Number of items: 42.
Mitchell, A.
Acknowledgements from the editor.
Journal of Leadership, Scholarship and Praxis in Education, 1(1),
pp. 4-5.
(doi: 10.36399/m3j58k83)
Mitchell, A. and Kennedy, A.
Exploring ethical imperatives in partnership: the development of a SERA Network.
Researching Education Bulletin, 2,
pp. 13-20.
Harvie, J. and Mitchell, A.
The evolving role of the headteacher.
Teaching Scotland, 98,
Torrance, D. et al.
Conducting comparative analyses of social justice leadership: creating an international research team from diverse country, policy and education system contexts.
Equity in Education and Society,
(doi: 10.1177/27526461231194788)
(Early Online Publication)
Forde, C. , Torrance, D. , Mitchell, A. , McMahon, M. and Harvie, J.
Education governance and the role of the headteacher: the new policy problem in Scottish education.
Management in Education, 36(1),
pp. 18-24.
(doi: 10.1177/08920206211057348)
Mitchell, A.
Leadership during a pandemic.
Teaching Scotland, 88,
pp. 24-25.
Forde, C. , Torrance, D. , McMahon, M. and Mitchell, A.
Middle leadership and social justice leadership in scottish secondary schools: harnessing the Delphi method’s potential in a participatory action research process.
International Studies in Educational Administration, 49(3),
pp. 103-121.
Book Sections
Mitchell, A. , Harvie, J. and Baker, M.
Critical leadership praxis (CLP) in global complexity: promoting principalship agency through intersecting educational spaces.
In: Lopez, A., Tuters, S., Auld, S. and Chan, Y. (eds.)
Leadership for Whom and What Purpose? Exploring Critical Leadership Praxis in Changing Times.
IAP: Leeds.
(Accepted for Publication)
Mitchell, A.
Political acuity in school principalship: implications for leadership preparation, development and praxis.
In: Peng, L. and Gurr, D. (eds.)
Educational Leadership Preparation and Development: International Perspectives.
Springer Nature.
(Accepted for Publication)
Forde, C. , Harvie, J. , Torrance, D. , Mitchell, A. and Kerrigan, K.
Career-long professional learning in Scotland.
In: Jones, Ken, Ostinelli, Giorgio and Crescentini, Alberto (eds.)
Innovation in Teacher Professional Learning in Europe: Research, Policy and Practice.
Series: Routledge research in teacher education.
Routledge, pp. 90-102.
ISBN 9781032334493; eISBN 9781003322610
(doi: 10.4324/9781003322610-8)
Mitchell, A. , Torrance, D. , Harvie, J. , Forde, C. and McMahon, M.
The changing role of the headteacher in Scottish education: implications for career-long teacher education.
In: Mifsud, Denise and Day, Stephen P. (eds.)
Teacher Education as an Ongoing Professional Trajectory: Implications for Policy and Practice.
Series: Teacher education, learning innovation and accountability.
Springer: Cham, pp. 181-204.
ISBN 9783031286193
(doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-28620-9_9)
Mitchell, A. , Torrance, D. , Forde, C. , Harvie, J. and McMahon, M.
Developing leadership for school education: constructions of system leadership.
In: Woods, Philip A., Roberts, Amanda, Tian, Meng and Youngs, Howard (eds.)
Handbook on Leadership in Education.
Series: Elgar handbooks in education.
Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 474-490.
ISBN 9781800880412
Torrance, D. , Mitchell, A. , Harvie, J. , McMahon, M. and Forde, C.
Leadership and management: a relevant distinction for leadership in education?
In: Woods, Philip A., Roberts, Amanda, Tian, Meng and Youngs, Howard (eds.)
Handbook on Leadership in Education.
Series: Elgar handbooks in education.
Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 45-59.
ISBN 9781800880412
Mitchell, A. and Baker, M.
An organisational commitment to closing the attainment gap.
In: DeWitt, Peter M. (ed.)
