Dr Catherine Emmott

  • Honorary Senior Research Fellow (School of Critical Studies)

email: catherine.emmott@glasgow.ac.uk

R407 Level 4, English Language, 12 University Gardens, Glasgow G12 8QH

Import to contacts

ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-2394-2407

Research interests

Research Interests

  • Text and Discourse Analysis
  • Cognitive approaches to Text Analysis
  • Stylistics
  • Narrative
  • Reference theory and discourse anaphora
  • Medical Humanitiess


Dr. Catherine Emmott is a Reader in English Language and Linguistics at the University of Glasgow, where she has worked since 1989. She was a Visiting Scholar at the University of California, Santa Barbara (1994-5), funded by the Leverhulme Trust. She has also been a Visiting Scholar at the University of Amsterdam (1997), the University of Utrecht (2000-1) and currently at University College Roosevelt in Middelburg (2018-19), all funded by the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

Catherine Emmott obtained her B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Birmingham. Before starting work in Glasgow, she was a grammar editor for the Collins COBUILD English Language Dictionary (1986). While based at the University of Glasgow, she has undertaken the following additional roles for publishers and learned societies: She was Assistant Editor of Language and Literature, the international journal of the Poetics and Linguistics Association (PALA) for eighteen years from 1998 to 2016. She was also a Language Consultant for the Encarta Concise Dictionary (2002) and the Encarta Student Dictionary (2002). In addition, she was on the Executive Editorial Board for Elsevier’s 14-volume Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (2006, second edition) and section editor for the Encyclopedia’s “Text Analysis and Stylistics” section. She has been the Treasurer and an Executive Committee member of the Poetics and Linguistics Association (PALA) (1999-2002). She was on the Governing Board of IGEL (International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature) (2006-2008) and was joint organiser of the Society for Text and Discourse conference in Glasgow in 2007.

Catherine Emmott was Director of the STACS Project – Stylistics, Text Analysis and Cognitive Science: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Nature of Reading (previously the LINCS Project – Literature, Narrative and Cognitive Science) for ten years until 2012. This project was run jointly with Professor A.J. Sanford of the University of Glasgow’s Psychology Department. The work was funded by Arts and Humanities Research Council grants and a British Academy grant.

Catherine Emmott is currently on the editorial boards of the journal Language and Literature (2016 to present), De Gruyter’s book series Narratologia (2002 to present) and Storyworlds: A Journal of Narrative Studies (2009 to present), and on the advisory board of the journal English Text Construction (formerly the Belgian Journal of English Language and Literatures) (2003 to present).

Catherine Emmott is author of two books: Narrative Comprehension: A Discourse Perspective (Oxford University Press, 1997) and (with Anthony J. Sanford) Mind, Brain and Narrative (Cambridge University Press, 2012). Narrative Comprehension provides the main account of Emmott’s Contextual Frame Theory. This book draws on insights from discourse analysis and artificial intelligence to build a detailed model of how readers build, maintain and use mental representations of fictional contexts, and how they keep track of characters and contexts within a complex, changing fictional world. Mind, Brain and Narrative is the product of the interdisciplinary collaboration of the STACS Project (see above weblink). This book includes a discussion of the empirical work of the project and other key topics, including chapters on scenario-mapping theory and inferences, counterfactuals and figurative language, foregrounding and attention, embodiment, perspective, emotion and persuasion.

Catherine Emmott’s recent and current research after the STACS Project is primarily in the following areas (please see the publications list for details of relevant recent articles):

  • Cognitive approaches to text analysis, including Contextual Frame Theory and schema theory
  • Foregrounding and backgrounding in narratives
  • Discourse anaphora
  • Stylistic uses of pronouns in narratives
  • The language of autobiographical and fictional narratives about illness, care and bereavement
  • Manipulation in detective fiction.

Catherine Emmott has given plenary lectures on the above research topics in Belgium, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal and the UK, and she has taught overseas Master Classes in Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and the United States.


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1992
Number of items: 40.


