Dr Angela Jaap
- Senior Lecturer in Teacher Education (School of Education)
I am a graduate of the BEd Music (Hons) programme at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland (formerly Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama) and the University of Glasgow (PhD, 2011). I have enjoyed an extensive, sustained career in creative arts education and teacher education. Since 2006, I have taught across undergraduate and postgraduate education programmes at the University of Glasgow, the University of Edinburgh and more recently at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland (RCS). Before working in Higher Education, I taught Music in Secondary schools across Glasgow.
From 2017, I was a Lecturer in Professional Learning and, for a time, programme coordinator for PGDE (Music) at RCS. My role at RCS was largely across the initial teacher education (ITE) programmes where I was responsible for leading and coordinating teacher education/professional studies and supporting the Conservatoire to extend its educational reach, working with professional bodies and local authorities across the country.
Research interests
Beyond my teaching and leadership responsibilities, I have published in peer-reviewed education journals and presented at national and international conferences. My research interests lie primarily within arts education, particularly in the areas of high-ability studies, professional learning and enquiry for teachers, early career development and learning with technology.
I have a range of external professional commitments including membership in national working groups and from 2021-23 was President of the Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA). I also have experience in external examining of ITE programmes in addition to examining PhD and EdD theses on topics such as creativity, music education and student experience in Higher Education.
Day, S., Thomson, S., Jaap, A. and McKinney, S. J. (2024) Celebrating 50 Years of SERA Volume 2. Editorial. Researching Education Bulletin, 2, pp. 2-3.
Jaap, A. (2024) Celebrating half a century of excellence in educational research: The legacy of BERA & SERA. Research Intelligence(160), p. 9.
McKinney, S. et al. (2024) The effects of poverty on school education – research from the Poverty and Education Network. Researching Education Bulletin, 1, pp. 42-46.
McKinney, S. J. , Jaap, A. , Day, S. and Thomson, S. (2024) Introduction. Researching Education Bulletin, 1, pp. 3-6.
Moscardini, L., Cameron, M., Clark, C., McNeil, N. S. G., Mitchell, C., Nys, D. and Jaap, A. (2024) Our Café Nero sessions: supporting student teachers to develop their understanding of inclusive practice through problem‐based learning. Support for Learning, 39(2), pp. 85-90. (doi: 10.1111/1467-9604.12475)
Jaap, A. and Robb, A. (2024) Expressive arts and the case for a central role in Scottish primaries. Times Educational Supplement Scotland,
Day, S., Jaap, A. , McKinney, S. and O’Hara, J. (2024) Social Justice in Scottish Education Explored through Learning for Sustainability, Expressive Arts, and Poverty. Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference, Maynooth, Ireland, 4-6 Apr 2024.
Hamilton, L. and Jaap, A. (2024) Pre-service teachers and conceptions of intelligence in the Scottish context: challenging a unidimensional view. Teacher Development, 28(1), pp. 81-103. (doi: 10.1080/13664530.2023.2246934)
Tonner, P. , Odena, O. , Dickson, J., Jaap, A. , Pincock, D. and Potter, R. (2024) The Wayfarers. [Website]
Hamilton, L. and Jaap, A. (2023) Pre-service Teachers and Conceptions of Intelligence in the Scottish Context: Challenging Ability Orthodoxies. In: Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Annual Conference 2023, Queen Margaret University, Musselburg, 22-24 November 2023,
Jaap, A. and Moscardini, L. (2023) Supporting Primary Teachers in Classroom Music Through Lesson Study. Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Annual conference 2023, Queen Margaret University, Musselburg, 22-24 November 2023.
Tonner, P. , Odena, O. , Dickson, J., Jaap, A. , Pincock, D. and Potter, R. (2023) Wayfarers: confronting the past through traditional music in schools. International Journal of Music Education, (doi: 10.1177/02557614231205307) (Early Online Publication)
Jaap, A. , Moscardini, L., Robb, A. and Slattery, E. (2023) The State of the Arts in Scottish Education. Exchange Talk: Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, 30 October 2023. (Unpublished)
Jaap, A. , Moscardini, L., Robb, A., Chappell, K. and Slattery, E. (2023) The State of the Arts in Scottish Education. British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, Aston University, 12-14 September 2023.
