Number of items: 47.
Thoms, G., Adger, D., Heycock, C., Jamieson, E. and Smith, J.
Explaining microvariation using the Tolerance Principle: plugging the amn’t gap.
Journal of Linguistics,
(doi: 10.1017/S0022226724000203)
(Early Online Publication)
Smith, J. , Stuart-Smith, J. , Macdonald, R. and Jamieson, E.
Scots and Scottish Standard English.
In: Fox, S. (ed.)
Language in Britain and Ireland.
Cambridge University Press, pp. 151-177.
ISBN 9781108477321
(doi: 10.1017/9781108769617.009)
Jamieson, E., Smith, J. , Adger, D., Heycock, C. and Thoms, G.
‘When intuitions (don't) fail’: combining syntax and sociolinguistics in the analysis of Scots.
English Language and Linguistics,
(doi: 10.1017/S1360674323000679)
(Early Online Publication)
Thoms, G., Adger, D., Heycock, C., Jamieson, E. and Smith, J.
English contracted negation revisited: evidence from varieties of Scots.
Language, 99(4),
pp. 726-759.
(doi: 10.1353/lan.2023.a914192)
Smith, J. and Holmes-Elliott, S.
Tracking linguistic change in childhood: transmission, incrementation, and vernacular reorganization.
Language, 98(1),
pp. 98-122.
(doi: 10.1353/lan.2021.0087)
Smith, J. and Holmes-Elliott, S.
Mapping syntax and the sociolinguistic monitor.
In: Christensen, T. K. and Jensen, T. J. (eds.)
Explanations in Sociosyntactic Variation.
Series: Studies in language variation and change.
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, pp. 58-89.
ISBN 9781108492843
(doi: 10.1017/9781108674942.004)
Smith, J. , Aitken, B., Eunson, B. and Robinson, M.
Speak for Yersel.
Smith, J.
Child language acquisition and sociolinguistic variation.
In: Ghimenton, A., Nardy, A. and Chevrot, J.-P. (eds.)
Sociolinguistic Variation and Language Acquisition across the Lifespan.
Series: Studies in language variation (26).
John Benjamins Publishing Company: Amsterdam, pp. 12-19.
ISBN 9789027209078
(doi: 10.1075/silv.26.01smi)
Tagliamonte, S. A. and Smith, J.
Obviously undergoing change: Adverbs of evidentiality across time and space.
Language Variation and Change, 33(1),
pp. 81-105.
(doi: 10.1017/S0954394520000216)
Adger, D. and Smith, J.
Explaining variability in negative concord: A sociosyntactic analysis.
In: Beaman, K. V., Buchstaller, I., Fox, S. and Walker, J. A. (eds.)
Advancing Socio-grammatical Variation and Change: In Honour of Jenny Cheshire.
ISBN 9780429282720
(doi: 10.4324/9780429282720-15)
Smith, J. , Adger, D., Aitken, B., Heycock, C., Jamieson, E. and Gary, T.
The Scots Syntax Atlas.
Thoms, G., Adger, D., Heycock, C. and Smith, J.
Syntactic variation and auxiliary contraction: the surprising case of Scots.
Language, 95(3),
pp. 421-455.
(doi: 10.1353/lan.0.0236)
Smith, J. and Durham, M.
Sociolinguistic Variation in Children's Language: Acquiring Community Norms.
Series: Studies in Language Variation and Change.
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
ISBN 9781107172616
(doi: 10.1017/9781316779248)
Smith, J. and Holmes-Elliott, S.
The unstoppable glottal: tracking rapid change an iconic British variable.
English Language and Linguistics, 22(3),
pp. 323-355.
(doi: 10.1017/S1360674316000459)
Holmes-Elliott, S. and Smith, J.
Dressing down up north: DRESS-lowering and /l/ allophony in a Scottish dialect.
Language Variation and Change, 30(1),
pp. 23-50.
