Number of items: 77.
Kopaczyk, J.
Formulaic language in medieval and administrative and legal writing.
In: Molinelli, Piera and Ghezzi, Chiara (eds.)
Writing, Languages and Communities in Italy (Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages).
Mouton de Gruyter.
(Accepted for Publication)
Kopaczyk, J.
The history of Scots.
In: Hickey, Raymond (ed.)
The New Cambridge Handbook of the History of English.
Cambridge University Press.
(Accepted for Publication)
Kopaczyk, J.
Third-wave historical sociolinguistics and communities of practice.
In: Hernández-Campoy, Juan M. and Conde-Silvestre, J. Camilo (eds.)
The Handbook of Historical Sociolinguistics.
(Accepted for Publication)
Kopaczyk, J.
Unpacking and capturing multilingual practices and their effects in medieval administrative and legal discourse.
Gruppi professionali come fattore di innovazione linguistica. Evidenze documentarie in Europa tra Tarda Antichità e Medioevo, Collana “Mediterraneo plurilingue”.
Edizioni dell'Orso: Alessandria.
(Accepted for Publication)
Bridges, V., Kopaczyk, J. and Putter, A.
Textual and codicological manifestations of multilingual culture in medieval England.
In: Pons-Sanz, Sara and Sylvester, Louise (eds.)
Medieval English in a Multilingual Context: Current Methodologies and Approaches.
(Accepted for Publication)
Kopaczyk, J.
The challenges of bringing together multilingualism and multimodality: unpacking the structural model of multilingual practice.
In: Włodarczyk, Matylda, Tyrkkö, Jukka, Tyrkkö, Jukka and Adamczyk, Elżbieta (eds.)
Multilingualism from Manuscript to 3D: Intersections of Modalities from Medieval to Modern Times.
Routledge: London, pp. 119-138.
ISBN 9780367763596
(doi: 10.4324/9781003166634-7)
Kopaczyk, J. and Jucker, A. H.
Communities of practice in the history of English.
In: Beal, Joan (ed.)
New Cambridge History of the English Language.
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
(Accepted for Publication)
Molineaux, B., Kopaczyk, J. , Alcorn, R., Maguire, W., Karaiskos, V. and Los, B.
Phonotactics, graphotactics and contrast: the history of Scots dental fricative spellings.
English Language and Linguistics, 25(1),
pp. 91-119.
(doi: 10.1017/S1360674319000479)
Molineaux, B., Maguire, W., Karaiskos, V., Alcorn, R., Kopaczyk, J. and Los, B.
Visualising pre-standard spelling practice: understanding the interchange of <ch(t)> and <th(t)> in Older Scots.
Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities, 2020,
pp. 1-11.
Włodarczyk, M., Kopaczyk, J. and Kozak, M.
Multilingualism in Greater Poland court records (1386-1448): tagging discourse boundaries and code-switching.
Corpora, 15(3),
pp. 273-290.
(doi: 10.3366/cor.2020.0200)
Kopaczyk, J. and McColl Millar, R. (Eds.)
Language on the Move Across Domains and Communities. Selected Papers From the 12th Triennial Forum for Research on the Languages of Scotland and Ulster, Glasgow 2018.
Series: The languages of Scotland and Ulster.
Forum for Research on the Languages of Scotland and Ulster: Aberdeen.
ISBN 9780956654953
Kopaczyk, J.
The language of medieval legal record as a complex multilingual code.
In: Armstrong, Jackson W. and Frankot, Edda (eds.)
Cultures of Law in Urban Northern Europe. Scotland and its Neighbours c. 1350-c.1650.
Series: Theses in medieval and early modern history.
Routledge: London, pp. 58-79.
ISBN 9780367206802
(doi: 10.4324/9780429262869-6)
Kopaczyk, J. and Millar, R. M.
In: Kopaczyk, Joanna and Millar, Robert McColl (eds.)
Language on the Move Across Domains and Communities. Selected Papers From the 12th Triennial Forum for Research on the Languages of Scotland and Ulster, Glasgow 2018.