Day, S., Jaap, A. , Black, E. , McKinney, S. and Mouroutsou, S. (2023) ‘Promoting and Sustaining High-Quality Educational Research’ – the Role of Scottish Education Research Association (SERA). ECER 2023, Glasgow, UK, 22-25 August 2023.
Jaap, A. (2023) The place and value of composition in the music curriculum in Scotland. In: Devaney, Kirsty, Fautley, Martin, Grow, Joana and Ziegenmeyer, Annette (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Teaching Music Composition in Schools: International Perspectives. Routledge, pp. 475-486. ISBN 9781032026268
McKinney, S. et al. (2023) Beyond the pandemic – poverty and school education in Scotland. Scottish Educational Review, 54(2), pp. 238-264. (doi: 10.1163/27730840-20231002)
Jaap, A. and Moscardini, L. (Eds.) (2023) Creative Arts Special Edition. Researching Education Bulletin. 12 [Edited Journal]
Jaap, A. and Day, S. (2023) Re-engaging and Re-connecting: the Continuing Evolution of the Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) and the Educational Research Community in Scotland. Educational Studies Association of Ireland Conference, Belfast, UK, 30 March - 1 April 2023.
Jaap, A. , Moscardini, L., Robb, A., Slattery, E. and Wallace, J. (2022) The State of the Arts: the Challenge for the Arts in Primary Education in Scotland. Scottish Education Research Association 2022: Reconnecting educational research, policy and practice, Ayr, UK, 23-25 November 2022.
McKinney, S. , Jaap, A. and Moscardini, L. (2022) Poverty and Education Symposium. Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Conference, Ayr, UK, 23-25 November 2022.
Moscardini, L., Jaap, A. , Rae, A. and Wilson, A. (2021) Music Education in the Primary Classroom in Scotland. [Research Reports or Papers]
Robertson- Kirkland, B., Whiteside, B., Drury, R. and Jaap, A. (2021) Creative Wellbeing: the Role of the Arts in Promoting Health and Wellbeing and Lifelong Learning. SERA Connects, 26 April 2021.
Jaap, A. (2020) A Change Would Do You Good? Assessment and Examinations in Music. [Website]
Jaap, A. S. , Fodey, C. and Wilkinson, M. (2020) Using Active Music Making to Support Responsibility of All. RCS Exchange Talk, 10 February 2020.
Shanks, R., Jaap, A. , Darling-McQuistan, K. and Adams, P. (2020) Starting Points for Educational Research in Scotland. [Research Reports or Papers]
Jaap, A. (2019) Promoting Positive Engagement with Assessment Through the Use of Video Diaries in Music Teacher Education. SERA 44th Annual Conference: Creative Visions for Educational Futures, Edinburgh, UK, 20-22 Nov 2019.
Price, D., O'Connor, M. and Jaap, A. (2019) How Can the Creative Arts Foster Positive Wellbeing in the Early Years? Open Mind Summit, Paisley, UK, 10 October 2019.
Jaap, A. and Gormley, J. (2019) Promoting Positive Engagement with Assessment Through the Use of Video Diaries in Music Teacher Education. UWS Annual Learning, Teaching and Research Conference 2019, Blantyre, UK, 26-27 June 2019.
Head, G., Jaap, A. and Borkowska, K. (2018) Film Education in Libraries. SERA Conference 2018, Glasgow, UK, 21-23 November 2018.
Burge, A., Fakunle, O., Loads, D., Murray, D., Philippi, F. and Jaap, A. (2018) Statement of Expectations for the Support of Postgraduates Who Teach: Focus On: The Postgraduate Research Student Experience. [Research Reports or Papers]
Head, G., Jaap, A. and Borkowska, K. (2018) Film Education in Libraries (FEiL): Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
MacFarlane, D., Burge, A., Jaap, A. , Loads, D., Murray, D. and Phillipi, F. (2017) Focus On: Statement of Expectations for Postgraduates who Teach. 3rd International Enhancement in Higher Education Conference, Glasgow, UK, 6-8 June 2017.
MacFarlane, D., Burge, A., Jaap, A. , Loads, D., Murray, D. and Phillipi, F. (2017) Focus On: Statement of Expectations for Postgraduates who Teach. QAA Scotland Focus On Conference, Glasgow, UK, 30 May 2017.
