Diane Janczyk, Care Inspectorate

As a 0-3 practitioner at heart, I am hugely passionate about getting it right for our youngest babies and infants. I believe we all have a responsibility to recognise that 'all children' have something to say, whether this be through facial expressions, body movements/language, sounds, actions and even silence. We just need to have the skills, knowledge and ability, to take the time and understand what they are actually trying to tell us. Relationships are at the heart of my practice, and I have always strived to look for new opportunities to make new connections, continue to learn from those around me and to always remain curious. Having worked within a variety of different roles, and organisations across the Early Years sector over the past 24 years, I transitioned into the Care Inspectorate just two years ago. This brought lots of new learning opportunities, along with being in the privileged position of working in partnership with a variety of different settings to support improved outcomes for children, families and communities.