Professor Richard Cronin
- Affiliate (School of Critical Studies)
R304 Level 3, English Literature, 5 University Gardens, Glasgow G12 8QH
Cronin, R. (2024) Magazines. In: Morrison, Robert (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of British Romantic Prose. Oxford University Press: New York, pp. 861-876. ISBN 9780198834540 (doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198834540.013.24)
Cronin, R. (2019) Donald S. Hair, Fresh Strange Music: Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Language. Romanticism, 25(1), pp. 105-107. (doi: 10.3366/rom.2019.0406)[Book Review]
Cronin, R. (2019) Rattling on exactly as they talk: romantic conversations. European Legacy, 24(3-4), pp. 315-328. (doi: 10.1080/10848770.2019.1573616)
Cronin, R. (2017) Adam Roberts, Landor's Cleanness: A Study of Walter Savage Landor. Romanticism, 23(1), pp. 102-104. (doi: 10.3366/rom.2017.0314)[Book Review]
Cronin, R. (2016) Thomas Chatterton and Neglected Genius, 1760–1830. European Romantic Review, 27(1), pp. 77-81. (doi: 10.1080/10509585.2015.1124531)[Book Review]
Cronin, R. (2013) John Wilson and regency authorship. In: Morrison, R. and Roberts, D.S. (eds.) Romanticism and Blackwood’s Magazine: An Unprecedented Phenomenon. Series: Palgrave studies in the enlightenment, romanticism and cultures of print. Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK, pp. 203-214. ISBN 9780230304413
Cronin, R. (2013) Shelley and the nineteenth century. In: O'Neill, M., Howe, A. and Callaghan, M. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Series: Oxford handbooks of literature. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 611-626. ISBN 9780199558360
Cronin, R. (2012) Reading Victorian Poetry. Wiley-Blackwell: Oxford. ISBN 9781405193924
Cronin, R. (2012) Duelling and English literature. In: Ludwig, U., Krug-Richter, B. and Schwerhoff, G. (eds.) Das Duell: Ehrenkampfe vom Mittelalter bis zur Moderne. Series: Konflikte und Kultur: Historische Perspektiven (23). UVK: Konstanz, pp. 131-140. ISBN 9783867643191
Cronin, R. (2012) Joseph Cottle (1770-1853). Wessex Chronicle: The Magazine of Wessex Society, 12(4), pp. 12-17.
Cronin, R. (2011) The "historyful" and the "history-less": deep and shallow time in the Regency. In: Gardos, B., Peter, A., Pikli, N. and Vince, M. (eds.) Confrontations and Interactions: Essays on Cultural Memory. L'Harmattan: Budapest, pp. 341-351. ISBN 9789632364353
Cronin, R. (2010) Duelling and the culture of British Romanticism. In: Laureys, M. and Simons, R. (eds.) Die Kunst des Streitens : Inszenierung, Formen und Funktionen öffentlichen Streits in historischer Perspektive. Bonn University Press. ISBN 9783899717938
Cronin, R. (2010) Joseph Cottle and West-Country Romanticism. In: English Romantic Writers and the West Country. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230223745
Cronin, R. (2010) Paper Pellets : British Literary Culture After Waterloo. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199582532
Cronin, R. (2010) Victorian poetry: an overview. In: O'Neill, Michael (ed.) The Cambridge History of English Poetry. Cambridge University Press.
Cronin, R. (2009) Edward Lear and Tennyson's Nonsense. In: Douglas-Fairhurst, R. and Perry, S. (eds.) Tennyson Among the Poets. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 259-275. ISBN 9780199557134
Cronin, R. and McMillan, D.C. (2008) Emma stays at home. Sensibilities, 37, pp. 43-58.
Cronin, R. (2008) Byron, Clough, and the grounding of Victorian poetry. Romanticism, 14(1), pp. 13-24. (doi: 10.3366/E1354991X08000068)
Cronin, R. (2008) Magazines and romantic modernity. In: Hull, S. (ed.) The British Periodical Text, 1797-1835. Humanities-Ebooks: Penrith, UK, pp. 68-90. ISBN 9781847600813
Cronin, R. (2006) Joseph Cottle and West-Country romanticism. Coleridge Bulletin, 28(Winter), pp. 1-12.