Emmott, C. and Alexander, M. (2024) “You see, but you do not observe”: sensory manipulation and sense-making in the Sherlock Holmes detective stories. In: Pillière, Linda and Sorlin, Sandrine (eds.) Style and Sense(s). Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 125-148. ISBN 9783031548833 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-54884-0_6)


Emmott, C. , Alexander, M. and Marszalek, A. (2023) Schema theory in stylistics. In: Burke, Michael (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Stylistics. Second Edition. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 284-299. ISBN 9780367567491 (doi: 10.4324/9780367568887-20)


Emmott, C. and Alexander, M. (2019) Manipulation in Agatha Christie's detective stories: rhetorical control and cognitive misdirection in creating and solving crime puzzles. In: Sorlin, Sandrine (ed.) Stylistic Manipulation of the Reader in Contemporary Fiction. Series: Advances in stylistics. Bloomsbury: London, pp. 195-214. ISBN 9781350062962 (doi: 10.5040/9781350062993.0016)


Emmott, C. and Alexander, M. (2018) Reliability, unreliability, reader manipulation and plot reversals: strategies for constructing and challenging the credibility of characters in Agatha Christie's detective fiction. In: Page, Ruth, Busse, Beatrix and Nørgaard, Nina (eds.) Rethinking Language, Text and Context: Interdisciplinary Research in Stylistics in Honor of Michael Toolan. Series: Routledge studies in rhetoric and stylistics. Routledge: London, pp. 177-190. ISBN 9780815395768

Emmott, C. (2018) The observing We in literary representations of neglect and social alienation: types of narrator involvement in Janice Galloway's 'Scenes from the Life No. 26: The Community and the Senior Citizen' and Jon McGregor's 'Even the Dogs'. In: Gibbons, Alison and Macrae, Andrea (eds.) Pronouns in Literature: Positions and Perspectives in Language. Palgrave McaMillan: London, pp. 151-169. ISBN 9781349953165 (doi: 10.1057/978-1-349-95317-2_9)


Emmott, C. (2017) Immersed in imagined landscapes: contextual frames and metalepsis in representing virtual travel in Elspeth Davie's "A map of the world". In: Douthwaite, John, Virdis, Daniela Francesca and Zurru, Elisabetta (eds.) The Stylistics of Landscapes, the Landscapes of Stylistics. Series: Linguistic approaches to literature (28). John Benjamins: Amsterdam, pp. 45-60. ISBN 9789027200020 (doi: 10.1075/lal.28.04emm)


Emmott, C. and Alexander, M. (2016) Defamiliarisation and foregrounding: representing experiences of change of state and perception in neurological illness autobiographies. In: Sotirova, Violeta (ed.) The Bloomsbury Companion to Stylistics. Series: Bloomsbury companions. Bloomsbury: London. ISBN 9781441160058


Emmott, C. (2015) Interpreting antecedentless pronouns in narrative texts: knowledge types, world building and inference-making. In: Gardelle, Laure and Sorlin, Sandrine (eds.) The Pragmatics of Personal Pronouns. Series: Studies in language companion series (171). John Benjamins Publishing Company: Amsterdam, pp. 241-257. ISBN 9789027259363


Emmott, C. and Alexander, M. (2014) Foregrounding, burying and plot construction. In: Stockwell, Peter and Whiteley, Sara (eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Stylistics. Series: Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, pp. 329-343. ISBN 9781107028876

Emmott, C. , Alexander, M. and Marszalek, A. (2014) Schema theory in stylistics. In: Burke, M. (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Stylistics. Series: Routledge Handbooks in English Language Studies. Routledge: London, pp. 268-283. ISBN 9780415527903

Emmott, C. and Alexander, M. (2014) Schemata. In: Hühn, Peter, Meister, Jan Christoph, Pier, John and Schmid, Wolf (eds.) Handbook of Narratology, 2nd ed. Series: De Gruyter handbook, 1. de Gruyter: Berlin, pp. 756-764. ISBN 9783110316346 (doi: 10.1515/9783110316469.756)


