Research & Teaching
- Abdul-Karim, Mr Sulemana (Research Assistant)
- Ainscow, Professor Mel (Professor in Education)
- Aldegheri, Dr Esa (Research Associate)
- Ali, Dr Sadia (Lecturer in Education Studies)
- Alla-Mensah, Dr Joyceline (Lecturer in Education)
- Alves, Dr Ines (Senior Lecturer)
- Amaglo-Mensah, Mr Timothy (Research Assistant)
- Anderson, Professor Sarah (Professor of Teacher Education)
- Antony-Newman, Dr Max (Lecturer in Education)
- Arizpe Solana, Professor Evelyn (Professor of Children's Literature)
- Atitsogbui, Mr Edwin (Research Assistant)
- Aydin, Dr Utkun (Lecturer in Initial Teacher Education – Mathematics Education)
- Bacquet, Dr Gaston (Lecturer in Education Studies (LTS))
- Ballantyne, Mrs Susan (Lecturer in Education)
- Beck, Dr Dave (Senior Lecturer in Education)
- Beggan, Dr Edward (Lecturer in Community Development)
- Black, Ms Elizabeth (Lecturer)
- Blackman, Miss Anna (Lecturer in Catholic Religious Education)
- Boath, Dr Lauren (Senior Lecturer in Education (Physics))
- Boeren, Professor Ellen (Professor of Education)
- Boland, Professor Moyra (Professor of Creative Pedagogy)
- Borkowska, Dr Katarzyna (Lecturer in Education)
- Borquez Sanchez, Dr Estelia (Research Assistant)
- Boyle, Mr Stephen (Lecturer)
- Bradley, Dr Lisa (Senior Lecturer in Creative and Interdisciplinary Studies in Education)
- Breslin, Mr Mark (Senior Lecturer)
- Brown, Dr Rhona (Lecturer in Education Studies)
- Brown, Dr Steve (Lecturer in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)
- Budzenski, Mr Michael (Research Assistant)
- Burns, Dr Helen (Lecturer in Education)
- Capsada-Munsech, Dr Queralt (Senior Lecturer)
- Carmi, Dr Tal (Research Associate)
- Cathcart, Miss Sophie (Research Assistant)
- Chapman, Professor Christopher (Chair in Educational Policy and Practice)
- Chinkonda, Mr Bosco (Research Assistant)
- Coll, Professor Roisin (Professor of Catholic Education)
- Conroy, Professor James (Professor of Religious and Philosophical Education)
- Constantinides, Dr Michalis (Lecturer in Educational Leadership and Management)
- Cooney, Ms Pauline (Lecturer in Education)
- Cooper, Mrs Lynne (Lecturer in Education)
- Cowhitt, Dr Thomas (Lecturer in Educational Change and Collaborative Improvement)
- Coyle, Father Charles (Lecturer)
- Crichton, Dr Hazel (Lecturer)
- Curley, Ms Angela (Lecturer in Teacher Education)
- Dagar, Dr Preeti (Lecturer in Education)
- Daniels, Dr Stephen (Lecturer in the Philosophy and Theory of Education)
- Davis, Professor Robert (Professor of Religious and Cultural Education)
- De Amicis, Dr Leyla (Lecturer in Education)
- Delogu, Mr Paolo (Research Assistant)
- Devadas, Mr Mayukh (Research Assistant)
- Devlin, Ms Janette (Lecturer in Education)
- Di Marco Campbell, Mr Luke Ray (Lecturer in Community Development)
- Dimmock, Professor Clive (Professor)
- Doherty, Dr Robert (Senior Lecturer)
- Doyle, Dr Lesley (Senior Lecturer)
- Dunkley, Professor Ria (Professor of Environmental Pedagogy)
- Elliot, Dr Dely (Senior Lecturer)
- Evangelista, Dr Zyra (Research Associate)
- Fagan, Dr Catherine (Lecturer)
- Farrar, Dr Jennifer (Senior Lecturer)
- Fassetta, Dr Giovanna (Senior Lecturer in Social Inclusion)
- Fodey, Mrs Clare (Lecturer)
- Fontdevila, Dr Clara (British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow)
- Franchi, Dr Leonardo (Lecturer)
- Francis, Professor Dennis (Professor of Education)
- Futro, Dr Dobrochna (Lecturer in Education)
- Gallagher, Mr Jo (Lecturer in Teacher Education)
- Galloway, Dr Nicola (Senior Lecturer in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)
- Gambell, Ms Sarah (Research Associate (GALLANT))
- Gibson, Ms Lindsay (Lecturer in Education)
- Gormally, Professor Sinead (Professor of Community Development and Youth)