Thompson, K. , Jaap, A. and Lennard, F. (2017) Skills for Learning and Work - Promoting Graduate Attributes Through Diverse Approaches to Assessment. 10th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 30 Mar 2017. (Unpublished)
Dale, V. and Jaap, A. (2016) BOLD Academic Staff Development in Technology-Enhanced Learning. Scottish Higher Education Developers (SHED) Residential, Inverness, United Kingdom, 14-15 Nov 2016. (Unpublished)
Jaap, A. and Dale, V. (2016) University teachers' experiences and impact on academic practice, of a course in technology-enhanced learning. Association for Learning Technology Conference (ALT-C) 2016, Warwick, United Kingdom, 06-08 Sep 2016. (Unpublished)
Drury, R., Jaap, A. , Maclaverty, C. and McVey, H. (2016) Coorie Doon. Enterprise Music Scotland Annual Conference - Music Education Matters, Glasgow, Scotland, 20th May 2016. (Unpublished)
Odena, O. , Summers, M., Jaap, A. and Rodriguez, A. (2016) Exploring the potential of music education for integrating newly arrived children in Scottish schools. In: 32nd World Conference International Society for Music Education, Glasgow, UK, 24-29 July 2016, pp. 124-125.
Odena, O. , Summers, M., Jaap, A. and Rodriguez, A. (2016) Music for Integration Research Briefing (Poster). [Research Reports or Papers]
Odena, O. , Summers, M., Jaap, A. and Rodriguez, A. (2016) Music for Integration Research Briefing: Exploring the Potential of Music Education for Integrating Newly Arrived Children in Schools. [Research Reports or Papers]
Head, G. and Jaap, A. (2015) 'I've taken confidence away from this: The experiences and impact of moving image education with young people who require more choices, more chances. Citizenship, Social and Economics Education, 14(3), pp. 159-171. (doi: 10.1177/2047173415624421)
Head, G., Jaap, A. and Sutherland, M. (2015) Inclusive Pedagogy: A Contribution From Two Unrelated Empirical Studies. In: ECER, Budapest, Hungary, 7-11 Sep 2015, (Unpublished)
Jaap, A. and McEwan, M. (2015) Developing as a teacher: supporting GTAs in their transition into teaching. In: Enhancing Student Learning Through Innovative Scholarship Conference, Durham, England, 16-17 Jul 2015,
Head, G., Neil, K., Jaap, A. , Sutherland, M. , Kennedy, F. and Dunn, S. (2015) Talent Development: Learning From Cross Sectoral Research. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Jaap, A. and Patrick, F. (2015) Teachers’ concepts of musical talent and nurturing musical ability: music learning as exclusive or as opportunity for all? Music Education Research, 17(3), pp. 262-277. (doi: 10.1080/14613808.2014.950559)
Jaap, A. (2013) Recognising and Supporting the Development of Talented Musicians. Exchange Talk: Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, 13 November 2013. (Unpublished)
Head, G. and Jaap, A. (2013) Focus on Alcohol Angus: Angus Alcohol and drugs partnership-a high school alcohol and media literacy partnership. In: SERA 38th Annual Conference Widening Horizons: Scottish Research in a Global Context, Glasgow, UK, 20-22 Nov 2013, (Unpublished)
Jaap, A. and Head, G. (2013) Retrospective: learner identity and inclusive pedagogy. In: SERA 38th Annual Conference Widening Horizons: Scottish Research in a Global Context, Glasgow, UK, 20-22 Nov 2013, (Unpublished)
McKinney, S.J. and Jaap, A. (2013) Image, icon, identity: the teacher as icon of the truth. In: McCluskey, R. and McKinney, S.J. (eds.) How the Teacher is Represented in Literature, History, Religion and the Arts: Cross Cultural Analysis of a Stereotype. Edwin Mellen Press: Lampeter, UK. ISBN 9780773445208
Robb, A.J.P., Jaap, A. , Muir, H. and Stewart, B. (2013) Potential use of clinical skills podcasts in teaching and learning of clinical procedural skills. In: 2nd International Gulf Clinical Skills and Simulation Conference: Innovation and Evidence in Clinical Skills Education for Safe Practice, Dasman Diabetes Institute, Kuwait, 21-22 Sep 2013,
