Dr Deniz Ortactepe Hart
- Lecturer in TESOL (School of Education)
I joined the University of Glasgow in September 2022 as a Lecturer in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). Over the past 12 years, I have worked in Turkey, the United States, and the UK training teachers of English, Spanish, French, Chinese, and Arabic. Educational research methods, second language acquisition, language assessment, social justice language education, and language teaching methodology are some of the courses I have taught regularly so far.
I am the founding convenor of British Association of Applied Linguistics (BAAL) Language and Education for Social Justice Special Interest Group (SIG) and the founding coordinator of Education, Languages and Internalisation Network’s (ELINET) Language and Social Justice strand.
Research interests
My main research interests revolve around social justice language education: teaching languages for diversity, equity, inclusion, and social transformation. Between 2018-2022, I carried out the Social Justice in ELT project in Turkey and have organized two symposiums on Social Justice and Language Education (www.socialjusticeinelt.com). Between 2019-2022, I collaborated with the Migrant Education Office, California Department of Education to provide culturally sustaining pedagogies to the children of farm workers in Monterey Country, California. My book, Social justice and the language classroom: A resource book for reflection, action, and transformation has been published by the Edinburgh University Press in 2023. I am currently co-editing an edited volume on Environment and Language Justice, which is submitted to Edinburgh University Press. I am also co-editing a special issue on Representation and Environmental Justice: Exploring marginalization, resistance and empowerment in environmental representations of and from the periphery, for the journal of Genealogy.
Feminist and social-justice oriented pedagogies in English language classrooms: Insights from Türkiye, Pakistan, and the UK, British Council, Co-investigator (July 2024-June 2025)
Social Justice in ELT: Building pre-service English language teachers’ capacity to teach for social justice, the State Department, US Embassy Ankara, Primary-investigator (Fall 2018-December 2022)
Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies: Migrant Education Region XVI, Monterey County Office of Education, California Department of Education, Primary-investigator (Fall 2019-Spring 2022)
I am currently open to supervising students researching the following areas:
- Social justice language education and intersectionality
- Environmental justice and sustainability
- Language socialization, identity, and intercultural competence
- Formative, classroom-based, and democratic assessment
Educational Studies. These include:
Contemporary Issues in TESOL
Race, Racism, and Social Justice in a Global Society
Teaching English as an International Language
Developing Professional Practice
Descriptions of Language
I am also the course convenor of Which English? Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching.
Additional information
Invited talks (2023-2024)
May 9, 2024 TED University, English Language Teaching Program Research Seminars
Language teaching for social justice: Moving beyond a tourist/comsumerist approach to inclusive education
December 8, 2023 ELINET Thailand, Book club
Social justice and the language classroom: Reflection, action and transformation (recording available here)
November 27, 2023 Yeditepe University English Language Education Program Graduate Seminars
Culturally affirming literacy academy through the use of migrant-themed books
November 17, 2023 1st Online Towards intersectionality in language teacher education (TILTED) Conference
Conceptualizing the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of unlearning: An intersectional perspective (recording available here)
October 7, 2023 The Scottish Association for the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (SATEFL)
Social justice language education: Exploring key principles and practices for action and transformation, co-authored with A. Yilmaz
March 28, 2023 University of Stirling, ELT Webinar Series
Language teaching for social justice
Professional Memberships
TESOL International Association
American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL)
British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL)