Professor Clive Dimmock

  • Professor (Educational Leadership & Policy)


St Andrew's Building, 11 Eldon Street, Glasgow

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Professor Clive Dimmock was appointed Chair in Professional Learning and Leadership at the University of Glasgow in October 2013. Prior to this he was Professor of Education at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang University of Technology, Singapore. He is Professor Emeritus at University of Leicester and currently Honorary Professor at the Education University, Hong Kong. He has held earlier appointments at Cardiff University, The University of Western Australia and The Chinese University of Hong Kong. His undergraduate degree was completed at the London School of Economics and doctorate in Comparative Education and Policy at the Institute of Education, London University (now UCL). 

Research interests

Clive’s research interests focus on a number of interrelated themes all of which are regarded as central to improving the quality of education for all students. For more than two decades his work has targeted greater understanding of learning-centred leadership, the interaction and connectivity between learning, teaching, professional development and leadership, and their contributions to improving student learning outcomes through whole school re-design. Alongside this abiding concern has been a comparative cross-cultural dimension, aimed at identifying similarities and differences between Anglo-American and Asian systems of schooling, and leadership. More recently, his interests have embraced the need for greater equity across school systems, and the roles of policy makers and school leaders in bringing this about. In addition, among his current interests are - how problems caused by the disconnections between research, policy and practice might be addressed; how schools respond to system-wide reforms; and the advocacy of research-informed teachers and research engaged schools.


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2016 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997
Number of items: 68.


Ho, L. and Dimmock, C. (2023) Changing teachers' beliefs and practices towards learner-centred education: experiences and lessons from Vietnam's education system reforms. Practice, (doi: 10.1080/25783858.2023.2177191) (Early Online Publication)


Tan, C. Y. and Dimmock, C. (2022) The relationships among between-class ability grouping, teaching practices, and mathematics achievement: a large-scale empirical analysis. Educational Studies, 48(4), pp. 471-489. (doi: 10.1080/03055698.2020.1780416)


Tan, C. Y., Dimmock, C. and Walker, A. (2021) How school leadership practices relate to student outcomes: Insights from a three-level meta-analysis. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, (doi: 10.1177/17411432211061445) (Early Online Publication)

Dimmock, C. , Tan, C. Y., Nguyen, D. , Tran, T. A. and Dinh, T. T. (2021) Implementing education system reform: Local adaptation in school reform of teaching and learning. International Journal of Educational Development, 80, 102302. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijedudev.2020.102302)


Chiong, C. and Dimmock, C. (2020) Building trust: how low-income parents navigate neoliberalism in Singapore’s education system. Comparative Education, 56(3), pp. 394-408. (doi: 10.1080/03050068.2020.1724487) (PMID:33007838) (PMCID:PMC7601534)

Dimmock, C. (2020) Connecting research and knowledge on educational leadership in the West and Asia: adopting a cross-cultural comparative perspective. Comparative Education, 56(2), pp. 257-277. (doi: 10.1080/03050068.2019.1703393)


Dimmock, C. (2019) Implementing Vietnam’s School renovations’ Policy: Developing Teachers and School Leaders. Policy Brief (No. 9). [Research Reports or Papers]

Dimmock, C. (2019) Leading research-informed practice in schools. In: Godfrey, David and Brown, Chris (eds.) An Ecosystem for Research-Engaged Schools: Reforming Education Through Research. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 56-72. ISBN 9781138574458

Dimmock, C. (2019) Implementing Vietnam’s School Renovations’ Policy: Developing Teachers and School Leaders. [Research Reports or Papers]

Tan, C. Y. and Dimmock, C. (2019) National and transnational influences on school organisation. In: Connolly, Michael, Eddy-Spicer, David H., James, Chris and Kruse, Sharon D. (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of School Organization. SAGE Publications: London, pp. 414-429. ISBN 9781526420664


Dimmock, C. et al. (2018) Building capacity of Vietnam schools to implement fundamental and comprehensive reforms: Designing and piloting interventions through professional development. Phase 2 Report of Research Project to The Head Foundation, Singapore, British Council, Vietnam, and University of Glasgow. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)


Dimmock, C. and Tan, C. Y. (2016) Explaining the success of the world's leading education systems: the case of Singapore. British Journal of Educational Studies, 64(2), pp. 161-184. (doi: 10.1080/00071005.2015.1116682)

Dimmock, C. (2016) Conceptualising the research–practice–professional development nexus: mobilising schools as ‘research-engaged’ professional learning communities. Professional Development in Education, 42(1), pp. 36-53. (doi: 10.1080/19415257.2014.963884)

Dimmock, C. (2016) System leadership for school improvement: A developing concept and set of practices. Scottish Educational Review, 48(2), pp. 60-79.

