Dr Maxim Venetskov
- Research Assistant (Theology & Religious Studies)
Venetskov, M. (2026) Critical edition of the Ladder of John Sinaites based on the Sinaitic manuscript branch. St Catherine Monastery: Sinai. (Accepted for Publication)
Venetskov, M. (2026) Manuscript Tradition of the Ladder: Between the Text and Paratexts. Series: Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta. Peeters: Leuven. (Submitted)
Venetskov, M. (2026) Tetraevangelia in Orthodox Liturgical Calendars: Byzantine Manuscripts and Church Practices. Series: Cambridge elements in early Christian literature. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. (Accepted for Publication)
Allen, G. V. , Fowler, K. A., Scieri, E. and Venetskov, M. (2025) The Euthalian Tradition of the New Testament: A Catalogue of Greek Manuscripts. Brill: Leiden. (Accepted for Publication)
Venetskov, M. (2025) Catalogue of Greek manuscripts of the Ladder of John Climacus (900 references). St Catherine Monastery: Sinai. (Submitted)
Venetskov, M. (2024) L’histoire Textuelle de la Scala dans les Manuscrits Grecs de Provenance Italienne. Intorno alla Scala Paradisi di Giovanni Climaco: tradizioni manoscritte prima e dopo Angelo Clareno, Venice, Italy, 11 November 2024.
Venetskov, M. (2024) L’échelle des Vertus et L’échelle des Vices chez Jean Climaque. Scoprire se stessi nello specchio della verità: I gradi dell’umiltà e della superbia di Bernardo di Chiaravalle, Rome, Italy, 4-8 November 2024.
Venetskov, M. (2024) The Coexistence of Dorothean and Euthalian Apparati in Multiple Framings of the Apostolic Epistles. Hidden in Plain Sight: Euthalian Traditions, Codex H, and Late Ancient Scholarship, Glasgow, UK, 2-4 October 2024.
Van Deun, P. and Venetskov, M. (Eds.) (2024) New perspectives on the Ladder of John Climacus. Series: Bibliothèque de byzantion | Orientalia lovaniensia analecta. Peeters Publishers: Leuven. (In Press)
Allen, G. , Rodenbiker, K. , Vercesi, M., Fowler, K., Venetskov, M. and Su, L. (2024) Titles of the New Testament Database and Search Tool. [Website] (In Press)
Venetskov, M. (2024) Comment intituler l’œuvre de Jean Climaque? Un nouvel éclairage d’après la tradition manuscrite grecque. In: Van Deun, P. and Venetskov, Maxim (eds.) New perspectives on the Ladder of John Climacus. Series: Bibliothèque de byzantion | Orientalia lovaniensia analecta. Peeters Publishers: Leuven. (In Press)
Venetskov, M. (2024) “The perfect imperfect perfection of the perfects”: longing for perfection in the Ladder of John Sinaites. In: Leemans, Johan, Roskam, Geert and Van Deun, Peter (eds.) Longing for Perfection in Late Antiquity. Series: Ancient philosophy and religion (11). Brill: Leiden, pp. 466-495. ISBN 9789004681132 (doi: 10.1163/9789004681132_020)
Allen, G. , Fowler, K. A., Rodenbiker, K. G. , Venetskov, M. , Vercesi, M. and Su, L. (2023) Editing paratexts: Observations from the New Testament’s titles. Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Bulletin, 9(1-2), pp. 187-204. (doi: 10.25592/uhhfdm.14103)
Venetskov, M. (2023) The Liturgical Marginal Marks on the Holy Week Readings in Tetraevangelia Manuscripts. The Word of the Lord Reading the Gospels in Liturgies from Christian East and West (until 1453), University of Regensburg, 22-25 November 2023.
Venetskov, M. (2023) Sinaitic Readers of Gospel and Apostle Manuscripts: Between the Text and Multiple Paratexts. Priests and their Manuscripts in the Holy Land and Sinai, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, 8–10 November 2023.
Venetskov, M. (2023) Synaxaria and Menologia on the New Testament Readings: Typology and Criteria for a Critical Edition. British New Testament Society Conference, University of Exeter, 31 August – 2 September 2023.
Venetskov, M. (2023) Layouts of Inscriptions and Subscriptions to the Gospels and Apostles in Syriac and Slavic Translations. Converging Traditions in Multilingual Manuscripts: Re-thinking the Multicultural Implications of the New Testament, University of Glasgow, 1–2 July 2023.
Venetskov, M. (2023) Text, Image, and Books in Evangelist Icons. Canon, Apocrypha, and Material Text Traditions Workshop, University of Glasgow, 22 May 2023.
