Dr Dobrochna Futro

  • Lecturer in Education (School of Education)

email: Dobrochna.Futro@glasgow.ac.uk

School of Education, University of Glasgow, St. Andrews Building, 11 Eldon Street, Glasgow City, Scotland, G3 6NH

Import to contacts

Research interests

I have a background in art, education and language teaching. My research focuses on multilingualism, translanguaging, art-based inquiry, language learning, teaching, and language use in multilingual, often migratory contexts. I engage with creative methods of enquiry, participatory, collaborative art-based research and pedagogies. 

I have led and supported several research and KE projects exploring the relationship between art practice and language learning. I worked with teachers in Scotland, Poland and Vietnam, (co-)developed CPD courses and teaching resources, and researched with artists, teachers and learners as my co-researchers.

I co-lead the ELINET (Education, Languages and Internationalisation Network) Language Education and Multilingualism strand, the ENROPE (European Network for Junior Researchers in the Field of Plurilingualism and Education) Language Teachers Development SIG, and convene a cross-university Multilingualism Reading Group at Glasgow.


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020
Number of items: 9.


Futro, D. (2025) Translanguaging art: Artists’ engagements with languaging in multilingual and migratory contexts. In: Hocking, Darryl (ed.) The Language of Art and Artists. Series: Palgrave advances in language and linguistics. Palgrave Macmillian: Cham. ISBN 9783031897443 (In Press)


Hirsu, L. , Nitecka Barche, M. and Futro, D. (2024) Assessment and creativity through a translingual lens: introduction. Applied Linguistics Review, 15(5), pp. 1831-1838. (doi: 10.1515/applirev-2023-0115)

Futro, D. (2024) Translanguaging art — questioning boundaries in Monika Szydłowska’s ‘Do you miss your country?'. Applied Linguistics Review, (doi: 10.1515/applirev-2024-0062) (Early Online Publication)

Futro, D., Faulds, K. and Hirsu, L. (2024) Using art to develop multilingual approaches to language teaching. EAL Journal, 23, pp. 38-41.

Futro, D., Hirsu, L. , Faulds, K., Ferguson, K., Dulemba, E. and Karadzhova, E. (2024) Multilingual Approaches through Art Materials for Primary and Complementary School Teachers and Learners. [Artefact]


Hirsu, L. , Nguyễn Ngọc, Á., Futro, D., Lê Anh, V., McAdam, J. , Bùi Thị, D., Arizpe, E. and Trần Mỹ, N. (2023) Arts-based Language Learning: A Resource Book for Teachers in Primary and Lower Secondary Schools. Vietnam National University Press: Hanoi. ISBN 9786043968446


Futro, D. (2022) Translanguaging art: exploring the transformative potential of contemporary art for language teaching in the multilingual context. In: Lytra, Vally, Ros i Solé, Cristina, Anderson, Jim and Macleroy, Vicky (eds.) Liberating Language Education. Multilingual Matters: Bristol. ISBN 9781788927932


Hirsu, L. , Zacharias, S. and Futro, D. (2021) Translingual arts-based practices for language learners. ELT Journal, 75(1), pp. 22-32. (doi: 10.1093/elt/ccaa064)


Futro, D. (2020) Translanguaging as transformation: The collaborative construction of new linguistic realities E. Moore, J. Bradley & J. Simpson (Eds). 2020. Bristol: Multilingual Matters. Language Issues, 31(2), pp. 148-151. [Book Review]

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 11:31:31 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 9.


Hirsu, L. , Nitecka Barche, M. and Futro, D. (2024) Assessment and creativity through a translingual lens: introduction. Applied Linguistics Review, 15(5), pp. 1831-1838. (doi: 10.1515/applirev-2023-0115)

Futro, D. (2024) Translanguaging art — questioning boundaries in Monika Szydłowska’s ‘Do you miss your country?'. Applied Linguistics Review, (doi: 10.1515/applirev-2024-0062) (Early Online Publication)

Futro, D., Faulds, K. and Hirsu, L. (2024) Using art to develop multilingual approaches to language teaching. EAL Journal, 23, pp. 38-41.

