Professor Bonnie Slade

  • Professor of Adult Education for Social Change (People, Place & Social Change)

telephone: +01413306418

Room 425c, St Andrew's Building, 11 Eldon Street, Glasgow, G3 6NH

Import to contacts




I am interested in how adult education, across a variety of contexts (workplace, higher education, community) can work as a tool for social change and individual empowerment. From 2016-2024 I was the Programme Leader for the International Master in Adult Education for Social Change (Erasmus Mundus).

I am the Co-Editor of the Journal of Adult and Continuing Education. I also sit on the Editorial Boards of the International Journal of Lifelong Education, the European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults (RELA), and the Malta Review of Educational Research.  

I am a Trustee and the Honorary Treasurer of the Universities Alliance on Lifelong Learning ( From 2020 to 2023 I was the Chair of the Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults.

I am a proud member of Promoting, Interrogating and Mobilising Adult Learning and Education (PIMA).

Research interests

I completed my Ph.d. at the University of Toronto in 2008, and was a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Post Doctoral Research Fellow at York University (Canada) from 2008 to 2010. My interdisciplinary research draws on adult education, labour studies, migration studies, women’s studies and arts-informed research traditions to explore issues related to informal learning, migration and the labour market. Since 2001 I have presented my research at more than sixty national and international conferences, and have published my work in academic journals and edited books. I am the co-author of the book, “About Canada: Immigration” (Fernwood Publishers, 2011). My SSHRC-funded doctoral research examined how “Canadian work experience” requirements function to regulate immigrant professionals access to the labour market and contribute to the racialisation of the labour market; racialised immigrants are over represented in low skilled, low paid jobs despite their often superior educational credentials and international work experience. My interest in these issues has grown out of my experience working as an Electronics Engineering Technician at a global electronics manufacturing company.


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2008 | 2007 | 2004
Number of items: 36.


Leyton, D., Read, B. , Slade, B. , Evangelista, Z. , Maitra, S. and Maitra, S. (2025) Affective inequalities beyond heteronormativity. Impostor feelings, wellbeing and belonging in STEM students in the UK and India. Educational Review, (doi: 10.1080/00131911.2024.2438877) (Early Online Publication)


Slade, B. , Mayo, P. and Bogossian, T. (Eds.) (2024) Adult Education and Difference. Series: International issues in adult education. Brill. ISBN 9789004692619


Gravani, M. N., Slade, B. , Brown, M., Jõgi, L. and Borg, C. (2023) From Learner-Centered Education (LCE) to Emancipatory Learner-Centered Education (ELCE): a comparative case study of language education for adult migrants in four European countries. Prospects, (doi: 10.1007/s11125-023-09633-0) (Early Online Publication)

Slade, B. and Dagar, P. (2023) Tracing longitudinal impact of Professor Lalage Bown: international master in adult education for social change. In: Slowey, Maria, Hinzen, Heribert, Omolewa, Michael and Osborne, Michael (eds.) Adult Education and Social Justice: International Perspectives. Series: Studies on adult learning and education (17). Firenze University Press, pp. 269-279. ISBN 9791221502527 (doi: 10.36253/979-12-215-0253-4.27)


Imperiale, M. G. and Slade, B. (2022) Learning with and from refugees: adult education to strengthen inclusive societies. CR&DALL Briefing Paper 6/PASCAL Briefing Paper 20. [Research Reports or Papers]


Seddon, E. , Lido, C. , Read, B. , Umutoni, J., Cyulinyana, M.C., Slade, B. , Maitra, S. , Chatterjee, S., Maitra, S. and Thakur, M. (2021) Gendered Journeys: the trajectories of STEM students and graduates through higher education and into employment, in India and Rwanda. [Research Reports or Papers]

Slade, B. L. and Dickson, N. (2021) Adult education and migration in Scotland: policies and practices for inclusion. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 27(1), pp. 100-120. (doi: 10.1177/1477971419896589)

Gravani, M. N. and Slade, B. (Eds.) (2021) Learner-Centred Education for Adult Migrants in Europe. Series: International Issues in Adult Education. Brill. ISBN 9789004461512

