Professor Ellen Boeren

  • Professor of Education (Education)


I joined the University of Glasgow on the 1st of July 2019. Before that, I worked at the University of Edinburgh for 7 years and 2 months. I hold a PhD in Educational Sciences from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium.


For the period April 2023 - March 2025, I am leading a £605k FEC ESRC Standard Grant project on the state-of-art and use of adult learning and education statistics across the countries of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.


I am currently the CoSS rankings / league tables champion. For this role, I analyse data from leading international and domestic league tables to feed into subject strategies.


I specialise in adult education and lifelong learning and have considerable experience in working with large international organisations. I undertook a prestigious Thomas J. Alexander fellowship with the OECD, co-edited the Fourth Global Report on Adult Learning and Education with UNESCO Institute of Lifelong Learning and worked as a consultant for the European Commission. I also led the Scottish team within the EUR 2.5 million Horizon 2020 project ENLIVEN 'Encouraging Lifelong Learning for an Inclusive and Vibrant Europe'.

My publications include my monograph 'Lifelong Learning Participation in a Changing Policy Context: an Interdisciplinary Theory' for which I won the 2017 Cyril O. Houle Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Adult Education Literature. I served as Chair of the Standing Conference for University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults from 2014 - 2017 and was one of the editors of the high profile journal 'Adult Education Quarterly' between 2019 - 2022.


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008
Number of items: 67.


Boeren, E. , McMahon, M. and Coll, R. (2024) Religion, research and the REF-UoA23 education: a thematic investigation. British Journal of Religious Education, (doi: 10.1080/01416200.2024.2446359) (Early Online Publication)

Boeren, E. (2024) Student diversity, university rankings and the positioning of Russell Group universities. Oxford Review of Education, (doi: 10.1080/03054985.2024.2427040) (Early Online Publication)

Kalenda, J., Boeren, E. and Kočvarová, I. (2024) Exploring attitudes towards adult learning and education: group patterns among participants and non-participants. Studies in Continuing Education, 46(3), pp. 333-350. (doi: 10.1080/0158037x.2023.2199201)

Hand, C. J. , Thomas, M. A.M. , Chipindi, J. S., Boeren, E. , Kim, J. and Lynch, P. (2024) A mixed-method evaluation of IT'S PLAY: Improving Teaching Skills on Playful Learning for Africa’s Youngest. Endline Report. [Research Reports or Papers]

Boeren, E. (2024) Post-COVID-19 European Country Specific Recommendations on adult education, training and skills: content, focus, shifts and patterns. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, (doi: 10.1177/14779714241276465) (Early Online Publication)

Nguyen, D. , Boeren, E. , Maitra, S. and Cabus, S. (2024) A review of the empirical research literature on PLCs for teachers in the Global South: evidence, implications, and directions. Professional Development in Education, 50(1), pp. 91-107. (doi: 10.1080/19415257.2023.2238728)

Hand, C. J. , Thomas, M. A.M. , Chipindi, J. S., Boeren, E. and Lynch, P. (2024) A mixed-method evaluation of IT'S PLAY: Improving Teaching Skills on Playful Learning for Africa’s Youngest. Baseline Report. [Research Reports or Papers]


Boeren, E. and Lido, C. (2023) Capturing lifelong learning data through international surveys and novel innovative methods. In: Slowey, Maria, Hinzen, Heribert, Omolewa, Michael and Osborne, Michael (eds.) Adult Education and Social Justice: International Perspectives. Series: Studies on Adult Learning and Education. Firenze University Press, pp. 207-219. ISBN 9791221502527 (doi: 10.36253/979-12-215-0253-4.22)

Boeren, E. (2023) Investigating the relationship between research income and research excellence in education: evidence from REF2021-UoA23 data. British Educational Research Journal, 49(6), pp. 1312-1337. (doi: 10.1002/berj.3899)

Kalenda, J., Kočvarováa, I. and Boeren, E. (2023) Impact of COVID‐19 on participation and barriers in nonformal adult education in the Czech Republic. European Journal of Education, 58(4), pp. 681-698. (doi: 10.1111/ejed.12580)

