Number of items: 68.
Ho, L. and Dimmock, C.
Changing teachers' beliefs and practices towards learner-centred education: experiences and lessons from Vietnam's education system reforms.
(doi: 10.1080/25783858.2023.2177191)
(Early Online Publication)
Tan, C. Y. and Dimmock, C.
The relationships among between-class ability grouping, teaching practices, and mathematics achievement: a large-scale empirical analysis.
Educational Studies, 48(4),
pp. 471-489.
(doi: 10.1080/03055698.2020.1780416)
Tan, C. Y., Dimmock, C. and Walker, A.
How school leadership practices relate to student outcomes: Insights from a three-level meta-analysis.
Educational Management Administration and Leadership,
(doi: 10.1177/17411432211061445)
(Early Online Publication)
Dimmock, C. , Tan, C. Y., Nguyen, D. , Tran, T. A. and Dinh, T. T.
Implementing education system reform: Local adaptation in school reform of teaching and learning.
International Journal of Educational Development, 80,
(doi: 10.1016/j.ijedudev.2020.102302)
Chiong, C. and Dimmock, C.
Building trust: how low-income parents navigate neoliberalism in Singapore’s education system.
Comparative Education, 56(3),
pp. 394-408.
(doi: 10.1080/03050068.2020.1724487)
Dimmock, C.
Connecting research and knowledge on educational leadership in the West and Asia: adopting a cross-cultural comparative perspective.
Comparative Education, 56(2),
pp. 257-277.
(doi: 10.1080/03050068.2019.1703393)
Dimmock, C.
Implementing Vietnam’s School renovations’ Policy: Developing Teachers and School Leaders. Policy Brief (No. 9).
[Research Reports or Papers]
Dimmock, C.
Leading research-informed practice in schools.
In: Godfrey, David and Brown, Chris (eds.)
An Ecosystem for Research-Engaged Schools: Reforming Education Through Research.
Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 56-72.
ISBN 9781138574458
Dimmock, C.
Implementing Vietnam’s School Renovations’ Policy: Developing Teachers and School Leaders.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Tan, C. Y. and Dimmock, C.
National and transnational influences on school organisation.
In: Connolly, Michael, Eddy-Spicer, David H., James, Chris and Kruse, Sharon D. (eds.)
The SAGE Handbook of School Organization.
SAGE Publications: London, pp. 414-429.
ISBN 9781526420664
Dimmock, C. et al.
Building capacity of Vietnam schools to implement fundamental and comprehensive reforms: Designing and piloting interventions through professional development. Phase 2 Report of Research Project to The Head Foundation, Singapore, British Council, Vietnam, and University of Glasgow.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Dimmock, C. and Tan, C. Y.
Explaining the success of the world's leading education systems: the case of Singapore.
British Journal of Educational Studies, 64(2),
pp. 161-184.
(doi: 10.1080/00071005.2015.1116682)
Dimmock, C.
Conceptualising the research–practice–professional development nexus: mobilising schools as ‘research-engaged’ professional learning communities.
Professional Development in Education, 42(1),
pp. 36-53.
(doi: 10.1080/19415257.2014.963884)
Dimmock, C.
System leadership for school improvement: A developing concept and set of practices.
Scottish Educational Review, 48(2),
pp. 60-79.
Dimmock, C. et al.
Capacity building through professional development and collaborative research to enable educational reform implementation in Vietnam. Phase 1 Report of Research Project to University of Glasgow and British Council, Vietnam.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Dimmock, C. and Tan, C. Y.
Re-conceptualising learning-centred (instructional) leadership: an obsolete concept in need of renovation.
Leading and Managing, 22(2),
pp. 1-17.
Tan, C. Y. and Dimmock, C.
How a 'top-performing' Asian school system formulates and implements policy: the case of Singapore.
Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 42(5),
pp. 743-763.
(doi: 10.1177/1741143213510507)
Dimmock, C. , Salleh, S. and Tan, C.-Y.
Curriculum, leadership and religion in Singapore schools: how a secular Government engineers social harmony and the 'state interest'.
In: Chapman, Judith D., McNamara, Sue, Reiss, Michael J. and Waghid, Yusef (eds.)
