Dr Cristina Mio

  • Senior Lecturer in Mathematics Education (Pedagogy, Praxis & Faith)


Cristina Mio, Senior Lecturer in Mathematics Education (LTS)

Cristina has a PhD and a Master’s in Chemical Engineering from the “Università di Padova”, Italy.  After working as a researcher in chemical engineering in the US, at UC Berkeley and the Colorado School of Mines, and in the UK, at UMIST in Manchester, she completed a PGCE in Secondary Mathematics at the University of Manchester. 

Her teaching experience spans from lower secondary to A-level courses, from further education to higher education/university.  She taught Mathematics in Loreto Sixth Form College in Manchester (England), in South Lanarkshire College in East Kilbride (Scotland) and at the Open University.  From 2014 to 2018 Cristina was a teaching associate in the Chemical and Process Engineering Department at the University of Strathclyde, where she taught face-to-face and distance-learning undergraduate course, supervised undergraduate design projects and postgraduate research projects, and was Academic-Year Coordinator for first-year chemical engineering students. 

She has worked as a Lecturer in Mathematics Education (Initial Teacher Education) at the School of Education, University of Glasgow, since January 2019. She is currently joint programme leader for the Post-Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE).

Research interests

  • Approaches to learning (deep/surface) in Mathematics and Engineering in Higher Education
  • Students’ autonomy and self-regulation in group projects in chemical engineering
  • The use of peer-assessment in large classes to increase students’ motivation
  • How teachers’ attitudes and approaches towards maths influence students’ confidence, motivation and belief about mathematics
  • Teachers’ pedagogical subject knowledge in Mathematics
  • Teacher Educator's identity


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2004 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995
Number of items: 52.


Mio, C. , Jagdev, M. K., Wright, P. and Povey, H. (2025) Weaving together the threads of Indigenous knowledge and mathematics: Reflections from reading group meeting. [Website]


Anderson, S. , Mclaren, E. and Mio, C. (2024) Mapping Curriculum in Higher Education: Unveiling Alignment, Complexity, and Ideology. Open Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, (In Press)

Mio, C. and Marshall, S. (2024) Numeracy has had its day. SMC Journal, 54, pp. 32-35.

Mio, C. , Boath, L. , Curley, A. and McKinney, S. (2024) The Impact of a Reading Group on Professional Learning and Teacher Educator Identity. 11th LSME International Research Conference, Online, 12-13 Nov 2024.

Mio, C. , Boath, L. , Curley, A. and McKinney, S. (2024) Developing Scholarship: The Value of a Research Reading Group in Higher Education ITE. SERA Conference 2024, Dundee, Scotland, 27-29 Nov 2024.

Wright, P., Chikvaidze, M., Mio, C. , Inan, G. and O'Brien, K. (2024) Developing ‘deep mathematical thinking’ in geometry with 3- and 4-year-olds: Reflections from the seventh reading group meeting. [Website]

Wright, P., Jagdev, M. K., Mio, C. and Hilton, C. (2024) Critical Mathematics Education (CME) Working Group Discussion: ‘How Can Mathematics Teacher Educators Promote Socially Just Pedagogies and Practices Amongst Practitioners?’ (Working Group). BSRLM Summer Conference, Loughborough, 7-8 June 2024.

Jackson, C., Mio, C. , Neman, A., O'Brien, K., Povey, H. and Wright, P. (2024) Teacher noticing from a sociopolitical perspective: Reflections from the sixth reading group meeting. [Website]


Mio, C. and Jones, N. (2023) Interconnecting Science and Maths learning: proportional reasoning. SMC Journal, 53, pp. 41-46.

Mio, C. and Dombi, E. (2023) Changes in engineering students’ surface and deep approaches to learning in first- and second-year university courses. Open Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 2(3), pp. 115-137. (doi: 10.56230/osotl.50)

Jones, N. , McLaughlin, T. and Mio, C. (2023) Enhancing STEM outreach through student-lecturer partnership. [Website]

Warren, C. and Mio, C. (2023) Seven questions with ... Cristina Mio. [Website]

Zembat, I. , Marshall, S., Mio, C. , Ward, R. and Leitch, M. (2023) Improving established maths teaching practices. Teaching Scotland, 96, pp. 44-45.