Brown, M., Gravani, M. N., Slade, B. and Jogi, L. (2021) Comparative cartography of adult education for migrants in Cyprus, Estonia, Malta and Scotland. In: Gravani, Maria N. and Slade, Bonnie (eds.) Learner-Centred Education for Adult Migrants in Europe. Series: International Issues in Adult Education (33). Brill, pp. 43-53. ISBN 9789004461512 (doi: 10.1163/9789004461529_003)

Gravani, M. N. and Slade, B. (2021) Setting the context for a comparative exploration of Learner-Centred Education (LCE) in programmes for adult migrants in Europe. In: Gravani, Maria N. and Slade, Bonnie (eds.) Learner-Centred Education for Adult Migrants in Europe. Series: International Issues in Adult Education (33). Brill, pp. 3-17. ISBN 9789004461512 (doi: 10.1163/9789004461529_001)

Hatzopoulos, P., Gravani, M. N., Slade, B. , Jogi, L. and Brown, M. (2021) Learner-centred education and adult education for migrants. In: Gravani, Maria N. and Slade, Bonnie (eds.) Learner-Centred Education for Adult Migrants in Europe. Series: International Issues in Adult Education (33). Brill, pp. 151-167. ISBN 9789004461512 (doi: 10.1163/9789004461529_008)

Slade, B. and Dickson, N. (2021) Learner-centred education and adult education for migrants in Glasgow. In: Gravani, Maria N. and Slade, Bonnie (eds.) Learner-Centred Education for Adult Migrants in Europe. Series: International Issues in Adult Education (33). Brill, pp. 79-99. ISBN 9789004461512 (doi: 10.1163/9789004461529_005)


Brown, M., Gravani, M. N., Slade, B. and Jōgi, L. (2020) Integrating migrants through adult language programmes: a comparative case study of four European countries. In: Przytuła, Sylwia and Sułkowski, Łukasz (eds.) Integration of Migrants Into the Labour Market in Europe: National, Organizational and Individual Perspectives. Series: Advanced series in management (25). Emerald Publishing Limited: London, pp. 155-169. ISBN 9781839099052 (doi: 10.1108/S1877-636120200000025011)


Britton, A., Schweisfurth, M. and Slade, B. (2019) Of myths and monitoring: learner-centred education as a political project in Scotland. Comparative Education, 55(1), pp. 30-46. (doi: 10.1080/03050068.2018.1541667)


Reid, L., Kydd, A. and Slade, B. (2018) An inquiry into what organised difficult advance care planning conversations in a Scottish residential care home using institutional ethnography. Journal of Research in Nursing, 23(2-3), pp. 220-236. (doi: 10.1177/1744987118756477)


Ledger, A. and Slade, B. (2015) Coproduction without experts: a study of people involved in community health and wellbeing service delivery. Studies in Continuing Education, 37(2), pp. 157-169. (doi: 10.1080/0158037X.2015.1022718)

Slade, B. (2015) Migrating professional knowledge: progressions, regressions, and dislocations. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 2015(146), pp. 65-74. (doi: 10.1002/ace.20132)


Fox, A. and Slade, B. (2014) What impact can organisations expect from professional doctorates? Professional Development in Education, 40(4), pp. 546-560. (doi: 10.1080/19415257.2013.843579)


Slade, B. (2013) Professional learning in rural practice: a sociomaterial analysis. Journal of Workplace Learning, 25(2), pp. 114-124. (doi: 10.1108/13665621311299799)

Slade, B. , Luo, Y. C. and Schugurensky, D. (2013) The experiences of immigrants who volunteer to access the labour market: pushing the boundaries of 'volunteerism'. In: Duguid, Fiona, Mündel, Karsten and Schugurensky, Daniel (eds.) Volunteer Work, Informal Learning and Social Action. Series: The Knowledge Economy and Education (1). Sense: Rotterdam, pp. 101-114. ISBN 9789462092334 (doi: 10.1007/978-94-6209-233-4_6)