The International Handbook On Learning, Teaching And Leading In Faith-Based Schools.
Springer: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 533-551.
ISBN 9789401789714
(doi: 10.1007/978-94-017-8972-1_31)
Sum, R. K. W. and Dimmock, C.
Diversified professionalism of physical education teachers in the Asian context of Hong Kong.
Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 20(4),
pp. 453-469.
(doi: 10.1080/13540602.2014.881643)
Dimmock, C.
Bridging the Research-Policy-Practice Divide: Emergence of the 'Research-Engaged' School of the Future.
Series: Gateways to Leading Learning – APCLC-HKPI Monograph Series (3).
Institute of Education, Hong Kong: Hong Kong, China.
Dimmock, C. and Tan, C.Y.
Educational leadership in Singapore: tight coupling, sustainability, scalability, and succession.
Journal of Educational Administration, 51(3),
pp. 320-340.
(doi: 10.1108/09578231311311492)
Ong, C.H. and Dimmock, C.
Principals' engagement of low ability students in Singapore secondary schools.
Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 41(2),
pp. 214-232.
(doi: 10.1177/1741143212468345)
Teh, L.W., Hogan, D. and Dimmock, C.
Knowledge mobilization and utilization in the Singapore education system: the nexus between researchers, policy makers and practitioners.
In: Levin, B., Qi, J. and Edelstein, H. (eds.)
The Impact of Research in Education: An International Perspective.
Policy Press: Bristol, UK.
ISBN 9781447306207
Dimmock, C.
Leadership, Capacity Building And School Improvement: Concepts, Themes And Impact.
Series: Leadership for learning series.
Routledge: London.
ISBN 9780415404365
Dimmock, C. and Lam, M.
Grounded theory research.
In: Briggs, A.R.J., Coleman, M. and Morrison, M. (eds.)
Research Methods in Educational Leadership and Management.
Sage: London, UK.
ISBN 9781446200438
Hairon, S. and Dimmock, C.
Singapore schools and professional learning communities: teacher professional development and school leadership in an Asian hierarchical system.
Educational Review, 64(4),
pp. 405-424.
(doi: 10.1080/00131911.2011.625111)
Dimmock, C.
Diversifying schools and leveraging school improvement: a comparative analysis of the English radical, and Singapore conservative, specialist schools' policies.
British Journal of Educational Studies, 59(4),
pp. 439-458.
(doi: 10.1080/00071005.2011.636732)
Dimmock, C.
Formulating a research agenda in school leadership and organisational change for school improvement in Singapore.
School Leadership and Management, 31(4),
pp. 321-338.
(doi: 10.1080/13632434.2011.606271)
Dimmock, C. and Goh, J.W.P.
Transformative pedagogy, leadership and school organisation for the twenty-first-century knowledge-based economy: the case of Singapore.
School Leadership and Management, 31(3),
pp. 215-234.
(doi: 10.1080/13632434.2010.546106)
Dimmock, C. and Goh, J.W.P.
Transforming Singapore schools – the economic imperative, government policy and school principalship.
In: Townsend, T. and McBeath, J. (eds.)
International Handbook on Leadership for Learning.
Series: Springer international handbooks of education, 25.
Springer: Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
ISBN 9789400713499
Floyd, A. and Dimmock, C.
‘Jugglers’, ‘copers’ and ‘strugglers’: academics' perceptions of being a head of department in a post-1992 UK university and how it influences their future careers.
Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 33(4),
pp. 387-399.
(doi: 10.1080/1360080X.2011.585738)
Dimmock, C. and Ong Soon Leong, J.
Studying overseas: mainland Chinese students in Singapore.
Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 40(1),
pp. 25-42.
(doi: 10.1080/03057920903155666)
Chi-Kin Lee, J., Dimmock, C. and Yeung, T.-A.Y.
Who really leads and manages the curriculum in primary schools? A Hong Kong case-study.
Curriculum Journal, 20(1),
pp. 3-26.
(doi: 10.1080/09585170902763973)
Chan, W.W.Y. and Dimmock, C.
