MSc International and Comparative Education

The duration of the MSc International and Comparative Education is 12 months full- time.

For more detail on course assessment and intended learning outcomes, you can view all course specifications via the course catalogue and matching the course to its code starting with EDUC.

The following courses make up your programme’s curriculum.
Core Courses:

Semester 1

Policy Enquiry and Decision-Making (EDUC5249)

Internationalisation of Education (EDUC51062)

International Actors and Global Education Policies (EDUC51061)

Semester 2

International and Comparative Education (EDUC5858)

Education and International Development (EDUC5911)

Indicative Optional Courses:

Students should take 1 optional course (20 credits). This can be chosen from a broad range of courses.

Semester 2

Advanced Policy Enquiry (EDUC51024)

Economics of Education and Public Policy (EDUC5959)

Higher Education as a Field of Research, Policy and Practice (EDUC5912)

Registration for the 2023/24 academic year
Further Support

Details and instructional videos on how to fully complete student registration is available on the website – Registry support and guides


Please check back here for further details as they become available

If you encounter any issues with registration and enrolling, you may also raise a support call using the self-service UofG Helpdesk