Dr Kelsie Rodenbiker

  • Research Associate (Theology & Religious Studies)

email: Kelsie.Rodenbiker@glasgow.ac.uk
pronouns: She/her/hers

4 Professors' Square, Glasgow, G12 8QH

Import to contacts

ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-9475-377X


I completed my PhD at Durham University in 2021. I argued in my doctoral thesis that authorial attribution to significant apostolic figures and the use of exemplary figures from the Jewish scriptural past are both aspects of the ancient literary-rhetorical strategy of exemplarity, the use of a prestigious figure from the past as a model for the present and future. The use of the authorial apostolic pseudonyms of James, Peter, John, and Jude as well as the illustrative scriptural exempla shape the canonical reception of the Catholic Epistle collection. 

At present I work as a postdoctoral researcher on the European Research Council-funded Titles in the New Testament project. My current streams of research focus on questions of canon and literary reuse, especially concerning pseudepigraphy, the use of scriptural figures, and manuscripts and scribal cultures. I lecture and present regularly on the Catholic Epistles, canon and the canonical process, apocrypha and the ancient perception of pseudepigraphy, and the relationship between Jewish tradition and early Christian literature.   

I am currently a Fellow of the Centre for Advanced Studies, “Beyond Canon,” at the University of Regensburg; I am a chair of the Later Epistles seminar of the British New Testament Society; and I co-convene the University of Glasgow Biblical Interpretation and Theology seminar.  

Research interests

Canonicity and the Canonical Process, Manuscripts and Materiality, Textual Authority and Tradition, New Testament and Early Christianity, Pseudepigraphy and Authorial Attribution, Exemplarity and the Use and Construction of Scriptural Figures, Second Temple Judaism.


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2017
Number of items: 27.


Bahena-Rivera, A. , Rodenbiker, K. , Scheepers, C. and Allen, G. V. (2025) Paratexts, manuscripts, literature, and understanding. In: Brewer, C. (ed.) Art Seeking Understanding: Conceptual, Empirical, and Experimental Approaches. Eerdmans: Grand Rapids. (Accepted for Publication)


Rodenbiker, K. G. (2024) The Catholic Epistles. In: Crossley, James and Fletcher, Michelle (eds.) Companion to the New Testament: Introduction, Interpretation, Application. SCM Press: London. ISBN 9780334056300 (In Press)

Rodenbiker, K. G. (2024) Looking for gold in mud: Pseudepigraphy and the ancient Christian rhetoric of attribution. Early Christianity, 14(4), pp. 495-511. (doi: 10.1628/ec-2023-0033)

Rodenbiker, K. G. and Rothschild, C. K. (2024) Editorial: Perceptions of pseudepigraphy across the ancient Mediterranean. Early Christianity, 14(4), pp. 407-409. (doi: 10.1628/ec-2023-0027)

Allen, G. , Rodenbiker, K. , Vercesi, M., Fowler, K., Venetskov, M. and Su, L. (2024) Titles of the New Testament Database and Search Tool. [Website] (In Press)

Rodenbiker, K. G. (2024) Lee Martin McDonald, Before There Was a Bible: Authorities in Early Christianity, Journal for the Study of the New Testament (London: T&T Clark, 2023). Journal for the Study of the New Testament, [Book Review] (Accepted for Publication)

Rodenbiker, K. G. (2024) Shively T. J. Smith, Interpreting 2 Peter through African American Women’s Moral Writings (Early Christianity and its Literature 32; Atlanta: SBL, 2023). Journal for the Study of the New Testament, [Book Review] (Accepted for Publication)


Allen, G. , Fowler, K. A., Rodenbiker, K. G. , Venetskov, M. , Vercesi, M. and Su, L. (2023) Editing paratexts: Observations from the New Testament’s titles. Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Bulletin, 9(1-2), pp. 187-204. (doi: 10.25592/uhhfdm.14103)

Rodenbiker, K. G. (2023) James Among the Classicists: Reading the Letter of James in Light of Ancient Literary Criticism, Sigurvin Lárus Jónsson SANt 8; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2021, 978-3-525-56484-4, €130.00, 353 hb. Journal for the Study of the New Testament, 45(5), pp. 67-68. (doi: 10.1177/0142064X231176712)[Book Review]