Venetskov, M. (2023) Introductory Pieces in Catena Manuscripts of the New Testament. Catenae, Marginalia, and the IGNTP Conference in association with the European Research Council CATENA Project, University of Birmingham, 15-17 May 2023.
Venetskov, M. (2023) The Gospel Manuscripts Linked to Cyprus: A Study of their Paratexts. Fourth International Conference on Byzantine and Medieval Studies, Nicosia, Cyprus, 17-19 March 2023.
Venetskov, M. (2022) Towards a Critical Edition of the Ladder, John Climacus’ Book: Ecdotic Method and Digital Platform. 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies: Byzantium – Bridge Between Worlds, Venice and Padua, Italy, 22-27 Aug 2022.
Venetskov, M. (2022) « Πυρὸς πλέον » ou « le feu de Cléophas » : comment rééditer la Scala Paradisi ? 21ste Dag van de Byzantinistiek / 21e Journée byzantine, Leuven, Belgium, 03 Jun 2022.
Venetskov, M. (2022) Food for ascetics and excessive fasting in the Ladder of John Climacus. In: Verheyden, J., Roskam, G., Heirman, A. and Leemans, J. (eds.) Reaching for Perfection: Studies on the Means and Goals of Ascetical Practices in an Interreligious Perspective. Series: Bibliotheca ephemeridum theologicarum lovaniensium (329). Peeters Publishers: Leuven. ISBN 9789042949973
Venetskov, M. (2021) Reading traditions of the Ladder of John Sinaites according to the manuscript marks. In: Vinzent, Markus (ed.) Papers presented at the Eighteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2019: Volume 26: From the Fifth Century Onwards (Greek Writers); Following the Holy Fathers: Patristic Sources in the Palamite Controversy. Series: Studia patristica (129). Peeters Publishers, pp. 207-228. ISBN 9789042947870
Venetskov, M. (2021) The monastic teacher and his apprentice on the marginal notes of the Ladder manuscripts. XVIII Jornadas de Estudios Clásicos Maestros y discípulos en el mundo grecolatino, Online, 21-22 Oct 2021.
Venetskov, M. (2021) “The perfect imperfect perfection of the perfects”: Longing for Perfection in the Ladder of John Sinaites. Conference on Perfection in Late Antiquity 2021, Leuven, Belgium, 26-28 May 2021.
Venetskov, M. (2021) Alexey V. Barmin, Евстратий Никейский. Опровержительные слова [Eustrate de Nicée, Discours antirrhétiques] (Б-ка сб-ка « Богословские труды »). – Издательство Московской Патриархии РПЦ, Moscou 2016. 22 × 15. lxiv-243 p. ISBN 978-5-88017-564-2. Revue des Études Byzantines, 79, pp. 338-341. (doi: 10.2143/REB.79.0.3289651)[Book Review]
Venetskov, M. (2021) Index biblicvs. In: Demulder, Bram and Van Deun, Peter (eds.) Questioning the World: Greek Patristic and Byzantine Question-and-Answer Literature. Series: Lectio (11). Brepols: Belgium, pp. 447-448. ISBN 9782503590752 (doi: 10.1484/M.LECTIO-EB.5.128046)
Venetskov, M. (2021) Index fontivm. In: Demulder, Bram and Van Deun, Peter (eds.) Questioning the World: Greek Patristic and Byzantine Question-and-Answer Literature. Series: Lectio (11). Brepols: Belgium, pp. 449-472. ISBN 9782503590752 (doi: 10.1484/M.LECTIO-EB.5.128046)
Venetskov, M. (2020) Le discours Ad pastorem de Jean Climaque et son Commentaire par Nicéphore Calliste Xanthopoulos : édition critique de la partie finale. Sacris Erudiri, 59, pp. 117-182. (doi: 10.1484/J.SE.5.124512)
Venetskov, M. (2019) La lettre upsilon du Florilège Coislin. Byzantion, 89, pp. 359-395. (doi: 10.2143/BYZ.89.0.3287076)
Venetskov, M. (2019) La rédaction des pièces-annexes de l’Échelle de Jean du Sinaï : de la Lettre de Jean de Raïthou à la Table rétrograde. Medioevo Greco, 19, pp. 221-258.