Zembat, I. Ö. , Mio, C. , Aydin, U. and Mclaren, E. (2023) Exploring Preservice Teachers' Use of Definitions for Trapeziums. European Conference on Educational Research (ECER 2023), Glasgow, UK, 22-25 August 2023. (Unpublished)

Boath, L. , Mio, C. and McKinney, S. (2023) Laying the foundations for leadership: Research-informed teacher education. In: Menter, Ian (ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education Research. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham. ISBN 978303059533-3 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-59533-3_72-1)

Zembat, I. Ö. , Mio, C. , Evans, G., Elliot, L. and Kabaca, T. (2023) Teaching place value conceptually – Part II. Primary Mathematics, 27(1), pp. 7-9.


Mio, C. , Mclaren, E. , Zembat, I. Ö. and Marshall, S. (2022) Challenging PGDE Mathematics Students’ Beliefs and Attitudes in the Context of Curriculum Reform. SERA 2022 Conference, University of the West of Scotland (UWS), 23-25 November 2022.

Zembat, I. Ö. , Mio, C. , Evans, G., Elliot, L. and Kabaca, T. (2022) Teaching place value conceptually – part I. Primary Mathematics, 26(2), pp. 7-10.

Wright, P., Beckford-Henry, S., Breen, B., Ford, A., Ineson, G., Makonga, I., Mio, C. , Pollard, L. and Srinivas, S. (2022) Teaching Maths for Social Justice - Reflections from the second reading group meeting. [Website]

Mio, C. (2022) Anonymous asynchronous peer reviews to facilitate student interaction and reflection. In: Tasler, Nathalie, O'Brien, Rachelle and Spires, Alex (eds.) Being Creative in the Face of Adversity: Annual #creativeHE Collection 2021. Creativity for Learning in Higher Education Community, pp. 79-81. (doi: 10.25416/NTR.17709860.v5)


Fischer-Schoeneborn, S., Livingston, K. , Mio, C. , Boath, L. , Lemmrich, S. and Kuhl, P. (2021) University-School Partnerships in Initial Teacher Education: Further Insights from Lüneburg and Glasgow. Lower Saxony – Scotland Joint Forum, 21-22 November 2022.


Reyes Viviescas, D., Ventura-Medina, E., Anderson, T. and Mio, C. (2019) Development of Learner Autonomy in Student-Centred Learning Environments in Engineering. In: SEFI 47th Annual Conference Proceedings. European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI), Budapest, Hungary, 16-19 Sep 2019, pp. 899-908. ISBN 9782873520182

Mio, C. , Ventura-Medina, E. and João, E. (2019) Scenario-based eLearning to promote active learning in large cohorts: students’ perspective. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 27(4), pp. 894-909. (doi: 10.1002/cae.22123)


Mio, C. and Magueijo, V. (2018) How to Make the Most of Individual and Teamwork Peer-Assessment. HEA STEM Conference 2018: Creativity in Teaching, Learning and Student Engagement, Newcastle, UK, 31 Jan - 1 Feb 2018.


Mio, C. , Joao, E. and Ventura-Medina, E. (2017) Online Scenario-Based Learning. 3rd Annual Learning and Teaching in an International Technological University, Glasgow, UK, 16 Jun 2017.

Mio, C. , Magueijo, V. and Ventura-Medina, E. (2017) Individual and Teamwork Peer-Assessment in Chemical Engineering. 3rd Annual Learning and Teaching in an International Technological University, Glasgow, UK, 16 Jun 2017.

