Number of items: 38.
Rantsudu, B. and Bartlett, T.
The role of deontic modality in the construction and mitigation of evaluation in hard news reporting.
Journal of World Languages,
(doi: 10.1515/jwl-2023-0059)
O’Grady, G. and Bartlett, T.
The Language Dynamic.
Equinox: Sheffield.
ISBN 9781800503335
Bartlett, T.
Atopicality as the unmarked logical structure in Scottish Gaelic.
In: Gentens, C., Ghesquière, L., McGregor, W. B. and van Linden, A. (eds.)
Reconnecting Form and Meaning: In honour of Kristin Davidse.
Series: Studies in language companion series (230).
John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 71-95.
ISBN 9789027212993
(doi: 10.1075/slcs.230.03bar)
Ylänne, V., Aldridge-Waddon, M., Spilioti, T. and Bartlett, T.
Managing information, interaction and team building in nurse shift-change handovers: a case study.
Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 16(1),
pp. 51-75.
(doi: 10.1558/jalpp.19140)
Bartlett, T. and Bowcher, W. L.
Context in systemic functional linguistics: principles and parameters.
Functions of Language, 28(3),
pp. 243-259.
(doi: 10.1075/
Bartlett, T.
No Gods and precious few heroes: SFL and evolutionary linguistics.
Lingua, 261,
(doi: 10.1016/j.lingua.2020.102953)
Elorza, I., Arús-Hita, J. and Bartlett, T.
SFL approaches to language dynamics and contrast.
Lingua, 261,
(doi: 10.1016/j.lingua.2021.103098)
Bartlett, T.
Time, the deer, is in the wood: chronotopic identities, trajectories of texts and community self-management.
Applied Linguistics Review, 12(3),
pp. 463-491.
(doi: 10.1515/applirev-2019-0134)
Bartlett, T. , Ylänne, V., Spilioti, T. and Aldridge-Waddon, M.
Nursing handovers as unbounded and scalar events.
Applied Linguistics Review, 12(3),
pp. 401-418.
(doi: 10.1515/applirev-2019-0135)
Chen, W., Bartlett, T. and Peng, H.
The erasure of nature in the discourse of oil production: Part I of an enhanced Eco-Discourse Analysis.
Pragmatics and Society, 12(1),
pp. 6-32.
(doi: 10.1075/ps.20034.che)
Lloyd, H., Bartlett, T. , Aldridge-Waddon, M., Spilioti, T. and Ylänne, V.
Opening up space for compassion in nurses' handover meetings.
Communication and Medicine, 16(3),
pp. 224-237.
(doi: 10.1558/cam.38920)
Bartlett, T.
Interpersonal grammar in Scottish Gaelic.
In: Martin, J.R., Quiroz, B. and Figueredo, G. (eds.)
Interpersonal Grammar: Systemic Functional Linguistic Theory and Description.
Cambridge University Press, pp. 257-284.
ISBN 9781108493796
(doi: 10.1017/9781108663120.009)
Bartlett, T. and Montesano Montessori, N.
Towards webs of equivalence and the political nomad in agonistic debate: contributions from CDA and scales theory.
Journal of Language and Politics, 20(1),
pp. 129-144.
(doi: 10.1075/
Chen, W., Bartlett, T. and Peng, H.
Drilling for fissures and exploiting common ground in the discourse of oil production:
An enhanced eco-discourse analysis, Part 2.
Pragmatics and Society, 12(2),
pp. 167-187.
(doi: 10.1075/ps.20033.che)
Bartlett, T.
Scaling the incommensurate: discourses of sustainability in the Western Isles of Scotland.
In: Montessori, N. M., Farrelly, M. and Mulderrig, J. (eds.)
Critical Policy Discourse Analysis.
Series: Advances in Critical Policy Studies.
Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 242-263.
ISBN 9781788974950
Bartlett, T.
Models of discourse in systemic functional linguistics.
In: Thompson, G., Bowcher, W. L., Fontaine, L. and Schönthal, D. (eds.)
The Cambridge Handbook of Systemic Functional Linguistics.
Series: Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics.
Cambridge University Press, pp. 285-310.
(doi: 10.1017/9781316337936.013)
Bartlett, T. and O’Grady, G.
Language characterology and textual dynamics: a crosslinguistic exploration in English and Scottish Gaelic.
Acta Linguistica Hafniensia, 51(2),
pp. 124-159.
(doi: 10.1080/03740463.2019.1650607)
O'Grady, G. and Bartlett, T.
Linearity and tone in the unfolding of information.
Acta Linguistica Hafniensia, 51(2),
pp. 192-221.
(doi: 10.1080/03740463.2019.1668621)
Spilioti, T., Aldridge-Waddon, M., Bartlett, T. and Ylänne, V.
Conceptualizing language awareness in healthcare communication: the case of nurse shift-change handover meetings.