Emmott, C. , Sanford, A. and Alexander, M. (2013) Rhetorical control of readers' attention: psychological and stylistic perspectives on foreground and background in narrative. In: Bernaerts, L., de Geest, D., Herman, L. and Vervaeck, B. (eds.) Stories and Minds: Cognitive Approaches to Literary Narrative. Series: Frontiers of narrative. University of Nebraska Press: Lincoln, NE, USA, pp. 39-57. ISBN 9780803244818


Emmott, C. and Sanford, A.J. (2012) Noticing and not noticing what's in a text: attention, depth of processing and text interpretation. In: Głaz, A., Kowalewski, H. and Weremczuk, A. (eds.) What's in a Text: Inquiries into the Textual Cornucopia. Cambridge Scholars Press, pp. 6-19. ISBN 9781443836364

Sanford, A.J. and Emmott, C. (2012) Mind, Brain and Narrative. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. ISBN 9781107017566 (doi: 10.1017/CBO9781139084321)


Emmott, C. , Sanford, A. and Alexander, M. (2010) Scenarios, characters' roles and plot status: readers' assumptions and writers' manipulations of assumptions in narrative texts. In: Eder, J., Jannidis, F. and Schneider, R. (eds.) Characters in Fictional Worlds: Understanding Imaginary Beings in Literature, Film and Other Media. Series: Revisionen/Grundbegriffe der Literaturetheorie (3). De Gruyter, pp. 377-399. ISBN 9783110232417

Emmott, C. and Alexander, M. (2010) Detective fiction, plot construction, and reader manipulation: rhetorical control and cognitive misdirection in Agatha Christie's Sparkling Cyanide. In: McIntyre, D. and Busse, B. (eds.) Language and Style: In Honour of Mick Short. Palgrave Macmillan: Houndmills, Basingstoke, pp. 328-346. ISBN 9780230231566


Emmott, C. and Alexander, M. (2009) Schemata. Living Handbook of Narratology,

Emmott, C. and Alexander, M.G. (2009) Schemata. In: Hühn, P., Pier, J., Schmid, W. and Schönert, J. (eds.) Handbook of Narratology. Series: Narratologia (19). Walter de Gruyter: Berlin, Germany. ISBN 9783110189476


Sanford, A.J., Filik, R., Emmott, C. and Morrow, L.I. (2008) "They're digging up the road again": the processing cost of institutional "they". Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 61(3), pp. 372-380. (doi: 10.1080/17470210701634552)


Emmott, C. , Sanford, A.J. and Dawydiak, E. (2007) Stylistics meets cognitive science: studying style in fiction and readers' attention from an interdisciplinary perspective. Style, 41(2), pp. 204-226.


Sanford, A.J.S., Sanford, A.J., Molle, J. and Emmott, C. (2006) Shallow processing and attention capture in written and spoken discourse. Discourse Processes, 42(2), pp. 109-130. (doi: 10.1207/s15326950dp4202_2)

Emmott, C. , Sanford, A.J. and Morrow, L.I. (2006) Capturing the attention of readers? Stylistic and psychological perspectives on the use and effect of text fragmentation in narratives. Journal of Literary Semantics, 35(1), pp. 1-30. (doi: 10.1515/JLS.2006.001)

Emmott, C. (2006) Reference: stylistic aspects. In: Brown, E.K. and Anderson, A. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics. Elsevier: Boston, USA, pp. 441-450. ISBN 9780080442990

Emmott, C., Sanford, A.J. and Morrow, L.I. (2006) Sentence fragmentation: stylistic aspects. In: Brown, E.K. and Anderson, A. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics. Elsevier: Boston, USA, pp. 241-251. ISBN 9780080442990


Emmott, C. (2005) Narrative comprehension. In: Herman, D., Jahn, M. and Ryan, M.L. (eds.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Routledge: London, UK, pp. 351-352. ISBN 9780415282598