Hirsu, L. , Zacharias, S. and Futro, D. (2021) Translingual arts-based practices for language learners. ELT Journal, 75(1), pp. 22-32. (doi: 10.1093/elt/ccaa064)


Hirsu, L. , Nguyễn Ngọc, Á., Futro, D., Lê Anh, V., McAdam, J. , Bùi Thị, D., Arizpe, E. and Trần Mỹ, N. (2023) Arts-based Language Learning: A Resource Book for Teachers in Primary and Lower Secondary Schools. Vietnam National University Press: Hanoi. ISBN 9786043968446

Book Sections

Futro, D. (2025) Translanguaging art: Artists’ engagements with languaging in multilingual and migratory contexts. In: Hocking, Darryl (ed.) The Language of Art and Artists. Series: Palgrave advances in language and linguistics. Palgrave Macmillian: Cham. ISBN 9783031897443 (In Press)

Futro, D. (2022) Translanguaging art: exploring the transformative potential of contemporary art for language teaching in the multilingual context. In: Lytra, Vally, Ros i Solé, Cristina, Anderson, Jim and Macleroy, Vicky (eds.) Liberating Language Education. Multilingual Matters: Bristol. ISBN 9781788927932

Book Reviews

Futro, D. (2020) Translanguaging as transformation: The collaborative construction of new linguistic realities E. Moore, J. Bradley & J. Simpson (Eds). 2020. Bristol: Multilingual Matters. Language Issues, 31(2), pp. 148-151. [Book Review]


Futro, D., Hirsu, L. , Faulds, K., Ferguson, K., Dulemba, E. and Karadzhova, E. (2024) Multilingual Approaches through Art Materials for Primary and Complementary School Teachers and Learners. [Artefact]

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 11:31:31 2025 GMT.



2023     British Council. Teaching English Multilingually through Art (Co-I with Dr Lavinia Hirsu PI)

2022      GKE Flexible Fund Award, Art and Creative Practices in Developing Multilingual Approaches to Language Teaching and Learning. Collaboration with SCILT and Bilingualism Matters (Co-I with Dr Lavinia Hirsu PI)

2021      SGSAH AHRC Doctoral Internship Scheme, SCILT Teacher Professional Development project: Teaching Polish through Art in Multilingual Scotland

2020       SGSAH Cohort Development Fund Award, College of Arts University of Glasgow Collaborative Research Award; Polish Consulate in Edinburgh Grant; Linguistic Association of Great Britain Small Grant, Art in Language Education. Sharing practice and theory conference (with M. Nitecka Brache, University of Aberdeen; D. MacKenna, University of Dundee; M Mroczkowski, Dandan Chan, University of Edinburgh)            

2019       King’s College London, OWRI/AHRC Language Acts and Worldmaking project, Small Grant Scheme Multilingual Devised Theatre (with Marta Nitecka Barche, University of Aberdeen and  Angela Margaret Main, performance artist)

2019       University of Oxford, OWRI/AHRC Creative Multilingualism PhD Project Grant, Dancing through language learning. The use of dance in MFL/ESOL classroom (with Marta Nitecka Barche, University of Aberdeen and Zoë Leigh Gadd, Dance Ahead) 

2019       ESRC Festival Of Social Science, University Of Glasgow, Monolingual? Multilingual? Translingual? Creativity in and beyond languages workshop (with Dr Lavinia Hirsu, University of Glasgow).

2018       AHRC DTP Scottish Graduate School for Arts & Humanities Studentship


Supervision Inquiries

I am open to supervising research students who share any of my research interests, particularly if they are interested in developing a doctoral project related to:

  • Language learning and/or teaching in multilingual contexts
  • Multilingualism / plurilingualism in learning, teaching or research
  • Implementation of the multilingual / plurilingual policies
  • Translanguaging
  • Creative and arts-based pedagogies or research methods
  • Language learning, meaning making and worldmaking 

If you are interested in studying with me, please email me the following: 

  1. Research proposal of approximately 1500 words (see here for guidance)
  2. Current CV
  3. A 250-word description of how your research experiences/interests align with my research and why you are interested in pursuing your doctoral degree with me at the University of Glasgow



I taught a number of courses:

  • Major Dissertation (Educational Studies MSc/MEd)
  • Language Learning for Children with English as an Additional Language (TESOL MSc/MEd)
  • Which English: Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching (TESOL MSc/MEd)
  • Teaching and Learning Practices in Adult, Community and Youth Contexts (Educational Studies in Adult, Community and Youth Contexts MSc)
  • Polish Beginners
  • Polish Intermediate

Additional information



UNESCO Chair Refugee Integration through Languages and the Arts, University of Glasgow, Spring School 2024, ‘Word Springs’. Keynote: Soundwalks: Meditations on language encounters with(in) the world (with Lavinia Hirsu, Karen Faulds and Fhiona Mackay)


School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Glasgow. ‘Artwise: Translating research into art’ Symposium. Keynote discussant: Translating or Translanguaging? The role of art in research.


