IM Education in Museums & Heritage

The duration of the IntM Education in Museums & Heritage programme is 24 months full-time. The following courses are mandatory and students should enrol on the courses once they have fully completed student registration. 

For more detail on course assessment and intended learning outcomes follow the links provided below. You can view all course specifications via the course catalogue and matching the course to its code starting with EDUC. Please note that only courses delivered by the University of Glasgow can be found on the course catalogue. For full course details for courses delivered by partner institutions please see the programme documentation. 


IntM (240 credits) 

Year 1: 

University of Glasgow – Museum Education 

  • Semester 1: Access & inclusion (EDUC51064), Critical enquiry (research methodology) (EDUC51065), Museums, education and curriculum development (EDUC51066), The museum as a source of learning (EDUC51067) 

University of Tartu – Intangible Cultural Heritage 

  • Semester 2: • Heritage and cultural policies, Principles of entrepreneurship, Social memory and Cultural Heritage, Vernacular Expressions and Analytic Categories, Methods of Data Collection and Analysis, Placement  

UCC / NUIG / TCD - Digital Cultures and Humanities 

  • Semester 2: Digital Tools and Methods I, Digital Tools and Methods II, Digital Learning & Knowledge Creation, Curation and Storytelling in the Digital Age, Teaching & Learning in Digital Humanities, Humanities and New Technologies 

Optional summer school: European Museum Academy or Universidad Iberoamericana 

Year 2: 

University of Malta - Museum and Heritage Education 

  • Semester 3: Contested heritage: conflict, mediation, Culture and community, Education and community museums, ME and cultural politics, Representation, access and difference, Placement  

Radboud University - Arts and Culture 

  • Semester 3: Art history, Creative industries, Tourism and culture 

Semester 4 

Research dissertation   

Registration for the 2023/24 academic year 

Further Support 

Details and instructional videos on how to fully complete student registration is available on the website – Registry support and guides 

Please check back here for further details as they become available.  

If you encounter any issues with registering and enrolling You may also raise a support call using the self-service UofG Helpdesk