Slade, B. (2012) "From high skill to high school": illustrating the process of deskilling immigrants through reader's theatre and institutional ethnography. Qualitative Inquiry, 18(5), pp. 401-413. (doi: 10.1177/1077800412439526)

Sangha, J.K., Slade, B. , Mirchandani, K., Maitra, S. and Shan, H. (2012) An ethnodrama on work-related learning in precarious jobs: racialization and resistance. Qualitative Inquiry, 18(3), pp. 286-296. (doi: 10.1177/1077800411431555)


Gogia, N. and Slade, B. (2011) About Canada: Immigration. Fernwood: Halifax. ISBN 9781552664070

Mirchandani, K., Ng, R., Coloma-Moya, N., Maitra, S. , Rawlings, T., Shan, H., Siddiqui, K. and Slade, B. (2011) The entrenchment of racial categories in precarious employment. In: Pupo, N., Glenday, D. and Duffy, A. (eds.) The Shifting Landscape of Work. Nelson Educational: Toronto, ON, Canada, pp. 119-138. ISBN 9780176500658

Slade, B. (2011) Feminism: a profound paradigm shift. In: Gajardo, L. and Ryckman, J. (eds.) Becoming Feminists: An anthology of How We Became Feminists. Resources for Feminist Research (RFR) & Centre for Women's Studies in Education (CWSE): Toronto, ON, Canada, pp. 66-67.

Slade, B. (2011) The ideological practice of 'Canadian work experience': adult education and the reproduction of labor and difference. In: Carpenter, S. and Mojab, S. (eds.) Educating from Marx: Race, Gender and Learning. Series: Marxism and education. Palgrave Macmillan: New York, NY, USA, pp. 139-163. ISBN 9780230115811


Slade, B. (2010) Institutional ethnography. In: Mills, A., Durepos, G. and Wiebe, E. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Case Study Research. Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA, USA, pp. 462-465. ISBN 9781412957397

Mirchandani, K., Ng., R., Coloma-Moya, N., Maitra, S., Rawlings, T., Siddiqui, K., Shan, H. and Slade, B. (2010) Gendered and racialized journeys into contingent work. In: Sawchuk, P. and Taylor, A. (eds.) Challenging Transitions in Learning and Work Reflections on Policy and Practice. Sense Publishers: Rotterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 231-243. ISBN 9789087908881

Slade, B. and Schugurensky, D. (2010) "Starting from another side, the bottom": volunteer work as a transition into the labour market for immigrant professionals. In: Sawchuk, P. and Taylor, A. (eds.) Challenging Transitions in Learning and Work Reflections on Policy and Practice. Sense Publishers: Rotterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 261-283. ISBN 9789087908881


Jackson, N. and Slade, B. (2008) "Hell on my face": the production of workplace il-literacy. In: DeVault, Marjorie L. (ed.) People at Work: Life, Power, and Social Inclusion in the New Economy. New York University Press: New York, NY, USA, pp. 25-39. ISBN 9780814720035

Mirchandani, K., Ng., R., Coloma-Moya, N., Maitra, S., Rawlings, T., Siddiqui, K., Shan, H. and Slade, B. (2008) The paradox of training and learning in a culture of contingency. In: Livingstone, D., Sawchuk, P. and Mirchandani, K. (eds.) The Future of Lifelong Learning and Work: Critical Perspectives. Sense Publishers: Rotterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 171-185. ISBN 9789087904005

Schugurensky, D. and Slade, B. (2008) New immigrants, volunteer work and labour market integration: on learning and re-building social capital. In: Livingstone, D., Sawchuk, P. and Mirchandani, K. (eds.) The Future of Lifelong Learning and Work: Critical Perspectives. Sense Publishers: Rotterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 263-275. ISBN 9789087904005

Slade, B. (2008) Engineering barriers: an empirical investigation into the mechanics of downward mobility. Socialist Studies, 4(2), pp. 21-40. (doi: 10.18740/S49C73)