School of English Language and Linguistics, University of Glasgow. Applied Linguistics Summer Seminars series. Guest seminar: Translanguaging art in language teaching and learning.


Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland. Centrum BM@Poznań solidarne z Ukrainą: Szkolenia dla nauczycieli. Public lecture: Wykorzystanie sztuki w nauczaniu dzieci wielojęzycznych (na przykładzie szkół w Szkocji)/ The use of art in teaching multilingual children (Example from Scotland).


School of Education, University of Glasgow. MSc TESOL Programme. Guest seminar: Creative inquiry and art-based research methods (co-led with Dangeni)


Futro D., Multilingual contexts or multilingual pupils? Reflection on embedding the language portraits activity in a language learning unit. 9th Annual Spring Research Conference: Language Learning in Multilingual Contexts, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona, March 2024

Futro D., ‘Gathering permissions’ from translanguaging artworks. The use of art-making in co-researching language learning in multilingual contexts with primary school pupils in Scotland. MoMM Conference 2024: Multilingualism in Individuals, Education, and Society, Multilingualism on My Mind Research Group, Department of Foreign Languages, University of Bergen, Norway, March 2024

Futro D., Faulds K., Hirsu L. ‘The use of art for developing multilingual approaches to teaching languages.’ Presentation. The Language Show, online, November 2023

Futro D., Catlin, J., Hirsu L., Faulds, K., ‘I am not an artist, I can’t draw!’ The use of art-making in developing inclusive multilingual approaches to language teaching in multilingual contexts.’ Workshop.  Educational Research Association (SERA) Conference: Meeting global and local challenges through interdisciplinary partnerships and collaborations in education, Queen Margaret University, November 2023

Faulds K., Futro D.,  Hirsu L. ‘Getting creative with multilingualism in the primary classroom.’ Presentation. Scotland’s Association of Language Teachers (SALT) conference, University of Strathclyde, October 2023

Futro D., Hirsu L., Faulds K. ‘Using art and creative tasks for inclusive multilingual language teaching and learning: Teachers’ implementation feedback.’ Presentation. Bilingualism Matters Research Symposium 2023, University of South Carolina, Columbia, USA/online, October 2023

Futro D., Faulds K., Hirsu L., Barret K. ‘The role of art-making in developing inclusive multilingual approaches to language teaching in multilingual contexts. Teachers’ and researchers’ perspectives.’ Presentation. NLTL Conference 2023 and ANPE Norge’s IX Conference 2023, Multilingualism in Teaching and Learning, UiA, Campus Kristiansand, Norway, September 2023

Hirsu L., Futro D., Nguyễn Ngọc A., Vu Thị B. ‘Transforming teaching through cultural heritage, arts-based methods and translingual approaches’, British Association of Applied Linguistics (BAAL) Conference, Presentation. Opening Applied Linguistics, University of York, August 2023

Galloway N., Lamprecht N., Ortactepe Hart D., Futro D., Hirsu L., Zacharias L. ‘Education, languages, and social justice in a multilingual world’, Open House Showcase, ELINET, European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) Conference, University of Glasgow, August 2023

Nguyen Ngoc A., Hirsu L., Futro D., Van Le N., Trang Bui Thi T., ‘Arts-based Language Learning in Vietnam (VietABLL): an opportunity for learners' personal and social development.’ Presentation. VietTESOL International Convention 2023/ online

Futro D, ‘Teacher education and multilingualism through art’ Roundtable, SERA’s Teacher Education Network’s Summer Event, June 2023

Hirsu L., Nguyễn Ngọc Á., Futro D. ‘Expanding Frameworks of Teaching by Integrating Arts-based Methods.’ 1st Annual ELINET Conference, University of Glasgow, April 2023

Futro D., Faulds K. ‘Developing multilingual approaches to language learning and teaching through the medium of art.’ Paper presentation, Scotland’s Association of Language Teachers (SALT), University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, October 2022

Futro, D. ‘Translanguaging art. Exploring translanguaging practice and pedagogy with primary school pupils in Scotland.’ Paper presentation, International Conference “Beyond Multilingualism - Translanguaging in Education” University of Basel, Switzerland, 8-9 November 2021.