Robb, A.J.P., Jaap, A. , Muir, H. and Stewart, B. (2013) Technical skills podcasts are acceptable and useful to undergraduate students as an adjunct to simulation-based clinical skills teaching. In: AMEE 2013: Colouring Outside the Lines, Prague, Czech Republic, 24-28 Aug 2013,
Robb, A.J.P., Jaap, A. , Muir, H. and Stewart, B.J. (2013) Technical skills podcasts are acceptable and useful to U/G students as an adjunct to simulation-based clinical skills teaching. In: ASPiH SCSN Symposium, Edinburgh, UK, 25-26 Apr 2013,
Head, G. and Jaap, A. (2012) A moving image education retrospective: learner identity and inclusive pedagogy. In: European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), University of Cadiz, Cadiz, Spain, 18-21 Sep 2012,
Jaap, A. (2012) Music chose me: influences in the development of musical talent. In: Morgan, H.M. and Morris, R. (eds.) Moving Forward: Tradition and Transformation. Cambridge Scholars: Newcastle, UK, pp. 143-162. ISBN 9781443834629
Robb, A., Jaap, A. and Early, D. (2012) Clinical Skills Podcasts: Evaluation. In: Clinical Skills Managed Education Network (CS MEN) Annual Research and Development Conference, Stirling, Scotland, 19 Nov 2012, (Unpublished)
Head, G. and Jaap, A. (2011) Moving image education retrospective in conjunction with Masiondieu Primary School, Brechin. [Research Reports or Papers]
Jaap, A. and Patrick, F. (2011) The role of perceived self-efficacy in the development of musical ability: what can the study of successful musicians tell us about teaching music to able children? Citizenship, Social and Economics Education, 10(1), pp. 46-55. (doi: 10.2304/csee.2011.10.1.46)
Jaap, A. (2011) It's just a hobby that I'm good at: crystallising and paralysing influences in the development of musical ability. Teaching for High Potential, Winter,
Jaap, A. (2010) Perceptions and conceptualisations of musical talent. In: 12th European Council for High Ability (ECHA), Paris, France, 7-9 July 2010,
Jaap, A. (2010) Pitching it right. ESCalate Newsletter, Summer,
Jaap, A. (2010) Recognising and developing musical ability. National Association of Music Educators Magazine(31), pp. 17-20.
Jaap, A. (2009) It ain't what you do, it's the way that you do it: perceptions and conceptualisations of musical ability. In: Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA), Perth, Scotland., 26-28 Nov 2009, (Unpublished)
Jaap, A. (2009) The Role of crystallising and paralysing factors in developing musical ability. In: 18th World Gifted Conference on Gifted and Talented Children, Vancouver, Canada., 2009, (Unpublished)
Jaap, A. (2009) Music chose me: influences in the development of musical talent. In: Moving Forward Arts and Social Sciences Postgraduate Conference, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen., 21-22 July, 2009,
Jaap, A. (2009) Data collection: a love/hate relationship - experiences as a new researcher. In: Annual ESCalate Student Conference, Aston University, Birmingham, 20 April 2009, (Unpublished)
Head, G. and Jaap, A. (2009) Evaluation of Reel to Real Moving Image Education Project for young people receiving more choices, more chances. [Research Reports or Papers]
Jaap, A. (2009) A Little Class Music: A Practical Guide for Non-Specialist Primary Teachers. [Research Reports or Papers]
Jaap, A. and Rasoamampianina, V. (2008) Trawling the web: Internet data searches. In: BERA Practitioner Day Conference, Herriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, (Unpublished)
Jaap, A. (2008) The education of gifted and talented children in music. [Research Reports or Papers]
McKinney, S.J. and Jaap, A. (2008) The teacher in religious educational literature. In: The Teacher: Image, Icon, Identity, Glasgow, UK, 2-4 July 2008,
Jaap, A. (2007) Literature research and analysis on A Curriculum for Excellence: Perspectives on 5-14. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Jaap, A. (2007) Tutti: the inclusion of asylum seeking families at a Glasgow Secondary School - a note from a Music teacher. Race Equality Teaching, 25(2), pp. 48-52.