Series: The languages of Scotland and Ulster (6).
Forum for Research on the Languages of Scotland and Ulster: Aberdeen, pp. 1-2.
ISBN 9780956654953
Kopaczyk, J.
Textual standardisation of legal Scots vis a vis Latin.
In: Wright, Laura (ed.)
The Multilingual Origins of Standard English.
Series: Topics in English Linguistics [TiEL] (107).
De Gruyter Mouton: Berlin, pp. 487-514.
ISBN 9783110687514
(doi: 10.1515/9783110687545-018)
Kopaczyk, J.
Unstable content, remediated layout: urban laws in Scotland through manuscript and print.
In: Tagg, Caroline and Evans, Mel (eds.)
Message and Medium: English Language Practices Across Old and New Media.
Series: Topics in English Linguistics [TiEL] (105).
De Gruyter Mouton: Berlin, pp. 173-198.
ISBN 9783110620399
(doi: 10.1515/9783110670837-014)
Maguire, W., Alcorn, R., Molineaux, B., Kopaczyk, J. , Karaiskos, V. and Los, B.
Charting the rise and demise of a phonotactically motivated change in Scots.
Folia Linguistica Historica, 53(s40-1),
pp. 37-59.
(doi: 10.1515/flih-2019-0003)
Kopaczyk, J. and Krygier, M.
Periodization: an evolving discipline, an evolving curriculum.
In: Moore, Colette and Palmer, Chris C. (eds.)
Teaching the History of the English language.
Series: Options for teaching (46).
The Modern Language Association of America: New York, pp. 72-83.
ISBN 9781603293839
Włodarczyk, M., Kopaczyk, J. , Adamczyk, E., Makarova, O. and Berger, Ł.
Electronic Repository of Greater Poland Oaths (1386-1448).
Alcorn, R., Kopaczyk, J. , Los, B. and Molineaux, B. (Eds.)
Historical Dialectology in the Digital Age.
Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, UK.
ISBN 9781474430531
Alcorn, R., Kopaczyk, J. , Los, B. and Molineaux, B.
Historical dialectology and the Angus McIntosh legacy.
In: Alcorn, Rhona, Kopaczyk, Joanna, Los, Bettelou and Molineaux, Benjamin (eds.)
Historical Dialectology in the Digital Age.
Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, UK.
ISBN 9781474430531
Molineaux, B., Kopaczyk, J. , Alcorn, R., Maguire, W., Karaiskos, V. and Los, B.
Early spelling evidence for Scots L-vocalisation: A corpus-based approach.
In: Alcorn, Rhona, Kopaczyk, Joanna, Los, Bettelou and Molineaux, Benjamin (eds.)
Historical Dialectology in the Digital Age.
Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, UK.
ISBN 9781474430531
Kopaczyk, J. , Molineaux Ress, B., Karaiskos, V., Alcorn, R., Los, B. and Maguire, W.
Towards a grapho-phonologically parsed corpus of medieval Scots: Database design and technical solutions.
Corpora, 13(2),
pp. 255-269.
(doi: 10.3366/cor.2018.0146)
Kopaczyk, J. and Tyrkkö, J. (Eds.)
Applications of Pattern-Driven Methods in Corpus Linguistics.
Series: Studies in Corpus Linguistics.
John Benjamins: Amsterdam.
ISBN 9789027200136
Kopaczyk, J. and Tyrkkö, J.
Blogging around the world.
In: Kopaczyk, Joanna and Tyrkkö, Jukka (eds.)
Applications of Pattern-driven Methods in Corpus Linguistics.
Series: Studies in corpus linguistics (82).
John Benjamins Publishing Company: Amsterdam ; Philadelphia, pp. 277-310.
ISBN 9789027200136
(doi: 10.1075/scl.82.11kop)
Tyrkkö, J. and Kopaczyk, J.
Present applications and future directions in pattern-driven approaches to corpus linguistics.
In: Kopaczyk, Joanna and Tyrkkö, Jukka (eds.)
Applications of Pattern-driven Methods in Corpus Linguistics.
