lifelong learners in higher education: changing contexts and perspectives. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 20(2), pp. 37-55. (doi: 10.7227/JACE.20.2.4)


Schuetze, H. G. (2013) Canada. In: Russo, Charles J. (ed.) Handbook of Comparative Higher Education Law. Rowman & Littlefield Education, Inc.: Lanham, Maryland, pp. 63-85. ISBN 9781475804034


Slowey, M. and Schuetze, H. (Eds.) (2012) Global Perspectives on Higher Education and Lifelong Learners. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon. ; New York, NY. ISBN 9780415675079

Schuetze, H. G. and Álvarez Mendiola, G. (Eds.) (2012) State and Market in Higher Education Reforms: Trends, Policies and Experiences in Comparative Perspective. Series: Comparative and international education. Sense Publishers: Rotterdam. ISBN 9789460917998

Schuetze, H. G., Bruneau, W. and Grosjean, G. (Eds.) (2012) University Governance and Reform: Policy, Fads, and Experience in International Perspective. Series: International and development education. Palgrave Macmillan: New York ; Basingstoke. ISBN 9780230340121

Schuetze, H. G. (2012) Universities and their communities—engagement and service as primary mission. In: McIlrath, Lorraine, Lyons, Ann and Munck, Ronaldo (eds.) Higher Education and Civic Engagement: Comparative Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan: New York ; Basingstoke, pp. 61-77. ISBN 9780230340374 (doi: 10.1057/9781137074829_5)

This list was generated on Thu Mar 27 23:38:40 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 15.


Schuetze, H. G. (2014) From adults to non-traditional students to lifelong learners in higher education: changing contexts and perspectives. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 20(2), pp. 37-55. (doi: 10.7227/JACE.20.2.4)


Schuetze, H. G. (2022) Bildungsrecht: Einführung und Überblick = Education Law: Overview and Introduction. Series: Studienreihe Bildungs- und Wissenschaftsmanagement (23). Waxmann: Münster. ISBN 9783830945185

Book Sections

Slowey, M., Schuetze, H. G. and Zubrzycki, T. (2020) Implications of migrating and ageing populations for inclusion and equality in higher education and lifelong learning. In: Slowey, Maria, Schuetze, Hans G. and Zubrzycki, Tanya (eds.) Inequality, Innovation and Reform in Higher Education: Challenges of Migration and Ageing Populations. Series: Lifelong learning book series (25). Springer: Cham, Switzerland, pp. 3-21. ISBN 9783030282264 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-28227-1_1)

Schuetze, H. G. (2019) Private higher education in Canada and the United States: development, reform, and likely futures. In: Zgaga, P., Teichler, U., Schuetze, H.G. and Wolter, A. (eds.) Higher Education Reform: Looking Back - Looking Forward. Series: Higher education research and policy (8). Peter Lang: Berlin, pp. 273-291. ISBN 9783631772577

Schuetze, H. G. (2019) Student policies and protests: the student movements of the 1960s and the 2012 Canadian "Maple Spring". In: Archer, Walter and Schuetze, Hans G. (eds.) Preparing Students for Life and Work: Policies and Reforms Affecting Higher Education's Principal Mission. Brill Sense: Leiden ; Boston, pp. 239-254. ISBN 9789004393066 (doi: 10.1163/9789004393073_013)

Schuetze, H. G. and Archer, W. (2019) Access to and participation in higher education in Canada. In: Archer, Walter and Schuetze, Hans G. (eds.) Preparing Students for Life and Work: Policies and Reforms Affecting Higher Education's Principal Mission. Brill Sense: Leiden ; Boston, pp. 19-41. ISBN 9789004393066 (doi: 10.1163/9789004393073_002)

Schuetze, H. G. (2015) Schule, Recht und Gerechtigkeit = School, the law, and equity. In: Manitius, Veronika, Hermstein, Björn, Berkemeyer, Nils and Bos, Wilfried (eds.) Zur Gerechtigkeit von Schule: Theorien, Konzepte, Analysen. Waxmann: Münster ; New York, pp. 51-71. ISBN 9783830932901

Schuetze, H. G. (2013) Canada. In: Russo, Charles J. (ed.) Handbook of Comparative Higher Education Law. Rowman & Littlefield Education, Inc.: Lanham, Maryland, pp. 63-85. ISBN 9781475804034