Boeren, E. (2023) Conceptualizing lifelong learning participation: theoretical perspectives and integrated approaches. In: Schemmann, Michael (ed.) Internationales Jahrbuch der Erwachsenenbildung / International Yearbook of Adult Education 2023: Researching Participation in Adult Education. Series: Internationales Jahrbuch der Erwachsenenbildung (46). wbv Publikation. ISBN 9783763973903 (doi: 10.3278/I73910W002)

Boeren, E. , Cabus, S. and Mackie, A. (2023) Participation in adult learning: system characteristics and individuals’ experiences. In: Holford, John, Boyadjeva, Pepka, Clancy, Sharon, Hefler, Günter and Studená, Ivana (eds.) Lifelong Learning, Young Adults and the Challenges of Disadvantage in Europe. Series: Palgrave studies in adult education and lifelong learning. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 87-113. ISBN 9783031141089 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-14109-6_4)

Stoilova, R., Boeren, E. and Ilieva-Tichkova, P. (2023) Gender gaps in participation in adult education in Europe: examining factors and barriers. In: Holford, John, Boyadjeva, Pepka, Clancy, Sharon, Hefler, Günter and Studená, Ivana (eds.) Lifelong Learning, Young Adults and the Challenges of Disadvantage in Europe. Series: Palgrave studies in adult education and lifelong learning. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 143-167. ISBN 9783031141089 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-14109-6_6)


Boeren, E. and Íñiguez-Berrozpe, T. (2022) Unpacking PIAAC’s cognitive skills measurements through engagement with Bloom’s taxonomy. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 73, 101151. (doi: 10.1016/j.stueduc.2022.101151)

Boeren, E. and Rubenson, K. (2022) The Global Report on Adult Learning and Education (GRALE): strengths, weaknesses and future directions. International Review of Education, 68(2), pp. 291-308. (doi: 10.1007/s11159-022-09945-x)

Roopnarine, R. R. and Boeren, E. (2022) A focus on methodology: a mixed-methods approach to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the need for One Health education for medical and veterinary students in the context of COVID-19. Environmental Health Insights, 16, p. 11786302221080826. (doi: 10.1177/11786302221080826)

Nguyen, D. , Boeren, E. , Maitra, S. and Cabus, S. (2022) A Review on the Empirical Research of PLCs in the Global South: Evidence and Recommendations. [Research Reports or Papers]


Ding, M., Boeren, E. and Rodolico, G. (2021) The Effects of Immersive Virtual Reality on Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety in EFL Learning. ECER 2021 Emerging Researchers' Conference, 2-3 Sept 2021.

Roopnarine, R., Boeren, E. and Regan, J.-A. (2021) The missing professional perspective: medical, veterinary, and dual degree public health student perceptions of One Health. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, 704791. (doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.704791)

Boeren, E. (2021) Are adult learners in Europe happier than non-learners? Statistical evidence from the European Social Survey. European Educational Research Journal, (doi: 10.1177/14749041211014608) (Early Online Publication)

Stopforth, S., Gayle, V. and Boeren, E. (2021) Parental social class and school GCSE outcomes: two decades of evidence from UK household panel surveys. Contemporary Social Science, 16(3), pp. 309-324. (doi: 10.1080/21582041.2020.1792967)


Iñiguez-Berrozpe, T. and Boeren, E. (2020) Twenty-first century skills for all: adults and problem solving in technology rich environments. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 25, pp. 929-951. (doi: 10.1007/s10758-019-09403-y)

Deggs, D. and Boeren, E. (2020) Access, participation, and support of adult learners. In: Rocco, Tonette S., Smith, M. Cecil, Mizzi, Robert C., Merriweather, Lisa R. and Hawley, Joshua D. (eds.) The Handbook of Adult and Continuing Education. Stylus Publishing. ISBN 9781620366844

Clancy, S., Holford, J. and Boeren, E. (2020) The response of the United Kingdom (England and Scotland) to Youth Guarantee. In: Milana, Marcella, Klatt, Gosia and Vatrella, Sandra (eds.) Europe's Lifelong Learning Markets, Governance and Policy: Using an Instruments Approach. Series: Palgrave studies in adult education and lifelong learning. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 393-417. ISBN 9783030380687 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-38069-4_17)

Roopnarine, R. and Boeren, E. (2020) Applying the Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS) to medical, veterinary and dual degree Master of Public Health (MPH) students at a private medical institution. PLoS ONE, 15(6), e0234462. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0234462) (PMID:32525910) (PMCID:PMC7289424)