Mio, C. and Magueijo, V. (2017) How to Make the Most of Peer Assessment. IChemE Assessment and Feedback in Chemical Engineering Education, Feb 2017. (Unpublished)


Ventura-Medina, E. and Mio, C. (2016) How to Make the Most of Peer Assessment. IChemE EdSIG Workshop, Newcastle, UK, 22 Nov 2016. (Unpublished)


Mitchem, L., Mio, C. and Snook, R. D. (2004) Diffusion of transdermally delivered nitroglycerin through skin mimetics using photoacoustic and attenuated total reflectance spectrometry. Analytica Chimica Acta, 511(2), pp. 281-288. (doi: 10.1016/j.aca.2004.02.001)


Mitchem, L., Mio, C. and Snook, R.D. (2002) The Use of FTIR - PAS and ATR Spectroscopy to Measure Diffusion of Nitroglycerin From Drug Delivery Patches Through Membranes. Royal Society of Chemistry Analytical Research Forum, London, UK, 14-17 Jul 2002. (Unpublished)

Mitchem, L., Mio, C. and Snook, R.D. (2002) Diffusion of Nitroglycerin From Drug Delivery Patches Through Skin Mimetics Using Fourier Transform Infrared Photoacoustic Spectrometry and Attenuated Total Reflectance Spectroscopy. 8th International Perspectives in Percutaneous Penetration Conference, Antibes and Juan-les-Pins, France, 02-06 Apr 2002. (Unpublished)


Mio, C. , Gong, T., Terray, A. and Marr, D.W.M. (2001) Morphological control of mesoscale colloidal models. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 185(1-2), pp. 157-163. (doi: 10.1016/S0378-3812(01)00466-6)

Mio, C. , Nardelli, M., McCarthy, J. and Snook, R.D. (2001) Single-Molecule Studies Using Optical Tweezers. Royal Society of Chemistry Analytical Research Forum, Norwich, UK, 16-18 Jul 2001. (Unpublished)


Mio, C. , Gong, T., Terray, A. and Marr, D.W.M. (2000) Morphological Control of Mesoscale Colloidal Models. Fourteenth Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, Boulder, CO, USA, 25-30 Jun 2000. (Unpublished)

Mio, C. and Marr, D.W.M. (2000) Optical trapping for the manipulation of colloidal particles. Advanced Materials, 12(12), pp. 917-920. (doi: 10.1002/1521-4095(200006)12:12<917::AID-ADMA917>3.0.CO;2-K)

Mio, C. , Gong, T., Terray, A. and Marr, D.W.M. (2000) Design of a scanning laser optical trap for multiparticle manipulation. Review of Scientific Instruments, 71(5), pp. 2196-2200. (doi: 10.1063/1.1150605)

Mio, C. and Marr, D.W.M. (2000) Creation of Tailored Surfaces by Optical Manipulation of Colloidal Particles. Gordon Research Conference: Colloidal, Macromolecular, and Polyelectrolyte Solutions, Ventura, CA, USA, 6-11 Feb 2000. (Unpublished)


Mio, C. and Marr, D.W.M. (1999) Tailored surfaces using optically manipulated colloidal particles. Langmuir, 15(25), pp. 8565-8568. (doi: 10.1021/la990610g)

Mio, C. , Gong, T., Terray, A. and Marr, D.W.M. (1999) Morphological Control of Mesoscale Colloidal Models. AIChE 1999 Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, USA, 31 Oct - 05 Nov 199. (Unpublished)

Polese, A., Mio, C. and Bertucco, A. (1999) Infinite-dilution activity coefficients of polar and nonpolar solvents in solutions of hyperbranched polymers. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 44(4), pp. 839-845. (doi: 10.1021/je9803025)

Mio, C. and Marr, D.W.M. (1999) Tailored Surfaces Using Optically Manipulated Colloidal Particles. ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, Boston, MA, USA, 14-16 May 1999. (Unpublished)


Mio, C. and Prausnitz, J. (1998) Solvent activities in solutions of star and linear poly(ethylene oxide) and polystyrene. Polymer, 39(25), pp. 6401-6405. (doi: 10.1016/s0032-3861(97)10074-x)