Dimmock, C. et al. (2016) Capacity building through professional development and collaborative research to enable educational reform implementation in Vietnam. Phase 1 Report of Research Project to University of Glasgow and British Council, Vietnam. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)

Dimmock, C. and Tan, C. Y. (2016) Re-conceptualising learning-centred (instructional) leadership: an obsolete concept in need of renovation. Leading and Managing, 22(2), pp. 1-17.


Tan, C. Y. and Dimmock, C. (2014) How a 'top-performing' Asian school system formulates and implements policy: the case of Singapore. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 42(5), pp. 743-763. (doi: 10.1177/1741143213510507)

Dimmock, C. , Salleh, S. and Tan, C.-Y. (2014) Curriculum, leadership and religion in Singapore schools: how a secular Government engineers social harmony and the 'state interest'. In: Chapman, Judith D., McNamara, Sue, Reiss, Michael J. and Waghid, Yusef (eds.) The International Handbook On Learning, Teaching And Leading In Faith-Based Schools. Springer: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 533-551. ISBN 9789401789714 (doi: 10.1007/978-94-017-8972-1_31)

Sum, R. K. W. and Dimmock, C. (2014) Diversified professionalism of physical education teachers in the Asian context of Hong Kong. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 20(4), pp. 453-469. (doi: 10.1080/13540602.2014.881643)


Dimmock, C. (2013) Bridging the Research-Policy-Practice Divide: Emergence of the 'Research-Engaged' School of the Future. Series: Gateways to Leading Learning – APCLC-HKPI Monograph Series (3). Institute of Education, Hong Kong: Hong Kong, China.

Dimmock, C. and Tan, C.Y. (2013) Educational leadership in Singapore: tight coupling, sustainability, scalability, and succession. Journal of Educational Administration, 51(3), pp. 320-340. (doi: 10.1108/09578231311311492)

Ong, C.H. and Dimmock, C. (2013) Principals' engagement of low ability students in Singapore secondary schools. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 41(2), pp. 214-232. (doi: 10.1177/1741143212468345)

Teh, L.W., Hogan, D. and Dimmock, C. (2013) Knowledge mobilization and utilization in the Singapore education system: the nexus between researchers, policy makers and practitioners. In: Levin, B., Qi, J. and Edelstein, H. (eds.) The Impact of Research in Education: An International Perspective. Policy Press: Bristol, UK. ISBN 9781447306207


Dimmock, C. (2012) Leadership, Capacity Building And School Improvement: Concepts, Themes And Impact. Series: Leadership for learning series. Routledge: London. ISBN 9780415404365

Dimmock, C. and Lam, M. (2012) Grounded theory research. In: Briggs, A.R.J., Coleman, M. and Morrison, M. (eds.) Research Methods in Educational Leadership and Management. Sage: London, UK. ISBN 9781446200438

Hairon, S. and Dimmock, C. (2012) Singapore schools and professional learning communities: teacher professional development and school leadership in an Asian hierarchical system. Educational Review, 64(4), pp. 405-424. (doi: 10.1080/00131911.2011.625111)


Dimmock, C. (2011) Diversifying schools and leveraging school improvement: a comparative analysis of the English radical, and Singapore conservative, specialist schools' policies. British Journal of Educational Studies, 59(4), pp. 439-458. (doi: 10.1080/00071005.2011.636732)

Dimmock, C. (2011) Formulating a research agenda in school leadership and organisational change for school improvement in Singapore. School Leadership and Management, 31(4), pp. 321-338. (doi: 10.1080/13632434.2011.606271)

Dimmock, C. and Goh, J.W.P. (2011) Transformative pedagogy, leadership and school organisation for the twenty-first-century knowledge-based economy: the case of Singapore. School Leadership and Management, 31(3), pp. 215-234. (doi: 10.1080/13632434.2010.546106)

Dimmock, C. and Goh, J.W.P. (2011) Transforming Singapore schools – the economic imperative, government policy and school principalship. In: Townsend, T. and McBeath, J. (eds.) International Handbook on Leadership for Learning. Series: Springer international handbooks of education, 25. Springer: Dordrecht, The Netherlands. ISBN 9789400713499

Floyd, A. and Dimmock, C. (2011) ‘Jugglers’, ‘copers’ and ‘strugglers’: academics' perceptions of being a head of department in a post-1992 UK university and how it influences their future careers. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 33(4), pp. 387-399. (doi: 10.1080/1360080X.2011.585738)


Dimmock, C. and Ong Soon Leong, J. (2010) Studying overseas: mainland Chinese students in Singapore. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 40(1), pp. 25-42. (doi: 10.1080/03057920903155666)


