Dr Clara Fontdevila

  • British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow (School of Education)

email: Clara.FontdevilaPuig@glasgow.ac.uk

11 Eldon Street, St Andrews Building, Glasgow, G3 6NH

Import to contacts

ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-0589-558X


Dr Clara Fontdevila is a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow at the School of Education at the University of Glasgow. Her research focuses on the comparative analysis of education policy and politics, with a particular interest in the origins and contemporary restructuring of education markets, and the expansion and institutionalization of learning assessments.

She was previously a Margarita Salas Fellow at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, where se also received her PhD in Sociology. She has been involved in a number of competitive projects, and has held research and consultancy contracts with a variety of institutions including UNESCO, Open Societies Foundation and Education International.

Research interests

  • Education policy
  • Political economy
  • Education markets
  • Large-scale learning assessments
  • Comparative education


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015
Number of items: 32.


Fontdevila, C. , Zancajo, A. and Verger, A. (2024) Catholic schools in the marketplace: changing and enduring religious identities. Peabody Journal of Education, (doi: 10.1080/0161956X.2024.2381393) (Early Online Publication)

Fontdevila, C. , Verger, A. and Zancajo, A. (2024) NEPC Review: Spark & Sustain How All the World’s School Systems Can Improve Learning at Scale (McKinsey & Company, February 2024). [Research Reports or Papers]

Vanderhoven, E. , Fontdevila, C. , Langthaler, M., Valiente, O. , Hermann, R., Marković, J., Sethwala, S., Maitra, S. and Calderón, E. (2024) Realising the human development promise in dual VET. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, (doi: 10.1080/03057925.2024.2309240) (Early Online Publication)


Fontdevila, C. (2023) Still waiting for the (data) revolution. Examining supply-demand mismatches in the production of SDG4 metrics. International Journal of Educational Development, 103, 102928. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijedudev.2023.102928)

Vanderhoven, E. , Fontdevila, C. and Valiente, O. (2023) Egresados de Dual como Orientadores de Carrera: Un Toolkit para Utilizar el Codiseño y la Voz de los Jóvenes para Mejorar la Orientación Profesional en la Educación Dual. [Research Reports or Papers]

Fontdevila, C. (2023) The politics of good enough data. Developments, dilemmas and deadlocks in the production of global learning metrics. International Journal of Educational Development, 96, 102684. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijedudev.2022.102684)


Zancajo, A. , Verger, A. and Fontdevila, C. (2022) La educación concertada en España. Reformas en clave de equidad desde una perspectiva internacional. [Research Reports or Papers]

Fontdevila, C. , Valiente, O. and Schneider, S. (2022) An organized anarchy? Understanding the role of German cooperation in the construction and export of the dual training model. International Journal of Training and Development, 26(4), pp. 585-605. (doi: 10.1111/ijtd.12274)

Fontdevila, C. (2022) El professorat als centres de màxima complexitat: com reclutar-lo i retenir-lo. In: Tarabini, A. (ed.) Anuari 2022. Els reptes de l’educació a Catalunya. Fundació Bofill: Barcelona, pp. 311-346. ISBN 9788412482973

Vanderhoven, E. , Fontdevila, C. , Valiente, O. and Maitra, S. (2022) Human Development Perspectives on the Transfer of Dual Training: Challenges and Implications. [Research Reports or Papers]

Zancajo, A., Verger, A. and Fontdevila, C. (2022) La Concertada a Debat. Reformes Contra les Desigualtats Educatives des d’una Mirada Internacional i Comparada. [Research Reports or Papers]

Zancajo, A. , Verger, A. and Fontdevila, C. (2022) The instrumentation of public subsidies for private schools: different regulatory models with concurrent equity implications. European Educational Research Journal, 21(1), pp. 44-70. (doi: 10.1177/14749041211023339)


Fontdevila, C. , Verger, A. and Avelar, M. (2021) The business of policy: a review of the corporate sector’s emerging strategies in the promotion of education reform. Critical Studies in Education, 62(2), pp. 131-146. (doi: 10.1080/17508487.2019.1573749)

Zancajo, A., Fontdevila Puig, C. , Verger, A. and Bonal, X. (2021) Regulating public-private partnerships, governing non-state schools: An equity perspective. [Research Reports or Papers]