Language Awareness, 28(3),
pp. 207-226.
(doi: 10.1080/09658416.2019.1636803)
Bartlett, T.
Rethinking (context of) culture in systemic functional linguistics.
In: Sellami-Baklouti, A. and Fontaine, L. (eds.)
Perspectives from Systemic Functional Linguistics.
Series: Routledge Studies in Linguistics.
Routledge: London.
ISBN 9781138237384
Bartlett, T. , Montessori, N. M. and Lloyd, H.
Contesting key terms and concepts in the civil sphere.
In: Garrett, P. and Cots, J. M. (eds.)
The Routledge Handbook of Language Awareness.
Series: Routledge Handbooks in Linguistics.
Routledge: London.
ISBN 9781138937048
Altameeni, Y. and Bartlett, T.
Negotiating “intervention”: Shifting signifiers in the UK’s response to the use of chemical weapons in Syria.
10plus1: Living Linguistics, 3,
pp. 67-86.
Bartlett, T.
Positive discourse analysis.
In: Richardson, J. and Flowerdew, J. (eds.)
The Routledge Handbook of Critical Discourse Studies.
Series: Routledge Handbooks in Applied Linguistics.
Routledge: London.
ISBN 9781138826403
Bartlett, T. and O'Grady, G. (Eds.)
The Routledge Handbook of Systemic Functional Linguistics.
Series: Routledge Handbooks in Linguistics.
Routledge: London.
ISBN 9780415748407
Bartlett, T.
Context in systemic functional linguistics. Towards scalar supervenience?
In: Bartlett, T. and O'Grady, G. (eds.)
The Routledge Handbook of Systemic Functional Linguistics.
Series: Routledge handbooks in linguistics.
Routledge: London, pp. 375-390.
ISBN 9780415748407
Bartlett, T. and O'Grady, G.
Reading SFL.
In: Bartlett, T. and O'Grady, G. (eds.)
The Routledge Handbook of Systemic Functional Linguistics.
Series: Routledge handbooks in linguistics.
Routledge: London.
ISBN 9780415748407
O'Grady, G. and Bartlett, T.
Looking ahead: SFL in the 21st Century.
In: Bartlett, T. and O'Grady, G. (eds.)
The Routledge Handbook of Systemic Functional Linguistics.
Series: Routledge handbooks in linguistics.
Routledge: London.
ISBN 9780415748407
Singh, J. N. and Bartlett, T.
Negotiating sustainability across scales.
AILA Review, 30(1),
pp. 50-71.
(doi: 10.1075/aila.00003.sin)
Bartlett, T.
Multiscalar modelling of context: some questions raised by the category of mode.
In: Bowcher, W. L. and Liang, J. Y. (eds.)
Society in Language, Language in Society: Essays in Honour of Ruqaiya Hasan.
Palgrave Macmillan: London, pp. 166-183.
ISBN 9781349572861
(doi: 10.1057/9781137402868_7)
Bartlett, T.
Phasal dynamism and the unfolding of meaning as text.
English Text Construction, 9(1),
pp. 143-164.
(doi: 10.1075/etc.9.1.08bar)
Fontaine, L., Bartlett, T. and O'Grady, G. (Eds.)
Systemic Functional Linguistics: Exploring Choice.
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
ISBN 9781107595354
Bartlett, T.
“I’ll manage the context”: context, environment and the potential for institutional change.
In: Fontaine, L., Bartlett, T. and O'Grady, G. (eds.)
Systemic Functional Linguistics: Exploring Choice.
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
ISBN 9781107595354
Bartlett, T.
Analysing Power in Language : A Practical Guide.
Routledge: London.
ISBN 9780415666312
O’Grady, G., Bartlett, T. and Fontaine, L. (Eds.)
Choice in Language: Applications in Text Analysis.
Series: Functional linguistics.
Equinox: Sheffield.
ISBN 9781908049544
Bartlett, T.
Constructing local voices through English as a lingua franca: a study from intercultural development discourse.
In: Erling, E. J. and Seargeant, P. (eds.)
English and Development: Policy, Pedagogy and Globalization.
Series: Critical language and literacy studies (17).
Multilingual Matters: Bristol, pp. 163-181.
ISBN 9781847699466
Bartlett, T. and Chen, H.
Applying linguistics in making professional practice re-visible.
Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 9(1),
pp. 1-12.
(doi: 10.1558/japl.v9i1.1)
Bartlett, T. and Chen, H.
Special Issue: SFL as a Bridge from Theory to Practice in the Analysis of Professional Discourse [Guest Editor].
Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 9(1),
Bartlett, T.
Hybrid Voices and Collaborative Change: Contextualising Positive Discourse Analysis.
Routledge: New York.
ISBN 9780415893381
(doi: 10.4324/9780203109373)
This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 02:08:24 2025 GMT.