Cronin, R. (2006) Words and the word: the diction of 'Don Juan'. In: Hopps, G. and Stabler, J. (eds.) Romanticism and Religion from William Cowper to Wallace Stevens. Series: The nineteenth century. Ashgate: Aldershot, UK, pp. 137-54. ISBN 9780754655701
Cronin, R. (2005) Literary scene. In: Todd, J.M. (ed.) Jane Austen in Context. Series: The Cambridge edition of the works of Jane Austen. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, pp. 289-296. ISBN 9780521826440
Cronin, R. and McMillan, D.A. (2005) Emma, Harriet Martin, and parlour boarders. Notes and Queries, 52(1), pp. 19-22. (doi: 10.1093/notesj/gji109)
Cronin, R. (2005) Formalism. In: Roe, N. (ed.) Romanticism: An Oxford Guide. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, pp. 257-272. ISBN 9780199258406
Bissett, R. (2005) Douglas, or, the highlander. [Scholarly Editions]
McMillan, D.A. and Cronin, R. (2005) Jane Austen, Emma. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521824378
Cronin, R. (2004) Bulwer, Carlyle, and the fashionable novel. In: Christensen, A.C. (ed.) The Subverting Vision of Bulwer Lytton: Bicentenary Reflections. University of Delaware Press: Newark, UK, pp. 38-53. ISBN 9780874138566
Cronin, R. (2004) Victorian romance: medievalism. In: Saunders, C.J. (ed.) A Companion to Romance: From Classical to Contemporary. Series: Blackwell companions to literature and culture (27). Blackwell: Malden, USA, pp. 341-359. ISBN 9780631232711
Cronin, R. (2003) Casa guidi windows: Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Italy and the poetry of citizenship. In: Chapman, A. and Stabler, J. (eds.) Unfolding the South: Nineteenth-Century British Women Writers and Artists in Italy. Manchester University Press: Manchester, UK, pp. 35-50. ISBN 9780719061295
Cronin, R. and McMillan, D.A. (2002) Harriet Smith's reading. Notes and Queries, 49(4), pp. 449-450. (doi: 10.1093/nq/49.4.449)
Cronin, R., Chapman, A. and Harrison, A.H. (Eds.) (2002) A companion to Victorian poetry. Series: Blackwell companions to literature and culture. Blackwell: Oxford. ISBN 9780631222071
Cronin, R. (2002) Felicia Hemans, Letitia Landon et il "Dominio della donna". In: Crisafulli, L.M. and Pietropoli, C. (eds.) Le Poetesse Romantiche Inglesi: Tra Identità e Genere. Series: Lingue e letterature Carocci (11). Carocci: Rome, Italy, pp. 349-276. ISBN 9788843023813
Cronin, R. (2002) Romantic Victorians: English literature, 1824-1840. Palgrave MacMillan. ISBN 9780333966167
Cronin, R. (2002) The spasmodics. In: Cronin, R., Chapman, A. and Harrison, A.H. (eds.) A Companion to Victorian Poetry. Series: Blackwell companions to literature and culture (15). Blackwell: Oxford, pp. 291-304. ISBN 0631222073
Coyle, J. and Cronin, R. (2000) Tennyson and the apostles. In: Johns, J. and Jenkins, A. (eds.) Rethinking Victorian Culture. Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK, pp. 115-125. ISBN 9780333714461
Cronin, R. (2000) In place and out of place: Clare in the midsummer cushion. In: Goodridge, J. and Kovesi, S. (eds.) John Clare: New Approaches and New Voices. John Clare Society: Peterborough, UK, pp. 133-148. ISBN 9780952254164
Cronin, R. (2000) Mary Shelley and Edward Bulwer: Lodore as hybrid fiction. In: Eberle-Sinatra, M. (ed.) Mary Shelley's Fictions: From Frankenstein to Falkner. Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK, pp. 39-54. ISBN 9780333771068
Cronin, R. (2000) The Politics of Romantic Poetry: In Search of the Pure Commonwealth. Series: Romanticism in perspective. Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK. ISBN 9780312227494
Cronin, R. (1999) Walter Scott and anti-Gallican minstrelsy. English Literary History, 66(4), pp. 863-883. (doi: 10.1353/elh.1999.0033)
Cronin, R. (1998) L'incesto Shelleyano e l'eredita romantica. In: Crisafulli, L.M. (ed.) Shelley e l'Italia. Series: Romanticismo e dintorni (7). Liguori: Napoli, Italy, pp. 215-234. ISBN 9788820727031
Cronin, R. (1997) Wordsworth's poems of 1807 and the war against Napoleon. Review of English Studies, 48(189), pp. 33-50.