(doi: 10.1017/S0954394517000278)
Tani, A. and Smith, J.
In: Tani, A. and Smith, J. (eds.)
Studies in Middle and Modern English: Historical Variation.
Series: Studies in the history of the English language (6).
Kaitakusha: Tokyo.
ISBN 9784758922494
Tani, A. and Smith, J. (Eds.)
Studies in Middle and Modern English: Historical Variation.
Series: Studies in the history of the English language.
Kaitakusha: Tokyo.
ISBN 9784758922494
Krause, M. and Smith, J.
'I stole it from a letter, off your tongue it rolled': the performance of dialect in Glasgow's indie music scene.
In: Montgomery, C. and Moore, E. (eds.)
Language and a Sense of Place.
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
ISBN 9781107098718
Holmes-Elliott, S. and Smith, J.
DRESS-down: /ε/-lowering in apparent time in a rural Scottish community.
In: ICPhS 2015: 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Glasgow, UK, 10-14 Aug 2015,
Holmes-Elliott, S. and Smith, J.
DRESS-Down: /ε/-lowering in Apparent Tme in a Rural Scottish Community.
In: XVIII International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. ICPhS 2015, University of Glasgow, Scotland, 10-14 Aug 2015,
Tagliamonte, S. A., Durham, M. and Smith, J.
Grammaticalization at an early stage: future be going to in conservative British dialects.
English Language and Linguistics, 18(01),
pp. 75-108.
(doi: 10.1017/S1360674313000282)
Iyeiri, Y. and Smith, J.
In: Iyeiri, Y. and Smith, J. (eds.)
Studies in Middle and Modern English: Historical Change.
Osaka Books: Suita.
ISBN 9784990458447
Iyeiri, Y. and Smith, J. (Eds.)
Studies in Middle and Modern English: Historical Change.
Series: Studies in the history of the English language.
Osaka Books: Suita.
ISBN 9784990458447
Smith, J.
In: Lawson, R. (ed.)
Sociolinguistics in Scotland.
Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, xiii-xiv.
ISBN 9781137034700
Smith, J. , Durham, M. and Richards, H.
The social and linguistic in the acquisition of sociolinguistic variation.
Linguistics, 51(2),
pp. 258-324.
(doi: 10.1515/ling-2013-0012)
Smith, J. and Durham, M.
Bidialectalism or dialect death? Explaining generational change in the Shetland Islands, Scotland.
American Speech, 87(1),
pp. 57-88.
(doi: 10.1215/00031283-1599959)
Smith, J.
Scots and varieties of Scots.
In: Kortmann, B. and Lunkenheimer, K. (eds.)
The Mouton World Atlas of Variation in English.
Mouton de Gruyter.
ISBN 9783110279887
Smith, J. and Durham, M.
A tipping point in dialect obsolescence? Change across the generations in Lerwick, Shetland.
Journal of Sociolinguistics, 15(2),
pp. 197-225.
(doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9841.2011.00479.x)
Smith, J.
English and Englishes.
In: Seargeant, P. and Swann, J. (eds.)
English in the World: History, Diversity, Change.
Routledge: London, pp. 197-244.
Adger, D. and Smith, J.
Variation in agreement: A lexical feature-based approach.
Lingua Volume, 120(5),
pp. 1109-1134.
Smith, J. , Durham, M. and Fortune, L.
Universal and dialect-specific pathways of acquisition: Caregivers, children, and t/d deletion.
Language Variation and Change, 21(1),
pp. 69-95.
(doi: 10.1017/S0954394509000039)
Smith, J., Durham, M. and Fortune, L.
"Mam, ma troosers is fa'in doon!" Community, caregiver and child in the acquisition of variation in Scottish dialect.
Language Variation and Change, 19(1),
pp. 63-99.
(doi: 10.1017/S0954394507070044)
Smith, J.
Methods in sociolinguistic research: syntax and morphology.
