Dr Elizabeth Nelson

  • Lecturer in Multimodal Literacies (School of Education)


Elizabeth L. Nelson is Lecturer of Multimodal Literacies at the University of Glasgow. Her research examines play and new technologies in the hands of children drawing on historical and literary representations of children’s play and culture to understand experiences of childhood today. She has published on young people’s relationship to digital technologies, historical accounts of play, and creative methodologies in research encounters with children and young people. Her current work focuses on children’s everyday culture, post-digital childhoods and understanding co-presence through sharing picturebooks online and off and digital play.


Research interests

childhood; play; children's literature; post-digital; digital; historical childhoods; creative methodologies; film; young people; folklore; childcare; new technologies; culture


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2022 | 2020
Number of items: 7.


Bradley, L. , Perry, M. , Fassetta, G. , Ryan, S. and Nelson, E. (2024) Denaturalizing “intelligence” in Higher Education: AI as a rupture to imagining and manifesting sustainable and anti-colonial literacies. Reading Research Quarterly, 59(4), pp. 579-589. (doi: 10.1002/rrq.540)


Ptolomey, M. and Nelson, E. L. (2022) A creative conversation for re-imagining creative visual methods with children and young people in pandemic times and beyond. Sociological Research Online, 27(3), pp. 684-689. (doi: 10.1177/13607804221089681)

Buccholz, B., Davis, S., Deliman, A., Harrison, K., Iyer, I., Nelson, E. , Pennington, C. and Scott, J. A. (2022) Taking playful methods into the wild. In: Medina, Carmen, Perry, Mia and Wohlwend, Karen (eds.) Playful Methods: Engaging the Unexpected in Literacy Research. Series: Expanding literacies in education. Routledge: New York, NY, pp. 112-129. ISBN 9780367211516 (doi: 10.4324/9780429265730-9)

Nelson, E. L. (2022) Dancing with phones, cones and cameras Traditional play in a post-digital playground in Scotland. Clio: Women, Gender, History, 56, pp. 167-180.

Nelson, E. L. (2022) Danser dans la cour d’école à l’ère post-numérique. Clio: Femmes, Genre, Histoire, 56(2), pp. 165-178.


Nelson, E. L. (2020) Recollecting childhood: writing the child at play. In: Deszcz-Tryhubczak, ByJustyna and Kalla, Irena (eds.) Rulers of Literary Playgrounds: Politics of Intergenerational Play in Children’s Literature. Series: Children's literature and culture. Routledge: New York ; London, pp. 137-150. ISBN 9780367501433 (doi: 10.4324/9781003048985-12)

Nelson, E. L. , Perry, M. and Rogers, T. (2020) Introducing offlineness: theorizing (digital) literacy engagements. Journal of Literacy Research, 52(1), pp. 101-107. (doi: 10.1177/1086296X19898003)

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 23:01:11 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 7.


Bradley, L. , Perry, M. , Fassetta, G. , Ryan, S. and Nelson, E. (2024) Denaturalizing “intelligence” in Higher Education: AI as a rupture to imagining and manifesting sustainable and anti-colonial literacies. Reading Research Quarterly, 59(4), pp. 579-589. (doi: 10.1002/rrq.540)

Ptolomey, M. and Nelson, E. L. (2022) A creative conversation for re-imagining creative visual methods with children and young people in pandemic times and beyond. Sociological Research Online, 27(3), pp. 684-689. (doi: 10.1177/13607804221089681)

Nelson, E. L. (2022) Dancing with phones, cones and cameras Traditional play in a post-digital playground in Scotland. Clio: Women, Gender, History, 56, pp. 167-180.

Nelson, E. L. (2022) Danser dans la cour d’école à l’ère post-numérique. Clio: Femmes, Genre, Histoire, 56(2), pp. 165-178.

Nelson, E. L. , Perry, M. and Rogers, T. (2020) Introducing offlineness: theorizing (digital) literacy engagements. Journal of Literacy Research, 52(1), pp. 101-107. (doi: 10.1177/1086296X19898003)

Book Sections

Buccholz, B., Davis, S., Deliman, A., Harrison, K., Iyer, I., Nelson, E. , Pennington, C. and Scott, J. A. (2022) Taking playful methods into the wild. In: Medina, Carmen, Perry, Mia and Wohlwend, Karen (eds.) Playful Methods: Engaging the Unexpected in Literacy Research. Series: Expanding literacies in education. Routledge: New York, NY, pp. 112-129. ISBN 9780367211516 (doi: 10.4324/9780429265730-9)

Nelson, E. L. (2020) Recollecting childhood: writing the child at play. In: Deszcz-Tryhubczak, ByJustyna and Kalla, Irena (eds.) Rulers of Literary Playgrounds: Politics of Intergenerational Play in Children’s Literature. Series: Children's literature and culture. Routledge: New York ; London, pp. 137-150. ISBN 9780367501433 (doi: 10.4324/9781003048985-12)

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 23:01:11 2025 GMT.


Exploring Print Picturebooks In Online Spaces, UKLA Small Grant, January 2021-July 2022. Co-Investigator with Amanda Ptolomey. PI Dr Soumi Dey. 

The Play Play, ESRC IAA £13,603 and Glasgow Knowledge Exchange Enabling Fund (GKEF) £15,000, PI Elizabeth Nelson, Co-I Mia Perry, Mentor Zoë Strachan.


I welcome enquiries to supervise research students with interests in childhood and play, children's digital encounters, post-digital childhoods and childlore.

  • Han, Xuan
    Researching Educational Branding for Museums.
  • Van Dinter, Emma
    Summative Multimodal Assessments: Developing Practitioners' Understanding and Access to Multimodal Assessments for Utilisation in the BGE English Classroom
  • ZHANG, Rong
    Multilingual learners' Literary Encounter with Audio books


Elizabeth is course lead and lecturer on courses across the MEd in Children's Literature and Literacies and the MSc Education for Sustainable Futures Master's program and on the Erasmus Mundas program, Children's Literature Media and Cultural Entrepreneurship. She supervises dissertations at postgraduate levels (Masters and Doctoral levels). 

Additional information

Elizabeth is Early Career Rep for the Children's History Society and also a member of United Kingdom Literacies Association (UKLA) and the International Research Society of Children's Literature (IRSCL)