Series: Studies in corpus linguistics (82).
John Benjamins Publishing Company: Amsterdam ; Philadelphia, pp. 1-12.
ISBN 9789027200136
(doi: 10.1075/scl.82.01tyr)
Kopaczyk, J.
Administrative multilingualism on the page in early modern Poland: In search of a framework for written code-switching.
In: Pahta, Pavi, Skaffari, Janne and Wright, Laura (eds.)
Multilingual Practices in Language History: English and Beyond.
De Gruyter, pp. 275-258.
ISBN 9781501504945
(doi: 10.1515/9781501504945-013)
Kopaczyk, J.
Terms and conditions: A comparative study of noun binomials in UK and Scottish legislation.
In: Goźdź-Roszkowski, Stanislaw and Pontrandolfo, Gianluca (eds.)
Phraseology in Legal and Institutional Settings: A Corpus-based Interdisciplinary Perspective.
Series: Law, language and communication.
ISBN 9781138214361
Kopaczyk, J. and Sauer, H. (Eds.)
Binomials in the History of English: Fixed and Flexible.
Series: Studies in English language.
Cambridge University Press.
ISBN 9781107118478
Kopaczyk, J. and Sauer, H.
Defining and exploring binomials.
In: Kopaczyk, Joanna and Sauer, Hans (eds.)
Binomials in the History of English: Fixed and Flexible.
Series: Studies in English language.
Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-24.
ISBN 9781107118478
Alcorn, R., Molineaux, B., Kopaczyk, J. , Karaiskos, V., Los, B. and Maguire, W.
The emergence of Scots: Clues from Germanic *a reflexes.
In: Cruickshank, Janet and McColl Millar, Robert (eds.)
Before the Storm: Papers from Forum for Research on the Languages of Scotland and Ulster Triennial Meeting, Ayr 2015.
Series: Languages of Scotland and Ulste (5).
Forum for Research on the Languages of Scotland and Ireland: Abderdeen, pp. 1-32.
ISBN 9780956654946
Jucker, A. H. and Kopaczyk, J.
Historical (im)politeness.
In: Culpeper, Jonathan, Haugh, Michael and Kádár, Dániel Z. (eds.)
The Palgrave Handbook of Linguistic (Im)politeness.
Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 433-459.
ISBN 9781137375070
(doi: 10.1057/978-1-137-37508-7_17)
Los, B. and Kopaczyk, J.
Referential functions of there+P pronominal adverbs in Older Scots.
In: Nykiel, J., Łęcki, A. and Kida, I. (eds.)
Current Developments in English Historical Linguistics: Studies in Honour of Rafał Molencki.
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego: Katowice, pp. 254-274.
ISBN 9788322633106
Kopaczyk, J. , Włodarczyk, M. and Adamczyk, E.
Medieval multilingualism in Poland: creating a corpus of Greater Poland court oaths (ROThA).
Studia Anglica Posnaniensia, 51(3),
(doi: 10.1515/stap-2016-0012)
Kopaczyk, J.
Language in Scotland. Corpus-based studies, by W. Anderson (ed.) (2013).
Northern Scotland, 7(1),
pp. 112-117.
(doi: 10.3366/nor.2016.0117)[Book Review]
Molineaux, B., Kopaczyk, J. , Maguire, W., Alcorn, R., Karaiskos, V. and Los, B.
Tracing L-vocalisation in early Scots.
Papers in Historical Phonology, 1,
pp. 187-217.
(doi: 10.2218/pihph.1.2016.1699)
Kopaczyk, J.
Diachronic Corpus Pragmatics, by I. Taavitsainen, A. H. Jucker and J. Tuominen (eds.) (2014).
Journal of Pragmatics, 84,
pp. 33-36.
(doi: 10.1016/j.pragma.2015.04.010)[Book Review]
Kopaczyk, J.
English Historical Pragmatics, by A. H. Jucker and I. Taavitsainen (2013).
Journal of Historical Pragmatics, 16(2),
pp. 321-326.
