Curriculum for Wales Principles of Progression
Published: 23 April 2021
UGEAN members Louise Hayward, George MacBride, Kara Makara, David Morrison-Love, Francisco Valdera-Gil and Ernie Spencer are involved in this research for the Welsh Government.
This one year research project was funded by the Welsh Government to review the coherence of the construct of progression as described across Curriculum for Wales guidance and to identify means of supporting practitioners’ understanding of progression and its relationship with assessment. UGEAN members Louise Hayward (PI), George MacBride, Kara Makara, David Morrison-Love, Ernie Spencer and Francisco Valdera-Gil participated in this project in collaboration with colleagues in Yr Athrofa, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
UGEAN members reviewed published curriculum documentation and delivered a report to the Welsh Government in August 2021, identifying options for consideration by the Welsh Government which would clarify and build on current guidance to promote shared understanding of progression in learning: Advancing Understanding of Progression in Curriculum for Wales: Clarity, Coherence, Consistency. UGEAN members collaborated with colleagues in Yr Athrofa to develop a group interview protocol to provide information on practitioners’ current understandings of progression and their views on types of support which would be helpful in taking understanding and practice forward. The joint team analysed the transcripts and delivered a report to Welsh Government in December 2021 with recommendations for their consideration to support schools and practitioners in enacting Curriculum for Wales: ‘Freedom is great, but scary…’: Advancing Understanding of Progression in Curriculum for Wales: The Views of Practitioners.
First published: 23 April 2021