Boeren, E. , Mackie, A. and Riddell, S. (2020) Employability pathways for young adults: lived experiences of learners and practitioners in Youth Guarantee programmes. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 39(1), pp. 119-131. (doi: 10.1080/02601370.2020.1728405)


Boeren, E. (2019) Quantitative research in research on the education and learning of adults. In: Fejes, Andreas and Nylander, Erik (eds.) Mapping out the Research Field of Adult Education and Learning. Series: Lifelong learning book series (24). Springer: Cham, pp. 139-155. ISBN 9783030109455 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-10946-2_8)

Boeren, E. (2019) Understanding Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 on “quality education” from micro, meso and macro perspectives. International Review of Education, 65(2), pp. 277-294. (doi: 10.1007/s11159-019-09772-7)

Mackie, A., Boeren, E. and Riddell, S. (2019) CREID Briefing 41: Post-School Education and Training for Young People on the Social Margins. [Research Reports or Papers]

Boeren, E. and James, N. (Eds.) (2019) Being an Adult Learner in Austere Times: Exploring the Contexts of Higher, Further and Community Education. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham. ISBN 9783319972077

Boeren, E. (2019) Being an adult learner in Europe and the UK: persisting inequalities and the role of the welfare state. In: Boeren, Ellen and James, Nalita (eds.) Being an Adult Learner in Austere Times: Exploring the Contexts of Higher, Further and Community Education. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 21-45. ISBN 9783319972077 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-97208-4_2)

Boeren, E. and James, N. (2019) Conclusions and recommendations. In: Boeren, Ellen and James, Nalita (eds.) Being an Adult Learner in Austere Times: Exploring the Contexts of Higher, Further and Community Education. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 199-210. ISBN 9783319972077 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-97208-4_9)

James, N. and Boeren, E. (2019) Adult education in austere times: an introduction. In: Boeren, Ellen and James, Nalita (eds.) Being an Adult Learner in Austere Times: Exploring the Contexts of Higher, Further and Community Education. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 1-19. ISBN 9783319972077 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-97208-4_1)

Boeren, E. (2019) Foreign-born adults’ participation in educational activities: evidence from Europe. European Education, 51(2), pp. 127-146. (doi: 10.1080/10564934.2018.1520600)


Boeren, E. (2018) Cross-sectional and longitudinal surveys. In: Hamilton, Lorna and Ravenscroft, John (eds.) Building Research Design in Education: Theoretically Informed Advanced Methods. Bloomsbury Academic: London ; New York, pp. 29-48. ISBN 9781350019508

Boeren, E. (2018) Foreward. In: Wang, Victor X. (ed.) Critical Theory and Transformative Learning. IGI Global: Hershey, PA, xvi-xvii. ISBN 9781522560869

Boeren, E. (2018) International and comparative research design. In: Hamilton, Lorna and Ravenscroft, John (eds.) Building Research Design in Education: Theoretically Informed Advanced Methods. Bloomsbury Academic: London ; New York, pp. 131-150. ISBN 9781350019508

Boeren, E. and James, N. (Eds.) (2018) Advancing Theory and Research in Widening Participation. Routledge: London ; New York. ISBN 9781138493315

Boeren, E. (2018) The methodological underdog: a review of quantitative research in the key adult education journals. Adult Education Quarterly, 68(1), pp. 63-79. (doi: 10.1177/0741713617739347)

Crowther, J., Boeren, E. and Mackie, A. (2018) Yes or No? Older people, politics and the Scottish Referendum in 2014. Research on Ageing and Social Policy, 6(1), pp. 1-25. (doi: 10.17583/rasp.2018.3095)

Whittaker, S. and Boeren, E. (2018) CREID Briefing 38: An overview of provision in Scotland in seven types of education for adults. [Research Reports or Papers]

Boeren, E. and Whittaker, S. (2018) A typology of education and training provisions for low educated adults: categories and definitions. Studies in the Education of Adults, 50(1), pp. 4-18. (doi: 10.1080/02660830.2018.1520017)


Boeren, E. (2017) Key terms in comparative education. [Research Reports or Papers]

Boeren, E. (2017) Researching lifelong learning participation through an interdisciplinary lens. International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 40(3), pp. 299-310. (doi: 10.1080/1743727X.2017.1287893)