Rodenbiker, K. G. (2023) Orthodox New Testament Textual Scholarship: Antoniades, Lectionaries, and the Catholic Epistles, Jovan Stanojević TS 3.26; Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias, 2021, 978-1-4632-4267-1, $114.95, 225 hb. Journal for the Study of the New Testament, 45(5), pp. 86-87. (doi: 10.1177/0142064X231176725)[Book Review]

Rodenbiker, K. G. and Allen, G. V. (2023) The Euthaliana and the Catholic Epistles. Zeitschrift fur Neues Testament, 26(51), pp. 39-53. (doi: 10.24053/ZNT-2023-0003)

Rodenbiker, K. G. (2023) Scribal 'faithfulness’ and the text-critical imaginary. In: Allen, Garrick Vernon, Gad, Usama Ali Mohamed, Rodenbiker, Kelsie Gayle, Royle, Anthony Philip and Unkel, Jill (eds.) The Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri at Ninety: Literature, Papyrology, Ethics. Series: Manuscripta Biblica (10). De Gruyter, pp. 107-120. ISBN 9783110781014 (doi: 10.1515/9783110781304-008)

Allen, G. V. , Gad, U. A. M., Rodenbiker, K. G. , Royle, A. P. and Unkel, J. (Eds.) (2023) The Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri at Ninety. Series: Manuscripta Biblica. De Gruyter: Berlin. ISBN 9783110781014

Rodenbiker, K. G. (2023) The Second Peter: pseudepigraphy as exemplarity in the second canonical Petrine epistle. Novum Testamentum, 65(1), pp. 109-131. (doi: 10.1163/15685365-bja10038)

Rodenbiker, K. G. and Rothschild, C. K. (Eds.) (2023) Perceptions of pseudepigraphy across the ancient Mediterranean. Early Christianity. 14(4) [Edited Journal]


Rodenbiker, K. G. (2022) Marking scriptural figures as sacred names. Religions, 13(7), 577. (doi: 10.3390/rel13070577)

Allen, G. V. and Rodenbiker, K. G. (Eds.) (2022) Titles, Paratexts, and Manuscript Communication: Jewish and Christian Literature in Material Context. Religions. [Edited Journal]


Rodenbiker, K. G. (2021) The Claromontanus stichometry and its canonical implications. Journal for the Study of the New Testament, 44(2), pp. 240-253. (doi: 10.1177/0142064X211055647)

Allen, G. V. and Rodenbiker, K. G. (2021) TiNT Project Transcription Guidelines. [Research Reports or Papers]

Allen, G. V. , Conlan, O., Conran, C., Debruyne, C., Nicholson, M., O’Sullivan, D., Rodenbiker, K. and Royle, A. P. (2021) The New Testament in virtual research environments: titles, Greek manuscripts, data querying. Classics@, 18(1),

Allen, G. V. , Rodenbiker, K. G. and Royle, A. P. (2021) Fragments : The Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri in Context. [Exhibitions]

Rodenbiker, K. G. (2021) Pseudonymity, exemplarity, and the dating of James. In: Die Datierung neutestamentlicher Pseudepigraphen. Herausforderungen und neuere Lösungsansätze. Series: Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament (470). Mohr Siebeck: Tübingen, pp. 219-244. ISBN 9783161602344


Allen, G. V. and Rodenbiker, K. G. (2020) Titles of the New Testament (TiNT): a new approach to manuscripts and the history of interpretation. Early Christianity, 11, pp. 265-280. (doi: 10.1628/ec-2020-0012)


Rodenbiker, K. (2019) Disputing with the Devil: Jude, Michael the Archangel, and the boundaries of canon. In: Friesen, Marcel and Hesse, Christoph Leonard (eds.) Antike Kanonisierungsprozesse und Identitätsbildung in Zeiten des Umbruchs. Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität: Münster. ISBN 9783840501968


Dragutinović, P., Nicklas, T., Tatalović, V. and Rodenbiker, K. (Eds.) (2017) Christ of the Sacred Stories. Series: Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament. Mohr Siebeck: Tübingen. ISBN 9783161545108

Rodenbiker, K. (2017) The persistent sufferer: the exemplar of Job in the Letter of James. Annali di Storia dell’Esegesi, 34(2), pp. 483-500.