Schuetze, H. G. (2012) Universities and their communities—engagement and service as primary mission. In: McIlrath, Lorraine, Lyons, Ann and Munck, Ronaldo (eds.) Higher Education and Civic Engagement: Comparative Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan: New York ; Basingstoke, pp. 61-77. ISBN 9780230340374 (doi: 10.1057/9781137074829_5)

Edited Books

Slowey, M., Schuetze, H. G. and Zubrzycki, T. (Eds.) (2020) Inequality, Innovation and Reform in Higher Education: Challenges of Migration and Ageing Populations. Series: Lifelong learning book series. Springer: Cham, Switzerland. ISBN 9783030282264

Zgaga, P., Teichler, U., Schuetze, H. G. and Wolter, A. (Eds.) (2019) Higher Education Reform: Looking Back - Looking Forward. Series: Higher education research and policy. Peter Lang: Berlin. ISBN 9783631772577

Archer, W. and Schuetze, H. G. (Eds.) (2019) Preparing Students for Life and Work: Policies and Reforms Affecting Higher Education's Principal Mission. Brill Sense: Leiden ; Boston. ISBN 9789004393066

Slowey, M. and Schuetze, H. (Eds.) (2012) Global Perspectives on Higher Education and Lifelong Learners. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon. ; New York, NY. ISBN 9780415675079

Schuetze, H. G. and Álvarez Mendiola, G. (Eds.) (2012) State and Market in Higher Education Reforms: Trends, Policies and Experiences in Comparative Perspective. Series: Comparative and international education. Sense Publishers: Rotterdam. ISBN 9789460917998

Schuetze, H. G., Bruneau, W. and Grosjean, G. (Eds.) (2012) University Governance and Reform: Policy, Fads, and Experience in International Perspective. Series: International and development education. Palgrave Macmillan: New York ; Basingstoke. ISBN 9780230340121

This list was generated on Thu Mar 27 23:38:40 2025 GMT.

Additional information

Visiting professorships (university/organization and dates) [from 2000 only]

Jan – April 2000 

Institute of Higher Education Research, University of Hiroshima (Japan). Doctoral seminar.

May – June 2001

University of Hannover (Germany), Faculty of Commerce, Graduate Seminar: Introduction into the Economics of Education

April – June 2002

University of Graz (Austria), Faculty of Education, Doctoral Seminar: Concepts and Policies of Lifelong Learning

May – June  2003

University of Graz (Austria), Faculty of Education, Graduate course: Lifelong Learning: Organization and Finance

April – June 2004

University of Klagenfurt (at Vienna, Austria),: Graduate course: Higher Education and Lifelong Learning

Oct - Nov 2006 and

March/April 2012

Centro de Investigacion y Estudios  Avanzados, Mexico City (Mexico) (Doctoral seminars) 

Dec 2005 -

March 2006

University of Rouen (France). Graduate course: La formation professionelle initiale et continue – Une comparison internationale  

Nov 2006 - Aug 2014

University of Oldenburg (Germany). Graduate course: Legal Issues in Education 

April - July 2009

University of Duisburg-Essen. Visiting DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) professorship. Three graduate courses: International Adult Education; International Organizations and the internationalization of education; Models and meanings of Lifelong Learning. 

Sept 2017 -

Dec 2018

Visiting professor, Renmin University, Beijing. Courses taught: Comparative Higher Education; Legal issues in Education. 


Faculty and administrative positions at UBC

  • Professor, Higher Education Research and Policy, Dept of Educational Studies (1991-2006)
  • Research Fellow (from 1991) and Director (2002-2006), Centre for Policy Studies in Higher Education and Training
  • Member, Centre for European Studies, and of Institute for Asian Studies, 2000 - present



  • Editorial Committee, Metropolitan Universities (USA), 1991 – 1996
  • Editorial Board, Journal of Adult and Continuing Education (UK), 2000 to present
  • Editorial Board, Frontiers of Education in China, 2011 – present



  • Deutscher Juristentag (German Lawyers’ Association), 1972 to present
  • Statistic Canada Advisory Board on Science and Technology Statistics, 1998 to 2012
  • Higher Education Research Consortium (CHER), 1992 to 2008
  • Pascal International Observatory, 2006 to present
  • Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education (CSSHE), 1992 to present
  • Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), 1992 to present



  • Honorary Senior Research Fellow, later Honorary Professor, Department of Adult and Continuing Education and School of Education, University of Glasgow, 1998-present;
  • Distinguished Member Award, Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education (2009);
  • Lifetime Contribution Award, Comparative and International Education Society (Higher Education Group), 2011