- Hall, Mr Stuart (Research Officer)
- Halstead, Dr Florence (Research Associate)
- Hand, Dr Christopher (Senior Lecturer in Psychology)
- Harvie, Dr Julie (Senior Lecturer)
- Hedge, Professor Nicki (Professor)
- Hermannsson, Professor Kristinn (Head of School of Education, Professor of Economics and Education)(Head of School of Education)
- Hirsu, Dr Lavinia (Senior Lecturer in Applied Linguistics, Composition and English as a Foreign Language)
- Imperiale, Dr Maria Grazia (Lecturer in Adult Education)
- Jaap, Dr Angela (Senior Lecturer in Teacher Education)
- Jones, Miss Nicola (Lecturer in Science Education)
- Kennedy, Professor Aileen (Professor of Teacher Education)
- Kennedy, Professor Brianna L. (Professor of Education)
- Kerrigan, Mrs Kathleen (Lecturer)
- Kim, Dr Janice (Lecturer in Education)
- Lam, Dr Daniel (Lecturer in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL))
- Lappin, Ms Mary (Senior Lecturer)
- Law, Dr Jeremy (Senior Lecturer in Quantitative Research Methods in Education)
- Lee, Dr Jack (Senior Lecturer in Higher Education)
- Lees, Mrs Rachel (Lecturer in Language and Literacy (Learning, Teaching & Scholarship Track))
- Leslie, Mr Brian (Lecturer in Design and Technological Education)
- Lido, Professor Catherine (Professor of Psychology and Adult Learning)
- Livingston, Professor Kay (Professor of Educational Research Policy and Practice)
- Lowden, Mr Kevin (Research Officer)
- Lynch, Dr Paul (Reader)
- Makara Fuller, Dr Kara (Senior Lecturer)
- Mancy, Dr Rebecca (Senior Lecturer)
- Martin, Mrs Helen (Senior Lecturer)
- McAdam, Dr Julie (Senior Lecturer)
- McColl, Dr Margaret (Senior Lecturer)
- McDonald, Ms Amanda (Lecturer)
- McGrath, Professor Simon (Professor of Education)
- McGreechin, Ms Anne (Lecturer in Community-Based Practice)
- McGregor, Ms Fiona (Lecturer)
- McHugh, Dr Paul (Lecturer in Catholic Religious Education)
- Mckee, Dr Christine (Lecturer in Modern Languages Teacher Education)
- McKinney, Professor Stephen (Professor)
- McLaren, Miss Evelyn (Lecturer in Education)
- McLaughlin, Mr Kenneth (Lecturer)
- McMahon, Professor Margery (Professor)
- McQuade, Ms Marie (Lecturer in Childhood Practice)
- Mio, Dr Cristina (Senior Lecturer in Mathematics Education)
- Mitchell, Ms Alison (Head Teacher in Residence)
- Morrison-Love, Dr David (Senior Lecturer in Education)
- Moskal, Professor Marta (Professor of Migration and Diversity)
- Mou, Dr Leping (Lecturer in Education)
- Mulvey, Dr Benjamin (Lecturer in Equitable Education Systems and Policy)
- Murphy, Dr Mark (Reader)
- Nelson, Dr Elizabeth (Lecturer in Multimodal Literacies)
- Nesterova, Dr Yulia (Lecturer)
- Nicholson, Dr Joyce (Lecturer in Education)
- Nicholson, Dr Philip (Lecturer in Education Studies)
- Nyamunda, Dr Patience (Lecturer in Education)
- Odena, Professor Oscar (Professor of Education)
- Orr, Mr Craig (Lecturer in Childhood Practice)
- Ortactepe Hart, Dr Deniz (Lecturer in TESOL)
- Parker, Dr Stephen (Lecturer in Education)
- Patrick, Dr Fiona (Senior Lecturer)
- Pearce, Mx Joe (Research Associate)
- Pearce, Dr Ruth (Lecturer in Community Development)
- Peart, Dr Mark (Lecturer in Teacher Education (Primary with specialism in Technologies))
- Perry, Professor Mia (Professor of Arts and Literacies in Education)
- Phipps, Professor Alison (Professor of Languages and Intercultural Studies UNESCO Chair in Refugee Integration through Languages and the Arts)
- Proudfoot, Dr Kevin (Senior Lecturer in Teacher Education)
- Ptolomey, Dr Mindy (Research Associate)
- Ramage, Mrs Elysha (Research Assistant)
- Ramdarshan Bold, Professor Melanie (Professor of Youth Literature and Culture)
- Ramjan, Mrs Claire (Lecturer in Teacher Education)