Boeren, E. (2017) Understanding adult lifelong learning participation as a layered problem. Studies in Continuing Education, 39(2), pp. 161-175. (doi: 10.1080/0158037X.2017.1310096)

Boeren, E. and James, N. (2017) Special Issue: advancing theory and research in widening participation. Studies in Continuing Education, 39(2), pp. 117-119. (doi: 10.1080/0158037X.2017.1318540)


Boeren, E. (2016) The blended learning environment in higher education: the tutor and student perspective. In: Blended Learning: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. IGI Global Editions: Hershey, PA, pp. 252-270. ISBN 9781522507833 (doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0783-3.ch012)

Boeren, E. (2016) Lifelong Learning Participation as an Interdisciplinary Theory. In: 45th SCUTREA Conference: Adult Education in Austere Times, Leicester, UK, 05-07 Jul 2016, pp. 48-54.

Bhakta, D. and Boeren, E. (2016) Training needs of early career researchers in research-intensive universities. International Journal for Researcher Development, 7(1), pp. 84-102. (doi: 10.1108/IJRD-06-2015-0017)

Boeren, E. and Holford, J. (2016) Vocationalism varies (a lot): a 12-country multivariate analysis of participation in formal adult learning. Adult Education Quarterly, 66(2), pp. 120-142. (doi: 10.1177/0741713615624207)

Boeren, E. (2016) Lifelong Learning Participation in a Changing Policy Context. Palgrave Macmillan: London. ISBN 9781349684236 (doi: 10.1057/9781137441836)


Boeren, E. (2015) The blended learning environment in higher education: the tutor and student perspective. In: Wang, Victor X. (ed.) Handbook of Research on Learning Outcomes and Opportunities in the Digital Age. IGI Global Editions: Hershey, PA, pp. 180-197. ISBN 9781466695771 (doi: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9577-1.ch008)

Boeren, E. , Lokhtina-Antoniou, I., Sakurai, Y., Herman, C. and McAlpine, L. (2015) Mentoring: a review of early career researcher studies. Frontline Learning Research, 3(3), pp. 68-80. (doi: 10.14786/flr.v3i3.186)

Boeren, E. (2015) Non-Participants With and Without Learning Intentions: How do they Differ? SCUTREA Annual Conference, Leeds, UK, 07-09 Jul 2015.


Boeren, E. (2014) Surveys as tools to measure qualitative and quantitative data. In: Wang, Victor X. (ed.) Handbook of Research on Scholarly Publishing and Research Methods. IGI Global Editions: Hershey, PA, pp. 415-434. ISBN 9781466674097 (doi: 10.4018/978-1-4666-7409-7.ch021)

Weedon, E., Boeren, E. , Edward, S. and Riddell, S. (2014) CREID Briefing 31: Widening Access to Higher Education: Does Anyone Know What Works? [Research Reports or Papers]

Boeren, E. (2014) Evidence-based policy-making: the usability of the Eurostat Adult Education Survey. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 33(3), pp. 275-289. (doi: 10.1080/02601370.2014.891887)


Boeren, E. , Nicaise, I. and Baert, H. (2012) Adult learners' satisfaction and its relation to characteristics of the individual and the educational institution. Pedagogies: An International Journal, 7(2), pp. 132-149. (doi: 10.1080/1554480X.2012.655887)

Boeren, E. , Holford, J., Nicaise, I. and Baert, H. (2012) Why do adults learn? Developing a motivational typology across 12 European countries. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 10(2), pp. 247-269. (doi: 10.1080/14767724.2012.678764)


Boeren, E. (2011) Gender differences in formal, non-formal and informal adult learning. Studies in Continuing Education, 33(3), pp. 333-346. (doi: 10.1080/0158037X.2011.610301)

Boeren, E. (2011) Participation in adult education: Attitude and barriers. US-China Education Review A, 1(3), pp. 369-382.

Boeren, E. (2011) Profiles and motives of adults in Flemish continuing higher education. European Journal of Higher Education, 1(2-3), pp. 179-191. (doi: 10.1080/21568235.2011.629488)


Boeren, E. (2010) Profielen en motieven van de cursisten in de Centra voor Volwassenenonderwijs. School en Samenleving, 24, pp. 113-128.