Rodenbiker, K. (2017) Review of Darian Lockett, Letters from the Pillar Apostles: The Formation of the Catholic Epistles as a Canonical Collection. Reviews of Biblical and Early Christian Studies, [Book Review]

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 13:04:18 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 27.


Rodenbiker, K. G. (2024) Looking for gold in mud: Pseudepigraphy and the ancient Christian rhetoric of attribution. Early Christianity, 14(4), pp. 495-511. (doi: 10.1628/ec-2023-0033)

Rodenbiker, K. G. and Rothschild, C. K. (2024) Editorial: Perceptions of pseudepigraphy across the ancient Mediterranean. Early Christianity, 14(4), pp. 407-409. (doi: 10.1628/ec-2023-0027)

Allen, G. , Fowler, K. A., Rodenbiker, K. G. , Venetskov, M. , Vercesi, M. and Su, L. (2023) Editing paratexts: Observations from the New Testament’s titles. Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Bulletin, 9(1-2), pp. 187-204. (doi: 10.25592/uhhfdm.14103)

Rodenbiker, K. G. and Allen, G. V. (2023) The Euthaliana and the Catholic Epistles. Zeitschrift fur Neues Testament, 26(51), pp. 39-53. (doi: 10.24053/ZNT-2023-0003)

Rodenbiker, K. G. (2023) The Second Peter: pseudepigraphy as exemplarity in the second canonical Petrine epistle. Novum Testamentum, 65(1), pp. 109-131. (doi: 10.1163/15685365-bja10038)

Rodenbiker, K. G. (2022) Marking scriptural figures as sacred names. Religions, 13(7), 577. (doi: 10.3390/rel13070577)

Rodenbiker, K. G. (2021) The Claromontanus stichometry and its canonical implications. Journal for the Study of the New Testament, 44(2), pp. 240-253. (doi: 10.1177/0142064X211055647)

Allen, G. V. , Conlan, O., Conran, C., Debruyne, C., Nicholson, M., O’Sullivan, D., Rodenbiker, K. and Royle, A. P. (2021) The New Testament in virtual research environments: titles, Greek manuscripts, data querying. Classics@, 18(1),

Allen, G. V. and Rodenbiker, K. G. (2020) Titles of the New Testament (TiNT): a new approach to manuscripts and the history of interpretation. Early Christianity, 11, pp. 265-280. (doi: 10.1628/ec-2020-0012)

Rodenbiker, K. (2017) The persistent sufferer: the exemplar of Job in the Letter of James. Annali di Storia dell’Esegesi, 34(2), pp. 483-500.

Book Sections

Bahena-Rivera, A. , Rodenbiker, K. , Scheepers, C. and Allen, G. V. (2025) Paratexts, manuscripts, literature, and understanding. In: Brewer, C. (ed.) Art Seeking Understanding: Conceptual, Empirical, and Experimental Approaches. Eerdmans: Grand Rapids. (Accepted for Publication)

Rodenbiker, K. G. (2024) The Catholic Epistles. In: Crossley, James and Fletcher, Michelle (eds.) Companion to the New Testament: Introduction, Interpretation, Application. SCM Press: London. ISBN 9780334056300 (In Press)

Rodenbiker, K. G. (2023) Scribal 'faithfulness’ and the text-critical imaginary. In: Allen, Garrick Vernon, Gad, Usama Ali Mohamed, Rodenbiker, Kelsie Gayle, Royle, Anthony Philip and Unkel, Jill (eds.) The Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri at Ninety: Literature, Papyrology, Ethics. Series: Manuscripta Biblica (10). De Gruyter, pp. 107-120. ISBN 9783110781014 (doi: 10.1515/9783110781304-008)