McMahon, M. , Reeves, J., Devlin, A. , Simpson, J. and Jaap, A. (2007) Evaluating the impact of Chartered Teacher in Scotland: the views of Chartered Teachers. [Research Reports or Papers]
Day, S., Thomson, S., Jaap, A. and McKinney, S. J. (2024) Celebrating 50 Years of SERA Volume 2. Editorial. Researching Education Bulletin, 2, pp. 2-3.
Jaap, A. (2024) Celebrating half a century of excellence in educational research: The legacy of BERA & SERA. Research Intelligence(160), p. 9.
McKinney, S. et al. (2024) The effects of poverty on school education – research from the Poverty and Education Network. Researching Education Bulletin, 1, pp. 42-46.
McKinney, S. J. , Jaap, A. , Day, S. and Thomson, S. (2024) Introduction. Researching Education Bulletin, 1, pp. 3-6.
Moscardini, L., Cameron, M., Clark, C., McNeil, N. S. G., Mitchell, C., Nys, D. and Jaap, A. (2024) Our Café Nero sessions: supporting student teachers to develop their understanding of inclusive practice through problem‐based learning. Support for Learning, 39(2), pp. 85-90. (doi: 10.1111/1467-9604.12475)
Jaap, A. and Robb, A. (2024) Expressive arts and the case for a central role in Scottish primaries. Times Educational Supplement Scotland,
Hamilton, L. and Jaap, A. (2024) Pre-service teachers and conceptions of intelligence in the Scottish context: challenging a unidimensional view. Teacher Development, 28(1), pp. 81-103. (doi: 10.1080/13664530.2023.2246934)
Tonner, P. , Odena, O. , Dickson, J., Jaap, A. , Pincock, D. and Potter, R. (2023) Wayfarers: confronting the past through traditional music in schools. International Journal of Music Education, (doi: 10.1177/02557614231205307) (Early Online Publication)
McKinney, S. et al. (2023) Beyond the pandemic – poverty and school education in Scotland. Scottish Educational Review, 54(2), pp. 238-264. (doi: 10.1163/27730840-20231002)
Head, G. and Jaap, A. (2015) 'I've taken confidence away from this: The experiences and impact of moving image education with young people who require more choices, more chances. Citizenship, Social and Economics Education, 14(3), pp. 159-171. (doi: 10.1177/2047173415624421)
Jaap, A. and Patrick, F. (2015) Teachers’ concepts of musical talent and nurturing musical ability: music learning as exclusive or as opportunity for all? Music Education Research, 17(3), pp. 262-277. (doi: 10.1080/14613808.2014.950559)
Jaap, A. and Patrick, F. (2011) The role of perceived self-efficacy in the development of musical ability: what can the study of successful musicians tell us about teaching music to able children? Citizenship, Social and Economics Education, 10(1), pp. 46-55. (doi: 10.2304/csee.2011.10.1.46)
Jaap, A. (2011) It's just a hobby that I'm good at: crystallising and paralysing influences in the development of musical ability. Teaching for High Potential, Winter,
Jaap, A. (2010) Pitching it right. ESCalate Newsletter, Summer,
Jaap, A. (2010) Recognising and developing musical ability. National Association of Music Educators Magazine(31), pp. 17-20.
Jaap, A. (2007) Tutti: the inclusion of asylum seeking families at a Glasgow Secondary School - a note from a Music teacher. Race Equality Teaching, 25(2), pp. 48-52.