- Read, Professor Barbara (Professor of Education)
- Reid, Dr Catherine (Lecturer in Teacher Education)
- Reid, Dr Kate (Senior Lecturer)
- Robertson, Mr George (Research Assistant)
- Robinson, Mrs Julie (Lecturer)
- Robinson, Mr Leon (Lecturer)
- Rodolico, Dr Gabriella (Senior Lecturer)
- Ryan, Dr Sadie (Lecturer in Languages and Intercultural Studies)
- Sanchez Fernandez, Ms Mar (Research Assistant)(Research Associate - TEMA)
- Savage, Dr Corey (Lecturer in Education)
- Schweisfurth, Professor Michele (Professor of Comparative and International Education)
- Seabrook, Ms Rowena (Research Assistant)
- Sheridan, Dr Louise (Senior Lecturer)
- Sithole, Dr Tawona (Research Associate)
- Skipper, Dr Yvonne (Senior Lecturer in Psychology)
- Slade, Professor Bonnie (Professor of Adult Education for Social Change)
- Smith, Dr Clare (Senior Lecturer)
- Smith, Dr Nicole (Lecturer in Museum Education)
- Sorensen, Dr Tore (Lecturer in Education)
- Soussi, Mrs Eilidh (Lecturer in Teacher Education)
- Stuckey, Ms Joanne (Research Assistant)
- Sutherland, Mr Matthew (Lecturer in Teacher Education)
- Tonner, Dr Philip (Senior Lecturer)
- Unsworth, Dr Ruth (Lecturer in Education Studies)
- Valdera-Gil, Dr Francisco (Senior Lecturer)
- Valiente, Professor Oscar (Professor of Education and International Development)
- Vanderhoven, Dr Ellen (Lecturer in Education Studies)
- Wang, Dr Geng (Lecturer in Education)
- Wang, Dr Sihui (Lecturer in Education Studies)
- Wardle, Dr Georgina (Senior Lecturer)
- Wilson, Dr Anna (Reader in Interdisciplinary Research in Education)
- Wincenciak, Dr Joanna (Senior Lecturer)
- Wiseman-Orr, Dr Lesley (Research Fellow)
- Wood, Dr Rebecca (Senior Lecturer)
- Xu, Miss Shanshan (Research Assistant)
- Yohannes, Dr Hyab (Academic Coordinator)
- Zacharias, Dr Sally (Senior Lecturer)
- Zembat, Dr Ismail Özgür (Senior Lecturer in Mathematics Education)
- Zhang, Dr Kaili (Lecturer in Curriculum and Assessment)
Tutors & Demonstrators
- Abdiyeva, Ms Tamella (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Abodunrin, Mr Abimbola (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Aboyadana, Mr Gabriel (Associate Tutor)
- Abubaker, Mrs Fatma (Associate Tutor)
- Agnew, Ms Isabel (Associate Tutor)
- Akbar, Ms Tahsina (Associate Tutor)
- Aktar, Dr Tasnima (Associate Tutor)
- Al Dakl Alla, Dr Muhammad (Associate Tutor)
- Alqahtani, Miss Ebtisam (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Anderson, Dr Penny (Associate Tutor)
- Asher, Mr Gordon (Associate Tutor)
- Bai, Dr Yushi (Associate Tutor)
- Banderlipe, Mr McRhon (Associate Tutor)
- Barker, Miss Jillian (Associate Tutor)
- Barnfield, Ms Laura (Associate Tutor)
- Barrett, Ms Grace (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Bennett, Mr Samuel (Associate Tutor)
- Birch, Ms Nancy (Associate Tutor)
- Bowman, Mrs Sarah (Associate Tutor)
- Boyle, Miss Chantelle (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Broderick, Dr Nuala (Senior Associate Tutor, Associate Tutor)
- Brown, Ms Eileen (Associate Tutor)
- Burns, Dr Andrew (Associate Tutor)
- Burton, Mrs Ellen (Associate Tutor)
- Butcher, Ms Deborah (Associate Tutor)
- Butorova, Ms Hana (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Cabezon, Mrs Trinidad (Associate Tutor)
- Canton, Dr Ursula (Associate Tutor)
- Cardenas, Ms Constanza (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Cardle, Mr Daniel (Associate Tutor)
- Cardow, Mrs Andrea (Associate Tutor)
- Carrie, Ms Julie (Associate Tutor)
- Carroll, Mr Kevin (Associate Tutor)
- Cassidy, Mr Paul (Associate Tutor)
- Cervantes, Dr Gabriel (Associate Tutor)
- Chandler, Mrs Jana (Associate Tutor)
- Clancy, Ms Lindsay (Associate Tutor)
- Cooke, Miss Carol (Associate Tutor)
- Copstick, Ms Carol (Associate Tutor)