Cronin, R. (1996) Asleep in Italy: Byron and Shelley in 1819. Keats-Shelley Review, 11, pp. 151-180.
Cronin, R. (1996) India. In: Sturrock, J. (ed.) The Oxford Guide to Contemporary Writing. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, pp. 204-220. ISBN 9780198182627
Cronin, R. (1996) Keats and the politics of Cockney style. Studies in English Literature 1500-1900, 36(4), pp. 785-806.
Cronin, R. (1996) Shelleyan incest and the romantic legacy. Keats-Shelley Journal, 45, pp. 61-76.
Cronin, R. (1994) Mapping Childe Harold I and II. Byron Journal, 22, pp. 13-29.
Cronin, R. (1993) Goethe, the Apostles and Tennyson's supposed confessions. Philological Quarterly, 72, pp. 337-356.
Cronin, R. (1993) The Palace of Art and Tennyson's Cambridge. Essays in Criticism, 43, pp. 195-210.
Cronin, R. (1992) Oenone and apostolic politics. Victorian Poetry, 30, pp. 229-246.
Cronin, R. (1992) Peter Bell, Peterloo, and the politics of Cockney poetry. In: Everest, K. (ed.) Percy Bysshe Shelley: Bicentenary Essays. Series: Essays and studies (45). Brewer: Suffolk, pp. 63-87. ISBN 9780859913522
Cronin, R. (1990) Alexander Smith and the poetry of displacement. Victorian Poetry, 28, pp. 129-145.
Cronin, R. (1990) Shelley and the Apostles. Keats-Shelley Review, 5, pp. 14-40.
Cronin, R. (1989) Gabriel Conroy's three graces. Notes and Queries, 36(2), p. 200.
Cronin, R. (1989) Imagining India. Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK. ISBN 9780333467053
Cronin, R. (1989) Politicizing literature. Modern Age, 37, pp. 311-317.
Cronin, R. (1989) Ruskin on colour. Ruskin Gazette, 1(3), pp. 1-8.
Cronin, R. (1988) Colour and Experience in Nineteenth-Century Poetry. Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK. ISBN 9780333443378
Cronin, R. (1987) The Indian English novel: Kim and Midnight's Children. Modern Fiction Studies, 33, pp. 201-213.
Cronin, R. (1986) Carps and Caleb Williams. Keats-Shelley Review, 1, pp. 35-48.
Cronin, R. (1986) The Hill of Devi and Heat and Dust. Essays in Criticism, 36, pp. 142-159.
Cronin, R. (1985) Indian trains. London Magazine, 25, pp. 47-61.
Cronin, R. (1985) Quite, quite India: the despair of R.K. Narayan. Encounter, 64, pp. 52-59.
Cronin, R. (1981) Shelley's Poetic Thoughts. Macmillan: London, UK. ISBN 9780333300091
Cronin, R. (1977) Shelley's Witch of Atlas. Keats-Shelley Journal, 26, pp. 88-100.
Cronin, R. (1977) Shelley's language of dissent. Keats-Shelley Journal, 26, pp. 203-215.
Cronin, R. (1977) A tidal murmur in Shelley. Notes and Queries, 24, pp. 330-332.