Collective Leader Efficacy: Strengthening Instructional Leadership Teams.
SAGE Publications.
ISBN 9781071813720
Torrance, D. , Forde, C. , McMahon, M. A. , Mitchell, A. and Harvie, J.
Potential theoretical approaches to support the critical exploration of ‘the problem(s)’ of preparing, recruiting and retaining headteachers in Scotland.
In: Mifsud, Denise (ed.)
Narratives of Educational Leadership.
Series: Educational Leadership Theory.
Springer: Singapore, pp. 131-158.
ISBN 9789811658303
(doi: 10.1007/978-981-16-5831-0_6)
Edited Journals
Mitchell, A. (Ed.)
Journal of Leadership, Scholarship and Praxis in Education (LSPE).
1(1) [Edited Journal]
Conference or Workshop Item
Mitchell, A.
Principalship Development for Political Acuity: Narratives and Tensions in Learning → Practice Transfer.
5th Annual Centre for Leadership and Diversity (CLD) International Conference, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), Toronto, Canada, 17-19 October 2024.
Mitchell, A. , Harvie, J. , Rooney, A. M., Nihill, M., Forde, C. and McMahon, M.
Tipping Points: What Supports or Undermines Aspirations to Educational Leadership Roles in Scotland and in the Republic of Ireland?
BELMAS Annual Conference 2024, Glasgow, UK, 5-7 July 2024.
Mitchell, A.
Political Acuity in School Principalship: Implications for Leadership Preparation and Praxis.
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER 2024), Nicosia, Cyprus, 26-30 Aug 2024.
Mitchell, A. , Black, S., Davren, C. and Harvie, J.
The Key Role of Mentorship in Principals’ Professional Development Trajectories: Impact of a University and District Research/Practice Learning Partnership.
ICSEI Congress 2024, Dublin, Ireland, 8-12 January 2024.
Mitchell, A. , Baker, M., Davren, C. and McMahon, M.
Education Policy: In Whose Interests? A Research/Policy/Practice University and School District Professional Learning Partnership to Strengthen Leadership of and for Critically Conscious School Communities.
ICSEI Congress 2024, Dublin, Ireland, 8-12 January 2024.
Mitchell, A.
Headteachers (School Principals) as System Leaders: Understandings, Provocations and Propositions.
Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Conference 2023, Edinburgh, Scotland, 22-24 November 2023.
Mitchell, A.
Shifting Constructions of Headship/Principalship in Scottish Education: Implications for Professional Learning and Empowerment in School Communities.
Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Conference 2023, Edinburgh, Scotland, 22-24 November 2023.
McMahon, M. and Mitchell, A.
Development of a Politically Cognisant Teaching Profession to Navigate Global and Glocal Ambiguities and Transformations.
Association of Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE) Winter Conference, Braga, Portugal, 26-28 Oct 2023.
Mitchell, A. and Baker, M.
Politically Astute Principalship for Critically Conscious School Communities: A University/District Partnership.
4th Annual Centre for Leadership and Diversity (CLD) International Conference, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), Toronto, Canada, 13-14 October 2023.
Harvie, J. , Torrance, D. , Forde, C. , McMahon, M. and Mitchell, A.
Leadership and Management: A Relevant Distinction for Leadership in Education?
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER 2023), Glasgow, UK, 22-25 Aug 2023.
Mitchell, A. , Harvie, J. , Forde, C. , Torrance, D. and McMahon, M.
Career-long Professional Learning in Scotland: Questions for the Future.
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER 2023), Glasgow, UK, 22-25 Aug 2023.
Mitchell, A. , McMahon, M. , Reid, A. and Baker, M.
System-level Education Reform in Scotland: Implications for Teacher Education = Riforma dell'istruzione a livello di sistema in Scozia: Implicazioni per la formazione degli insegnanti.
20th Biennial International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT) Conference 2023, Bari, Italy, 3-7 July 2023.