Futro, D. ‘Participatory exploration of translanguaging in and through art in a (foreign) language classroom.’ Paper presentation, AILA World Congress, Groningen, the Netherlands, August 2021

Futro, D. ‘Translanguaging art — Questioning boundaries in Monika Szydłowska’s ‘Do you miss your country?’ Paper presentation, Approaches to Migration, Language and Identity (AMLI 2021), University of Sussex, 9-11 JUNE 2021

Futro, D. ‘Language portraits, Chagallian idioms and multilingual comics. Visualisations of primary school pupils’ perceptions of multilingualism, language learning and (trans)languaging in a language classroom.’  Paper presentation. Multilingualism on My Mind (MoMM) conference, University of Bergen/online, 18-19 March 2021

Futro, D. ‘Translanguaging Art,’ Poster presentation, 2nd Annual Event of the BAAL Multilingualism SIG ‘Multilingualism in the UK in the post-Brexit climate’, 3 February 2021 online

Futro, D. ‘Translanguaging art.’ Project presentation, ENROPE Intensive Study Week, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3/online, 23-27 November 2020

Futro, D. ‘Translanguaging art – exploring the potential of contemporary art for language teaching in the multilingual context.’ Paper presentation, Art in Language Education. Sharing practice and theory conference, University of Aberdeen/online, 13–14 November 2020

Futro, D. ‘Multilingual practices of contemporary artists and translanguaging literacies in foreign language teaching’ Paper presentation, ‘Research in the Arts, the Arts in Research’ Symposium/Cultural Literacy in Europe & University of Łódź/online, 14-15 May 2020

Futro, D. ‘Translanguaging Art’. Poster presentation, 5th Postgraduate Conference in Translation Studies & Comparative Literature ‘Fluidity’, University of Glasgow/online, 13 May 2020

Futro, D. ‘Translanguaging Art. Contemporary artists’ conceptualisations of a translanguaging space.’ Paper presentation, TLANG2 conference ‘Languaging in Times of Change’, University of Stirling, UK, 26-27 September 2019

Hirsu, L.; Futro, D. ‘Creative practices under the banner of translanguaging.’ Project presentation, Creative Inquiry in Applied Linguistics: Purposes, Practices, Possibilities British Association of Applied Linguistics / Cambridge University Press Seminar, Centre for Language Education Research, University of Leeds, 10–11 July 2019.

Futro, D. ‘Translanguaging art - unlocking the transformative potential of contemporary art for language teaching in the multilingual context.’ Paper presentation, New Approaches to Transmedia and Language Pedagogy to be presented at the International Conference, Manchester Metropolitan University, 27-28 June 2019

Futro, D. ‘Translanguaging Art’. Poster presentation, Bilingualism Matters Seminar, University of Edinburgh, 7 June 2019

Futro, D. ‘Translanguaging Art. Across languages and modes in Monika Szydłowska’s ‘Do you miss your country?’. Paper presentation, Across Languages: Translingualism in Contemporary Women’s Writing conference, Senate House, University of London, 30-31 May 2019

Futro, D. ‘Pickled gherkins, father throats and a nose as a site of resistance in the Slavic and Turkic languages. Aesthetics and activism in the work of Slavs & Tatars.’ Paper presentation, Performing Multilingualism in World Literatures: Aesthetics and Activism Conference, University of Oxford, 20-22 September 2018

Futro, D. 'Translanguaging or translanguaged? The politics of language in selected works by Krzysztof Wodiczko'. Paper presentation, Language, Translation, and Migration: Conference and Public Summit 2018, University of Warwick, 24-26 May 2018

Futro, D. 'Translanguaging art. Recreating Kristevan thetic space as a space of learning. Paper with an experiential coda, presentation, UNESCO Spring School, The Arts of Integrating: Stories of Refugee Hospitality and Agency, 9-11 May 2018