- Cormack, Dr Elanor (Associate Tutor)
- Cosh, Mr William (Associate Tutor)
- Craik Nicoll, Mrs Jennifer (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Cunningham, Mr Paul (Associate Tutor)
- Dahal, Ms Pritha (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Dai, Ms Qiao (Associate Tutor)
- Davis, Mr Gareth (Associate Tutor)
- De Cecco, Mr Paolo (Associate Tutor)
- Desport, Mr Brendan (Associate Tutor)
- Devadas, Mr Mayukh (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Dey, Ms Soumi (Associate Tutor)
- Diamond, Ms Lee (Associate Tutor)
- Docherty, Mrs Anne (Associate Tutor)
- Donaghy, Dr Michelle (Associate Tutor)
- Douglas, Mr William (Associate Tutor)
- Farrell, Mr Francis (Associate Tutor)
- Fennell, Dr Michael (Associate Tutor)
- Flynn, Mr Antony (Associate Tutor)
- Fotheringham, Mrs Francesca (Associate Tutor)
- Fullerton, Ms Michelle (Associate Tutor)
- Gallagher, Mrs Laura (Associate Tutor)
- Gong, Miss Jingting (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Goodey, Dr Carol (Associate Tutor)
- Gordon, Ms Karen (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Graham, Mr Simon (Associate Tutor)
- Grant, Mr Stuart (Associate Tutor)
- Gray, Mrs Elaine (Associate Tutor)
- Greenslade, Miss Anna (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Grumball, Mrs Sarah (Associate Tutor)
- Hasanzade, Ms Samira (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Hendry, Dr Gillian (Associate Tutor)
- Highman, Dr Ludovic (Associate Tutor)
- Hosseini, Mr Dustin (Associate Tutor)
- Howie, Ms Jackie (Associate Tutor)
- Hunter, Mrs Margaret (Associate Tutor)
- Illingworth, Ms Katie (Associate Tutor)
- Irvine, Mrs Alison (Associate Tutor)
- Izham, Miss Nur (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Janssen, Dr Caressa (Associate Tutor)
- Jiang, Miss Qian (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Johnston, Mr Brian (Associate Tutor)
- Kabir, Mr Mohammed (Associate Tutor)
- Kanwal, Dr Ayesha (Associate Tutor)
- Karaagacli, Ms Bahar (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Keenan, Mr Derek (Associate Tutor)
- Kelly, Mrs Mary Clare (Associate Tutor)
- Kitchen, Dr Jennifer (Associate Tutor)
- Kotsonis, Dr Alkis (Associate Tutor)
- Kyle, Mr Nick (Associate Tutor)
- Lamb, Ms Eilidh (Associate Tutor)
- Lawson, Ms Kit (Associate Tutor)
- le Roux, Ms Michele (Associate Tutor)
- Lewis, Ms Margaret (Associate Tutor)
- Leysen, Miss Brittnee (Associate Tutor)
- Liddell, Mrs Gillian (Associate Tutor)
- Liu, Miss Yuxin (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Luby, Dr Antony (Associate Tutor)
- Lyttle, Ms Helen (Associate Tutor)
- Mac an Ultaigh, Mr Gearoid (Associate Tutor)
- Maclean, Ms Caitlin (Associate Tutor)
- Macpherson, Dr Kenneth (Associate Tutor)
- Maior, Miss Kinga (Associate Tutor)
- Malone, Mrs Patricia (Associate Tutor)
- Malt, Mr Michael (Associate Tutor)
- Mangafa, Dr Chrysoula (Associate Tutor)
- Maniam, Dr Uma (Associate Tutor)
- Mark, Dr Rob (Associate Tutor)
- Marshall, Mrs Susie (Lecturer in Mathematics Education)(Associate Tutor)
- McBride, Miss Ellen (Associate Tutor)(Honorary Senior Lecturer)
- McBride, Ms Patricia (Associate Tutor)
- McCulloch, Dr Margaret (Associate Tutor)
- McDevitt, Mr James (Associate Tutor)
- McGugan, Mr Sean (Associate Tutor)
- McKeran, Ms Janet (Associate Tutor)
- McMenemy, Ms audrey (Associate Tutor)
- Mcquade, Dr Robert (Associate Tutor)
- McWilliam, Ms Diane (Associate Tutor)
- Moore, Dr Elena (Associate Tutor)
- Morrow, Mr Sean (Associate Tutor)
- Muirhead, Mrs Margaret (Associate Tutor - Education)
- Mullen, Mrs Fiona (Tutor - Lifelong Learning)
- Murphy, Miss Anne (Associate Tutor)
- Myles, Ms Ruth (Associate Tutor)
- Nelson, Mr Andrew (Associate Tutor)