(doi: 10.1075/jhp.16.2.10kop)[Book Review]
Kopaczyk, J.
Older Scots: A Linguistic Reader, by J. J. Smith (2012).
Scottish Historical Review, 93(2),
pp. 293-294.
(doi: 10.3366/shr.2014.0224)[Book Review]
Kopaczyk, J.
Bringing historical contexts and language use together, or how to do historical sociopragmatics: Historical sociopragmatics, by J. Culpeper (ed.) (2011).
Pragmatics.Reviews, 2014(2.2),
p. 1.
(doi: 10.11584/pragrev.2014.2.2.1)[Book Review]
Kopaczyk, J.
The History of English Spelling by Christopher Upward and George Davidson (2011).
International Journal of Lexicography, 27(2),
pp. 171-175.
(doi: 10.1093/ijl/ecu005)[Book Review]
Kopaczyk, J.
The language of William Dunbar: Middle Scots or Early Modern Scots?
European Journal of English Studies, 18(1),
pp. 21-41.
(doi: 10.1080/13825577.2014.881105)
Kopaczyk, J.
The Legal Language of Scottish Burghs: Standardization and Lexical Bundles (1380-1560).
Series: Oxford studies in language and law.
Oxford University Press.
ISBN 9780199945153
(doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199945153.001.0001)
Kopaczyk, J.
Code-switching in the records of a Scottish brotherhood in early modern Poland-Lithuania.
Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics, 49(3),
pp. 281-319.
(doi: 10.1515/psicl-2013-0011)
Kopaczyk, J. and Jucker, A. H. (Eds.)
Communities of Practice in the History of English.
Series: Pragmatics & beyond.
John Benjamins.
ISBN 9789027256409
Jucker, A. H. and Kopaczyk, J.
Communities of practice as a locus of language change.
In: Kopaczyk, Joanna and Jucker, Andreas H. (eds.)
Communities of Practice in the History of English.
Series: Pragmatics & beyond (235).
John Benjamins: Amsterdam, pp. 1-16.
ISBN 9789027256409
(doi: 10.1075/pbns.235.01int)
Kopaczyk, J.
All poisons and... each of them... every day twice... :Formulaicity and quantifying determiners in Early Modern English recipes.
In: Tyrkkö, Jukka, Timofeeva, Olga and Salenius, Maria (eds.)
Ex Philologia Lux: Essays in Honour of Leena Kahlas-Tarkka.
Series: Mémoires de la Société néo-philologique à Helsingfors (90).
Société Néophilologique: Helsinki, pp. 207-231.
ISBN 9789519040462
Kopaczyk, J.
Formulaic discourse across Early Modern English medical genres.
In: Jucker, Andreas H., Landert, Daniela, Seiler, Annina and Studer-Joho, Nicole (eds.)
Meaning in the History of English. Words and Texts in Context.
Series: Studies in language companion series (148).
John Benjamins: Amsterdam, pp. 257-300.
ISBN 9789027206152
(doi: 10.1075/slcs.148.12kop)
Kopaczyk, J.
Formulaicity in Scots historical corpora and the lexical bundles method.
In: Bennett, Paul, Durrell, Martin, Scheible, Silke and Whitt, Richard J. (eds.)
New Methods in Historical Corpora.
Series: Korpuslinguistik und interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Sprache = Corpuslinguistics and interdisciplinary perspectives on language (CLIP) (3).
Narr Verlag: Tübingen, pp. 151-162.
ISBN 9783823367604
Kopaczyk, J.
How a community of practice creates a text community: Middle Scots legal and administrative discourse.
In: Kopaczyk, Joanna and Jucker, Andreas H. (eds.)
Communities of Practice in the History of English.
Series: Pragmatics & beyond.
John Benjamins, pp. 225-250.
ISBN 9789027256409
(doi: 10.1075/pbns.235.14kop)
Kopaczyk, J.
Notariusze i pisarze miejscy a standaryzacja tekstów prawnych w Szkocji = Notaries and burgh clerks – standardising legal texts in Scotland.