Mitchell, A. , McMahon, M. , Drennan, O., Arthur, J., Reid, A. and Baker, M.
Enhanced Political Awareness: Authentic Engagement in a Research/Practice Partnership to Strengthen Leadership for Critically Conscious School Communities.
British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society (BELMAS) Annual Conference 2023, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 14-16 July 2023.
Mitchell, A. and Harvie, J.
Re-envisioning School Leadership – The Evolving Role of Headteachers in Scotland.
General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) Conference 2023, Glasgow, UK, 18 May 2023.
Mitchell, A. , Harvie, J. , Torrance, D. , Forde, C. and McMahon, M.
Reimagining School Leadership Post-Pandemic: Learning From the Experiences of Headteachers in Scotland = Reimaginando el liderazgo escolar después de la pandemia: Aprendiendo de las experiencias de Directores en Escocia.
International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI) Annual International Conference, Viña del Mar, Chile, 10-13 Jan 2023.
Mitchell, A.
Being a headteacher through the Covid-19 pandemic.
British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society (BELMAS 2022), Liverpool, UK, 8-10 July 2022.
Harvie, J. and Mitchell, A.
The Changing Role of the Headteacher.
ECER 2021 European Conference on Educational Research, 06-10 Sep 2021.
Torrance, D. , Forde, C. , Mitchell, A. , Harvie, J. and McMahon, M.
Using the Delphi Method to Investigate the Work of School Middle Leadership Teams.
ECER 2021 European Conference on Educational Research, 06-10 Sep 2021.
Forde, C. , Mitchell, A. , Harvie, J. , McMahon, M. and Torrance, D.
The Changing Role of the Headteacher in Scottish Education: Implications for Headship Preparation and Induction.
ECER 2021 European Conference on Educational Research, 06-10 Sep 2021.
Mitchell, A.
Co-producing Knowledge to Explore the Future of Headship in Scotland.
British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society (BELMAS 2021), 2-3 July 2021.
Forde, C. , Harvie, J. , McMahon, M. , Mitchell, A. and Torrance, D.
Back on Track or Re-envisioning a Different Track. Social Justice Leadership and its Implications in the Post-Pandemic Scottish Education Systems.
BELMAS UK Review Webinar: Post COVID Future of Educational Leadership and Administration, 26 May 2021.
Torrance, D. , Mitchell, A. , Harvie, J. , McMahon, M. and Forde, C.
How Can Leadership-as-Practice and Collective Leadership Re-Vision Headship?
Colloquium on Collective Leadership and L-A-P: How Can We Raise Each Other Up, 21 Jan 2021.
Mitchell, A. , Torrance, D. , Forde, C. , Harvie, J. and McMahon, M.
Social justice leadership in Scottish schools: Building on co-constructed understandings and aspirations.
Centre for Leadership and Diversity (CLD) at Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) Annual International Conference, Toronto, Canada (Online), 9- 10 December 2021.
Torrance, D. , Harvie, J. , Mitchell, A. and Forde, C.
Emerging Issues from the Future of Headship Research Programme.
British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society (BELMAS 2021), 2-3 July 2021.
Conference Proceedings
Mitchell, A. , McMahon, M. , Reid, A., Baker, M., Drennan, O. and Arthur, J.
Leading Critically Conscious School Communities: A Research/Practice Partnership to Strengthen Political Literacy in School Principals = Principali scuole criticamente consapevoli: Un partenariato di ricerca/pratica per rafforzare l'alfabetizzazione politica nei dirigenti scolastici.
In: 20th Biennial International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT) Conference 2023, Bari, Italy, 3-7 July 2023,
(Accepted for Publication)
Harvie, J. , Mitchell, A. , Forde, C. , Torrance, D. and McMahon, M.
School Leadership in Globally Challenging Times: Developing Understandings Through Life History Narratives.
In: British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society (BELMAS) Annual Conference 2023, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 14-16 July 2023,
(Accepted for Publication)
This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 02:56:37 2025 GMT.