Slade, B. (2007) Gender inequality. In: Darity, W.A. (ed.) International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Macmillan Reference USA: Detroit, IL, USA. ISBN 9780028659657

Slade, B. (2007) Intersectionality. In: Darity, W.A. (ed.) International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Macmillan Reference USA: Detroit, IL, USA. ISBN 9780028659657


Slade, B. (2004) Highly skilled and under-theorized: women migrant professionals. In: Folson, R.B. (ed.) Calculated Kindness Global Restructuring, Immigration and Settlement in Canada. Fernwood Publishing: Halifax, NS, Canada, pp. 102-116. ISBN 9781552661314

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 03:48:21 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 36.


Leyton, D., Read, B. , Slade, B. , Evangelista, Z. , Maitra, S. and Maitra, S. (2025) Affective inequalities beyond heteronormativity. Impostor feelings, wellbeing and belonging in STEM students in the UK and India. Educational Review, (doi: 10.1080/00131911.2024.2438877) (Early Online Publication)

Gravani, M. N., Slade, B. , Brown, M., Jõgi, L. and Borg, C. (2023) From Learner-Centered Education (LCE) to Emancipatory Learner-Centered Education (ELCE): a comparative case study of language education for adult migrants in four European countries. Prospects, (doi: 10.1007/s11125-023-09633-0) (Early Online Publication)

Slade, B. L. and Dickson, N. (2021) Adult education and migration in Scotland: policies and practices for inclusion. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 27(1), pp. 100-120. (doi: 10.1177/1477971419896589)

Britton, A., Schweisfurth, M. and Slade, B. (2019) Of myths and monitoring: learner-centred education as a political project in Scotland. Comparative Education, 55(1), pp. 30-46. (doi: 10.1080/03050068.2018.1541667)

Reid, L., Kydd, A. and Slade, B. (2018) An inquiry into what organised difficult advance care planning conversations in a Scottish residential care home using institutional ethnography. Journal of Research in Nursing, 23(2-3), pp. 220-236. (doi: 10.1177/1744987118756477)

Ledger, A. and Slade, B. (2015) Coproduction without experts: a study of people involved in community health and wellbeing service delivery. Studies in Continuing Education, 37(2), pp. 157-169. (doi: 10.1080/0158037X.2015.1022718)

Slade, B. (2015) Migrating professional knowledge: progressions, regressions, and dislocations. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 2015(146), pp. 65-74. (doi: 10.1002/ace.20132)

Fox, A. and Slade, B. (2014) What impact can organisations expect from professional doctorates? Professional Development in Education, 40(4), pp. 546-560. (doi: 10.1080/19415257.2013.843579)

Slade, B. (2013) Professional learning in rural practice: a sociomaterial analysis. Journal of Workplace Learning, 25(2), pp. 114-124. (doi: 10.1108/13665621311299799)

Slade, B. (2012) "From high skill to high school": illustrating the process of deskilling immigrants through reader's theatre and institutional ethnography. Qualitative Inquiry, 18(5), pp. 401-413. (doi: 10.1177/1077800412439526)

Sangha, J.K., Slade, B. , Mirchandani, K., Maitra, S. and Shan, H. (2012) An ethnodrama on work-related learning in precarious jobs: racialization and resistance. Qualitative Inquiry, 18(3), pp. 286-296. (doi: 10.1177/1077800411431555)

Slade, B. (2008) Engineering barriers: an empirical investigation into the mechanics of downward mobility. Socialist Studies, 4(2), pp. 21-40. (doi: 10.18740/S49C73)


Gogia, N. and Slade, B. (2011) About Canada: Immigration. Fernwood: Halifax. ISBN 9781552664070

Book Sections

Slade, B. and Dagar, P. (2023) Tracing longitudinal impact of Professor Lalage Bown: international master in adult education for social change. In: Slowey, Maria, Hinzen, Heribert, Omolewa, Michael and Osborne, Michael (eds.) Adult Education and Social Justice: International Perspectives. Series: Studies on adult learning and education (17). Firenze University Press, pp. 269-279. ISBN 9791221502527 (doi: 10.36253/979-12-215-0253-4.27)