Boeren, E. , Nicaise, I. and Baert, H. (2010) Theoretical models of participation in adult education: the need for an integrated model. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 29(1), pp. 45-61. (doi: 10.1080/02601370903471270)


Boeren, E. (2009) Adult education participation: The Matthew principle. Filosofija, sociologija, 20(2), pp. 154-161.

Boeren, E. (2009) Deelname aan het volwassenenonderwijs: Wat zijn belemmerende factoren. Gids sociaal-cultureel en educatief werk, 54(1), pp. 149-164.


Boeren, E. (2008) Een nieuw decreet voor volwassenenonderwijs. School en Samenleving, 19, pp. 1-16.

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 10:21:42 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 67.


Boeren, E. , McMahon, M. and Coll, R. (2024) Religion, research and the REF-UoA23 education: a thematic investigation. British Journal of Religious Education, (doi: 10.1080/01416200.2024.2446359) (Early Online Publication)

Boeren, E. (2024) Student diversity, university rankings and the positioning of Russell Group universities. Oxford Review of Education, (doi: 10.1080/03054985.2024.2427040) (Early Online Publication)

Kalenda, J., Boeren, E. and Kočvarová, I. (2024) Exploring attitudes towards adult learning and education: group patterns among participants and non-participants. Studies in Continuing Education, 46(3), pp. 333-350. (doi: 10.1080/0158037x.2023.2199201)

Boeren, E. (2024) Post-COVID-19 European Country Specific Recommendations on adult education, training and skills: content, focus, shifts and patterns. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, (doi: 10.1177/14779714241276465) (Early Online Publication)

Nguyen, D. , Boeren, E. , Maitra, S. and Cabus, S. (2024) A review of the empirical research literature on PLCs for teachers in the Global South: evidence, implications, and directions. Professional Development in Education, 50(1), pp. 91-107. (doi: 10.1080/19415257.2023.2238728)

Boeren, E. (2023) Investigating the relationship between research income and research excellence in education: evidence from REF2021-UoA23 data. British Educational Research Journal, 49(6), pp. 1312-1337. (doi: 10.1002/berj.3899)

Kalenda, J., Kočvarováa, I. and Boeren, E. (2023) Impact of COVID‐19 on participation and barriers in nonformal adult education in the Czech Republic. European Journal of Education, 58(4), pp. 681-698. (doi: 10.1111/ejed.12580)

Boeren, E. and Íñiguez-Berrozpe, T. (2022) Unpacking PIAAC’s cognitive skills measurements through engagement with Bloom’s taxonomy. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 73, 101151. (doi: 10.1016/j.stueduc.2022.101151)

Boeren, E. and Rubenson, K. (2022) The Global Report on Adult Learning and Education (GRALE): strengths, weaknesses and future directions. International Review of Education, 68(2), pp. 291-308. (doi: 10.1007/s11159-022-09945-x)

Roopnarine, R. R. and Boeren, E. (2022) A focus on methodology: a mixed-methods approach to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the need for One Health education for medical and veterinary students in the context of COVID-19. Environmental Health Insights, 16, p. 11786302221080826. (doi: 10.1177/11786302221080826)

Roopnarine, R., Boeren, E. and Regan, J.-A. (2021) The missing professional perspective: medical, veterinary, and dual degree public health student perceptions of One Health. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, 704791. (doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.704791)

Boeren, E. (2021) Are adult learners in Europe happier than non-learners? Statistical evidence from the European Social Survey. European Educational Research Journal, (doi: 10.1177/14749041211014608) (Early Online Publication)

Stopforth, S., Gayle, V. and Boeren, E. (2021) Parental social class and school GCSE outcomes: two decades of evidence from UK household panel surveys. Contemporary Social Science, 16(3), pp. 309-324. (doi: 10.1080/21582041.2020.1792967)

Iñiguez-Berrozpe, T. and Boeren, E. (2020) Twenty-first century skills for all: adults and problem solving in technology rich environments. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 25, pp. 929-951. (doi: 10.1007/s10758-019-09403-y)

Roopnarine, R. and Boeren, E. (2020) Applying the Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS) to medical, veterinary and dual degree Master of Public Health (MPH) students at a private medical institution. PLoS ONE, 15(6), e0234462. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0234462) (PMID:32525910) (PMCID:PMC7289424)