Verger, A., Fontdevila, C. and Parcerisa, L. (2020) El papel de la OCDE en la difusión internacional de políticas educativas: el caso de la autonomía escolar con rendición de cuentas = The role of the OECD in the international dissemination of educational policies: the case of accountable school autonomy. Journal of Supranational Policies of Education, 11, pp. 28-46. (doi: 10.15366/jospoe2020.11.002)

Fontdevila, C. and Grek, S. (2020) The construction of SDG4: reconciling democratic imperatives and technocratic expertise in the making of global education data? In: Grek, S., Maroy, C. and Verger, A. (eds.) World Yearbook of Education 2021: Accountability and Datafication in the Governance of Education. Series: World yearbook of education. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 43-58. ISBN 9780367856502 (doi: 10.4324/9781003014164-4)

Fontdevila, C. (2020) Learning assessments in the time of SDGs: new actors and evolving alliances in the construction of a global field. In: Wulff, A. (ed.) Grading Goal Four: Tensions, Threats, and Opportunities in the Sustainable Development Goal on Quality Education. Brill Sense: Leiden ; Boston, pp. 262-279. ISBN 9789004430358 (doi: 10.1163/9789004430365_012)


Moschetti, M. C., Fontdevila, C. and Verger, A. (2019) Políticas, procesos y trayectorias de privatización educativa en Latinoamérica = Policies, processes, and paths of educational privatization in Latin America. Educação e Pesquisa, 45, e187870. (doi: 10.1590/s1678-463420194187870)

Verger, A., Parcerisa, L. and Fontdevila, C. (2019) The growth and spread of large-scale assessments and test-based accountabilities: a political sociology of global education reforms. Educational Review, 71(1), pp. 5-30. (doi: 10.1080/00131911.2019.1522045)


Verger, A., Moschetti, M. and Fontdevila, C. (2017) La privatización educativa en América Latina: una cartografía de políticas, tendencias y trayectorias. Internacional de la Educación.

Noschetti, M. C., Verger, A. and Fontdevila, C. (2017) Manual para el estudio de la privatización educativa en América Latina. [Research Reports or Papers]

Bonal, X. and Fontdevila, C. (2017) Is Education for Sustainable Development the means to bring about inclusive development? Between idealist and alternative positions. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 24, pp. 73-77. (doi: 10.1016/j.cosust.2017.02.002)

Tarabini, A., Curran, M. and Fontdevila, C. (2017) Institutional habitus in context: implementation, development and impacts in two compulsory secondary schools in Barcelona. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 38(8), pp. 1177-1189. (doi: 10.1080/01425692.2016.1251306)


Fontdevila, C. and Verger, A. (2016) The engagement of the corporate sector with the SDG4 agenda. NORRAG News, 54, pp. 33-34.

Fontdevila, C. (2016) Una mirada al procés de definició de l’agenda educativa mundial 2030. [Research Reports or Papers]

Verger, A., Zancajo, A. and Fontdevila, C. (2016) La economía política de la privatización educativa: políticas, tendencias y trayectorias desde una perspectiva comparada = Political Economy of Educational Privatization: Policies, Trends and Paths from a Comparative Perspective. Revista Colombiana de Educación, 70, pp. 47-78. (doi: 10.17227/01203916.70rce47.78)

Verger, A., Fontdevila, C. and Zancajo, A. (2016) The Privatization of Education: a Political Economy of Global Education Reform. Series: International perspectives on education reform. Teachers College Press: New York, NY. ISBN 9780807757598


Rambla, X. and Fontdevila, C. (2015) An opportunity to evaluate theories of change: the European strategy against early school leaving = Una oportunidad para evaluar las teorías del cambio: La estrategia europea contra el abandono escolar prematuro. Profesorado, 19(3), pp. 44-57.

Tarabini-Castellani, A., Curran, M. and Fontdevila, C. (2015) El habitus institucional : una herramienta teórica y metodológica para el estudio de la cultura escolar = The Institutional habitus: a methodological and Theoretical Tool to Analyse The School Culture». Tempora, 18(2), pp. 37-58.

Fontdevila, C. (2015) ¿Las políticas previenen el abandono escolar? Ambigüedad en Bruselas y omisión en Madrid. Cuadernos de Pedagogía, 454, pp. 44-46.