Cronin, R. (2019) Rattling on exactly as they talk: romantic conversations. European Legacy, 24(3-4), pp. 315-328. (doi: 10.1080/10848770.2019.1573616)
Cronin, R. (2012) Joseph Cottle (1770-1853). Wessex Chronicle: The Magazine of Wessex Society, 12(4), pp. 12-17.
Cronin, R. and McMillan, D.C. (2008) Emma stays at home. Sensibilities, 37, pp. 43-58.
Cronin, R. (2008) Byron, Clough, and the grounding of Victorian poetry. Romanticism, 14(1), pp. 13-24. (doi: 10.3366/E1354991X08000068)
Cronin, R. (2006) Joseph Cottle and West-Country romanticism. Coleridge Bulletin, 28(Winter), pp. 1-12.
Cronin, R. and McMillan, D.A. (2005) Emma, Harriet Martin, and parlour boarders. Notes and Queries, 52(1), pp. 19-22. (doi: 10.1093/notesj/gji109)
Cronin, R. and McMillan, D.A. (2002) Harriet Smith's reading. Notes and Queries, 49(4), pp. 449-450. (doi: 10.1093/nq/49.4.449)
Cronin, R. (1999) Walter Scott and anti-Gallican minstrelsy. English Literary History, 66(4), pp. 863-883. (doi: 10.1353/elh.1999.0033)
Cronin, R. (1997) Wordsworth's poems of 1807 and the war against Napoleon. Review of English Studies, 48(189), pp. 33-50.
Cronin, R. (1996) Asleep in Italy: Byron and Shelley in 1819. Keats-Shelley Review, 11, pp. 151-180.
Cronin, R. (1996) Keats and the politics of Cockney style. Studies in English Literature 1500-1900, 36(4), pp. 785-806.
Cronin, R. (1996) Shelleyan incest and the romantic legacy. Keats-Shelley Journal, 45, pp. 61-76.
Cronin, R. (1994) Mapping Childe Harold I and II. Byron Journal, 22, pp. 13-29.
Cronin, R. (1993) Goethe, the Apostles and Tennyson's supposed confessions. Philological Quarterly, 72, pp. 337-356.
Cronin, R. (1993) The Palace of Art and Tennyson's Cambridge. Essays in Criticism, 43, pp. 195-210.
Cronin, R. (1992) Oenone and apostolic politics. Victorian Poetry, 30, pp. 229-246.
Cronin, R. (1990) Alexander Smith and the poetry of displacement. Victorian Poetry, 28, pp. 129-145.
Cronin, R. (1990) Shelley and the Apostles. Keats-Shelley Review, 5, pp. 14-40.
Cronin, R. (1989) Gabriel Conroy's three graces. Notes and Queries, 36(2), p. 200.
Cronin, R. (1989) Politicizing literature. Modern Age, 37, pp. 311-317.
Cronin, R. (1989) Ruskin on colour. Ruskin Gazette, 1(3), pp. 1-8.
Cronin, R. (1987) The Indian English novel: Kim and Midnight's Children. Modern Fiction Studies, 33, pp. 201-213.
Cronin, R. (1986) Carps and Caleb Williams. Keats-Shelley Review, 1, pp. 35-48.
Cronin, R. (1986) The Hill of Devi and Heat and Dust. Essays in Criticism, 36, pp. 142-159.
Cronin, R. (1985) Indian trains. London Magazine, 25, pp. 47-61.
Cronin, R. (1985) Quite, quite India: the despair of R.K. Narayan. Encounter, 64, pp. 52-59.
Cronin, R. (1977) Shelley's Witch of Atlas. Keats-Shelley Journal, 26, pp. 88-100.
Cronin, R. (1977) Shelley's language of dissent. Keats-Shelley Journal, 26, pp. 203-215.
Cronin, R. (1977) A tidal murmur in Shelley. Notes and Queries, 24, pp. 330-332.