Polese, A., Mio, C. and Bertucco, A. (1998) Coefficienti di Attività a Diluizione Infinita di Diversi Solventi in Polimeri Comb e Dendritici. Congresso GRICU (Gruppo Ricercatori di Ingegneria Chimica dell’Università), Ferrara, Italy, 23-25 Sep 1998. (Unpublished)

Mio, C. , Kiritsov, S., Thio, Y., Brafman, R., Prausnitz, J., Hawker, C. and Malmstrom, E. E. (1998) Vapor-liquid equilibria for solutions of dendritic polymers. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 43(4), pp. 541-550. (doi: 10.1021/je970226q)


Mio, C. , Jayachandran, K.N. and Prausnitz, J. M. (1997) Vapor-liquid equilibria for binary solutions of some comb polymers based on poly(styrene-co-maleic anhydride) in acetone, methanol and cyclohexane. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 141(1-2), pp. 165-178. (doi: 10.1016/s0378-3812(97)00177-5)

Mio, C. , Kiritsov, S., Hawker, C. and Prausnitz, J.M. (1997) Thermodynamic Properties of Dendrimer Solutions. American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 16-21 Nov 1997. (Unpublished)

Hawker, C.J., Malmstrom, E., Frank, C.W., Kampf, J.P., Mio, C. and Prausnitz, J.M. (1997) Dendritic Macromolecules: Hype or Unique Materials. 214th ACS National Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 07-11 Sep 1997.

Mio, C. , Bertucco, A. and Prausnitz, J.M. (1997) Vapor-Liquid Equilibria for Solutions of Hyperbranched Polymers. The First European Congress on Chemical Engineering, ECCE 1 – ICHeaP-3, Florence, Italy, 4-7 May 1997. (Unpublished)


Mio, C. , Lue, L. and Prausnitz, J.M. (1996) Thermodynamics of Solutions Containing Hyperbranched Polymers. American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA, 10-15 Nov 1996. (Unpublished)

Bertucco, A. and Mio, C. (1996) Prediction of vapor-liquid equilibrium for polymer solutions by a group-contribution Redlich-Kwong-Soave equation of state. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 117(1-2), pp. 18-25. (doi: 10.1016/0378-3812(95)02931-1)


Bertucco, A. and Mio, C. (1995) Vapor-Liquid Equilibria in Polymer Solutions With Non-Polar Solvents by a Modified Redlich-Kwong-Soave Equation of State. The Second Italian Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering, Florence, Italy, 15-17 May 1995. (Unpublished)

Bertucco, A., Mio, C. and Soave, G. (1995) How to Save Energy by Splitting the Feed of Distillation Towers. The Second Italian Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering, Florence, Italy, 15-17 May 1995. (Unpublished)

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 05:23:36 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 53.


Anderson, S. , Mclaren, E. and Mio, C. (2024) Mapping Curriculum in Higher Education: Unveiling Alignment, Complexity, and Ideology. Open Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, (In Press)

Mio, C. and Marshall, S. (2024) Numeracy has had its day. SMC Journal, 54, pp. 32-35.

Mio, C. and Jones, N. (2023) Interconnecting Science and Maths learning: proportional reasoning. SMC Journal, 53, pp. 41-46.

Mio, C. and Dombi, E. (2023) Changes in engineering students’ surface and deep approaches to learning in first- and second-year university courses. Open Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 2(3), pp. 115-137. (doi: 10.56230/osotl.50)

Zembat, I. , Marshall, S., Mio, C. , Ward, R. and Leitch, M. (2023) Improving established maths teaching practices. Teaching Scotland, 96, pp. 44-45.

Zembat, I. Ö. , Mio, C. , Evans, G., Elliot, L. and Kabaca, T. (2023) Teaching place value conceptually – Part II. Primary Mathematics, 27(1), pp. 7-9.

Zembat, I. Ö. , Mio, C. , Evans, G., Elliot, L. and Kabaca, T. (2022) Teaching place value conceptually – part I. Primary Mathematics, 26(2), pp. 7-10.