Sanford, A.J., Sturt, P., Morrow, L.I., Moxey, L.M. and Emmott, C. (2004) Production and comprehension measures in assessing plural object formation. In: Carreiras, M. and Clifton, C. (eds.) The On-Line Study of Sentence Comprehension: Eyetracking, ERPs, and Beyond. Psychology Press: New York, USA, pp. 151-167. ISBN 9781841694009


Emmott, C. (2003) Constructing social space: socio-cognitive factors in the interpretation of character relations. In: Herman, D. (ed.) Narrative Theory and the Cognitive Sciences. Series: CSLI Lecture Notes (158). Stanford: CSLI, pp. 283-309. ISBN 9781575864686

Emmott, C. (2003) Reading for pleasure: A cognitive poetic analysis of "twists in the tale" and other plot reversals in narrative texts. In: Steen, G. and Gavins, J. (eds.) Cognitive Poetics in Practice. Routledge: London, UK, pp. 145-159. ISBN 9780415277983

Emmott, C. , Sanford, A.J. and Morrow, L.I. (2003) Towards a theory of reading in the age of cognitive science: cross-disciplinary perspectives on narrative from stylistics and psychology. Belgian Journal of English Language and Literatures, 1 (New, pp. 17-29.


Emmott, C. (2002) 'Split selves' in fiction and in medical 'life stories': From cognitive linguistic theory to stylistic practice. In: Semino, E. and Culpeper, J. (eds.) Cognitive Stylistics: Language and Cognition in Text Analysis. Benjamins, pp. 153-181. ISBN 9789027233325

Emmott, C. (2002) The experience of reading: cognition, style, affect and social space. In: Csábi, S. (ed.) Textual Secrets: The Message of the Medium: Proceedings of the 21st PALA Conference, April 12 - 15, 2001. Eötvös Loránd University: Budapest, Hungary, pp. 29-41. ISBN 9789634635994

Emmott, C. (2002) Responding to style: cohesion, foregrounding and thematic interpretation. In: Louwerse, M. and van Peer, W. (eds.) Thematics: Interdisciplinary Studies. Series: Converging Evidence in Language and Communication Research (3). Benjamins, pp. 97-117. ISBN 9781588111074

Emmott, C. (2002) Split selves in fiction and in medical life stories: from cognitive linguistic theory to stylistic practice. In: Semino, E. and Culpeper, J. (eds.) Cognitive stylisitcs: Language and Cognition in Text Analysis. John Benjamins Publishing Co, pp. 153-81. ISBN 978902733318


Emmott, C. (1999) Embodied in a constructed world: narrative processing, knowledge representation and indirect anaphora. In: Van Hoek, K., Noordman, L. and Kibrik, A.A. (eds.) Discourse Studies in Cognitive Linguistics: Selected Papers from the Fifth International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Amsterdam 1997. Benjamins, pp. 5-27. ISBN 9789027236821


Emmott, C. (1998) 'Situated events' in fictional worlds: the reader's role in context construction. European Journal of English Studies, 2(2), pp. 175-194.


Emmott, C. (1997) Narrative Comprehension: a Discourse Perspective. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198236498


Emmott, C. (1996) Real grammar in fictional contexts. Glasgow Review, 4, pp. 9-23.


Emmott, C. (1995) Consciousness and context-building: narrative inferences and anaphoric theory. In: Green, K. (ed.) New Essays in Deixis: Discourse, Narrative, Literature. Rodopi. ISBN 9789051838312


Emmott, C. (1994) Frames of reference: contextual monitoring and narrative discourse. In: Coulthard, M. (ed.) Advances in Written Text Analysis. Routledge, pp. 157-166. ISBN 9780415095198


Emmott, C. (1992) Splitting the referent: an introduction to narrative enactors. In: Davies, M. and Ravelli, L. (eds.) Advances in Systemic Linguistics: Recent Theory and Practice. Pinter Publishers, pp. 221-228. ISBN 9780861870707

This list was generated on Thu Mar 27 19:24:27 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 40.