The internationalization of universities: Globalist, internationalist and translocalist models.
Journal of Research in International Education, 7(2),
pp. 184-204.
(doi: 10.1177/1475240908091304)
Walker, A. and Dimmock, C.
Preparing leaders: preparing learners: the Hong Kong experience.
In: Brundrett, M. and Crawford, M. (eds.)
Developing School Leaders - An International Perspective.
Routledge: London, UK.
ISBN 9780415435727
Dimmock, C.
Comparing educational organisations: methodological and conceptual issues.
In: Bray, M., Adamson, B. and Mason, M. (eds.)
Comparative Education Research: Approaches and Methods.
Series: CERC Studies in comparative education (19).
Comparative Education Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong: Hong Kong, China, pp. 283-299.
ISBN 9781402061899
Walker, A. and Dimmock, C.
Preparing leaders, preparing learners: the Hong Kong experience.
School Leadership and Management, 26(2),
pp. 125-147.
(doi: 10.1080/13634230600589659)
Weindling, D. and Dimmock, C.
Sitting in the 'hot seat': new headteachers in the UK.
Journal of Educational Administration, 44(4),
pp. 326-340.
(doi: 10.1108/09578230610674949)
Dimmock, C.
The leadership of multi-ethnic schools what we know and don't know about values-driven leadership.
Educational Research and Perspectives, 32(2),
pp. 80-96.
Dimmock, C.A.J. and Walker, A.
Educational Leadership: Culture and Diversity.
Sage: London, UK.
ISBN 9780761971696
Walker, A. and Dimmock, C.
Developing leadership in context.
In: Coles, M. and Southworth, G. (eds.)
Developing Leadership: Creating the Schools of Tomorrow.
Series: Professional learning.
Open University Press: Maidenhead, pp. 80-94.
ISBN 9780335215430
Walker, A. and Dimmock, C.
The international role of the NCSL: tourist, colporteur, or confrere?
Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 32(3),
pp. 269-287.
Dimmock, C. and Walker, A.
A new approach to strategic leadership: learning‐centredness, connectivity and cultural context in school design.
School Leadership and Management, 24(1),
pp. 39-56.
(doi: 10.1080/1363243042000172813)
Dimmock, C.
Effective schooling in the Asia-Pacific region.
In: Keeves, J.P. and Watanabe, R. (eds.)
The International Handbook of Educational Research in the Asia-Pacific Region.
Series: Kluwer international handbooks of education (11).
Kluwer Academic: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 987-1000.
ISBN 9781402010071
Dimmock, C. and Walker, A.
Developing comparative and international leadership and management: a cross-cultural model.
In: Preedy, M., Glatter, R. and Wise, C. (eds.)
Strategic Leadership and Educational Improvement.
Series: Leading and managing for effective education (2).
Open University in association with P. Chapman Pub ; SAGE: London ; Thousand Oaks, CA, pp. 77-92.
ISBN 9780761940586
Law, L.Y.S., Walker, A. and Dimmock, C.
The influence of principals’ values on their perception and management of school problems.
Journal of Educational Administration, 41(5),
pp. 498-523.
(doi: 10.1108/09578230310489344)
Walker, A. and Dimmock, C. (Eds.)
School Leadership and Administration: Adopting a Cultural Perspective.
Series: Reference books in international education.
RoutledgeFalmer: New York, NY.
ISBN 9780415932936
Dimmock, C.
Cross-cultural differences in interpreting and doing research.
In: Coleman, M and Briggs, A.R.J. (eds.)
Research Methods in Educational Leadership and Management.
Series: Educational management research and practice.
SAGE Publications: London, pp. 28-42.
ISBN 9780761971856
Dimmock, C.
School design: a classificatory framework for a 21st-century approach to school improvement.
School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 13(2),
pp. 137-162.
(doi: 10.1076/sesi.
Dimmock, C. and Walker, A.
Connecting school leadership with teaching, learning and parenting in diverse cultural contexts: Western and Asian perspectives.
In: Leithwood, K. and Hallinger, P. (eds.)
Second International Handbook of Educational Leadership and Administration.
Series: Kluwer international handbooks of education, 1 (8).