Mio, C. , Ventura-Medina, E. and João, E. (2019) Scenario-based eLearning to promote active learning in large cohorts: students’ perspective. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 27(4), pp. 894-909. (doi: 10.1002/cae.22123)

Mitchem, L., Mio, C. and Snook, R. D. (2004) Diffusion of transdermally delivered nitroglycerin through skin mimetics using photoacoustic and attenuated total reflectance spectrometry. Analytica Chimica Acta, 511(2), pp. 281-288. (doi: 10.1016/j.aca.2004.02.001)

Mio, C. , Gong, T., Terray, A. and Marr, D.W.M. (2001) Morphological control of mesoscale colloidal models. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 185(1-2), pp. 157-163. (doi: 10.1016/S0378-3812(01)00466-6)

Mio, C. and Marr, D.W.M. (2000) Optical trapping for the manipulation of colloidal particles. Advanced Materials, 12(12), pp. 917-920. (doi: 10.1002/1521-4095(200006)12:12<917::AID-ADMA917>3.0.CO;2-K)

Mio, C. , Gong, T., Terray, A. and Marr, D.W.M. (2000) Design of a scanning laser optical trap for multiparticle manipulation. Review of Scientific Instruments, 71(5), pp. 2196-2200. (doi: 10.1063/1.1150605)

Mio, C. and Marr, D.W.M. (1999) Tailored surfaces using optically manipulated colloidal particles. Langmuir, 15(25), pp. 8565-8568. (doi: 10.1021/la990610g)

Polese, A., Mio, C. and Bertucco, A. (1999) Infinite-dilution activity coefficients of polar and nonpolar solvents in solutions of hyperbranched polymers. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 44(4), pp. 839-845. (doi: 10.1021/je9803025)

Mio, C. and Prausnitz, J. (1998) Solvent activities in solutions of star and linear poly(ethylene oxide) and polystyrene. Polymer, 39(25), pp. 6401-6405. (doi: 10.1016/s0032-3861(97)10074-x)

Mio, C. , Kiritsov, S., Thio, Y., Brafman, R., Prausnitz, J., Hawker, C. and Malmstrom, E. E. (1998) Vapor-liquid equilibria for solutions of dendritic polymers. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 43(4), pp. 541-550. (doi: 10.1021/je970226q)

Mio, C. , Jayachandran, K.N. and Prausnitz, J. M. (1997) Vapor-liquid equilibria for binary solutions of some comb polymers based on poly(styrene-co-maleic anhydride) in acetone, methanol and cyclohexane. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 141(1-2), pp. 165-178. (doi: 10.1016/s0378-3812(97)00177-5)

Bertucco, A. and Mio, C. (1996) Prediction of vapor-liquid equilibrium for polymer solutions by a group-contribution Redlich-Kwong-Soave equation of state. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 117(1-2), pp. 18-25. (doi: 10.1016/0378-3812(95)02931-1)

Book Sections

Boath, L. , Mio, C. and McKinney, S. (2023) Laying the foundations for leadership: Research-informed teacher education. In: Menter, Ian (ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education Research. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham. ISBN 978303059533-3 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-59533-3_72-1)

Mio, C. (2022) Anonymous asynchronous peer reviews to facilitate student interaction and reflection. In: Tasler, Nathalie, O'Brien, Rachelle and Spires, Alex (eds.) Being Creative in the Face of Adversity: Annual #creativeHE Collection 2021. Creativity for Learning in Higher Education Community, pp. 79-81. (doi: 10.25416/NTR.17709860.v5)

Conference or Workshop Item

Mio, C. , Boath, L. , Curley, A. and McKinney, S. (2024) The Impact of a Reading Group on Professional Learning and Teacher Educator Identity. 11th LSME International Research Conference, Online, 12-13 Nov 2024.

Mio, C. , Boath, L. , Curley, A. and McKinney, S. (2024) Developing Scholarship: The Value of a Research Reading Group in Higher Education ITE. SERA Conference 2024, Dundee, Scotland, 27-29 Nov 2024.