- Nelson, Mrs Claire (Associate Tutor)
- Nguyen, Dr An (Associate Tutor)
- Nyatsanza, Dr Tarsisio (Associate Tutor)
- Nygren, Miss Lindsay (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Oldham, Ms Chelle (Associate Tutor)
- Orr, Mr Michael (Associate Tutor)
- Pacheco, Dr Emily-Marie (Associate Tutor)
- Pacitti, Ms Denise (Associate Tutor)
- Pawluk, Ms Aleksandra (Associate Tutor)
- Perry, Mr Dan (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Phillips, Dr Noreen (Associate Tutor)
- Pollock, Dr Irene (Associate Tutor ITE)
- Pragnell, Ms Anna (Associate Tutor)
- Preston, Dr Catherine (Associate Tutor)
- Psochios, Mx Nikos (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Qazi, Ms Humera (Associate Tutor)
- Quigley, Mrs Sheila (Associate Tutor)
- Raeburn, Mr Vincent (Associate Tutor)
- Ramadan, Dr Ibtihal A M (Associate Tutor)
- Ramage, Mrs Elysha (Associate Tutor)
- Reilly, Dr Tracey (Associate Tutor)
- Robertson, Ms Charlette (Associate Tutor)
- Robinson, Ms Elaine (Associate Tutor)
- Rustamova, Miss Sevinj (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Samara, Miss Effie (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Sameer, Mr Ali (Associate Tutor)
- Sangoniran, Mr Adedayo (Associate Tutor)
- Scott, Ms Carol (Associate Tutor)
- Scott, Ms Elle (Associate Tutor)
- Seabrook, Ms Rowena (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Sharif, Dr Iman (Associate Tutor)
- Sharp, Dr Martin (Associate Tutor)
- Shaughnessy, Dr Julie (Associate Tutor)
- Shaw, Ms Morag (Associate Tutor)
- Shearer, Ms Katie (Associate Tutor)
- Sheikholeslami, Mrs Farnaz (Associate Tutor)
- Siddique, Dr Soryia (Associate Tutor)
- Sneed, Ms Haley (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Soderberg, Ms Christina (Associate Tutor)
- Stewart, Mrs Tracey (Associate Tutor)
- Strathie, Dr Ailsa (Associate Tutor)
- Stuckey, Ms Joanne (Associate Tutor, Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Tague, Mr Jim (Associate Tutor)
- Tayan, Mr Bilal (Associate Tutor)
- Thomson, Ms Marion (Associate Tutor)
- Thorn, Mrs Jennifer (Associate Tutor)
- Timmons, Mr Desmond (Associate Tutor)
- Todd, Mr Alexander (Associate Tutor)
- Uflewska, Dr Agnieszka (Associate Tutor)
- Vaniev, Mr Sasha (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Verrecchia, Ms Teresa (Associate Tutor)
- Wang, Mr Dajun (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Wang, Mrs Hope (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Wang, Ms Zhaoyang (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Watson, Ms Alicia (Associate Tutor)
- Watt, Mr David (Associate Tutor)
- Wen, Miss Zhipeng (PhD Student (Tutor))
- White, Dr Robert (Associate Tutor)
- Wieland, Ms Shirley (Associate Tutor)
- Wilde, Ms Melanie (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Wilson, Mrs Delia (Associate Tutor)
- Wilson, Ms Laura (Associate Tutor)
- Wingrave, Dr Mary (Senior Associate Tutor, Associate Tutor)
- Wisely, Dr Tanya (Associate Tutor)
- Wu, Miss Han (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Yang, Miss Guiping (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Young, Mr Neil (Associate Tutor)
- Zhang, Miss Haolin (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Zhang, Miss Xiaoyuan (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Zhang, Ms Yuyuan (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Zhao, Miss Wanzi (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Zhou, Miss Jingwen (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Zhu, Dr Yinshu (Associate Tutor in Glasgow College UESTC)
Professional, Administrative & Support
- Allardice, Ms Louise (Partnerships & Placements Coordinator)
- Bates, Miss Mellissa (Senior Learning & Teaching Administrator)
