MEd Professional Practice with PGDE (top-up programme)

The following courses make up your programme’s curriculum. Students taking this programme should enrol on the following courses once they have fully completed student registration.  

For more detail on course assessment and intended learning outcomes, you can view all course specifications via the course catalogue and matching the course to its code starting with EDUC.

Semester 1

  • Professional Enquiry and Decision Making (EDUC5376) 

Semester 2

  • Dissertation (EDUC5378p)


Further Support 

If you encounter any issues with registering and enrolling You may also raise a support call using the self-service UofG Helpdesk 
Please visit the Registry how to guides for any further information on the enrolment and registration process. 


Registration for the 2023/24 academic year 

Students need to be within the 5 year time frame from starting PGDE to starting the MEd i.e any students who started their PGDE in the year 2018-2019 would be outside the time frame - but students who started in 2019-2020 would have their last opportunity to begin their MEd in 2023-2024.


The University has additional information available to students via the Coronavirus FAQs on arrangements for the 2023/24 academic year.