Chi-Kin Lee, J., Dimmock, C. and Yeung, T.-A.Y. (2009) Who really leads and manages the curriculum in primary schools? A Hong Kong case-study. Curriculum Journal, 20(1), pp. 3-26. (doi: 10.1080/09585170902763973)


Chan, W.W.Y. and Dimmock, C. (2008) The internationalization of universities: Globalist, internationalist and translocalist models. Journal of Research in International Education, 7(2), pp. 184-204. (doi: 10.1177/1475240908091304)

Walker, A. and Dimmock, C. (2008) Preparing leaders: preparing learners: the Hong Kong experience. In: Brundrett, M. and Crawford, M. (eds.) Developing School Leaders - An International Perspective. Routledge: London, UK. ISBN 9780415435727


Dimmock, C. (2007) Comparing educational organisations: methodological and conceptual issues. In: Bray, M., Adamson, B. and Mason, M. (eds.) Comparative Education Research: Approaches and Methods. Series: CERC Studies in comparative education (19). Comparative Education Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong: Hong Kong, China, pp. 283-299. ISBN 9781402061899


Walker, A. and Dimmock, C. (2006) Preparing leaders, preparing learners: the Hong Kong experience. School Leadership and Management, 26(2), pp. 125-147. (doi: 10.1080/13634230600589659)

Weindling, D. and Dimmock, C. (2006) Sitting in the 'hot seat': new headteachers in the UK. Journal of Educational Administration, 44(4), pp. 326-340. (doi: 10.1108/09578230610674949)


Dimmock, C. (2005) The leadership of multi-ethnic schools what we know and don't know about values-driven leadership. Educational Research and Perspectives, 32(2), pp. 80-96.

Dimmock, C.A.J. and Walker, A. (2005) Educational Leadership: Culture and Diversity. Sage: London, UK. ISBN 9780761971696

Walker, A. and Dimmock, C. (2005) Developing leadership in context. In: Coles, M. and Southworth, G. (eds.) Developing Leadership: Creating the Schools of Tomorrow. Series: Professional learning. Open University Press: Maidenhead, pp. 80-94. ISBN 9780335215430


Walker, A. and Dimmock, C. (2004) The international role of the NCSL: tourist, colporteur, or confrere? Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 32(3), pp. 269-287.

Dimmock, C. and Walker, A. (2004) A new approach to strategic leadership: learning‐centredness, connectivity and cultural context in school design. School Leadership and Management, 24(1), pp. 39-56. (doi: 10.1080/1363243042000172813)


Dimmock, C. (2003) Effective schooling in the Asia-Pacific region. In: Keeves, J.P. and Watanabe, R. (eds.) The International Handbook of Educational Research in the Asia-Pacific Region. Series: Kluwer international handbooks of education (11). Kluwer Academic: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 987-1000. ISBN 9781402010071

Dimmock, C. and Walker, A. (2003) Developing comparative and international leadership and management: a cross-cultural model. In: Preedy, M., Glatter, R. and Wise, C. (eds.) Strategic Leadership and Educational Improvement. Series: Leading and managing for effective education (2). Open University in association with P. Chapman Pub ; SAGE: London ; Thousand Oaks, CA, pp. 77-92. ISBN 9780761940586

Law, L.Y.S., Walker, A. and Dimmock, C. (2003) The influence of principals’ values on their perception and management of school problems. Journal of Educational Administration, 41(5), pp. 498-523. (doi: 10.1108/09578230310489344)


Walker, A. and Dimmock, C. (Eds.) (2002) School Leadership and Administration: Adopting a Cultural Perspective. Series: Reference books in international education. RoutledgeFalmer: New York, NY. ISBN 9780415932936

Dimmock, C. (2002) Cross-cultural differences in interpreting and doing research. In: Coleman, M and Briggs, A.R.J. (eds.) Research Methods in Educational Leadership and Management. Series: Educational management research and practice. SAGE Publications: London, pp. 28-42. ISBN 9780761971856

Dimmock, C. (2002) School design: a classificatory framework for a 21st-century approach to school improvement. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 13(2), pp. 137-162. (doi: 10.1076/sesi.