Fontdevila, C. and Verger, A. (2015) The World Bank’s Doublespeak on Teachers. An Analysis of Ten Years of Lending and Advice. Education International: Brussels. ISBN 9789295109001

Fontdevila Puig, C. (2015) La política de la Unión Europea y del Gobierno de España contra el abandono escolar prematuro. In: Tarabini, A. (ed.) Políticas de lucha contra el abandono escolar en España. Síntesis col Pedagogía y Educación. ISBN 9788490770801

This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 03:10:03 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 32.


Fontdevila, C. , Zancajo, A. and Verger, A. (2024) Catholic schools in the marketplace: changing and enduring religious identities. Peabody Journal of Education, (doi: 10.1080/0161956X.2024.2381393) (Early Online Publication)

Vanderhoven, E. , Fontdevila, C. , Langthaler, M., Valiente, O. , Hermann, R., Marković, J., Sethwala, S., Maitra, S. and Calderón, E. (2024) Realising the human development promise in dual VET. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, (doi: 10.1080/03057925.2024.2309240) (Early Online Publication)

Fontdevila, C. (2023) Still waiting for the (data) revolution. Examining supply-demand mismatches in the production of SDG4 metrics. International Journal of Educational Development, 103, 102928. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijedudev.2023.102928)

Fontdevila, C. (2023) The politics of good enough data. Developments, dilemmas and deadlocks in the production of global learning metrics. International Journal of Educational Development, 96, 102684. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijedudev.2022.102684)

Fontdevila, C. , Valiente, O. and Schneider, S. (2022) An organized anarchy? Understanding the role of German cooperation in the construction and export of the dual training model. International Journal of Training and Development, 26(4), pp. 585-605. (doi: 10.1111/ijtd.12274)

Zancajo, A. , Verger, A. and Fontdevila, C. (2022) The instrumentation of public subsidies for private schools: different regulatory models with concurrent equity implications. European Educational Research Journal, 21(1), pp. 44-70. (doi: 10.1177/14749041211023339)

Fontdevila, C. , Verger, A. and Avelar, M. (2021) The business of policy: a review of the corporate sector’s emerging strategies in the promotion of education reform. Critical Studies in Education, 62(2), pp. 131-146. (doi: 10.1080/17508487.2019.1573749)

Verger, A., Fontdevila, C. and Parcerisa, L. (2020) El papel de la OCDE en la difusión internacional de políticas educativas: el caso de la autonomía escolar con rendición de cuentas = The role of the OECD in the international dissemination of educational policies: the case of accountable school autonomy. Journal of Supranational Policies of Education, 11, pp. 28-46. (doi: 10.15366/jospoe2020.11.002)

Moschetti, M. C., Fontdevila, C. and Verger, A. (2019) Políticas, procesos y trayectorias de privatización educativa en Latinoamérica = Policies, processes, and paths of educational privatization in Latin America. Educação e Pesquisa, 45, e187870. (doi: 10.1590/s1678-463420194187870)

Verger, A., Parcerisa, L. and Fontdevila, C. (2019) The growth and spread of large-scale assessments and test-based accountabilities: a political sociology of global education reforms. Educational Review, 71(1), pp. 5-30. (doi: 10.1080/00131911.2019.1522045)

Bonal, X. and Fontdevila, C. (2017) Is Education for Sustainable Development the means to bring about inclusive development? Between idealist and alternative positions. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 24, pp. 73-77. (doi: 10.1016/j.cosust.2017.02.002)

Tarabini, A., Curran, M. and Fontdevila, C. (2017) Institutional habitus in context: implementation, development and impacts in two compulsory secondary schools in Barcelona. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 38(8), pp. 1177-1189. (doi: 10.1080/01425692.2016.1251306)

Fontdevila, C. and Verger, A. (2016) The engagement of the corporate sector with the SDG4 agenda. NORRAG News, 54, pp. 33-34.

Verger, A., Zancajo, A. and Fontdevila, C. (2016) La economía política de la privatización educativa: políticas, tendencias y trayectorias desde una perspectiva comparada = Political Economy of Educational Privatization: Policies, Trends and Paths from a Comparative Perspective. Revista Colombiana de Educación, 70, pp. 47-78. (doi: 10.17227/01203916.70rce47.78)

Rambla, X. and Fontdevila, C. (2015) An opportunity to evaluate theories of change: the European strategy against early school leaving = Una oportunidad para evaluar las teorías del cambio: La estrategia europea contra el abandono escolar prematuro. Profesorado, 19(3), pp. 44-57.