Wright, P., Jagdev, M. K., Mio, C. and Hilton, C. (2024) Critical Mathematics Education (CME) Working Group Discussion: ‘How Can Mathematics Teacher Educators Promote Socially Just Pedagogies and Practices Amongst Practitioners?’ (Working Group). BSRLM Summer Conference, Loughborough, 7-8 June 2024.

Zembat, I. Ö. , Mio, C. , Aydin, U. and Mclaren, E. (2023) Exploring Preservice Teachers' Use of Definitions for Trapeziums. European Conference on Educational Research (ECER 2023), Glasgow, UK, 22-25 August 2023. (Unpublished)

Mio, C. , Mclaren, E. , Zembat, I. Ö. and Marshall, S. (2022) Challenging PGDE Mathematics Students’ Beliefs and Attitudes in the Context of Curriculum Reform. SERA 2022 Conference, University of the West of Scotland (UWS), 23-25 November 2022.

Fischer-Schoeneborn, S., Livingston, K. , Mio, C. , Boath, L. , Lemmrich, S. and Kuhl, P. (2021) University-School Partnerships in Initial Teacher Education: Further Insights from Lüneburg and Glasgow. Lower Saxony – Scotland Joint Forum, 21-22 November 2022.

Mio, C. and Magueijo, V. (2018) How to Make the Most of Individual and Teamwork Peer-Assessment. HEA STEM Conference 2018: Creativity in Teaching, Learning and Student Engagement, Newcastle, UK, 31 Jan - 1 Feb 2018.

Mio, C. , Joao, E. and Ventura-Medina, E. (2017) Online Scenario-Based Learning. 3rd Annual Learning and Teaching in an International Technological University, Glasgow, UK, 16 Jun 2017.

Mio, C. , Magueijo, V. and Ventura-Medina, E. (2017) Individual and Teamwork Peer-Assessment in Chemical Engineering. 3rd Annual Learning and Teaching in an International Technological University, Glasgow, UK, 16 Jun 2017.

Mio, C. and Magueijo, V. (2017) How to Make the Most of Peer Assessment. IChemE Assessment and Feedback in Chemical Engineering Education, Feb 2017. (Unpublished)

Ventura-Medina, E. and Mio, C. (2016) How to Make the Most of Peer Assessment. IChemE EdSIG Workshop, Newcastle, UK, 22 Nov 2016. (Unpublished)

Mitchem, L., Mio, C. and Snook, R.D. (2002) The Use of FTIR - PAS and ATR Spectroscopy to Measure Diffusion of Nitroglycerin From Drug Delivery Patches Through Membranes. Royal Society of Chemistry Analytical Research Forum, London, UK, 14-17 Jul 2002. (Unpublished)

Mitchem, L., Mio, C. and Snook, R.D. (2002) Diffusion of Nitroglycerin From Drug Delivery Patches Through Skin Mimetics Using Fourier Transform Infrared Photoacoustic Spectrometry and Attenuated Total Reflectance Spectroscopy. 8th International Perspectives in Percutaneous Penetration Conference, Antibes and Juan-les-Pins, France, 02-06 Apr 2002. (Unpublished)

Mio, C. , Nardelli, M., McCarthy, J. and Snook, R.D. (2001) Single-Molecule Studies Using Optical Tweezers. Royal Society of Chemistry Analytical Research Forum, Norwich, UK, 16-18 Jul 2001. (Unpublished)

Mio, C. , Gong, T., Terray, A. and Marr, D.W.M. (2000) Morphological Control of Mesoscale Colloidal Models. Fourteenth Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, Boulder, CO, USA, 25-30 Jun 2000. (Unpublished)

Mio, C. and Marr, D.W.M. (2000) Creation of Tailored Surfaces by Optical Manipulation of Colloidal Particles. Gordon Research Conference: Colloidal, Macromolecular, and Polyelectrolyte Solutions, Ventura, CA, USA, 6-11 Feb 2000. (Unpublished)

Mio, C. , Gong, T., Terray, A. and Marr, D.W.M. (1999) Morphological Control of Mesoscale Colloidal Models. AIChE 1999 Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, USA, 31 Oct - 05 Nov 199. (Unpublished)