Dimmock, C. and Walker, A. (2002) Connecting school leadership with teaching, learning and parenting in diverse cultural contexts: Western and Asian perspectives. In: Leithwood, K. and Hallinger, P. (eds.) Second International Handbook of Educational Leadership and Administration. Series: Kluwer international handbooks of education, 1 (8). Kluwer Academic: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 395-426. ISBN 9781402006906

Dimmock, C. and Walker, A. (2002) School leadership in context: societal and organisational cultures. In: Bush, T. and Bell, L. (eds.) The Principles and Practice of Educational Management. Series: Educational management, research and practice. Paul Chapman Publishing: London, pp. 70-85. ISBN 9780761947929

O'Donoghue, T.A. and Dimmock, C.A.J. (2002) Teacher professional development in the area of 'school-reporting-to-parents'. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 30(2), pp. 169-180. (doi: 10.1080/13598660220135676)

Walker, A. and Dimmock, C. (2002) Moving school leadership beyond its narrow boundaries: developing a cross-cultural approach. In: Leithwood, K. and Hallinger, P. (eds.) Second iinternational Handbook of Educational Leadership and Administration. Series: Kluwer international handbooks of education (8). Kluwer Academic: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 167-207. ISBN 9781402006906


Carless, D. and Dimmock, C. (2001) The principal and curriculum change: a Hong Kong case study. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 21(1), pp. 30-44. (doi: 10.1080/02188791.2001.10594640)


Walker, A. and Dimmock, C. (2000) One size fits all? Teacher appraisal in a Chinese culture. Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education, 14(2), pp. 155-178. (doi: 10.1023/A:1008106803772)

Walker, A. and Dimmock, C. (2000) Leadership dilemmas of Hong Kong principals: sources, perceptions and outcomes. Australian Journal of Education, 44(1), pp. 5-25. (doi: 10.1177/000494410004400103)

Dimmock, C. and Walker, A. (Eds.) (2000) Future School Administration: Western and Asian Perspectives. Chinese University Press: Hong Kong. ISBN 9789622019171

Dimmock, C. and Lee, J.C.-K. (2000) Redesigning school-based curriculum leadership: a cross-cultural perspective. Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 15(4), pp. 332-358.

Dimmock, C. and Walker, A. (2000) Developing comparative and international educational leadership and management: a cross-cultural model. School Leadership and Management, 20(2), pp. 143-160. (doi: 10.1080/13632430050011399)

Dimmock, C. and Walker, A. (2000) Globalisation and societal culture: redefining schooling and school leadership in the twenty-first century. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 30(3), pp. 303-312. (doi: 10.1080/713657474)

Dimmock, C. and Walker, A. (2000) Societal culture and school leadership charting the way ahead. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 20(2), pp. 110-116. (doi: 10.1080/02188791.2000.10600187)

Dimmock, C.A.J. (2000) Designing the Learning-Centred School: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. Series: Student outcomes and the reform of education. Falmer Press: London, UK. ISBN 9780750708500

Walker, A. and Dimmock, C. (2000) Insights into educational administration: the need for a cross-cultural comparative perspective. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 20(2), pp. 11-22. (doi: 10.1080/02188791.2000.10600179)

Walker, A. and Dimmock, C. (2000) Mapping the way ahead: leading educational leadership into the globalised world. School Leadership and Management, 20(2), pp. 227-233. (doi: 10.1080/13632430050011443)


Johns, D.P. and Dimmock, C. (1999) The marginalization of physical education: impoverished curriculum policy and practice in Hong Kong. Journal of Education Policy, 14(4), pp. 363-384. (doi: 10.1080/026809399286242)


Dimmock, C. and Walker, A. (1998) Comparative educational administration: developing a cross-cultural conceptual framework. Educational Administration Quarterly, 34(4), pp. 558-595. (doi: 10.1177/0013161X98034004006)

Walker, A. and Dimmock, C. (1998) Hong Kong's return to mainland China: education policy in times of uncertainty. Journal of Education Policy, 13(1), pp. 3-25. (doi: 10.1080/0268093980130102)


Dimmock, C. and Walker, A. (1997) Hong Kong's change of sovereignty: school leader perceptions of the effects on educational policy and school administration. Comparative Education, 33(2), pp. 277-302. (doi: 10.1080/03050069728578)

This list was generated on Thu Mar 27 19:36:30 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 68.


Ho, L. and Dimmock, C. (2023) Changing teachers' beliefs and practices towards learner-centred education: experiences and lessons from Vietnam's education system reforms. Practice, (doi: 10.1080/25783858.2023.2177191) (Early Online Publication)

Tan, C. Y. and Dimmock, C. (2022) The relationships among between-class ability grouping, teaching practices, and mathematics achievement: a large-scale empirical analysis. Educational Studies, 48(4), pp. 471-489. (doi: 10.1080/03055698.2020.1780416)

Tan, C. Y., Dimmock, C. and Walker, A. (2021) How school leadership practices relate to student outcomes: Insights from a three-level meta-analysis. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, (doi: 10.1177/17411432211061445) (Early Online Publication)

Dimmock, C. , Tan, C. Y., Nguyen, D. , Tran, T. A. and Dinh, T. T. (2021) Implementing education system reform: Local adaptation in school reform of teaching and learning. International Journal of Educational Development, 80, 102302. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijedudev.2020.102302)