Tarabini-Castellani, A., Curran, M. and Fontdevila, C. (2015) El habitus institucional : una herramienta teórica y metodológica para el estudio de la cultura escolar = The Institutional habitus: a methodological and Theoretical Tool to Analyse The School Culture». Tempora, 18(2), pp. 37-58.

Fontdevila, C. (2015) ¿Las políticas previenen el abandono escolar? Ambigüedad en Bruselas y omisión en Madrid. Cuadernos de Pedagogía, 454, pp. 44-46.


Verger, A., Moschetti, M. and Fontdevila, C. (2017) La privatización educativa en América Latina: una cartografía de políticas, tendencias y trayectorias. Internacional de la Educación.

Verger, A., Fontdevila, C. and Zancajo, A. (2016) The Privatization of Education: a Political Economy of Global Education Reform. Series: International perspectives on education reform. Teachers College Press: New York, NY. ISBN 9780807757598

Fontdevila, C. and Verger, A. (2015) The World Bank’s Doublespeak on Teachers. An Analysis of Ten Years of Lending and Advice. Education International: Brussels. ISBN 9789295109001

Book Sections

Fontdevila, C. (2022) El professorat als centres de màxima complexitat: com reclutar-lo i retenir-lo. In: Tarabini, A. (ed.) Anuari 2022. Els reptes de l’educació a Catalunya. Fundació Bofill: Barcelona, pp. 311-346. ISBN 9788412482973

Fontdevila, C. and Grek, S. (2020) The construction of SDG4: reconciling democratic imperatives and technocratic expertise in the making of global education data? In: Grek, S., Maroy, C. and Verger, A. (eds.) World Yearbook of Education 2021: Accountability and Datafication in the Governance of Education. Series: World yearbook of education. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 43-58. ISBN 9780367856502 (doi: 10.4324/9781003014164-4)

Fontdevila, C. (2020) Learning assessments in the time of SDGs: new actors and evolving alliances in the construction of a global field. In: Wulff, A. (ed.) Grading Goal Four: Tensions, Threats, and Opportunities in the Sustainable Development Goal on Quality Education. Brill Sense: Leiden ; Boston, pp. 262-279. ISBN 9789004430358 (doi: 10.1163/9789004430365_012)

Fontdevila Puig, C. (2015) La política de la Unión Europea y del Gobierno de España contra el abandono escolar prematuro. In: Tarabini, A. (ed.) Políticas de lucha contra el abandono escolar en España. Síntesis col Pedagogía y Educación. ISBN 9788490770801

Research Reports or Papers

Fontdevila, C. , Verger, A. and Zancajo, A. (2024) NEPC Review: Spark & Sustain How All the World’s School Systems Can Improve Learning at Scale (McKinsey & Company, February 2024). [Research Reports or Papers]

Vanderhoven, E. , Fontdevila, C. and Valiente, O. (2023) Egresados de Dual como Orientadores de Carrera: Un Toolkit para Utilizar el Codiseño y la Voz de los Jóvenes para Mejorar la Orientación Profesional en la Educación Dual. [Research Reports or Papers]

Zancajo, A. , Verger, A. and Fontdevila, C. (2022) La educación concertada en España. Reformas en clave de equidad desde una perspectiva internacional. [Research Reports or Papers]

Vanderhoven, E. , Fontdevila, C. , Valiente, O. and Maitra, S. (2022) Human Development Perspectives on the Transfer of Dual Training: Challenges and Implications. [Research Reports or Papers]

Zancajo, A., Verger, A. and Fontdevila, C. (2022) La Concertada a Debat. Reformes Contra les Desigualtats Educatives des d’una Mirada Internacional i Comparada. [Research Reports or Papers]

Zancajo, A., Fontdevila Puig, C. , Verger, A. and Bonal, X. (2021) Regulating public-private partnerships, governing non-state schools: An equity perspective. [Research Reports or Papers]

Noschetti, M. C., Verger, A. and Fontdevila, C. (2017) Manual para el estudio de la privatización educativa en América Latina. [Research Reports or Papers]

Fontdevila, C. (2016) Una mirada al procés de definició de l’agenda educativa mundial 2030. [Research Reports or Papers]

This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 03:10:03 2025 GMT.


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