Book Sections
Jaap, A. (2023) The place and value of composition in the music curriculum in Scotland. In: Devaney, Kirsty, Fautley, Martin, Grow, Joana and Ziegenmeyer, Annette (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Teaching Music Composition in Schools: International Perspectives. Routledge, pp. 475-486. ISBN 9781032026268
McKinney, S.J. and Jaap, A. (2013) Image, icon, identity: the teacher as icon of the truth. In: McCluskey, R. and McKinney, S.J. (eds.) How the Teacher is Represented in Literature, History, Religion and the Arts: Cross Cultural Analysis of a Stereotype. Edwin Mellen Press: Lampeter, UK. ISBN 9780773445208
Jaap, A. (2012) Music chose me: influences in the development of musical talent. In: Morgan, H.M. and Morris, R. (eds.) Moving Forward: Tradition and Transformation. Cambridge Scholars: Newcastle, UK, pp. 143-162. ISBN 9781443834629
Edited Journals
Jaap, A. and Moscardini, L. (Eds.) (2023) Creative Arts Special Edition. Researching Education Bulletin. 12 [Edited Journal]
Research Reports or Papers
Moscardini, L., Jaap, A. , Rae, A. and Wilson, A. (2021) Music Education in the Primary Classroom in Scotland. [Research Reports or Papers]
Shanks, R., Jaap, A. , Darling-McQuistan, K. and Adams, P. (2020) Starting Points for Educational Research in Scotland. [Research Reports or Papers]
Burge, A., Fakunle, O., Loads, D., Murray, D., Philippi, F. and Jaap, A. (2018) Statement of Expectations for the Support of Postgraduates Who Teach: Focus On: The Postgraduate Research Student Experience. [Research Reports or Papers]
Head, G., Jaap, A. and Borkowska, K. (2018) Film Education in Libraries (FEiL): Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
Odena, O. , Summers, M., Jaap, A. and Rodriguez, A. (2016) Music for Integration Research Briefing (Poster). [Research Reports or Papers]
Odena, O. , Summers, M., Jaap, A. and Rodriguez, A. (2016) Music for Integration Research Briefing: Exploring the Potential of Music Education for Integrating Newly Arrived Children in Schools. [Research Reports or Papers]
Head, G., Neil, K., Jaap, A. , Sutherland, M. , Kennedy, F. and Dunn, S. (2015) Talent Development: Learning From Cross Sectoral Research. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Head, G. and Jaap, A. (2011) Moving image education retrospective in conjunction with Masiondieu Primary School, Brechin. [Research Reports or Papers]
Head, G. and Jaap, A. (2009) Evaluation of Reel to Real Moving Image Education Project for young people receiving more choices, more chances. [Research Reports or Papers]
Jaap, A. (2009) A Little Class Music: A Practical Guide for Non-Specialist Primary Teachers. [Research Reports or Papers]
Jaap, A. (2008) The education of gifted and talented children in music. [Research Reports or Papers]
Jaap, A. (2007) Literature research and analysis on A Curriculum for Excellence: Perspectives on 5-14. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
McMahon, M. , Reeves, J., Devlin, A. , Simpson, J. and Jaap, A. (2007) Evaluating the impact of Chartered Teacher in Scotland: the views of Chartered Teachers. [Research Reports or Papers]
Conference or Workshop Item
Day, S., Jaap, A. , McKinney, S. and O’Hara, J. (2024) Social Justice in Scottish Education Explored through Learning for Sustainability, Expressive Arts, and Poverty. Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Annual Conference, Maynooth, Ireland, 4-6 Apr 2024.
Jaap, A. and Moscardini, L. (2023) Supporting Primary Teachers in Classroom Music Through Lesson Study. Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Annual conference 2023, Queen Margaret University, Musselburg, 22-24 November 2023.
Jaap, A. , Moscardini, L., Robb, A. and Slattery, E. (2023) The State of the Arts in Scottish Education. Exchange Talk: Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, 30 October 2023. (Unpublished)
Jaap, A. , Moscardini, L., Robb, A., Chappell, K. and Slattery, E. (2023) The State of the Arts in Scottish Education. British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, Aston University, 12-14 September 2023.
Day, S., Jaap, A. , Black, E. , McKinney, S. and Mouroutsou, S. (2023) ‘Promoting and Sustaining High-Quality Educational Research’ – the Role of Scottish Education Research Association (SERA). ECER 2023, Glasgow, UK, 22-25 August 2023.
Jaap, A. and Day, S. (2023) Re-engaging and Re-connecting: the Continuing Evolution of the Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) and the Educational Research Community in Scotland. Educational Studies Association of Ireland Conference, Belfast, UK, 30 March - 1 April 2023.
Jaap, A. , Moscardini, L., Robb, A., Slattery, E. and Wallace, J. (2022) The State of the Arts: the Challenge for the Arts in Primary Education in Scotland. Scottish Education Research Association 2022: Reconnecting educational research, policy and practice, Ayr, UK, 23-25 November 2022.
McKinney, S. , Jaap, A. and Moscardini, L. (2022) Poverty and Education Symposium. Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Conference, Ayr, UK, 23-25 November 2022.