In: Nowakowski, Paweł, Stroński, Krzysztof and Szczyszek, Michał (eds.)
Od wspólnot komunikatywnych do kontaktów międzywspólnotowych = From Communicative Communities to Inter-Community.
Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk: Poznań, pp. 123-136.
ISBN 9788376542812
Kopaczyk, J.
Rethinking the traditional periodisation of the Scots language.
In: Cruickshank, J. and McColl Millar, R. (eds.)
After the Storm: Papers from the Forum for Research on the Languages of Scotland and Ulster triennial meeting, Aberdeen 2012.
Series: Languages of Scotland and Ulste (4).
Forum for Research on the Languages of Scotland and Ireland: Abderdeen, pp. 233-260.
ISBN 9780956654939
Kopaczyk, J.
Scots in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, 16th-18th centuries, by P. P. Bajer (2012).
Polish-AngloSaxon Studies, 16,
pp. 103-112.
[Book Review]
Kopaczyk, J.
Scottish papers in early modern Poland: A new resource for historical linguists.
In: Korzeniowska, Aniela and Szymańska, Izabela (eds.)
Scotland in Europe / Europe in Scotland: Links – Dialogues – Analogies.
Semper, pp. 85-98.
ISBN 9788375072402
Kopaczyk, J.
Long lexical bundles and standardisation in historical legal texts.
Studia Anglica Posnaniensia, 47(2-3),
pp. 3-25.
(doi: 10.2478/v10121-012-0001-0)
Kopaczyk, J.
Scotland and Poland. Historical Encounters, 1500-2010, by T.M. Devine and D. Hesse (eds.) (2011).
Northern Scotland, 3(1),
pp. 148-152.
(doi: 10.3366/nor.2012.0034)[Book Review]
Kopaczyk, J.
Applications of the lexical bundles method in historical corpus research.
In: Pezik, Piotr (ed.)
Corpus Data across Languages and Disciplines.
Series: Lodz studies in language (28).
Peter Lang: Frankfurt, pp. 83-95.
ISBN 9783653024654
(doi: 10.3726/978-3-653-02465-4)
Kopaczyk, J.
Communication gaps in seventeenth-century Britain: Explaining legal Scots to English practitioners.
In: Kryk-Kastovsky, Barbara (ed.)
Intercultural Miscommunication Past and Present.
Series: Warsaw studies in English language and literature.
Peter Lang, pp. 217-243.
ISBN 9783653013535
Kopaczyk, J.
The meanders of spelling, or another look at early Middle Scots <ai/ay> digraphs.
In: Esquibel, Joanna and Wojtys, Anna (eds.)
Explorations in the English Language: Middle Ages and Beyond: Festschrift for Professor Jerzy Wełna on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday.
Series: Studies in English medieval language and literature (35).
Peter Lang, pp. 153-167.
ISBN 9783653023619
Kopaczyk, J.
Repetitive and therefore fixed? Lemmatic bundles and text-type standardisation in 15th-century administrative Scots.
In: Sauer, Hans and Waxenberger, Gaby (eds.)
English Historical Linguistics 2008: Selected papers from the fifteenth International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL 15), Munich, 24-30 August 2008.
John Benjamins, pp. 189-208.
ISBN 9789027248428
(doi: 10.1075/cilt.324.11kop)
Kopaczyk, J.
Historical pragmatics, by A. H. Jucker and I. Taavitsainen (eds.) (2010).
Linguist List Online, 22,
p. 2578.
[Book Review]
Kopaczyk, J.
Latin and Scots versions of medieval burgh laws (Leges Quator Burgorum).
Scottish Language, 30,
pp. 1-17.
Kopaczyk, J.
Standaryzacja tekstów w perspektywie historycznej. Analiza zbitek leksykalnych = Text-type standardisation in a historical perspective. Analysing lexical bundles.
In: Stalmaszczyk, Piotr (ed.)
Metodologie językoznawstwa. Od ontologii do pragmatyki = Linguistic methodology. From ontology to pragmatics.