Brown, M., Gravani, M. N., Slade, B. and Jogi, L. (2021) Comparative cartography of adult education for migrants in Cyprus, Estonia, Malta and Scotland. In: Gravani, Maria N. and Slade, Bonnie (eds.) Learner-Centred Education for Adult Migrants in Europe. Series: International Issues in Adult Education (33). Brill, pp. 43-53. ISBN 9789004461512 (doi: 10.1163/9789004461529_003)

Gravani, M. N. and Slade, B. (2021) Setting the context for a comparative exploration of Learner-Centred Education (LCE) in programmes for adult migrants in Europe. In: Gravani, Maria N. and Slade, Bonnie (eds.) Learner-Centred Education for Adult Migrants in Europe. Series: International Issues in Adult Education (33). Brill, pp. 3-17. ISBN 9789004461512 (doi: 10.1163/9789004461529_001)

Hatzopoulos, P., Gravani, M. N., Slade, B. , Jogi, L. and Brown, M. (2021) Learner-centred education and adult education for migrants. In: Gravani, Maria N. and Slade, Bonnie (eds.) Learner-Centred Education for Adult Migrants in Europe. Series: International Issues in Adult Education (33). Brill, pp. 151-167. ISBN 9789004461512 (doi: 10.1163/9789004461529_008)

Slade, B. and Dickson, N. (2021) Learner-centred education and adult education for migrants in Glasgow. In: Gravani, Maria N. and Slade, Bonnie (eds.) Learner-Centred Education for Adult Migrants in Europe. Series: International Issues in Adult Education (33). Brill, pp. 79-99. ISBN 9789004461512 (doi: 10.1163/9789004461529_005)

Brown, M., Gravani, M. N., Slade, B. and Jōgi, L. (2020) Integrating migrants through adult language programmes: a comparative case study of four European countries. In: Przytuła, Sylwia and Sułkowski, Łukasz (eds.) Integration of Migrants Into the Labour Market in Europe: National, Organizational and Individual Perspectives. Series: Advanced series in management (25). Emerald Publishing Limited: London, pp. 155-169. ISBN 9781839099052 (doi: 10.1108/S1877-636120200000025011)

Slade, B. , Luo, Y. C. and Schugurensky, D. (2013) The experiences of immigrants who volunteer to access the labour market: pushing the boundaries of 'volunteerism'. In: Duguid, Fiona, Mündel, Karsten and Schugurensky, Daniel (eds.) Volunteer Work, Informal Learning and Social Action. Series: The Knowledge Economy and Education (1). Sense: Rotterdam, pp. 101-114. ISBN 9789462092334 (doi: 10.1007/978-94-6209-233-4_6)

Mirchandani, K., Ng, R., Coloma-Moya, N., Maitra, S. , Rawlings, T., Shan, H., Siddiqui, K. and Slade, B. (2011) The entrenchment of racial categories in precarious employment. In: Pupo, N., Glenday, D. and Duffy, A. (eds.) The Shifting Landscape of Work. Nelson Educational: Toronto, ON, Canada, pp. 119-138. ISBN 9780176500658

Slade, B. (2011) Feminism: a profound paradigm shift. In: Gajardo, L. and Ryckman, J. (eds.) Becoming Feminists: An anthology of How We Became Feminists. Resources for Feminist Research (RFR) & Centre for Women's Studies in Education (CWSE): Toronto, ON, Canada, pp. 66-67.