Venetskov, M. (2018) Structure des trente degrés de l'Échelle de Jean du Sinaï : Libellés des titres et phrases conclusives. Byzantion, 88, pp. 365-422. (doi: 10.2143/BYZ.88.0.3285457)
Allen, G. , Fowler, K. A., Rodenbiker, K. G. , Venetskov, M. , Vercesi, M. and Su, L. (2023) Editing paratexts: Observations from the New Testament’s titles. Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Bulletin, 9(1-2), pp. 187-204. (doi: 10.25592/uhhfdm.14103)
Venetskov, M. (2020) Le discours Ad pastorem de Jean Climaque et son Commentaire par Nicéphore Calliste Xanthopoulos : édition critique de la partie finale. Sacris Erudiri, 59, pp. 117-182. (doi: 10.1484/J.SE.5.124512)
Venetskov, M. (2019) La lettre upsilon du Florilège Coislin. Byzantion, 89, pp. 359-395. (doi: 10.2143/BYZ.89.0.3287076)
Venetskov, M. (2019) La rédaction des pièces-annexes de l’Échelle de Jean du Sinaï : de la Lettre de Jean de Raïthou à la Table rétrograde. Medioevo Greco, 19, pp. 221-258.
Venetskov, M. (2018) Structure des trente degrés de l'Échelle de Jean du Sinaï : Libellés des titres et phrases conclusives. Byzantion, 88, pp. 365-422. (doi: 10.2143/BYZ.88.0.3285457)
Venetskov, M. (2026) Critical edition of the Ladder of John Sinaites based on the Sinaitic manuscript branch. St Catherine Monastery: Sinai. (Accepted for Publication)
Venetskov, M. (2026) Manuscript Tradition of the Ladder: Between the Text and Paratexts. Series: Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta. Peeters: Leuven. (Submitted)
Venetskov, M. (2026) Tetraevangelia in Orthodox Liturgical Calendars: Byzantine Manuscripts and Church Practices. Series: Cambridge elements in early Christian literature. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. (Accepted for Publication)
Allen, G. V. , Fowler, K. A., Scieri, E. and Venetskov, M. (2025) The Euthalian Tradition of the New Testament: A Catalogue of Greek Manuscripts. Brill: Leiden. (Accepted for Publication)
Venetskov, M. (2025) Catalogue of Greek manuscripts of the Ladder of John Climacus (900 references). St Catherine Monastery: Sinai. (Submitted)
Book Sections
Venetskov, M. (2024) Comment intituler l’œuvre de Jean Climaque? Un nouvel éclairage d’après la tradition manuscrite grecque. In: Van Deun, P. and Venetskov, Maxim (eds.) New perspectives on the Ladder of John Climacus. Series: Bibliothèque de byzantion | Orientalia lovaniensia analecta. Peeters Publishers: Leuven. (In Press)
Venetskov, M. (2024) “The perfect imperfect perfection of the perfects”: longing for perfection in the Ladder of John Sinaites. In: Leemans, Johan, Roskam, Geert and Van Deun, Peter (eds.) Longing for Perfection in Late Antiquity. Series: Ancient philosophy and religion (11). Brill: Leiden, pp. 466-495. ISBN 9789004681132 (doi: 10.1163/9789004681132_020)
Venetskov, M. (2022) Food for ascetics and excessive fasting in the Ladder of John Climacus. In: Verheyden, J., Roskam, G., Heirman, A. and Leemans, J. (eds.) Reaching for Perfection: Studies on the Means and Goals of Ascetical Practices in an Interreligious Perspective. Series: Bibliotheca ephemeridum theologicarum lovaniensium (329). Peeters Publishers: Leuven. ISBN 9789042949973
Venetskov, M. (2021) Reading traditions of the Ladder of John Sinaites according to the manuscript marks. In: Vinzent, Markus (ed.) Papers presented at the Eighteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2019: Volume 26: From the Fifth Century Onwards (Greek Writers); Following the Holy Fathers: Patristic Sources in the Palamite Controversy. Series: Studia patristica (129). Peeters Publishers, pp. 207-228. ISBN 9789042947870
Venetskov, M. (2021) Index biblicvs. In: Demulder, Bram and Van Deun, Peter (eds.) Questioning the World: Greek Patristic and Byzantine Question-and-Answer Literature. Series: Lectio (11). Brepols: Belgium, pp. 447-448. ISBN 9782503590752 (doi: 10.1484/M.LECTIO-EB.5.128046)
Venetskov, M. (2021) Index fontivm. In: Demulder, Bram and Van Deun, Peter (eds.) Questioning the World: Greek Patristic and Byzantine Question-and-Answer Literature. Series: Lectio (11). Brepols: Belgium, pp. 449-472. ISBN 9782503590752 (doi: 10.1484/M.LECTIO-EB.5.128046)
Book Reviews
Venetskov, M. (2021) Alexey V. Barmin, Евстратий Никейский. Опровержительные слова [Eustrate de Nicée, Discours antirrhétiques] (Б-ка сб-ка « Богословские труды »). – Издательство Московской Патриархии РПЦ, Moscou 2016. 22 × 15. lxiv-243 p. ISBN 978-5-88017-564-2. Revue des Études Byzantines, 79, pp. 338-341. (doi: 10.2143/REB.79.0.3289651)[Book Review]
Edited Books
Van Deun, P. and Venetskov, M. (Eds.) (2024) New perspectives on the Ladder of John Climacus. Series: Bibliothèque de byzantion | Orientalia lovaniensia analecta. Peeters Publishers: Leuven. (In Press)
Conference or Workshop Item
Venetskov, M. (2024) L’histoire Textuelle de la Scala dans les Manuscrits Grecs de Provenance Italienne. Intorno alla Scala Paradisi di Giovanni Climaco: tradizioni manoscritte prima e dopo Angelo Clareno, Venice, Italy, 11 November 2024.