- Beer, Ms Abi (L&T Development & Delivery Manager)
- Bell, Ms Caroline (L&T Programme Administrative Assistant)
- Benn, Mr Andrew (Learning & Teaching Programme Administrative Assistant)
- Boyle, Miss Chantelle (SERA Archiver and Planner Intern)
- Carr, Mrs Diane (Programmes Manager)
- Carson, Mrs Nora (Laboratory Assistant)
- Cassen, Miss Ellie (Accreditations and Rankings Officer)
- Chen, Miss Yi (Leading Anti-Racism Programme Intern)
- Cid Castilla, Ms Maria (Student Experience Manager)
- Curry, Mr James (Transcription Intern)
- Devi, Ms Vandana (Transcription Intern)
- Docherty, Ms Caroline (Learning & Teaching Operations Manager)
- Duffy, Miss Erin (Resource Planning Administrator)
- Duley, Miss Jeanne (Designing and piloting a podcast evaluation strategy intern)
- Dunlea, Dr Stacey (Operations Coordinator)
- Ebeler, Ms Laura (Events and Relaunch Intern, Higher Education Research Symposium Intern)
- Fougala-Metaxa, Ms Sonya (Transcription Intern)
- Fry, Ms Holly (Student Staff Partner)
- Gaffney, Ms Cara (Academic Support Officer)
- Gibbs, Miss Hannah (Learning and Teaching Programme Administrator)
- Gordon, Dr Gillian (Resource Planning Officer)
- Gordon, Mrs Karen (Learning & Teaching Senior Programme Administrator)
- Gorman, Ms Gabrielle (Student Experience Administrator)
- Greatwood, Ms Emma (Transcription Intern)
- Hall, Miss Shannon (School Placement and Partnership Administrator (Undergraduate and Initial Teacher Education))
- Hasanzade, Ms Samira (Student Experience Team Intern)
- Hawksworth, Ms Sandra (Learning and Teaching Administrator)
- Hoogeveen, Ms Bella (UNESCO Chair Project Manager)
- Howlett, Miss Amelia (Learning and Teaching Programme Administrator)
- Hunter, Mrs Daniela (Learning & Teaching Programme Administrator)
- Jenkins, Miss Amber (Accreditations and Rankings Administrator)
- Johnston, Ms Eleanor (Finance Administrator)
- Jordan, Mr Daniel (ELINET Social Justice strand- Project Intern)
- Keachie, Miss Neve (Transcription Intern)
- Kyle, Miss Linda (Programme Administrator (Undergraduate and Initial Teacher Education))
- Laughland, Mrs Aileen (Science Technician)
- Mackinlay, Ms Fiona (Head of Professional Services - School of Education)
- McCallum, Mr Moir (Learning and Teaching Administrator)
- McCormack, Ms Danielle (Administrative Assistant)
- McDonald, Miss Katie (Learning & Teaching Programme Administrator)
- McIntyre, Mrs Joanne (Programme Manager)
- McKernan-Malcolm, Ms Jennifer (Learning & Teaching Development Officer)
- McLaughlan, Miss Erin (Learning & Teaching Programme Administrative Assistant)
- McNaughton, Mrs Hannah (Learning & Teaching Development & Delivery Administrator)
- Mohan, Ms Sabine (Resource Planning Manager)
- Morris, Ms Abigail (Communications and Engagement Assistant)
- Pankoke, Miss Lea (Learning & Teaching Programme Administrator)
- Paton, Mrs Jane (School Operations Manager)
- Porada, Mrs Denise (Secretary)
- Rae, Mrs Eleanor (PA to Head of School)
- Rahman, Ms Mona (Art and Design Technician)
- Rennie, Mr Stuart (Student Experience Coordinator)
- Ricci, Miss Bianca (Transcription Intern)
- Richards, Mrs Barbara (Finance Administrator)
- Robertson, Miss Joanna (School Partnership & Placements Administrator)
- Schofield, Ms Elodie (School Executive Assistant)
- Silva, Mrs Josie (Learning and Teaching Programme Administrator)
- Smith, Mrs Leigh (Erasmus Mundus Projects Manager)
- Stewart, Miss Aurora (Learning & Teaching Administrator)
- Sutherland, Miss Amy (Academic Support Officer)
- Taggart, Miss Jean (Programmes Administrator)
- Thalib, Mrs Nuha (Learning and Teaching Programme Administrator)
- Thomas, Miss Elle (Learning and Teaching Programme Administrator)
- Thomson, Miss Mari (EMJM Programme Administrator)
- Van Dinter, Miss Emma (Project Intern)