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego: Łódź, pp. 155-174.
ISBN 9788375255850
Kopaczyk, J.
A V or not a V? Transcribing abbreviations in seventeen MSS of the 'Man of Law’s Tale'.
In: Thaisen, Jacob and Rutkowska, Hanna (eds.)
Scribes, Printers, and the Accidentals of their Texts.
Series: Studies in English medieval language and literature (33).
Peter Lang: Frankfurt, pp. 91-106.
ISBN 9783631607121
(doi: 10.3726/978-3-653-02465-4)
Kopaczyk, J.
Early Modern English Dialogues, by J. Culpeper and M. Kÿto (2010).
Linguist List Online, 21,
p. 3781.
[Book Review]
Kopaczyk, J.
(Multi-word) units of meaning in 16th-century legal Scots.
In: McConchie, R.W. (ed.)
Selected Proceedings of the 2008 Symposium on New Approaches in English Historical Lexis (HEL-LEX 2).
Cascadilla Proceedings Project: Somerville, MA, pp. 88-95.
ISBN 9781574734300
Bugaj, J.
Analytic ‘of the samyn’ or synthetic ‘its’? The use of neuter possessives in Older Scots texts.
In: Nevalainen, Terttu, Klemola, Juhani and Laitinen, Mikko (eds.)
Types of Variation: Diachronic, dialectal and typological interfaces.
Series: Studies in language companion series (76).
John Benjamins, pp. 171-201.
ISBN 9789027230867
Bugaj, J.
At ‘the wylle and plesur’ of ‘kyng and soueraine’: In search of motivations for binomials as markers of legal discourse.
In: Dziubalska-Kołaczyk, Katarzyna (ed.)
IFAtuation: A life at IFA. A Festschrift for Professor Jacek Fisiak on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday.
Adam Mickiewicz University: Poznań, pp. 85-98.
ISBN 9788323216346
Bugaj, J.
The language of legal writings in 16th century Scots and English: an etymological study of binomials.
ESP Across Cultures,
pp. 7-22.
Bugaj, J.
Sources of discourse-specific vocabulary in Middle Scots administrative records: An etymological study of binominals.
In: Dossena, Marina and Taavitsaninen, Irma (eds.)
Diachronic Perspectives on Domain-Specific English.
Series: Linguistic insights (40).
Peter Lang: Bern, pp. 109-132.
ISBN 9783039111763
Bugaj, J.
Middle Scots burgh court records: The influence of the text type on its linguistic features.
In: Ritt, Nikolaus and Schendl, Herbert (eds.)
Rethinking Middle English: Linguistic and Literary Approaches.
Series: Studies in English medieval language and literature (10).
Peter Lang: Frankfurt, pp. 75-88.
ISBN 9783631520321
Bugaj, J.
‘for ye vrangus haldyn of thre bollis of beire fra hyre’: Nominal plurals in south-western Middle Scots.
Linguistica e Filologia, 19,
pp. 53-74.
Bugaj, J.
Middle Scots as an emerging standard and why it did not make it.
Scottish Language, 23,
pp. 19-34.
Bugaj, J.
Middle Scots Inflectional System in the South-West of Scotland.
Series: Studies in English medieval language and literature, 8.
Peter Lang.
ISBN 9783631514399
Bugaj, J.
Palatalisation of sonorants in Older Scots.
In: Fisiak, Jacek (ed.)
Studies in English Historical Linguistics and Philology: a Festschrift for Akio Oizumi.
Series: Studies in English medieval language and literature (2).
Peter Lang: Frankfurt, pp. 191-203.
ISBN 9783631386170
Bugaj, J.
Verb morphology of south-western Older Scots.
Studia Anglica Posnaniensia, 38,
pp. 43-53.
Bugaj, J.
The Scots-Northern English continuum of marking noun plurality.
Studia Anglica Posnaniensia, 36,
pp. 131-140.
Kopaczyk, J.
The English languages, by Tom McArthur (1998).
Studia Anglica Posnaniensia, 35,
pp. 311-314.
[Book Review]
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