Mr Craig Orr

  • Lecturer in Childhood Practice (School of Education)


Having worked in a variety of roles in the Childhood Practice sector over many years, Craig has extensive experience of both policy and practice.

Having completed a BA(Hons) degree in Childhood and Youth Studies, he then progressed on to the MEd in Childhood Practice at the University of Glasgow.

He is currently nearing the end of a PhD in Education, exploring collaborative improvement between children's services.

Research interests

Craig's current project seeks to explore the complexities involved in inter-agency collaboration. Adopting a place-based approach to systems development,  a series of case-studies set within the Children's Neighbourhoods Scotland project aims to identify some of the faciltators and barriers to effective collaborative practice.

Utilising Social Network Analysis, Cultural Historical Activity Theory, and underpinned by Systems Perspectives, the primary aim of the project is in the co-creation of knowledge between the participants and researcher. 


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2023 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018
Number of items: 8.


Black, E. , McQuade, M. and Orr, C. (2023) Awakening Practitioner Curiosity: Narrative Accounts of Postgraduate Learning. 31st EECERA Annual Conference, Estoril, Portugal, 30 August - 2 September 2023.

Abel, C., McQuade, M. and Orr, C. (2023) International perspectives on childcare provision and practice. In: Carroll, Mike and Wingrave, Mary (eds.) Childhood Practice: A Reflective and Evidence-based Approach. SAGE Publications: London, pp. 287-298. ISBN 9781529617986

Carroll, M. and Orr, C. (2023) Leadership and management in Childhood Practice. In: Carroll, Mike and Wingrave, Mary (eds.) Childhood Practice: A Reflective and Evidence-based Approach. SAGE Publications: London, pp. 261-274. ISBN 9781529617986

Orr, C. and Wingrave, M. (2023) Legislative and policy frameworks: practice and implementation. In: Carroll, Mike and Wingrave, Mary (eds.) Childhood Practice: A Reflective and Evidence-based Approach. SAGE Publications: London, pp. 3-14. ISBN 9781529617986


Wingrave, M., Boyle, S., Black, E. and Orr, C. (2020) The standard for childhood practice - 10 years on. Researching Education Bulletin, 9, pp. 5-9.


Chapman, C. , Drever, A., McBride, M., Orr, C. and Weakley, S. (2019) Leading place-based interventions to improve outcomes in low socio-economic settings. In: Townsend, Tony (ed.) Instructional Leadership and Leadership for Learning in Schools: Understanding Theories of Leading. Series: Palgrave studies on leadership and learning in teacher education. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 379-400. ISBN 9783030237356 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-23736-3_15)

Lowden, K. , Hall, S. , Bravo, A., Orr, C. and Chapman, C. (2019) Knowledge Utilisation Mapping Study: Scottish Education System. [Research Reports or Papers]


Orr, A. , Wingrave, M. and Black, E. (2018) The Standard of Childhood Practice: 10 Years On. SERA 43rd Annual Conference, Glasgow, UK, 21-23 Nov 2018.

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 03:04:52 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 8.


Wingrave, M., Boyle, S., Black, E. and Orr, C. (2020) The standard for childhood practice - 10 years on. Researching Education Bulletin, 9, pp. 5-9.

Book Sections

Abel, C., McQuade, M. and Orr, C. (2023) International perspectives on childcare provision and practice. In: Carroll, Mike and Wingrave, Mary (eds.) Childhood Practice: A Reflective and Evidence-based Approach. SAGE Publications: London, pp. 287-298. ISBN 9781529617986

Carroll, M. and Orr, C. (2023) Leadership and management in Childhood Practice. In: Carroll, Mike and Wingrave, Mary (eds.) Childhood Practice: A Reflective and Evidence-based Approach. SAGE Publications: London, pp. 261-274. ISBN 9781529617986

Orr, C. and Wingrave, M. (2023) Legislative and policy frameworks: practice and implementation. In: Carroll, Mike and Wingrave, Mary (eds.) Childhood Practice: A Reflective and Evidence-based Approach. SAGE Publications: London, pp. 3-14. ISBN 9781529617986

Chapman, C. , Drever, A., McBride, M., Orr, C. and Weakley, S. (2019) Leading place-based interventions to improve outcomes in low socio-economic settings. In: Townsend, Tony (ed.) Instructional Leadership and Leadership for Learning in Schools: Understanding Theories of Leading. Series: Palgrave studies on leadership and learning in teacher education. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 379-400. ISBN 9783030237356 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-23736-3_15)

Research Reports or Papers

Lowden, K. , Hall, S. , Bravo, A., Orr, C. and Chapman, C. (2019) Knowledge Utilisation Mapping Study: Scottish Education System. [Research Reports or Papers]

Conference or Workshop Item

Black, E. , McQuade, M. and Orr, C. (2023) Awakening Practitioner Curiosity: Narrative Accounts of Postgraduate Learning. 31st EECERA Annual Conference, Estoril, Portugal, 30 August - 2 September 2023.

Orr, A. , Wingrave, M. and Black, E. (2018) The Standard of Childhood Practice: 10 Years On. SERA 43rd Annual Conference, Glasgow, UK, 21-23 Nov 2018.

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 03:04:52 2025 GMT.



Childhood Practice (MEd) (2022-23)


Childhood Practice (MEd) (2019-22)

Education (MSc) (2018-19) 


Course Leader:

Leadership, Values and Vision (PGD Childhood Practice)

Social and Cultural Contexts of Childhood (BA Childhood Practice) 

Practice Placement (BA Childhood Practice) 

Key Issues and Debates (A) (BA Childhood Practice) 

Planning a Project (BA Childhood Practice)