Cronin, R. (2012) Reading Victorian Poetry. Wiley-Blackwell: Oxford. ISBN 9781405193924
Cronin, R. (2010) Paper Pellets : British Literary Culture After Waterloo. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199582532
McMillan, D.A. and Cronin, R. (2005) Jane Austen, Emma. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521824378
Cronin, R. (2002) Romantic Victorians: English literature, 1824-1840. Palgrave MacMillan. ISBN 9780333966167
Cronin, R. (2000) The Politics of Romantic Poetry: In Search of the Pure Commonwealth. Series: Romanticism in perspective. Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK. ISBN 9780312227494
Cronin, R. (1989) Imagining India. Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK. ISBN 9780333467053
Cronin, R. (1988) Colour and Experience in Nineteenth-Century Poetry. Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK. ISBN 9780333443378
Cronin, R. (1981) Shelley's Poetic Thoughts. Macmillan: London, UK. ISBN 9780333300091
Book Sections
Cronin, R. (2024) Magazines. In: Morrison, Robert (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of British Romantic Prose. Oxford University Press: New York, pp. 861-876. ISBN 9780198834540 (doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198834540.013.24)
Cronin, R. (2013) John Wilson and regency authorship. In: Morrison, R. and Roberts, D.S. (eds.) Romanticism and Blackwood’s Magazine: An Unprecedented Phenomenon. Series: Palgrave studies in the enlightenment, romanticism and cultures of print. Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK, pp. 203-214. ISBN 9780230304413
Cronin, R. (2013) Shelley and the nineteenth century. In: O'Neill, M., Howe, A. and Callaghan, M. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Series: Oxford handbooks of literature. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 611-626. ISBN 9780199558360
Cronin, R. (2012) Duelling and English literature. In: Ludwig, U., Krug-Richter, B. and Schwerhoff, G. (eds.) Das Duell: Ehrenkampfe vom Mittelalter bis zur Moderne. Series: Konflikte und Kultur: Historische Perspektiven (23). UVK: Konstanz, pp. 131-140. ISBN 9783867643191
Cronin, R. (2011) The "historyful" and the "history-less": deep and shallow time in the Regency. In: Gardos, B., Peter, A., Pikli, N. and Vince, M. (eds.) Confrontations and Interactions: Essays on Cultural Memory. L'Harmattan: Budapest, pp. 341-351. ISBN 9789632364353
Cronin, R. (2010) Duelling and the culture of British Romanticism. In: Laureys, M. and Simons, R. (eds.) Die Kunst des Streitens : Inszenierung, Formen und Funktionen öffentlichen Streits in historischer Perspektive. Bonn University Press. ISBN 9783899717938
Cronin, R. (2010) Joseph Cottle and West-Country Romanticism. In: English Romantic Writers and the West Country. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230223745
Cronin, R. (2010) Victorian poetry: an overview. In: O'Neill, Michael (ed.) The Cambridge History of English Poetry. Cambridge University Press.