Venetskov, M. (2024) L’échelle des Vertus et L’échelle des Vices chez Jean Climaque. Scoprire se stessi nello specchio della verità: I gradi dell’umiltà e della superbia di Bernardo di Chiaravalle, Rome, Italy, 4-8 November 2024.
Venetskov, M. (2024) The Coexistence of Dorothean and Euthalian Apparati in Multiple Framings of the Apostolic Epistles. Hidden in Plain Sight: Euthalian Traditions, Codex H, and Late Ancient Scholarship, Glasgow, UK, 2-4 October 2024.
Venetskov, M. (2023) The Liturgical Marginal Marks on the Holy Week Readings in Tetraevangelia Manuscripts. The Word of the Lord Reading the Gospels in Liturgies from Christian East and West (until 1453), University of Regensburg, 22-25 November 2023.
Venetskov, M. (2023) Sinaitic Readers of Gospel and Apostle Manuscripts: Between the Text and Multiple Paratexts. Priests and their Manuscripts in the Holy Land and Sinai, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, 8–10 November 2023.
Venetskov, M. (2023) Synaxaria and Menologia on the New Testament Readings: Typology and Criteria for a Critical Edition. British New Testament Society Conference, University of Exeter, 31 August – 2 September 2023.
Venetskov, M. (2023) Layouts of Inscriptions and Subscriptions to the Gospels and Apostles in Syriac and Slavic Translations. Converging Traditions in Multilingual Manuscripts: Re-thinking the Multicultural Implications of the New Testament, University of Glasgow, 1–2 July 2023.
Venetskov, M. (2023) Text, Image, and Books in Evangelist Icons. Canon, Apocrypha, and Material Text Traditions Workshop, University of Glasgow, 22 May 2023.
Venetskov, M. (2023) Introductory Pieces in Catena Manuscripts of the New Testament. Catenae, Marginalia, and the IGNTP Conference in association with the European Research Council CATENA Project, University of Birmingham, 15-17 May 2023.
Venetskov, M. (2023) The Gospel Manuscripts Linked to Cyprus: A Study of their Paratexts. Fourth International Conference on Byzantine and Medieval Studies, Nicosia, Cyprus, 17-19 March 2023.
Venetskov, M. (2022) Towards a Critical Edition of the Ladder, John Climacus’ Book: Ecdotic Method and Digital Platform. 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies: Byzantium – Bridge Between Worlds, Venice and Padua, Italy, 22-27 Aug 2022.
Venetskov, M. (2022) « Πυρὸς πλέον » ou « le feu de Cléophas » : comment rééditer la Scala Paradisi ? 21ste Dag van de Byzantinistiek / 21e Journée byzantine, Leuven, Belgium, 03 Jun 2022.
Venetskov, M. (2021) The monastic teacher and his apprentice on the marginal notes of the Ladder manuscripts. XVIII Jornadas de Estudios Clásicos Maestros y discípulos en el mundo grecolatino, Online, 21-22 Oct 2021.
Venetskov, M. (2021) “The perfect imperfect perfection of the perfects”: Longing for Perfection in the Ladder of John Sinaites. Conference on Perfection in Late Antiquity 2021, Leuven, Belgium, 26-28 May 2021.
Allen, G. , Rodenbiker, K. , Vercesi, M., Fowler, K., Venetskov, M. and Su, L. (2024) Titles of the New Testament Database and Search Tool. [Website] (In Press)