Chiong, C. and Dimmock, C. (2020) Building trust: how low-income parents navigate neoliberalism in Singapore’s education system. Comparative Education, 56(3), pp. 394-408. (doi: 10.1080/03050068.2020.1724487) (PMID:33007838) (PMCID:PMC7601534)

Dimmock, C. (2020) Connecting research and knowledge on educational leadership in the West and Asia: adopting a cross-cultural comparative perspective. Comparative Education, 56(2), pp. 257-277. (doi: 10.1080/03050068.2019.1703393)

Dimmock, C. and Tan, C. Y. (2016) Explaining the success of the world's leading education systems: the case of Singapore. British Journal of Educational Studies, 64(2), pp. 161-184. (doi: 10.1080/00071005.2015.1116682)

Dimmock, C. (2016) Conceptualising the research–practice–professional development nexus: mobilising schools as ‘research-engaged’ professional learning communities. Professional Development in Education, 42(1), pp. 36-53. (doi: 10.1080/19415257.2014.963884)

Dimmock, C. (2016) System leadership for school improvement: A developing concept and set of practices. Scottish Educational Review, 48(2), pp. 60-79.

Dimmock, C. and Tan, C. Y. (2016) Re-conceptualising learning-centred (instructional) leadership: an obsolete concept in need of renovation. Leading and Managing, 22(2), pp. 1-17.

Tan, C. Y. and Dimmock, C. (2014) How a 'top-performing' Asian school system formulates and implements policy: the case of Singapore. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 42(5), pp. 743-763. (doi: 10.1177/1741143213510507)

Sum, R. K. W. and Dimmock, C. (2014) Diversified professionalism of physical education teachers in the Asian context of Hong Kong. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 20(4), pp. 453-469. (doi: 10.1080/13540602.2014.881643)

Dimmock, C. and Tan, C.Y. (2013) Educational leadership in Singapore: tight coupling, sustainability, scalability, and succession. Journal of Educational Administration, 51(3), pp. 320-340. (doi: 10.1108/09578231311311492)

Ong, C.H. and Dimmock, C. (2013) Principals' engagement of low ability students in Singapore secondary schools. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 41(2), pp. 214-232. (doi: 10.1177/1741143212468345)

Hairon, S. and Dimmock, C. (2012) Singapore schools and professional learning communities: teacher professional development and school leadership in an Asian hierarchical system. Educational Review, 64(4), pp. 405-424. (doi: 10.1080/00131911.2011.625111)

Dimmock, C. (2011) Diversifying schools and leveraging school improvement: a comparative analysis of the English radical, and Singapore conservative, specialist schools' policies. British Journal of Educational Studies, 59(4), pp. 439-458. (doi: 10.1080/00071005.2011.636732)

Dimmock, C. (2011) Formulating a research agenda in school leadership and organisational change for school improvement in Singapore. School Leadership and Management, 31(4), pp. 321-338. (doi: 10.1080/13632434.2011.606271)

Dimmock, C. and Goh, J.W.P. (2011) Transformative pedagogy, leadership and school organisation for the twenty-first-century knowledge-based economy: the case of Singapore. School Leadership and Management, 31(3), pp. 215-234. (doi: 10.1080/13632434.2010.546106)

Floyd, A. and Dimmock, C. (2011) ‘Jugglers’, ‘copers’ and ‘strugglers’: academics' perceptions of being a head of department in a post-1992 UK university and how it influences their future careers. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 33(4), pp. 387-399. (doi: 10.1080/1360080X.2011.585738)

Dimmock, C. and Ong Soon Leong, J. (2010) Studying overseas: mainland Chinese students in Singapore. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 40(1), pp. 25-42. (doi: 10.1080/03057920903155666)

Chi-Kin Lee, J., Dimmock, C. and Yeung, T.-A.Y. (2009) Who really leads and manages the curriculum in primary schools? A Hong Kong case-study. Curriculum Journal, 20(1), pp. 3-26. (doi: 10.1080/09585170902763973)

Chan, W.W.Y. and Dimmock, C. (2008) The internationalization of universities: Globalist, internationalist and translocalist models. Journal of Research in International Education, 7(2), pp. 184-204. (doi: 10.1177/1475240908091304)

Walker, A. and Dimmock, C. (2006) Preparing leaders, preparing learners: the Hong Kong experience. School Leadership and Management, 26(2), pp. 125-147. (doi: 10.1080/13634230600589659)

Weindling, D. and Dimmock, C. (2006) Sitting in the 'hot seat': new headteachers in the UK. Journal of Educational Administration, 44(4), pp. 326-340. (doi: 10.1108/09578230610674949)

Dimmock, C. (2005) The leadership of multi-ethnic schools what we know and don't know about values-driven leadership. Educational Research and Perspectives, 32(2), pp. 80-96.

