Number of items: 17.
Nicholson, S. and Domoney-Lyttle, Z.
Activism in the classroom: a case study on de-patriarchalising biblical studies for future generations.
In: Stiebert, Johanna (ed.)
Activism, Bible, and Research-Based Teaching: Practical Approaches for the Global Biblical Studies Classroom.
Series: Bible in the Modern World (85).
Sheffield Phoenix Press: Sheffield, pp. 154-176.
ISBN 9781914490439
Nicholson, S. L.
The challenges involved in teaching Biblical Hebrew to students with dyslexia: some observations.
Teaching Theology and Religion, 27(1-2),
pp. 30-36.
(doi: 10.1111/teth.12659)
Nicholson, S.
Buffy the Philistine slayer: echoes of Samson in the Buffyverse.
In: Welton, Rebekah and Domoney-Lyttle, Zanne (eds.)
Bibles in Popular Cultures.
Series: Scriptural traces (30).
T&T Clark: London, pp. 29-48.
ISBN 9780567702203
Domoney-Lyttle, Z. and Nicholson, S. (Eds.)
Women and Gender in the Bible: Texts, Intersections, and Intertexts.
Series: Bible in the Modern World.
Sheffield Pheonix Press: Sheffield.
ISBN 9781914490071
Domoney-Lyttle, Z. and Nicholson, S.
Introduction: What is a woman? Contested identities in the Bible.
In: Domoney-Lyttle, Zanne and Nicholson, Sarah (eds.)
Women and Gender in the Bible: Texts, Intersections, and Intertexts.
Sheffield Pheonix Press: Sheffield, pp. 1-5.
ISBN 9781914490071
Nicholson, S.
Constructing 'The Prostitute': Masters and Johnson could learn something from Tamar.
In: Domoney-Lyttle, Zanne and Nicholson, Sarah (eds.)
Women and Gender in the Bible: Texts, Intersections, and Intertexts.
Sheffield Pheonix Press: Sheffield, pp. 142-158.
ISBN 9781914490071
Domoney-Lyttle, Z. and Nicholson, S. (Eds.)
Women and Gender in the Bible and the Biblical World II.
Open Theology.
7(1) [Edited Journal]
Nicholson, S.
Complete Biblical Hebrew: A Comprehensive Guide to Reading and Understanding Biblical Hebrew, With Original Texts.
Hodder & Stoughton: London.
ISBN 9781473627833
Nicholson, S. and Domoney-Lyttle, Z.
Women and gender in the Bible and the biblical world II: editorial introduction.
Open Theology, 7(1),
pp. 670-674.
(doi: 10.1515/opth-2020-0188)
Nicholson, S. and Domoney-Lyttle, Z.
Activism in the classroom: a case study on de-patriarchalising Biblical Studies for future generations.
Journal for Interdisciplinary Biblical Studies, 2(1),
pp. 248-265.
(doi: 10.17613/n0a2-e260)
Nicholson, S. and Domoney-Lyttle, Z. (Eds.)
Women and Gender in the Bible and the Biblical World.
Open Theology.
6(1) [Edited Journal]
Nicholson, S. and Domoney-Lyttle, Z.
Women and gender in the Bible and the biblical world: editorial introduction.
Open Theology, 6,
pp. 706-710.
(doi: 10.1515/opth-2020-0143)
Nicholson, S.L.
Biblical Hebrew.
Series: Teach yourself books.
Contemporary Books: Chicago, USA.
ISBN 9780071434621
Nicholson, S.L.
Catching the poetic eye: Saul reconceived in modern literature.
In: Ehrlich, C. and White, M. (eds.)
Saul in Story and Tradition.
Series: Forschungen zum Alten Testament (47).
Mohr Siebeck, pp. 308-333.
ISBN 3161485696
Nicholson, S.L.
Playing the whore: gender performance and basic instict in Genesis 38.
In: Sherwood, Y. and Bird, D. (eds.)
Bodies in Question: Gender, Religion, Text.
Ashgate, pp. 57-70.
ISBN 0754635309
Nicholson, S.L.
The woman pays: death and the ambivalence of providence in Hardy's novels.
Literature and Theology, 16(1),
pp. 27-39.
(doi: 10.1093/litthe/16.1.27)
Nicholson, S.L.
Three Faces of Saul: an Intertextual Approach to Biblical Tragedy.
Sheffield Academic Press.
ISBN 1841272485
This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 14:26:30 2025 GMT.