Boeren, E. , Mackie, A. and Riddell, S. (2020) Employability pathways for young adults: lived experiences of learners and practitioners in Youth Guarantee programmes. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 39(1), pp. 119-131. (doi: 10.1080/02601370.2020.1728405)

Boeren, E. (2019) Understanding Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 on “quality education” from micro, meso and macro perspectives. International Review of Education, 65(2), pp. 277-294. (doi: 10.1007/s11159-019-09772-7)

Boeren, E. (2019) Foreign-born adults’ participation in educational activities: evidence from Europe. European Education, 51(2), pp. 127-146. (doi: 10.1080/10564934.2018.1520600)

Boeren, E. (2018) The methodological underdog: a review of quantitative research in the key adult education journals. Adult Education Quarterly, 68(1), pp. 63-79. (doi: 10.1177/0741713617739347)

Crowther, J., Boeren, E. and Mackie, A. (2018) Yes or No? Older people, politics and the Scottish Referendum in 2014. Research on Ageing and Social Policy, 6(1), pp. 1-25. (doi: 10.17583/rasp.2018.3095)

Boeren, E. and Whittaker, S. (2018) A typology of education and training provisions for low educated adults: categories and definitions. Studies in the Education of Adults, 50(1), pp. 4-18. (doi: 10.1080/02660830.2018.1520017)

Boeren, E. (2017) Researching lifelong learning participation through an interdisciplinary lens. International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 40(3), pp. 299-310. (doi: 10.1080/1743727X.2017.1287893)

Boeren, E. (2017) Understanding adult lifelong learning participation as a layered problem. Studies in Continuing Education, 39(2), pp. 161-175. (doi: 10.1080/0158037X.2017.1310096)

Boeren, E. and James, N. (2017) Special Issue: advancing theory and research in widening participation. Studies in Continuing Education, 39(2), pp. 117-119. (doi: 10.1080/0158037X.2017.1318540)

Bhakta, D. and Boeren, E. (2016) Training needs of early career researchers in research-intensive universities. International Journal for Researcher Development, 7(1), pp. 84-102. (doi: 10.1108/IJRD-06-2015-0017)

Boeren, E. and Holford, J. (2016) Vocationalism varies (a lot): a 12-country multivariate analysis of participation in formal adult learning. Adult Education Quarterly, 66(2), pp. 120-142. (doi: 10.1177/0741713615624207)

Boeren, E. , Lokhtina-Antoniou, I., Sakurai, Y., Herman, C. and McAlpine, L. (2015) Mentoring: a review of early career researcher studies. Frontline Learning Research, 3(3), pp. 68-80. (doi: 10.14786/flr.v3i3.186)

Boeren, E. (2014) Evidence-based policy-making: the usability of the Eurostat Adult Education Survey. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 33(3), pp. 275-289. (doi: 10.1080/02601370.2014.891887)

Boeren, E. , Nicaise, I. and Baert, H. (2012) Adult learners' satisfaction and its relation to characteristics of the individual and the educational institution. Pedagogies: An International Journal, 7(2), pp. 132-149. (doi: 10.1080/1554480X.2012.655887)

Boeren, E. , Holford, J., Nicaise, I. and Baert, H. (2012) Why do adults learn? Developing a motivational typology across 12 European countries. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 10(2), pp. 247-269. (doi: 10.1080/14767724.2012.678764)

Boeren, E. (2011) Gender differences in formal, non-formal and informal adult learning. Studies in Continuing Education, 33(3), pp. 333-346. (doi: 10.1080/0158037X.2011.610301)

Boeren, E. (2011) Participation in adult education: Attitude and barriers. US-China Education Review A, 1(3), pp. 369-382.

Boeren, E. (2011) Profiles and motives of adults in Flemish continuing higher education. European Journal of Higher Education, 1(2-3), pp. 179-191. (doi: 10.1080/21568235.2011.629488)

Boeren, E. (2010) Profielen en motieven van de cursisten in de Centra voor Volwassenenonderwijs. School en Samenleving, 24, pp. 113-128.

Boeren, E. , Nicaise, I. and Baert, H. (2010) Theoretical models of participation in adult education: the need for an integrated model. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 29(1), pp. 45-61. (doi: 10.1080/02601370903471270)

Boeren, E. (2009) Adult education participation: The Matthew principle. Filosofija, sociologija, 20(2), pp. 154-161.