Cronin, R. (2009) Edward Lear and Tennyson's Nonsense. In: Douglas-Fairhurst, R. and Perry, S. (eds.) Tennyson Among the Poets. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 259-275. ISBN 9780199557134
Cronin, R. (2008) Magazines and romantic modernity. In: Hull, S. (ed.) The British Periodical Text, 1797-1835. Humanities-Ebooks: Penrith, UK, pp. 68-90. ISBN 9781847600813
Cronin, R. (2006) Words and the word: the diction of 'Don Juan'. In: Hopps, G. and Stabler, J. (eds.) Romanticism and Religion from William Cowper to Wallace Stevens. Series: The nineteenth century. Ashgate: Aldershot, UK, pp. 137-54. ISBN 9780754655701
Cronin, R. (2005) Literary scene. In: Todd, J.M. (ed.) Jane Austen in Context. Series: The Cambridge edition of the works of Jane Austen. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, pp. 289-296. ISBN 9780521826440
Cronin, R. (2005) Formalism. In: Roe, N. (ed.) Romanticism: An Oxford Guide. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, pp. 257-272. ISBN 9780199258406
Cronin, R. (2004) Bulwer, Carlyle, and the fashionable novel. In: Christensen, A.C. (ed.) The Subverting Vision of Bulwer Lytton: Bicentenary Reflections. University of Delaware Press: Newark, UK, pp. 38-53. ISBN 9780874138566
Cronin, R. (2004) Victorian romance: medievalism. In: Saunders, C.J. (ed.) A Companion to Romance: From Classical to Contemporary. Series: Blackwell companions to literature and culture (27). Blackwell: Malden, USA, pp. 341-359. ISBN 9780631232711
Cronin, R. (2003) Casa guidi windows: Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Italy and the poetry of citizenship. In: Chapman, A. and Stabler, J. (eds.) Unfolding the South: Nineteenth-Century British Women Writers and Artists in Italy. Manchester University Press: Manchester, UK, pp. 35-50. ISBN 9780719061295
Cronin, R. (2002) Felicia Hemans, Letitia Landon et il "Dominio della donna". In: Crisafulli, L.M. and Pietropoli, C. (eds.) Le Poetesse Romantiche Inglesi: Tra Identità e Genere. Series: Lingue e letterature Carocci (11). Carocci: Rome, Italy, pp. 349-276. ISBN 9788843023813
Cronin, R. (2002) The spasmodics. In: Cronin, R., Chapman, A. and Harrison, A.H. (eds.) A Companion to Victorian Poetry. Series: Blackwell companions to literature and culture (15). Blackwell: Oxford, pp. 291-304. ISBN 0631222073
Coyle, J. and Cronin, R. (2000) Tennyson and the apostles. In: Johns, J. and Jenkins, A. (eds.) Rethinking Victorian Culture. Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK, pp. 115-125. ISBN 9780333714461
Cronin, R. (2000) In place and out of place: Clare in the midsummer cushion. In: Goodridge, J. and Kovesi, S. (eds.) John Clare: New Approaches and New Voices. John Clare Society: Peterborough, UK, pp. 133-148. ISBN 9780952254164
Cronin, R. (2000) Mary Shelley and Edward Bulwer: Lodore as hybrid fiction. In: Eberle-Sinatra, M. (ed.) Mary Shelley's Fictions: From Frankenstein to Falkner. Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK, pp. 39-54. ISBN 9780333771068
Cronin, R. (1998) L'incesto Shelleyano e l'eredita romantica. In: Crisafulli, L.M. (ed.) Shelley e l'Italia. Series: Romanticismo e dintorni (7). Liguori: Napoli, Italy, pp. 215-234. ISBN 9788820727031
Cronin, R. (1996) India. In: Sturrock, J. (ed.) The Oxford Guide to Contemporary Writing. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, pp. 204-220. ISBN 9780198182627
Cronin, R. (1992) Peter Bell, Peterloo, and the politics of Cockney poetry. In: Everest, K. (ed.) Percy Bysshe Shelley: Bicentenary Essays. Series: Essays and studies (45). Brewer: Suffolk, pp. 63-87. ISBN 9780859913522
Book Reviews
Cronin, R. (2019) Donald S. Hair, Fresh Strange Music: Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Language. Romanticism, 25(1), pp. 105-107. (doi: 10.3366/rom.2019.0406)[Book Review]
Cronin, R. (2017) Adam Roberts, Landor's Cleanness: A Study of Walter Savage Landor. Romanticism, 23(1), pp. 102-104. (doi: 10.3366/rom.2017.0314)[Book Review]
Cronin, R. (2016) Thomas Chatterton and Neglected Genius, 1760–1830. European Romantic Review, 27(1), pp. 77-81. (doi: 10.1080/10509585.2015.1124531)[Book Review]
Edited Books
Cronin, R., Chapman, A. and Harrison, A.H. (Eds.) (2002) A companion to Victorian poetry. Series: Blackwell companions to literature and culture. Blackwell: Oxford. ISBN 9780631222071
Scholarly Editions
Bissett, R. (2005) Douglas, or, the highlander. [Scholarly Editions]