Mio, C. and Marr, D.W.M. (1999) Tailored Surfaces Using Optically Manipulated Colloidal Particles. ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, Boston, MA, USA, 14-16 May 1999. (Unpublished)

Polese, A., Mio, C. and Bertucco, A. (1998) Coefficienti di Attività a Diluizione Infinita di Diversi Solventi in Polimeri Comb e Dendritici. Congresso GRICU (Gruppo Ricercatori di Ingegneria Chimica dell’Università), Ferrara, Italy, 23-25 Sep 1998. (Unpublished)

Mio, C. , Kiritsov, S., Hawker, C. and Prausnitz, J.M. (1997) Thermodynamic Properties of Dendrimer Solutions. American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 16-21 Nov 1997. (Unpublished)

Hawker, C.J., Malmstrom, E., Frank, C.W., Kampf, J.P., Mio, C. and Prausnitz, J.M. (1997) Dendritic Macromolecules: Hype or Unique Materials. 214th ACS National Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 07-11 Sep 1997.

Mio, C. , Bertucco, A. and Prausnitz, J.M. (1997) Vapor-Liquid Equilibria for Solutions of Hyperbranched Polymers. The First European Congress on Chemical Engineering, ECCE 1 – ICHeaP-3, Florence, Italy, 4-7 May 1997. (Unpublished)

Mio, C. , Lue, L. and Prausnitz, J.M. (1996) Thermodynamics of Solutions Containing Hyperbranched Polymers. American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA, 10-15 Nov 1996. (Unpublished)

Bertucco, A. and Mio, C. (1995) Vapor-Liquid Equilibria in Polymer Solutions With Non-Polar Solvents by a Modified Redlich-Kwong-Soave Equation of State. The Second Italian Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering, Florence, Italy, 15-17 May 1995. (Unpublished)

Bertucco, A., Mio, C. and Soave, G. (1995) How to Save Energy by Splitting the Feed of Distillation Towers. The Second Italian Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering, Florence, Italy, 15-17 May 1995. (Unpublished)

Mio, C. and Jones, N. Interconnecting Science and Maths Learning:. Scottish Mathematics Council (SMC) Conference, Stirling, UK, 20 May 2023. (Unpublished)

Conference Proceedings

Reyes Viviescas, D., Ventura-Medina, E., Anderson, T. and Mio, C. (2019) Development of Learner Autonomy in Student-Centred Learning Environments in Engineering. In: SEFI 47th Annual Conference Proceedings. European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI), Budapest, Hungary, 16-19 Sep 2019, pp. 899-908. ISBN 9782873520182


Mio, C. , Jagdev, M. K., Wright, P. and Povey, H. (2025) Weaving together the threads of Indigenous knowledge and mathematics: Reflections from reading group meeting. [Website]

Wright, P., Chikvaidze, M., Mio, C. , Inan, G. and O'Brien, K. (2024) Developing ‘deep mathematical thinking’ in geometry with 3- and 4-year-olds: Reflections from the seventh reading group meeting. [Website]

Jackson, C., Mio, C. , Neman, A., O'Brien, K., Povey, H. and Wright, P. (2024) Teacher noticing from a sociopolitical perspective: Reflections from the sixth reading group meeting. [Website]

Jones, N. , McLaughlin, T. and Mio, C. (2023) Enhancing STEM outreach through student-lecturer partnership. [Website]

Warren, C. and Mio, C. (2023) Seven questions with ... Cristina Mio. [Website]

Wright, P., Beckford-Henry, S., Breen, B., Ford, A., Ineson, G., Makonga, I., Mio, C. , Pollard, L. and Srinivas, S. (2022) Teaching Maths for Social Justice - Reflections from the second reading group meeting. [Website]

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 05:23:36 2025 GMT.