Slade, B. (2011) The ideological practice of 'Canadian work experience': adult education and the reproduction of labor and difference. In: Carpenter, S. and Mojab, S. (eds.) Educating from Marx: Race, Gender and Learning. Series: Marxism and education. Palgrave Macmillan: New York, NY, USA, pp. 139-163. ISBN 9780230115811

Slade, B. (2010) Institutional ethnography. In: Mills, A., Durepos, G. and Wiebe, E. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Case Study Research. Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA, USA, pp. 462-465. ISBN 9781412957397

Mirchandani, K., Ng., R., Coloma-Moya, N., Maitra, S., Rawlings, T., Siddiqui, K., Shan, H. and Slade, B. (2010) Gendered and racialized journeys into contingent work. In: Sawchuk, P. and Taylor, A. (eds.) Challenging Transitions in Learning and Work Reflections on Policy and Practice. Sense Publishers: Rotterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 231-243. ISBN 9789087908881

Slade, B. and Schugurensky, D. (2010) "Starting from another side, the bottom": volunteer work as a transition into the labour market for immigrant professionals. In: Sawchuk, P. and Taylor, A. (eds.) Challenging Transitions in Learning and Work Reflections on Policy and Practice. Sense Publishers: Rotterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 261-283. ISBN 9789087908881

Jackson, N. and Slade, B. (2008) "Hell on my face": the production of workplace il-literacy. In: DeVault, Marjorie L. (ed.) People at Work: Life, Power, and Social Inclusion in the New Economy. New York University Press: New York, NY, USA, pp. 25-39. ISBN 9780814720035

Mirchandani, K., Ng., R., Coloma-Moya, N., Maitra, S., Rawlings, T., Siddiqui, K., Shan, H. and Slade, B. (2008) The paradox of training and learning in a culture of contingency. In: Livingstone, D., Sawchuk, P. and Mirchandani, K. (eds.) The Future of Lifelong Learning and Work: Critical Perspectives. Sense Publishers: Rotterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 171-185. ISBN 9789087904005

Schugurensky, D. and Slade, B. (2008) New immigrants, volunteer work and labour market integration: on learning and re-building social capital. In: Livingstone, D., Sawchuk, P. and Mirchandani, K. (eds.) The Future of Lifelong Learning and Work: Critical Perspectives. Sense Publishers: Rotterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 263-275. ISBN 9789087904005

Slade, B. (2007) Gender inequality. In: Darity, W.A. (ed.) International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Macmillan Reference USA: Detroit, IL, USA. ISBN 9780028659657

Slade, B. (2007) Intersectionality. In: Darity, W.A. (ed.) International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Macmillan Reference USA: Detroit, IL, USA. ISBN 9780028659657

Slade, B. (2004) Highly skilled and under-theorized: women migrant professionals. In: Folson, R.B. (ed.) Calculated Kindness Global Restructuring, Immigration and Settlement in Canada. Fernwood Publishing: Halifax, NS, Canada, pp. 102-116. ISBN 9781552661314

Edited Books

Slade, B. , Mayo, P. and Bogossian, T. (Eds.) (2024) Adult Education and Difference. Series: International issues in adult education. Brill. ISBN 9789004692619

Gravani, M. N. and Slade, B. (Eds.) (2021) Learner-Centred Education for Adult Migrants in Europe. Series: International Issues in Adult Education. Brill. ISBN 9789004461512

Research Reports or Papers

Imperiale, M. G. and Slade, B. (2022) Learning with and from refugees: adult education to strengthen inclusive societies. CR&DALL Briefing Paper 6/PASCAL Briefing Paper 20. [Research Reports or Papers]

Seddon, E. , Lido, C. , Read, B. , Umutoni, J., Cyulinyana, M.C., Slade, B. , Maitra, S. , Chatterjee, S., Maitra, S. and Thakur, M. (2021) Gendered Journeys: the trajectories of STEM students and graduates through higher education and into employment, in India and Rwanda. [Research Reports or Papers]

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 03:48:21 2025 GMT.



Bridging the Information Gaps to Retaining and Raising Girls' interest in STEM Education in Botswana and Zambia


Funded by University of Glasgow (GCID Small Grants Fund)







Gendered Journeys: The trajectories of STEM students and graduates through higher education and into employment, in multiple global south contexts.