Emmott, C. and Alexander, M. (2009) Schemata. Living Handbook of Narratology,

Sanford, A.J., Filik, R., Emmott, C. and Morrow, L.I. (2008) "They're digging up the road again": the processing cost of institutional "they". Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 61(3), pp. 372-380. (doi: 10.1080/17470210701634552)

Emmott, C. , Sanford, A.J. and Dawydiak, E. (2007) Stylistics meets cognitive science: studying style in fiction and readers' attention from an interdisciplinary perspective. Style, 41(2), pp. 204-226.

Sanford, A.J.S., Sanford, A.J., Molle, J. and Emmott, C. (2006) Shallow processing and attention capture in written and spoken discourse. Discourse Processes, 42(2), pp. 109-130. (doi: 10.1207/s15326950dp4202_2)

Emmott, C. , Sanford, A.J. and Morrow, L.I. (2006) Capturing the attention of readers? Stylistic and psychological perspectives on the use and effect of text fragmentation in narratives. Journal of Literary Semantics, 35(1), pp. 1-30. (doi: 10.1515/JLS.2006.001)

Emmott, C. , Sanford, A.J. and Morrow, L.I. (2003) Towards a theory of reading in the age of cognitive science: cross-disciplinary perspectives on narrative from stylistics and psychology. Belgian Journal of English Language and Literatures, 1 (New, pp. 17-29.

Emmott, C. (1998) 'Situated events' in fictional worlds: the reader's role in context construction. European Journal of English Studies, 2(2), pp. 175-194.

Emmott, C. (1996) Real grammar in fictional contexts. Glasgow Review, 4, pp. 9-23.


Sanford, A.J. and Emmott, C. (2012) Mind, Brain and Narrative. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. ISBN 9781107017566 (doi: 10.1017/CBO9781139084321)

Emmott, C. (1997) Narrative Comprehension: a Discourse Perspective. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198236498

Book Sections

Emmott, C. and Alexander, M. (2024) “You see, but you do not observe”: sensory manipulation and sense-making in the Sherlock Holmes detective stories. In: Pillière, Linda and Sorlin, Sandrine (eds.) Style and Sense(s). Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 125-148. ISBN 9783031548833 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-54884-0_6)

Emmott, C. , Alexander, M. and Marszalek, A. (2023) Schema theory in stylistics. In: Burke, Michael (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Stylistics. Second Edition. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 284-299. ISBN 9780367567491 (doi: 10.4324/9780367568887-20)

Emmott, C. and Alexander, M. (2019) Manipulation in Agatha Christie's detective stories: rhetorical control and cognitive misdirection in creating and solving crime puzzles. In: Sorlin, Sandrine (ed.) Stylistic Manipulation of the Reader in Contemporary Fiction. Series: Advances in stylistics. Bloomsbury: London, pp. 195-214. ISBN 9781350062962 (doi: 10.5040/9781350062993.0016)

Emmott, C. and Alexander, M. (2018) Reliability, unreliability, reader manipulation and plot reversals: strategies for constructing and challenging the credibility of characters in Agatha Christie's detective fiction. In: Page, Ruth, Busse, Beatrix and Nørgaard, Nina (eds.) Rethinking Language, Text and Context: Interdisciplinary Research in Stylistics in Honor of Michael Toolan. Series: Routledge studies in rhetoric and stylistics. Routledge: London, pp. 177-190. ISBN 9780815395768

Emmott, C. (2018) The observing We in literary representations of neglect and social alienation: types of narrator involvement in Janice Galloway's 'Scenes from the Life No. 26: The Community and the Senior Citizen' and Jon McGregor's 'Even the Dogs'. In: Gibbons, Alison and Macrae, Andrea (eds.) Pronouns in Literature: Positions and Perspectives in Language. Palgrave McaMillan: London, pp. 151-169. ISBN 9781349953165 (doi: 10.1057/978-1-349-95317-2_9)

