New Publication in the journal “Educational Assessment”
Published: 9 May 2023
Dr Utkun Aydin and her international colleague published in the journal, Educational Assessment, her recent work entitled, “Assessing mathematical higher-order thinking skills: an analysis of Turkish university entrance examinations” in April 2023.
Dr Utkun Aydin and her international colleague published in the journal, Educational Assessment, her recent work entitled, “Assessing mathematical higher-order thinking skills: an analysis of Turkish university entrance examinations” in April 2023.
The full citation for this article is:
Aydin, U., & Birgili, B. (2023). Assessing mathematical higher-order thinking skills: an analysis of Turkish university entrance examinations. Educational Assessment. DOI: 10.1080/10627197.2023.2202311
First published: 9 May 2023