Walker, A. and Dimmock, C. (2004) The international role of the NCSL: tourist, colporteur, or confrere? Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 32(3), pp. 269-287.

Dimmock, C. and Walker, A. (2004) A new approach to strategic leadership: learning‐centredness, connectivity and cultural context in school design. School Leadership and Management, 24(1), pp. 39-56. (doi: 10.1080/1363243042000172813)

Law, L.Y.S., Walker, A. and Dimmock, C. (2003) The influence of principals’ values on their perception and management of school problems. Journal of Educational Administration, 41(5), pp. 498-523. (doi: 10.1108/09578230310489344)

Dimmock, C. (2002) School design: a classificatory framework for a 21st-century approach to school improvement. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 13(2), pp. 137-162. (doi: 10.1076/sesi.

O'Donoghue, T.A. and Dimmock, C.A.J. (2002) Teacher professional development in the area of 'school-reporting-to-parents'. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 30(2), pp. 169-180. (doi: 10.1080/13598660220135676)

Carless, D. and Dimmock, C. (2001) The principal and curriculum change: a Hong Kong case study. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 21(1), pp. 30-44. (doi: 10.1080/02188791.2001.10594640)

Walker, A. and Dimmock, C. (2000) One size fits all? Teacher appraisal in a Chinese culture. Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education, 14(2), pp. 155-178. (doi: 10.1023/A:1008106803772)

Walker, A. and Dimmock, C. (2000) Leadership dilemmas of Hong Kong principals: sources, perceptions and outcomes. Australian Journal of Education, 44(1), pp. 5-25. (doi: 10.1177/000494410004400103)

Dimmock, C. and Lee, J.C.-K. (2000) Redesigning school-based curriculum leadership: a cross-cultural perspective. Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 15(4), pp. 332-358.

Dimmock, C. and Walker, A. (2000) Developing comparative and international educational leadership and management: a cross-cultural model. School Leadership and Management, 20(2), pp. 143-160. (doi: 10.1080/13632430050011399)

Dimmock, C. and Walker, A. (2000) Globalisation and societal culture: redefining schooling and school leadership in the twenty-first century. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 30(3), pp. 303-312. (doi: 10.1080/713657474)

Dimmock, C. and Walker, A. (2000) Societal culture and school leadership charting the way ahead. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 20(2), pp. 110-116. (doi: 10.1080/02188791.2000.10600187)

Walker, A. and Dimmock, C. (2000) Insights into educational administration: the need for a cross-cultural comparative perspective. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 20(2), pp. 11-22. (doi: 10.1080/02188791.2000.10600179)

Walker, A. and Dimmock, C. (2000) Mapping the way ahead: leading educational leadership into the globalised world. School Leadership and Management, 20(2), pp. 227-233. (doi: 10.1080/13632430050011443)

Johns, D.P. and Dimmock, C. (1999) The marginalization of physical education: impoverished curriculum policy and practice in Hong Kong. Journal of Education Policy, 14(4), pp. 363-384. (doi: 10.1080/026809399286242)

Dimmock, C. and Walker, A. (1998) Comparative educational administration: developing a cross-cultural conceptual framework. Educational Administration Quarterly, 34(4), pp. 558-595. (doi: 10.1177/0013161X98034004006)

Walker, A. and Dimmock, C. (1998) Hong Kong's return to mainland China: education policy in times of uncertainty. Journal of Education Policy, 13(1), pp. 3-25. (doi: 10.1080/0268093980130102)

Dimmock, C. and Walker, A. (1997) Hong Kong's change of sovereignty: school leader perceptions of the effects on educational policy and school administration. Comparative Education, 33(2), pp. 277-302. (doi: 10.1080/03050069728578)


Dimmock, C. (2013) Bridging the Research-Policy-Practice Divide: Emergence of the 'Research-Engaged' School of the Future. Series: Gateways to Leading Learning – APCLC-HKPI Monograph Series (3). Institute of Education, Hong Kong: Hong Kong, China.