- Verlaque, Ms Gemma (Learning and Teaching Administrator)
- Wardman, Ms Olwyn (Learning & Teaching Programme Administrator)
- Wareham, Miss Emilie (Learning & Teaching Programme Administrator)
- White, Mrs Susan (Administrative Team Leader, RKT Office)
- Williamson, Mr Ian (Communications and Engagement Officer)
- Woodhouse, Miss Isabelle (L&T Programme Administrative Assistant)
- Worth, Miss Helen (Postgraduate Learning & Teaching Administrator)
- Yan, Miss Danchen (Glacier Intern)
- Yang, Miss Yalena (Social Media Intern for Innovations in Education and Teaching International (IETI) Journal)
- Ahmad, Dr Hisham (Academic Visitor)
- Ainslie, Miss Julie (Affiliate)
- Ali Malik, Mrs Aisha (Affiliate)
- Aliagas-Marin, Dr Cristina (Affilliate)
- Anderson, Mr Callum (Affiliate)
- Anderson, Miss Hazel (Affiliate)
- Armstrong Andrew, Ms Jennifer (Affiliate)
- Azizi, Prof Nematollah (Visiting Professor)
- Baird, Mr Euan (Affiliate)
- Barkova, Ms Hanna (Research Assistant)
- Baronello, Mr Giovanni (Affiliate)
- Barr, Professor Jean (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Beattie, Mr James (Affiliate)
- Belford, Mrs Nancy (Affiliate)
- Berry, Miss Charlotte (Affiliate)
- Birlla, Miss Tashiya (Affiliate)
- Borg, Professor Carmel (EACEA IMAESC Project Partner (Erasmus Mundus))
- Bowen, Mr Mark (Affiliate)
- Brolly, Mrs Karen (Affiliate)
- Brown, Mr Pete (Affiliate)
- Burke, Dr Lois (Affiliate)
- Cairns, Mr Gordon (Affiliate)
- Carlyle, Miss Amy (Affiliate)
- Carroll, Dr Mike (Affiliate)
- Chan, Miss Joyce (Affiliate)
- Christensen, Professor Nina (Affiliate)
- Cooper, Ms Evie (Affiliate)
- Correro Iglesias, Dr Cristina (Affiliate)
- Dalglish, Mr Alan (Lecturer in Teacher Education (Business Education) )
- Davison, Mr Kyle (Affiliate)
- Deszcz-Tryhubczak, Dr Justyna (Affiliate)
- Devlin, Ms Janette (Activate Tutor)
- Doherty, Mrs Simone (Affiliate)
- Dragomirova, Dr Ievgeniia (Research Fellow in Adult Education)
- Engsvik, Ms Froydis (Affiliate)
- Ewart, Mr Sean (Affiliate)
- Farrar, Mr Steve (Affiliate)
- Finn, Professor Anthony (Affiliate)
- Fisher, Mr Gordon (Affiliate)
- Gallagher, Miss Holly (Affiliate)
- Galloway, Mr Alan (Affiliate)
- Gangone, Professor Lynn (Affiliate Professor)
- Gibson, Dr Matthew (Headteacher- Secondary School)
- Goodwyn, Professor Andrew (External Examiner)
- Granados, Mr Ramon (Affiliate)
- Gravani, Dr Maria (EACEA IMAESC Project Partner (Erasmus Mundus))
- Hansen, Dr Anna (Affiliate)
- Harkins, Mr Gary (ACTIVATE Tutor)
- Hayward, Professor Louise (Professor Emerita)
- Hill, Mr Christopher (Affiliate)
- Holtham, Mr Andrew (Affiliate)
- Hyde, Mrs Linda (Affiliate)
- Jalambo, Dr Mahmoud (Research Associate CUSP N+)
- Jenkins, Ms Stephanie (Affiliate)
- Jogi, Professor Larissa (EACEA IMAESC Project Partner (Erasmus Mundus))
- Johansen, Dr Stine Liv (Affiliate)
- Johnson, Mrs Marin (Affiliate)
- Jordan, Miss Charlotte-Louise (Affiliate)
- Kelly, Mr Kevin (Affiliate)
- Kerr, Miss Emily (Affiliate)
- Love, Dr Johnathan (Affiliate)
- MacDonald, Miss Tanya (Affiliate)
- MacKenzie, Mr John (Affiliate)
- Malanda, Mrs Élodie (Affiliate)
- Mason, Dr Phil (Affiliate)
- Matthews, Mr Cameron (Affiliate)
- Mayo, Professor Peter (Affiliate)
- McBride, Mr Brian (Affiliate)
- McCarron, Mr Michael (Affiliate)
- McDowall, Mr Joshua (Affiliate)
- McGlynn, Mrs Rachel (Affiliate)
- McGuire, Professor William (Professor Emeritus)
- McHendry, Mr Scott (Affiliate)
- McIntosh, Mrs Victoria (Affiliate)
- McKenzie, Miss Courtney (Affiliate)
- McLaughlin, Ms Holly (Affiliate)
- McLeish, Miss Kirsty (Affiliate)
- McMahon, Mr Vince (Affiliate)
- McMillan, Ms Jennifer (Affiliate)
- McNab, Miss Lorna (Affiliate)
- McNaught, Miss Lucy (Affiliate)
- McNiven, Ms Karen (Activate Tutor)