Kluwer Academic: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 395-426.
ISBN 9781402006906
Dimmock, C. and Walker, A.
School leadership in context: societal and organisational cultures.
In: Bush, T. and Bell, L. (eds.)
The Principles and Practice of Educational Management.
Series: Educational management, research and practice.
Paul Chapman Publishing: London, pp. 70-85.
ISBN 9780761947929
O'Donoghue, T.A. and Dimmock, C.A.J.
Teacher professional development in the area of 'school-reporting-to-parents'.
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 30(2),
pp. 169-180.
(doi: 10.1080/13598660220135676)
Walker, A. and Dimmock, C.
Moving school leadership beyond its narrow boundaries: developing a cross-cultural approach.
In: Leithwood, K. and Hallinger, P. (eds.)
Second iinternational Handbook of Educational Leadership and Administration.
Series: Kluwer international handbooks of education (8).
Kluwer Academic: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 167-207.
ISBN 9781402006906
Carless, D. and Dimmock, C.
The principal and curriculum change: a Hong Kong case study.
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 21(1),
pp. 30-44.
(doi: 10.1080/02188791.2001.10594640)
Walker, A. and Dimmock, C.
One size fits all? Teacher appraisal in a Chinese culture.
Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education, 14(2),
pp. 155-178.
(doi: 10.1023/A:1008106803772)
Walker, A. and Dimmock, C.
Leadership dilemmas of Hong Kong principals: sources, perceptions and outcomes.
Australian Journal of Education, 44(1),
pp. 5-25.
(doi: 10.1177/000494410004400103)
Dimmock, C. and Walker, A. (Eds.)
Future School Administration: Western and Asian Perspectives.
Chinese University Press: Hong Kong.
ISBN 9789622019171
Dimmock, C. and Lee, J.C.-K.
Redesigning school-based curriculum leadership: a cross-cultural perspective.
Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 15(4),
pp. 332-358.
Dimmock, C. and Walker, A.
Developing comparative and international educational leadership and management: a cross-cultural model.
School Leadership and Management, 20(2),
pp. 143-160.
(doi: 10.1080/13632430050011399)
Dimmock, C. and Walker, A.
Globalisation and societal culture: redefining schooling and school leadership in the twenty-first century.
Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 30(3),
pp. 303-312.
(doi: 10.1080/713657474)
Dimmock, C. and Walker, A.
Societal culture and school leadership charting the way ahead.
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 20(2),
pp. 110-116.
(doi: 10.1080/02188791.2000.10600187)
Dimmock, C.A.J.
Designing the Learning-Centred School: A Cross-Cultural Perspective.
Series: Student outcomes and the reform of education.
Falmer Press: London, UK.
ISBN 9780750708500
Walker, A. and Dimmock, C.
Insights into educational administration: the need for a cross-cultural comparative perspective.
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 20(2),
pp. 11-22.
(doi: 10.1080/02188791.2000.10600179)
Walker, A. and Dimmock, C.
Mapping the way ahead: leading educational leadership into the globalised world.
School Leadership and Management, 20(2),
pp. 227-233.
(doi: 10.1080/13632430050011443)
Johns, D.P. and Dimmock, C.
The marginalization of physical education: impoverished curriculum policy and practice in Hong Kong.
Journal of Education Policy, 14(4),
pp. 363-384.
(doi: 10.1080/026809399286242)
Dimmock, C. and Walker, A.
Comparative educational administration: developing a cross-cultural conceptual framework.
Educational Administration Quarterly, 34(4),
pp. 558-595.
(doi: 10.1177/0013161X98034004006)
Walker, A. and Dimmock, C.
Hong Kong's return to mainland China: education policy in times of uncertainty.
Journal of Education Policy, 13(1),
pp. 3-25.
(doi: 10.1080/0268093980130102)
Dimmock, C. and Walker, A.
Hong Kong's change of sovereignty: school leader perceptions of the effects on educational policy and school administration.
Comparative Education, 33(2),
pp. 277-302.
(doi: 10.1080/03050069728578)
This list was generated on Thu Mar 27 19:36:30 2025 GMT.