Dimmock, C. (2012) Leadership, Capacity Building And School Improvement: Concepts, Themes And Impact. Series: Leadership for learning series. Routledge: London. ISBN 9780415404365

Dimmock, C.A.J. and Walker, A. (2005) Educational Leadership: Culture and Diversity. Sage: London, UK. ISBN 9780761971696

Dimmock, C.A.J. (2000) Designing the Learning-Centred School: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. Series: Student outcomes and the reform of education. Falmer Press: London, UK. ISBN 9780750708500

Book Sections

Dimmock, C. (2019) Leading research-informed practice in schools. In: Godfrey, David and Brown, Chris (eds.) An Ecosystem for Research-Engaged Schools: Reforming Education Through Research. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 56-72. ISBN 9781138574458

Tan, C. Y. and Dimmock, C. (2019) National and transnational influences on school organisation. In: Connolly, Michael, Eddy-Spicer, David H., James, Chris and Kruse, Sharon D. (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of School Organization. SAGE Publications: London, pp. 414-429. ISBN 9781526420664

Dimmock, C. , Salleh, S. and Tan, C.-Y. (2014) Curriculum, leadership and religion in Singapore schools: how a secular Government engineers social harmony and the 'state interest'. In: Chapman, Judith D., McNamara, Sue, Reiss, Michael J. and Waghid, Yusef (eds.) The International Handbook On Learning, Teaching And Leading In Faith-Based Schools. Springer: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 533-551. ISBN 9789401789714 (doi: 10.1007/978-94-017-8972-1_31)

Teh, L.W., Hogan, D. and Dimmock, C. (2013) Knowledge mobilization and utilization in the Singapore education system: the nexus between researchers, policy makers and practitioners. In: Levin, B., Qi, J. and Edelstein, H. (eds.) The Impact of Research in Education: An International Perspective. Policy Press: Bristol, UK. ISBN 9781447306207

Dimmock, C. and Lam, M. (2012) Grounded theory research. In: Briggs, A.R.J., Coleman, M. and Morrison, M. (eds.) Research Methods in Educational Leadership and Management. Sage: London, UK. ISBN 9781446200438

Dimmock, C. and Goh, J.W.P. (2011) Transforming Singapore schools – the economic imperative, government policy and school principalship. In: Townsend, T. and McBeath, J. (eds.) International Handbook on Leadership for Learning. Series: Springer international handbooks of education, 25. Springer: Dordrecht, The Netherlands. ISBN 9789400713499

Walker, A. and Dimmock, C. (2008) Preparing leaders: preparing learners: the Hong Kong experience. In: Brundrett, M. and Crawford, M. (eds.) Developing School Leaders - An International Perspective. Routledge: London, UK. ISBN 9780415435727

Dimmock, C. (2007) Comparing educational organisations: methodological and conceptual issues. In: Bray, M., Adamson, B. and Mason, M. (eds.) Comparative Education Research: Approaches and Methods. Series: CERC Studies in comparative education (19). Comparative Education Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong: Hong Kong, China, pp. 283-299. ISBN 9781402061899

Walker, A. and Dimmock, C. (2005) Developing leadership in context. In: Coles, M. and Southworth, G. (eds.) Developing Leadership: Creating the Schools of Tomorrow. Series: Professional learning. Open University Press: Maidenhead, pp. 80-94. ISBN 9780335215430

Dimmock, C. (2003) Effective schooling in the Asia-Pacific region. In: Keeves, J.P. and Watanabe, R. (eds.) The International Handbook of Educational Research in the Asia-Pacific Region. Series: Kluwer international handbooks of education (11). Kluwer Academic: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 987-1000. ISBN 9781402010071

Dimmock, C. and Walker, A. (2003) Developing comparative and international leadership and management: a cross-cultural model. In: Preedy, M., Glatter, R. and Wise, C. (eds.) Strategic Leadership and Educational Improvement. Series: Leading and managing for effective education (2). Open University in association with P. Chapman Pub ; SAGE: London ; Thousand Oaks, CA, pp. 77-92. ISBN 9780761940586

Dimmock, C. (2002) Cross-cultural differences in interpreting and doing research. In: Coleman, M and Briggs, A.R.J. (eds.) Research Methods in Educational Leadership and Management. Series: Educational management research and practice. SAGE Publications: London, pp. 28-42. ISBN 9780761971856

Dimmock, C. and Walker, A. (2002) Connecting school leadership with teaching, learning and parenting in diverse cultural contexts: Western and Asian perspectives. In: Leithwood, K. and Hallinger, P. (eds.) Second International Handbook of Educational Leadership and Administration. Series: Kluwer international handbooks of education, 1 (8). Kluwer Academic: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 395-426. ISBN 9781402006906

Dimmock, C. and Walker, A. (2002) School leadership in context: societal and organisational cultures. In: Bush, T. and Bell, L. (eds.) The Principles and Practice of Educational Management. Series: Educational management, research and practice. Paul Chapman Publishing: London, pp. 70-85. ISBN 9780761947929

Walker, A. and Dimmock, C. (2002) Moving school leadership beyond its narrow boundaries: developing a cross-cultural approach. In: Leithwood, K. and Hallinger, P. (eds.) Second iinternational Handbook of Educational Leadership and Administration. Series: Kluwer international handbooks of education (8). Kluwer Academic: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 167-207. ISBN 9781402006906