Robertson- Kirkland, B., Whiteside, B., Drury, R. and Jaap, A. (2021) Creative Wellbeing: the Role of the Arts in Promoting Health and Wellbeing and Lifelong Learning. SERA Connects, 26 April 2021.
Jaap, A. S. , Fodey, C. and Wilkinson, M. (2020) Using Active Music Making to Support Responsibility of All. RCS Exchange Talk, 10 February 2020.
Jaap, A. (2019) Promoting Positive Engagement with Assessment Through the Use of Video Diaries in Music Teacher Education. SERA 44th Annual Conference: Creative Visions for Educational Futures, Edinburgh, UK, 20-22 Nov 2019.
Price, D., O'Connor, M. and Jaap, A. (2019) How Can the Creative Arts Foster Positive Wellbeing in the Early Years? Open Mind Summit, Paisley, UK, 10 October 2019.
Jaap, A. and Gormley, J. (2019) Promoting Positive Engagement with Assessment Through the Use of Video Diaries in Music Teacher Education. UWS Annual Learning, Teaching and Research Conference 2019, Blantyre, UK, 26-27 June 2019.
Head, G., Jaap, A. and Borkowska, K. (2018) Film Education in Libraries. SERA Conference 2018, Glasgow, UK, 21-23 November 2018.
MacFarlane, D., Burge, A., Jaap, A. , Loads, D., Murray, D. and Phillipi, F. (2017) Focus On: Statement of Expectations for Postgraduates who Teach. 3rd International Enhancement in Higher Education Conference, Glasgow, UK, 6-8 June 2017.
MacFarlane, D., Burge, A., Jaap, A. , Loads, D., Murray, D. and Phillipi, F. (2017) Focus On: Statement of Expectations for Postgraduates who Teach. QAA Scotland Focus On Conference, Glasgow, UK, 30 May 2017.
Thompson, K. , Jaap, A. and Lennard, F. (2017) Skills for Learning and Work - Promoting Graduate Attributes Through Diverse Approaches to Assessment. 10th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 30 Mar 2017. (Unpublished)
Dale, V. and Jaap, A. (2016) BOLD Academic Staff Development in Technology-Enhanced Learning. Scottish Higher Education Developers (SHED) Residential, Inverness, United Kingdom, 14-15 Nov 2016. (Unpublished)
Jaap, A. and Dale, V. (2016) University teachers' experiences and impact on academic practice, of a course in technology-enhanced learning. Association for Learning Technology Conference (ALT-C) 2016, Warwick, United Kingdom, 06-08 Sep 2016. (Unpublished)
Drury, R., Jaap, A. , Maclaverty, C. and McVey, H. (2016) Coorie Doon. Enterprise Music Scotland Annual Conference - Music Education Matters, Glasgow, Scotland, 20th May 2016. (Unpublished)
Jaap, A. (2013) Recognising and Supporting the Development of Talented Musicians. Exchange Talk: Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, 13 November 2013. (Unpublished)
Conference Proceedings
Hamilton, L. and Jaap, A. (2023) Pre-service Teachers and Conceptions of Intelligence in the Scottish Context: Challenging Ability Orthodoxies. In: Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Annual Conference 2023, Queen Margaret University, Musselburg, 22-24 November 2023,
Odena, O. , Summers, M., Jaap, A. and Rodriguez, A. (2016) Exploring the potential of music education for integrating newly arrived children in Scottish schools. In: 32nd World Conference International Society for Music Education, Glasgow, UK, 24-29 July 2016, pp. 124-125.