Boeren, E. (2009) Deelname aan het volwassenenonderwijs: Wat zijn belemmerende factoren. Gids sociaal-cultureel en educatief werk, 54(1), pp. 149-164.

Boeren, E. (2008) Een nieuw decreet voor volwassenenonderwijs. School en Samenleving, 19, pp. 1-16.


Boeren, E. (2016) Lifelong Learning Participation in a Changing Policy Context. Palgrave Macmillan: London. ISBN 9781349684236 (doi: 10.1057/9781137441836)

Book Sections

Boeren, E. and Lido, C. (2023) Capturing lifelong learning data through international surveys and novel innovative methods. In: Slowey, Maria, Hinzen, Heribert, Omolewa, Michael and Osborne, Michael (eds.) Adult Education and Social Justice: International Perspectives. Series: Studies on Adult Learning and Education. Firenze University Press, pp. 207-219. ISBN 9791221502527 (doi: 10.36253/979-12-215-0253-4.22)

Boeren, E. (2023) Conceptualizing lifelong learning participation: theoretical perspectives and integrated approaches. In: Schemmann, Michael (ed.) Internationales Jahrbuch der Erwachsenenbildung / International Yearbook of Adult Education 2023: Researching Participation in Adult Education. Series: Internationales Jahrbuch der Erwachsenenbildung (46). wbv Publikation. ISBN 9783763973903 (doi: 10.3278/I73910W002)

Boeren, E. , Cabus, S. and Mackie, A. (2023) Participation in adult learning: system characteristics and individuals’ experiences. In: Holford, John, Boyadjeva, Pepka, Clancy, Sharon, Hefler, Günter and Studená, Ivana (eds.) Lifelong Learning, Young Adults and the Challenges of Disadvantage in Europe. Series: Palgrave studies in adult education and lifelong learning. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 87-113. ISBN 9783031141089 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-14109-6_4)

Stoilova, R., Boeren, E. and Ilieva-Tichkova, P. (2023) Gender gaps in participation in adult education in Europe: examining factors and barriers. In: Holford, John, Boyadjeva, Pepka, Clancy, Sharon, Hefler, Günter and Studená, Ivana (eds.) Lifelong Learning, Young Adults and the Challenges of Disadvantage in Europe. Series: Palgrave studies in adult education and lifelong learning. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 143-167. ISBN 9783031141089 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-14109-6_6)

Deggs, D. and Boeren, E. (2020) Access, participation, and support of adult learners. In: Rocco, Tonette S., Smith, M. Cecil, Mizzi, Robert C., Merriweather, Lisa R. and Hawley, Joshua D. (eds.) The Handbook of Adult and Continuing Education. Stylus Publishing. ISBN 9781620366844

Clancy, S., Holford, J. and Boeren, E. (2020) The response of the United Kingdom (England and Scotland) to Youth Guarantee. In: Milana, Marcella, Klatt, Gosia and Vatrella, Sandra (eds.) Europe's Lifelong Learning Markets, Governance and Policy: Using an Instruments Approach. Series: Palgrave studies in adult education and lifelong learning. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 393-417. ISBN 9783030380687 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-38069-4_17)

Boeren, E. (2019) Quantitative research in research on the education and learning of adults. In: Fejes, Andreas and Nylander, Erik (eds.) Mapping out the Research Field of Adult Education and Learning. Series: Lifelong learning book series (24). Springer: Cham, pp. 139-155. ISBN 9783030109455 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-10946-2_8)

Boeren, E. (2019) Being an adult learner in Europe and the UK: persisting inequalities and the role of the welfare state. In: Boeren, Ellen and James, Nalita (eds.) Being an Adult Learner in Austere Times: Exploring the Contexts of Higher, Further and Community Education. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 21-45. ISBN 9783319972077 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-97208-4_2)

Boeren, E. and James, N. (2019) Conclusions and recommendations. In: Boeren, Ellen and James, Nalita (eds.) Being an Adult Learner in Austere Times: Exploring the Contexts of Higher, Further and Community Education. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 199-210. ISBN 9783319972077 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-97208-4_9)

James, N. and Boeren, E. (2019) Adult education in austere times: an introduction. In: Boeren, Ellen and James, Nalita (eds.) Being an Adult Learner in Austere Times: Exploring the Contexts of Higher, Further and Community Education. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 1-19. ISBN 9783319972077 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-97208-4_1)