Emmott, C. (2017) Immersed in imagined landscapes: contextual frames and metalepsis in representing virtual travel in Elspeth Davie's "A map of the world". In: Douthwaite, John, Virdis, Daniela Francesca and Zurru, Elisabetta (eds.) The Stylistics of Landscapes, the Landscapes of Stylistics. Series: Linguistic approaches to literature (28). John Benjamins: Amsterdam, pp. 45-60. ISBN 9789027200020 (doi: 10.1075/lal.28.04emm)

Emmott, C. and Alexander, M. (2016) Defamiliarisation and foregrounding: representing experiences of change of state and perception in neurological illness autobiographies. In: Sotirova, Violeta (ed.) The Bloomsbury Companion to Stylistics. Series: Bloomsbury companions. Bloomsbury: London. ISBN 9781441160058

Emmott, C. (2015) Interpreting antecedentless pronouns in narrative texts: knowledge types, world building and inference-making. In: Gardelle, Laure and Sorlin, Sandrine (eds.) The Pragmatics of Personal Pronouns. Series: Studies in language companion series (171). John Benjamins Publishing Company: Amsterdam, pp. 241-257. ISBN 9789027259363

Emmott, C. and Alexander, M. (2014) Foregrounding, burying and plot construction. In: Stockwell, Peter and Whiteley, Sara (eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Stylistics. Series: Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, pp. 329-343. ISBN 9781107028876

Emmott, C. , Alexander, M. and Marszalek, A. (2014) Schema theory in stylistics. In: Burke, M. (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Stylistics. Series: Routledge Handbooks in English Language Studies. Routledge: London, pp. 268-283. ISBN 9780415527903

Emmott, C. and Alexander, M. (2014) Schemata. In: Hühn, Peter, Meister, Jan Christoph, Pier, John and Schmid, Wolf (eds.) Handbook of Narratology, 2nd ed. Series: De Gruyter handbook, 1. de Gruyter: Berlin, pp. 756-764. ISBN 9783110316346 (doi: 10.1515/9783110316469.756)

Emmott, C. , Sanford, A. and Alexander, M. (2013) Rhetorical control of readers' attention: psychological and stylistic perspectives on foreground and background in narrative. In: Bernaerts, L., de Geest, D., Herman, L. and Vervaeck, B. (eds.) Stories and Minds: Cognitive Approaches to Literary Narrative. Series: Frontiers of narrative. University of Nebraska Press: Lincoln, NE, USA, pp. 39-57. ISBN 9780803244818

Emmott, C. and Sanford, A.J. (2012) Noticing and not noticing what's in a text: attention, depth of processing and text interpretation. In: Głaz, A., Kowalewski, H. and Weremczuk, A. (eds.) What's in a Text: Inquiries into the Textual Cornucopia. Cambridge Scholars Press, pp. 6-19. ISBN 9781443836364

Emmott, C. , Sanford, A. and Alexander, M. (2010) Scenarios, characters' roles and plot status: readers' assumptions and writers' manipulations of assumptions in narrative texts. In: Eder, J., Jannidis, F. and Schneider, R. (eds.) Characters in Fictional Worlds: Understanding Imaginary Beings in Literature, Film and Other Media. Series: Revisionen/Grundbegriffe der Literaturetheorie (3). De Gruyter, pp. 377-399. ISBN 9783110232417

Emmott, C. and Alexander, M. (2010) Detective fiction, plot construction, and reader manipulation: rhetorical control and cognitive misdirection in Agatha Christie's Sparkling Cyanide. In: McIntyre, D. and Busse, B. (eds.) Language and Style: In Honour of Mick Short. Palgrave Macmillan: Houndmills, Basingstoke, pp. 328-346. ISBN 9780230231566

Emmott, C. and Alexander, M.G. (2009) Schemata. In: Hühn, P., Pier, J., Schmid, W. and Schönert, J. (eds.) Handbook of Narratology. Series: Narratologia (19). Walter de Gruyter: Berlin, Germany. ISBN 9783110189476