Rodenbiker, K. G. (2021) Pseudonymity, exemplarity, and the dating of James. In: Die Datierung neutestamentlicher Pseudepigraphen. Herausforderungen und neuere Lösungsansätze. Series: Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament (470). Mohr Siebeck: Tübingen, pp. 219-244. ISBN 9783161602344

Rodenbiker, K. (2019) Disputing with the Devil: Jude, Michael the Archangel, and the boundaries of canon. In: Friesen, Marcel and Hesse, Christoph Leonard (eds.) Antike Kanonisierungsprozesse und Identitätsbildung in Zeiten des Umbruchs. Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität: Münster. ISBN 9783840501968

Book Reviews

Rodenbiker, K. G. (2024) Lee Martin McDonald, Before There Was a Bible: Authorities in Early Christianity, Journal for the Study of the New Testament (London: T&T Clark, 2023). Journal for the Study of the New Testament, [Book Review] (Accepted for Publication)

Rodenbiker, K. G. (2024) Shively T. J. Smith, Interpreting 2 Peter through African American Women’s Moral Writings (Early Christianity and its Literature 32; Atlanta: SBL, 2023). Journal for the Study of the New Testament, [Book Review] (Accepted for Publication)

Rodenbiker, K. G. (2023) James Among the Classicists: Reading the Letter of James in Light of Ancient Literary Criticism, Sigurvin Lárus Jónsson SANt 8; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2021, 978-3-525-56484-4, €130.00, 353 hb. Journal for the Study of the New Testament, 45(5), pp. 67-68. (doi: 10.1177/0142064X231176712)[Book Review]

Rodenbiker, K. G. (2023) Orthodox New Testament Textual Scholarship: Antoniades, Lectionaries, and the Catholic Epistles, Jovan Stanojević TS 3.26; Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias, 2021, 978-1-4632-4267-1, $114.95, 225 hb. Journal for the Study of the New Testament, 45(5), pp. 86-87. (doi: 10.1177/0142064X231176725)[Book Review]

Rodenbiker, K. (2017) Review of Darian Lockett, Letters from the Pillar Apostles: The Formation of the Catholic Epistles as a Canonical Collection. Reviews of Biblical and Early Christian Studies, [Book Review]

Edited Books

Allen, G. V. , Gad, U. A. M., Rodenbiker, K. G. , Royle, A. P. and Unkel, J. (Eds.) (2023) The Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri at Ninety. Series: Manuscripta Biblica. De Gruyter: Berlin. ISBN 9783110781014

Dragutinović, P., Nicklas, T., Tatalović, V. and Rodenbiker, K. (Eds.) (2017) Christ of the Sacred Stories. Series: Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament. Mohr Siebeck: Tübingen. ISBN 9783161545108

Edited Journals

Rodenbiker, K. G. and Rothschild, C. K. (Eds.) (2023) Perceptions of pseudepigraphy across the ancient Mediterranean. Early Christianity. 14(4) [Edited Journal]

Allen, G. V. and Rodenbiker, K. G. (Eds.) (2022) Titles, Paratexts, and Manuscript Communication: Jewish and Christian Literature in Material Context. Religions. [Edited Journal]

Research Reports or Papers

Allen, G. V. and Rodenbiker, K. G. (2021) TiNT Project Transcription Guidelines. [Research Reports or Papers]


Allen, G. V. , Rodenbiker, K. G. and Royle, A. P. (2021) Fragments : The Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri in Context. [Exhibitions]


Allen, G. , Rodenbiker, K. , Vercesi, M., Fowler, K., Venetskov, M. and Su, L. (2024) Titles of the New Testament Database and Search Tool. [Website] (In Press)

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 13:04:18 2025 GMT.


2022: Templeton Religion Trust (£2,369,995) – Paratexts Seeking Understanding  

2021: British Academy and Leverhulme Trust SRG21/210779 (£9,997) – Perceptions of Pseudepigraphy Across the Ancient Mediterranean World


I am open to enquiries regarding PhD supervision related to my research interests. Please contact me directly with questions or proposal ideas.