Boeren, E. (2018) Cross-sectional and longitudinal surveys. In: Hamilton, Lorna and Ravenscroft, John (eds.) Building Research Design in Education: Theoretically Informed Advanced Methods. Bloomsbury Academic: London ; New York, pp. 29-48. ISBN 9781350019508

Boeren, E. (2018) Foreward. In: Wang, Victor X. (ed.) Critical Theory and Transformative Learning. IGI Global: Hershey, PA, xvi-xvii. ISBN 9781522560869

Boeren, E. (2018) International and comparative research design. In: Hamilton, Lorna and Ravenscroft, John (eds.) Building Research Design in Education: Theoretically Informed Advanced Methods. Bloomsbury Academic: London ; New York, pp. 131-150. ISBN 9781350019508

Boeren, E. (2016) The blended learning environment in higher education: the tutor and student perspective. In: Blended Learning: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. IGI Global Editions: Hershey, PA, pp. 252-270. ISBN 9781522507833 (doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0783-3.ch012)

Boeren, E. (2015) The blended learning environment in higher education: the tutor and student perspective. In: Wang, Victor X. (ed.) Handbook of Research on Learning Outcomes and Opportunities in the Digital Age. IGI Global Editions: Hershey, PA, pp. 180-197. ISBN 9781466695771 (doi: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9577-1.ch008)

Boeren, E. (2014) Surveys as tools to measure qualitative and quantitative data. In: Wang, Victor X. (ed.) Handbook of Research on Scholarly Publishing and Research Methods. IGI Global Editions: Hershey, PA, pp. 415-434. ISBN 9781466674097 (doi: 10.4018/978-1-4666-7409-7.ch021)

Edited Books

Boeren, E. and James, N. (Eds.) (2019) Being an Adult Learner in Austere Times: Exploring the Contexts of Higher, Further and Community Education. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham. ISBN 9783319972077

Boeren, E. and James, N. (Eds.) (2018) Advancing Theory and Research in Widening Participation. Routledge: London ; New York. ISBN 9781138493315

Research Reports or Papers

Hand, C. J. , Thomas, M. A.M. , Chipindi, J. S., Boeren, E. , Kim, J. and Lynch, P. (2024) A mixed-method evaluation of IT'S PLAY: Improving Teaching Skills on Playful Learning for Africa’s Youngest. Endline Report. [Research Reports or Papers]

Hand, C. J. , Thomas, M. A.M. , Chipindi, J. S., Boeren, E. and Lynch, P. (2024) A mixed-method evaluation of IT'S PLAY: Improving Teaching Skills on Playful Learning for Africa’s Youngest. Baseline Report. [Research Reports or Papers]

Nguyen, D. , Boeren, E. , Maitra, S. and Cabus, S. (2022) A Review on the Empirical Research of PLCs in the Global South: Evidence and Recommendations. [Research Reports or Papers]

Mackie, A., Boeren, E. and Riddell, S. (2019) CREID Briefing 41: Post-School Education and Training for Young People on the Social Margins. [Research Reports or Papers]

Whittaker, S. and Boeren, E. (2018) CREID Briefing 38: An overview of provision in Scotland in seven types of education for adults. [Research Reports or Papers]

Boeren, E. (2017) Key terms in comparative education. [Research Reports or Papers]

Weedon, E., Boeren, E. , Edward, S. and Riddell, S. (2014) CREID Briefing 31: Widening Access to Higher Education: Does Anyone Know What Works? [Research Reports or Papers]

Conference or Workshop Item

Ding, M., Boeren, E. and Rodolico, G. (2021) The Effects of Immersive Virtual Reality on Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety in EFL Learning. ECER 2021 Emerging Researchers' Conference, 2-3 Sept 2021.

Boeren, E. (2015) Non-Participants With and Without Learning Intentions: How do they Differ? SCUTREA Annual Conference, Leeds, UK, 07-09 Jul 2015.

Conference Proceedings

Boeren, E. (2016) Lifelong Learning Participation as an Interdisciplinary Theory. In: 45th SCUTREA Conference: Adult Education in Austere Times, Leicester, UK, 05-07 Jul 2016, pp. 48-54.

This list was generated on Thu Mar 27 08:02:01 2025 GMT.


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