Emmott, C. (2006) Reference: stylistic aspects. In: Brown, E.K. and Anderson, A. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics. Elsevier: Boston, USA, pp. 441-450. ISBN 9780080442990

Emmott, C., Sanford, A.J. and Morrow, L.I. (2006) Sentence fragmentation: stylistic aspects. In: Brown, E.K. and Anderson, A. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics. Elsevier: Boston, USA, pp. 241-251. ISBN 9780080442990

Emmott, C. (2005) Narrative comprehension. In: Herman, D., Jahn, M. and Ryan, M.L. (eds.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Routledge: London, UK, pp. 351-352. ISBN 9780415282598

Sanford, A.J., Sturt, P., Morrow, L.I., Moxey, L.M. and Emmott, C. (2004) Production and comprehension measures in assessing plural object formation. In: Carreiras, M. and Clifton, C. (eds.) The On-Line Study of Sentence Comprehension: Eyetracking, ERPs, and Beyond. Psychology Press: New York, USA, pp. 151-167. ISBN 9781841694009

Emmott, C. (2003) Constructing social space: socio-cognitive factors in the interpretation of character relations. In: Herman, D. (ed.) Narrative Theory and the Cognitive Sciences. Series: CSLI Lecture Notes (158). Stanford: CSLI, pp. 283-309. ISBN 9781575864686

Emmott, C. (2003) Reading for pleasure: A cognitive poetic analysis of "twists in the tale" and other plot reversals in narrative texts. In: Steen, G. and Gavins, J. (eds.) Cognitive Poetics in Practice. Routledge: London, UK, pp. 145-159. ISBN 9780415277983

Emmott, C. (2002) 'Split selves' in fiction and in medical 'life stories': From cognitive linguistic theory to stylistic practice. In: Semino, E. and Culpeper, J. (eds.) Cognitive Stylistics: Language and Cognition in Text Analysis. Benjamins, pp. 153-181. ISBN 9789027233325

Emmott, C. (2002) The experience of reading: cognition, style, affect and social space. In: Csábi, S. (ed.) Textual Secrets: The Message of the Medium: Proceedings of the 21st PALA Conference, April 12 - 15, 2001. Eötvös Loránd University: Budapest, Hungary, pp. 29-41. ISBN 9789634635994

Emmott, C. (2002) Responding to style: cohesion, foregrounding and thematic interpretation. In: Louwerse, M. and van Peer, W. (eds.) Thematics: Interdisciplinary Studies. Series: Converging Evidence in Language and Communication Research (3). Benjamins, pp. 97-117. ISBN 9781588111074

Emmott, C. (2002) Split selves in fiction and in medical life stories: from cognitive linguistic theory to stylistic practice. In: Semino, E. and Culpeper, J. (eds.) Cognitive stylisitcs: Language and Cognition in Text Analysis. John Benjamins Publishing Co, pp. 153-81. ISBN 978902733318

Emmott, C. (1999) Embodied in a constructed world: narrative processing, knowledge representation and indirect anaphora. In: Van Hoek, K., Noordman, L. and Kibrik, A.A. (eds.) Discourse Studies in Cognitive Linguistics: Selected Papers from the Fifth International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Amsterdam 1997. Benjamins, pp. 5-27. ISBN 9789027236821

Emmott, C. (1995) Consciousness and context-building: narrative inferences and anaphoric theory. In: Green, K. (ed.) New Essays in Deixis: Discourse, Narrative, Literature. Rodopi. ISBN 9789051838312

Emmott, C. (1994) Frames of reference: contextual monitoring and narrative discourse. In: Coulthard, M. (ed.) Advances in Written Text Analysis. Routledge, pp. 157-166. ISBN 9780415095198

Emmott, C. (1992) Splitting the referent: an introduction to narrative enactors. In: Davies, M. and Ravelli, L. (eds.) Advances in Systemic Linguistics: Recent Theory and Practice. Pinter Publishers, pp. 221-228. ISBN 9780861870707

This list was generated on Thu Mar 27 19:24:27 2025 GMT.