In: Llamas, C., Mullany, L. and Stockwell, P. (eds.)
The Routledge Companion to Sociolinguistics.
Routledge: London, UK.
ISBN 9780415338493
Smith, J., Durham, M. and Fortune, L.
Caregiver and child in the acquisition
of (socio)linguistic norms in a Scottish dialect.
In: Bamman, D., Magnitskaia, T. and Zaller, C. (eds.)
Proceedings of the 30th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development.
Cascadilla Press: Somerville, USA, pp. 572-583.
ISBN 9781574730647
Smith, J. and Tagliamonte, S.
Layering, change and a twist of fate: the deontic modality system in English dialects.
Diachronica, 23(2),
pp. 341-380.
Smith, J.
Narrative in sociolinguistic research.
In: Brown, E.K., Asher, R.E. and Simpson, J.M.Y. (eds.)
The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics.
Elsevier: Amsterdam, Netherlands.
ISBN 9780080442990
Smith, J.
The sociolinguistics of contemporary Scots: evidence from one dialect.
In: Kirk, J.M. and Ó Baoill, D. (eds.)
Legislation, Literature and Sociolinguistics: Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, and Scotland.
Cló Ollscoil na Banríona: Belfast, UK, pp. 112-125.
ISBN 9780853898740
Smith, J. and Adger, D.
Variation and the minimalist programme.
In: Cornips, L. and Corrigan, K. (eds.)
Syntax and Variation: Reconciling the Biological and the Social.
John Benjamins, pp. 149-178.
ISBN 9781588116406
Tagliamonte, S. and Smith, J.
No momentary fancy! The zero 'complementizer' in English dialects.
English Language and Linguistics, 9(2),
pp. 289-309.
(doi: 10.1017/S1360674305001644)
Tagliamonte, S., Smith, J. and Lawrence, H.
English dialects in the British Isles in cross-variety perspective: a base-line for future research.
In: Filppula, M. (ed.)
Dialects Across Borders: Selected Papers from the 11th International Conference on Methods in Dialectology (Methods XI), Joensuu, August 2002.
Series: Amsterdam studies in the theory and history of linguistic science.
John Benjamins: Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 87-117.
ISBN 9789027247872
Tagliamonte, S., Smith, J. and Lawrence, H.
No taming the vernacular! insights from the relatives in northern Britain.
Language Variation and Change, 17(1),
pp. 75-112.
(doi: 10.1017/S0954394505050040)
Watt, D. and Smith, J.
Language change.
In: Ball, M.J. (ed.)
Clinical Sociolinguistics.
Blackwell: Malden, USA, pp. 101-119.
ISBN 9781405112499
Smith, J.
Accounting for vernacular features in a Scottish dialect: relic, innovation, analogy and drift.
In: Kay, C., Horobin, S. and Smith, J.J. (eds.)
New Perspectives on English Historical Linguistics: Selected Papers from 12 ICEHL, Glasgow, 21-26 August 2002.
Series: Amsterdam studies in the theory and history of linguistic science, 1.
John Benjamins: Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 177-193.
ISBN 9789027247650
Tagliamonte, S. and Smith, J.
Either it isn't or it's not: Neg/aux contraction in British dialects.
English World Wide, 23(3),
pp. 251-82.
Smith, J.
Negative concord in the old and new world: evidence from Scotland.
Language Variation and Change, 13(2),
pp. 109-134.
(doi: 10.1017/S0954394501132011)
Tagliamonte, S. and Smith, J.
"Either it isn't or it's not": neg/aux contraction in British dialects.
English World Wide, 23(2),
pp. 251-281.
(doi: 10.1075/eww.23.2.05tag)
Smith, J.
"You Ø na hear o' that kind o' things": Negative do in Buckie Scots.
English World Wide, 21(2),
pp. 231-259.
(doi: 10.1075/eww.21.2.04smi)
This list was generated on Fri Feb 21 09:32:09 2025 GMT.