Head, G., Jaap, A. and Sutherland, M. (2015) Inclusive Pedagogy: A Contribution From Two Unrelated Empirical Studies. In: ECER, Budapest, Hungary, 7-11 Sep 2015, (Unpublished)
Jaap, A. and McEwan, M. (2015) Developing as a teacher: supporting GTAs in their transition into teaching. In: Enhancing Student Learning Through Innovative Scholarship Conference, Durham, England, 16-17 Jul 2015,
Head, G. and Jaap, A. (2013) Focus on Alcohol Angus: Angus Alcohol and drugs partnership-a high school alcohol and media literacy partnership. In: SERA 38th Annual Conference Widening Horizons: Scottish Research in a Global Context, Glasgow, UK, 20-22 Nov 2013, (Unpublished)
Jaap, A. and Head, G. (2013) Retrospective: learner identity and inclusive pedagogy. In: SERA 38th Annual Conference Widening Horizons: Scottish Research in a Global Context, Glasgow, UK, 20-22 Nov 2013, (Unpublished)
Robb, A.J.P., Jaap, A. , Muir, H. and Stewart, B. (2013) Potential use of clinical skills podcasts in teaching and learning of clinical procedural skills. In: 2nd International Gulf Clinical Skills and Simulation Conference: Innovation and Evidence in Clinical Skills Education for Safe Practice, Dasman Diabetes Institute, Kuwait, 21-22 Sep 2013,
Robb, A.J.P., Jaap, A. , Muir, H. and Stewart, B. (2013) Technical skills podcasts are acceptable and useful to undergraduate students as an adjunct to simulation-based clinical skills teaching. In: AMEE 2013: Colouring Outside the Lines, Prague, Czech Republic, 24-28 Aug 2013,
Robb, A.J.P., Jaap, A. , Muir, H. and Stewart, B.J. (2013) Technical skills podcasts are acceptable and useful to U/G students as an adjunct to simulation-based clinical skills teaching. In: ASPiH SCSN Symposium, Edinburgh, UK, 25-26 Apr 2013,
Head, G. and Jaap, A. (2012) A moving image education retrospective: learner identity and inclusive pedagogy. In: European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), University of Cadiz, Cadiz, Spain, 18-21 Sep 2012,
Robb, A., Jaap, A. and Early, D. (2012) Clinical Skills Podcasts: Evaluation. In: Clinical Skills Managed Education Network (CS MEN) Annual Research and Development Conference, Stirling, Scotland, 19 Nov 2012, (Unpublished)
Jaap, A. (2010) Perceptions and conceptualisations of musical talent. In: 12th European Council for High Ability (ECHA), Paris, France, 7-9 July 2010,
Jaap, A. (2009) It ain't what you do, it's the way that you do it: perceptions and conceptualisations of musical ability. In: Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA), Perth, Scotland., 26-28 Nov 2009, (Unpublished)
Jaap, A. (2009) The Role of crystallising and paralysing factors in developing musical ability. In: 18th World Gifted Conference on Gifted and Talented Children, Vancouver, Canada., 2009, (Unpublished)
Jaap, A. (2009) Music chose me: influences in the development of musical talent. In: Moving Forward Arts and Social Sciences Postgraduate Conference, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen., 21-22 July, 2009,
Jaap, A. (2009) Data collection: a love/hate relationship - experiences as a new researcher. In: Annual ESCalate Student Conference, Aston University, Birmingham, 20 April 2009, (Unpublished)
Jaap, A. and Rasoamampianina, V. (2008) Trawling the web: Internet data searches. In: BERA Practitioner Day Conference, Herriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, (Unpublished)
McKinney, S.J. and Jaap, A. (2008) The teacher in religious educational literature. In: The Teacher: Image, Icon, Identity, Glasgow, UK, 2-4 July 2008,
Tonner, P. , Odena, O. , Dickson, J., Jaap, A. , Pincock, D. and Potter, R. (2024) The Wayfarers. [Website]
Jaap, A. (2020) A Change Would Do You Good? Assessment and Examinations in Music. [Website]
Senior Adviser of Studies (PGDE)
Course Leader for Research and Enquiry-led Teaching (PGDE)
Course Leader for Professional Enquiry and Decision Making (PEDM) (MEd Professional Practice)
Additional information
I hold full registration with the General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) and am both a Senior Fellow of Advance HE (SFHEA) and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA).
Professional activities, including external examining
Professional Memberships
Full registration with the General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS).
President of the Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA), 2021-2023.
Senior Fellow of Advance HE (SFHEA).
Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA).
Member of the Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA).
Member of the British Educational Research Association (BERA).
Member of the International Professional Development Association (IPDA).
External Examining
External Examiner (and Senior External Examiner) – PGDE Primary and Secondary, University of Dundee, 2019-2023.
External Examiner – PGDE Primary and Secondary, University of the Highlands and Islands, 2021-present.
External examiner for PhD and EdD theses.
Reviewer for international education journals.