- McPhie, Mr Martin (Affiliate)
- Meyers, Dr Eric (Affiliate)
- Millar, Mr Nicholas (Affiliate)
- Milne, Mr John (Affiliate Lecturer)
- Mitchell, Ms Alison (Headteacher in Residence)
- Moan, Mr Michael (Affiliate)
- Molloy, Mrs Gillian (Affiliate)
- Murphy, Miss Chloe (Affiliate)
- Naughton, Mrs Mary (Affiliate)
- Nicholl, Mrs Yvonne (Affiliate)
- O'Connor, Ms Chloe (Affiliate)
- O'Shea, Mrs Stephanie (Affiliate)
- Ogston, Mr Stephen (Affiliate)
- Oliver, Mrs Gillian (Affiliate)
- Oliver, Miss Iona (Affiliate)
- Osborne, Professor Michael (Professor Emeritus, formerly Professor of Adult and Lifelong Learning)
- Oswald, Mrs Heather (Affiliate)
- Özel Sen, Dr Dilara (Visiting Academic)
- Ozsezer-Kurnuc, Dr Sevda (Research Associate)
- Palo, Ms Amy (Distinguished Teacher)
- Park, Ms Amanda (Affiliate)
- Piazza, Prof Roberta (Visiting Professor)
- Quail, Ms Maia (Affiliate)
- Ramos, Dr Marcela (Research Affiliate)
- Rasinki, Mrs Shona (Affiliate)
- Real Mercadal, Dr Neus (Affiliate)
- Reid, Mr Gordon (Affiliate)
- Reilly, Miss Deborah (Affiliate)
- Reilly, Mr Liam (Affiliate)
- Robertson, Miss Rosemary (Activate Tutor)
- Rodger, Mr Stephen (Affiliate)
- See, Professor Ching Mey (EACEA IMAESC Project Partner (Erasmus Mundus))
- Shaw, Mr Michael (Affiliate)
- Stevens, Miss Angie (Affiliate)
- Sutherland, Professor Margaret (Affiliate)
- Swietlicki, Dr Mateusz (Affiliate)
- Thomas, Mr David (Affiliate)
- Thomas, Dr Matthew (Affiliate Researcher)
- Turner, Mr Steven (Affiliate)
- Van den Bossche, Dr Sara (Affiliate)
- Walker, Miss Victoria (Affiliate)
- White, Miss Nicola (Affiliate)
- Wilson, Ms Isobel (Activate Tutor)
- Wlosinski, Ms Paula (Affiliate)
- Wright, Dr Robert (Affiliate Researcher)
- Yearsley, Mrs Sarah (Affiliate)
- Zhao, Dr Yao (Visiting Academic)
Honorary & Visiting
- Al-Masri, Dr Nazmi (Honorary Fellow)
- Allais, Prof Stephanie (Visiting Professor)
- Brown, Mr John (Honorary Teaching Fellow)
- Campbell, Professor Carol (Visiting Professor)
- Doherty, Prof Catherine (Professor Emerita)
- Donaldson, Professor Graham (Honorary Professor)
- Enslin, Professor Penny (Professor Emerita)
- Farrell, Dr Maureen (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Forde, Prof Christine (Professor Emerita)
- Garcia Gonzalez, Dr Macarena (Honorary Senior Lecturer)
- Hamilton, Dr Robert (Honorary Senior Lecturer)
- Harris, Professor Alma (Honorary Professor)
- Hinzen, Professor Heribert (Visiting Professor of Adult Education)
- Hutchinson, Ms Carolyn (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Ketuly, Professor Kamal (Visiting Professor)
- Konvitz, Professor Josef (Honorary Professor of Education)
- Lally, Professor Victor (Professor Emeritus)
- Long, Ms Gillian (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Loughran, Professor Jeffrey John (Honorary Professor)
- Magill, Dr Jane (Honorary Research Fellow)
- McAleese, Professor Mary (Honorary Professor)
- McGrath, Mr Michael (Honorary Fellow of the St. Andrew's Foundation)
- McIntosh, Professor Alastair (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Meiklejohn, Mr David (Honorary Senior Lecturer)
- Reilly, Father Stephen (Honorary Lecturer)
- Schuetze, Professor Hans (Honorary Professor)
- Scott, Dr Nicola (Honorary Associate Professor)
- Shepherd, Mr Chris (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Slowey, Professor Maria (Visiting Professor)
- Tibbitt, Mr John (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Welsh, Dr Peter (Honorary Research Fellow)
- White, Dr Glenda (Honorary Teaching Fellow)
- Whitehead, Professor Rex (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Wilson, Professor Bruce (Visiting Professor)
- Zachariah, Dr Shoba (Honorary Senior Teaching Fellow)