  • I. O. Zembat, C. Mio; 'Improving Mathematics Teaching Practice in Primary School Settings Using Pupil-centred Pedagogy' , funded by Pedagogy Praxis and Faith RTG, School of Education (Small Grants), University of Glasgow (January 2024 – June 2024) (total amount of funding £1,300) 

  • C. Mio, I. O. Zembat, S. Marshall; "Enhancing the provision of Mathematics education for MEduc Mathematics, PGDE Primary Mathematics and PGDE Secondary Mathematics and improve pre-service teachers’ understanding of teaching and learning with hands-on manipulatives', funded by the School of Education (Small Grants), University of Glasgow (January 2022 – June 2022) (total amount of funding £ 3,255)

  • C. Mio, I. O. Zembat, S. Marshall, E. McLaren; "Enhancing the provision of mathematics education courses and improving pre-service teachers' understanding of teaching and learning through the use of hand-on/online manipulatives and supporting materials", funded by the School of Education (Small Grants), University of Glasgow (January 2020 – June 2020) (total amount of funding £ 5,000)
  • I. O. Zembat, C. Mio; "School-University Collaboration to Cultivate the Experiences of Students and Schoolteachers in Mathematics (SUCCESS – M): Enriching teaching and learning through a mathematics curriculum development for topics in Primary 5-Primary 7", funded by Pupil Equity Funding (PEF) Grant, Falkirk Council - Scotland (March 2019 – March 2020) (total amount of funding £19,627)
  • E. Ventura-Medina, E. Joao, C. Mio; “Crossing Boundaries – Multidisciplinary Education using Scenario-Based Learning in Engineering”, BWG-WISE Project funded by the Faculty of Engineering Educational Development Fund - University of Strathclyde (2015/16) (total amount of funding £4,520)


  • Tan, Yinwan
    An Observation Study of Mathematics Pedagogies in Chinese Kindergarten.

Currently supervising two PhD students:

  • "Enhancing the quality and standard of research at Saudi Arabian Universities: An investigative study on the use or research into statistical methods"
  • "Teaching mathematics in Early Years in the Chinese Context "

Completed PhD students:

  • "Computer-based assessment - determination of process rather than product"

Supervised MSc Master's, MEd Master's and MEduc Master's students' dissertations in a range of topics, e.g.,:

  • Maths anxiety in middle-school aged pupils
  • Comparison of how English is taught traditional Chinese schools and in Singaporean-style schools in China
  • The use of a flipped classroom approach for international students learning English as a second language
  • How effective are mobile apps in Chinese education
  • University students' view on formative assessment and feedback 
  • The role of the educator in learning through play in an early years' classroom
  • How does using e-books affect a child's reading ability?



My main teaching interest is Mathematics Education and Teacher Education.  

I am the course leader of the "Curriculum, Pedagogies and Practice in the Primary and Secondary" course (PGDE Programme). 

At present, I am teaching the following courses:

  • Primary Mathematics Education (MEduc Year 3 and Year 4)
  • PGDE Curriculum, Pedagogies and Practice - Primary Mathematics
  • PGDE Curriculum, Pedagogies and Practice - Secondary Mathematics 
  • PGDE Research and Enquiry-led Learning and Teaching  

I have also been involved in the delivery of these courses:

  • What if...?  (MEduc Year 2)
  • Education and Society (MEduc Year 2)
  • Education in Practice (MEduc Year 5)


Additional information

Joint Programme Leader of PGDE (Post-graduate Diploma in Education)

External appointments

External Examiner:  PGCE (Secondary) and PGCE  (Secondary - International) as a Mathematics subject specialist - Durham University

Academic and professional body membership

  • SFHEA (Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy)  (May 2018)
  • 2008-2010 General Teaching Council for England (GTCE)

Peer review 

Prizes, awards & distinctions 

  • 2022-23: Teaching Excellence Award- PGDE Maths Team) (University of Glasgow Teaching Excellence Awards, Team Award)

Membership and Networks

Member of the Teaching Maths for Social Justice Network https://mathsocialjustice.org/  

Member of the Teaching Committee of the Mathematical Associaton https://www.m-a.org.uk/ 

Conference organiser for the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics https://www.bsrlm-members.org.uk/