Funded by UKRI - Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF)



International Master in Adult Education for Social Change (Erasmus Mundus Joint Master's Degree)
European Commission
Programme Leader
2015-2023 (current funding period)

Evaluating Learner-Centred Education as a Tool for Social Change in Adult Education:  A European Comparative Study of Programmes for Migrants
Open University of Cyprus, University of Malta, Tallinn University, University of Glasgow
2016 - 2020

Migrating Medical Professional Knowledge: Learning to Regulate a Profession
British Academy / Leverhulme
Principal Investigator

Identity, Insecurity and Opportunity in Glasgow's East End: Perceptions of Regeneration and its Legacy' Project
University of Glasgow - Research Development Programme 2014/15
Supervisor; Gokben Demirbas, Research Assistant

Meeting of the Minds Fellow
British Education Research Association


  I supervise Doctoral and Masters students across a wide range of areas: 

  • adult education and social justice
  • professional learning
  • gender and adult education
  • transnational migration and adult education

 I currently supervise the following doctoral students:

  • Pearl Marie Haber: Exploring the Experience of Learning Support Educators – An Ethnographic Study in a Maltese primary School (University of Malta)
  • Judith Lee: Reframing Cultural Content in Edu-business:A Decolonising Approach
  • Nikos Psochios: The “Other” Antigones: Telling Stories of (Mis)Recognition in Adult Education Programmes for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Greece
  • Emily Thompson: Gender and Care Modern Apprenticeships in Scotland
  • Siobhan Whelan: Towards developing an understanding of creative schools in the Irish primary education system

I have supervised the following graduates!

  • Dr. Chris Colebrook: An interdisciplinary solution orientated coaching approach with applied theatre techniques: developing learning tools for effective group work and individual well-being in higher education
  • Dr. Jamie DeYoung: Supporting female engineering students at an undergraduate evangelical religious institution in the United States
  • Dr. Nicola Dickson: Use of art and creativity to empower, educate and enable vulnerable women
  • Dr. Rosalie Doherty: Mirror, mirror: an exploration of female health promotion practitioners' understanding and experience of gender and how it connects with their practice in the promotion of women's health
  • Dr. Rodolfo Farlan: Intensive care medicine’s resident-as-teacher workshops' impact on resident’s perception of their teaching skills
  • Dr. Archibald Fulton: To what extent can participating in drug and alcohol education at university trigger transformative change? - with a focus on students whose beliefs are rooted with a lived experience of alcohol or drug problems
  • Dr. Lauren Gatting: Using picture narratives to support equitable and informed participation in lung cancer screening
  • Dr. Keith Griffioen: How Do Working-Class Musicians Transition to Different Social and Cultural Contexts Throughout Their Careers?
  • Dr. Samir Halliru: Examining the Extent to which Skills Acquisition Training Develops Young Adults Lifelong Learning Attributes in Nigeria
  • Dr. Louise Hastie: Training in a highly regulated industry: An examination of a certified nuclear operator training programme in Ontario
  • Dr. Lindsay Knox: Studying abroad: choosing a university
  • Dr. Rika Yorozu Kurata: Understanding career development and aspirations of female community education specialists in Japan
  • Dr. Maria Loumpourdi: Critical reflection in the professional practice of coaching supervision
  • Dr. Chris McAllister: Learning to be lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered in Scotland: the power of older adults’ voices for reinterpreting adult and Lifelong Learning theory, research and practice
  • Dr. Lorna Reid: The social organisation of exclusion, “abandonment” and compulsory advance care planning conversations: How ruling concepts and practices about death, dying and the do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation form entered, organised and ruled the working practices of senior social care workers in a residential care home in Scotland: An institutional ethnography. (at Edinburgh Napier University, UK)
  • Dr. Cherie Woolmer: Evaluating the impact of staff and students co-creating curricula in UK Higher Education


Postgraduate Teaching

  • Introduction to Educational and Social Research
  • Introduction to Adult Education for Social Change
  • Adult Learning Placement 
  • Curriculum Development in Adult Education 
  • International Issues in Adult Education
  • IMAESC Dissertation Coordinator
  • Psychology of Adult Learning 
  • Ed.D Open Studies 1 and 2

 Undergraduate Teaching

  • Introduction to Research Methods for Community Development