Futro, D. 'Translanguaging Art. Situating the relationship between language and multilingual identity within the context of contemporary art'. Paper presentation, Creative Multilingualism Conference 2018: Creative Multilingual Identities, Institute of Education, University of Reading, 2-3 February 2018

Futro, D. 'Translanguaging art'. Paper presentation, Multilingualisms in World Literature Conference, SOAS, University of London, 18-20 January 2018


  • Using art to develop multilingual approaches to language learning and teaching (with Karen Faulds) Linguascope Webinar, November 2022
  • Developing multilingual approaches to language learning and teaching through the medium of art (with Karen Faulds) SALT (Scottish Association for Language Teaching) conference, October 2022
  • Wykorzystanie sztuki w nauczaniu dzieci wielojęzycznych (na przykładzie szkół w Szkocji), public lecture, Centrum BM@Poznań solidarne z Ukrainą: Szkolenia dla nauczycieli:Jak wspierać uczniów z doświadczeniem migracyjnym? Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland, March 2022
  • Polish Treasures at the Hunterian. Migrations through the lens of art. Online exhibition and film, February 2022
  • A Multilingual Approach to Language Learning Through the Medium of Art. Scotland’s Languages Landscape: The ‘Rights’ Approach. Education Scotland & SCILT, February 2022 (with Karen Faulds)
  • Using Language Learning and Arts in Talking About Migrations. Scotland’s Languages Landscape: The ‘Rights’ Approach. Education Scotland & SCILT, February 2022 (with Dr Mirna Šolić)
  • Language & Art, Much Language Such Talk Bilingualism Matters Podcast, S2 E9, February 2022 (with Marion Geoffray)
  • Polish through Art in Multilingual Scotland. Online Exhibition, January 2021
  • Polish Treasures at the Hunterian. Migrations through the lens of art. Hunterian Associate Project, Being Human Festival “Collective Care” event, Hunterian Museum and Gallery, November 2021
  • Ten Steps to Polish. Handbook for teachers. SCILT. May 2021
  • Art in Language Education. Sharing practice and theory conference, November 2020 (with M. Nitecka Brache, D. MacKenna, M Mroczkowski, Dandan Chan)
  • Creative activities for Language Learners at home, British Council Webinar, May 2020 (with Dr Lavinia Hirsu and Dr Sally Zacharias)
  • Multilingual Devised Theatre workshops and performance, February 2020 - now (Joint-PI with M. Nitecka Barche)
  • Translanguaging with Marc Chagall, workshop, M Gallery, Language Hub, Glasgow, February 2020
  • Language portraits, workshop for children, M Gallery, Language Hub, Glasgow, February 2020
  • Dancing through language learning. The use of dance in MFL/ESOL classroom workshops with Dance Ahead, part of the ESRC Festival of Social Sciences, Aberdeen and EMSF, Edinburgh), November 2019 (Joint-PI with M. Nitecka Barche)
  • Monolingual? Multilingual? Translingual? Creativity in and beyond languages, ESRC Festival of Social Sciences, Glasgow (workshop devised with Dr Hirsu), November 2019
  • Bilingual art-making workshop, Public Engagement Best Practices session at the Bilingualism Matters Annual Conference, September 2019
  • Ready to translanguage? A guide for practitioners on how to engage creatively with languages in multilingual contexts, seminar at the Scottish Learning Festival 2019, September 2019 (devised with Dr Lavinia Hirsu)
  • Translanguaging in and through art workshop (co-organised with D.MacKenna and M. Nitecka Barche), June 2019
  • A series of workshops with primary school children exploring the use of translanguaging and art in teaching L3 Polish, fieldwork 2019; 2020
  • A series of workshops exploring language and identity through art with Polish bilingual families. Glasgow EAL Services & Dalmarnock Primary School, March – June 2019
  • Translanguaging in Monika Szydłowska’s comic ‘Do you miss your country?’ workshop for children, Comics Night at the Museum, Hunterian Museum, December 2018
  • Do you fancy a cuppa? Hands-on activities at Glasgow Science Centre, (with Liexu Cai) December 2018
  • On the Border of Art and Language Teaching in the Multilingual World – doctoral training workshop on art methods in language teaching and research (co-organised with M. Nitecka Barche & D. MacKenna, funded by SGSAH CDF), June 2018