Edited Books

Walker, A. and Dimmock, C. (Eds.) (2002) School Leadership and Administration: Adopting a Cultural Perspective. Series: Reference books in international education. RoutledgeFalmer: New York, NY. ISBN 9780415932936

Dimmock, C. and Walker, A. (Eds.) (2000) Future School Administration: Western and Asian Perspectives. Chinese University Press: Hong Kong. ISBN 9789622019171

Research Reports or Papers

Dimmock, C. (2019) Implementing Vietnam’s School renovations’ Policy: Developing Teachers and School Leaders. Policy Brief (No. 9). [Research Reports or Papers]

Dimmock, C. (2019) Implementing Vietnam’s School Renovations’ Policy: Developing Teachers and School Leaders. [Research Reports or Papers]

Dimmock, C. et al. (2018) Building capacity of Vietnam schools to implement fundamental and comprehensive reforms: Designing and piloting interventions through professional development. Phase 2 Report of Research Project to The Head Foundation, Singapore, British Council, Vietnam, and University of Glasgow. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)

Dimmock, C. et al. (2016) Capacity building through professional development and collaborative research to enable educational reform implementation in Vietnam. Phase 1 Report of Research Project to University of Glasgow and British Council, Vietnam. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)

This list was generated on Thu Mar 27 19:36:30 2025 GMT.


From 2009 to 2012, Clive led a major system wide, base-line, million dollar study of School Leadership in Singapore funded by the Singapore government. The project included schools and leaders across all sectors – state and private; all stages – primary and secondary and tertiary; and principals, other senior leaders and middle-level leaders.

From 2016 to 2017, Clive was Principal Investigator of a Project funded by The British Council (Vietnam) and The University of Glasgow investigating the Perceptions and Experiences of Vietnamese Principals and Teachers in regard to the 2013 Fundamental and Comprehensive Educational Reform, a major system-wide reform programme affecting all Vietnamese schools.

From 2017-2019, Clive was Principal Investigator of a Project funded by The Head Foundation, Singapore, The British Council, Vietnam, and ESRC (via The University of Glasgow) - the title of which was Building Capacity of Vietnam Schools to Implement Fundamental and Comprehensive Reforms through Knowledge Exchange and Professional Development.


Clive is an experienced supervisor of doctoral and masters’ students, having successfully supervised more than fifty doctoral theses of students from UK, Australia, Hong Kong and Singapore. His main interests for research supervision include the following areas:

  • Re-designing schools to improve learning, teaching and leadership
  • Promoting equity in terms of student access and opportunity
  • Developing new methods of bringing research into practice through design research and intervention programmes
  • Bridging the research-policy-practice gaps
  • Developing cross-cultural comparative studies in leadership and schooling, especially comparing UK and Asian systems
  • Understanding and enabling schools to respond to system-wide reforms.

In addition to supervision and internal examination of theses, Clive has acted as external examiner for doctoral theses in many world leading universities, including Melbourne, Sydney, Western Australia, University of Hong Kong, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Cambridge, Bath, Durham, London, Manchester and Birmingham.

Contact Clive at:


Clive is responsible for teaching the Education Policy in Action Module on the Master's programme - Education, Public Policy and Equity (EPPE). This adopts a Problem-based learning (PBL) approach, with students working in groups. The aim is for students to get as near an authentic experience as possible of how and why particular educational policies are formulated and what the experiences and challenges are to schools in Implementing reforms. The course focuses on policy reforms in Vietnam.

Additional information

Consulting and Advice

Clive has provided consultancy and advice to various national governments and international agencies. Among these is the 2012/13 OECD project on Innovative Learning Environments, where he has advised on a new model of school re-design for learning-centred leadership, and provided case studies of innovative 21st century school learning environments from Singapore, a world leading school system. He has also at various times provided consultancy to a number of governments, among them - Western Australia, Hong Kong, and Singapore. In addition, he has led Masters and Doctorate in Education programmes in the UK, Hong Kong and Singapore.

Clive is regularly invited to give keynote addresses and presentations to international audiences in Hong Kong, Singapore, China and Australia. He is a Senior Research Fellow at Asia Pacific Centre for Educational Leadership at the Hong Kong Institute of Education, and Emeritus Professor of Education at the University of Leicester, UK. He has conducted professional development with academic staff and doctoral students in The University of Hong Kong, and the Education University, Hong Kong.

Academic and Professional Membership

  • British Educational Leadership Management and Administration Society
  • British Educational research Association
  • International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement

Journal Editorships

  • Editorial Board School Leadership and Management (Taylor and Francis)
  • Editorial Board Journal of Educational Administration (Emerald/Insight)