Number of items: 40.
Emmott, C. and Alexander, M.
“You see, but you do not observe”: sensory manipulation and sense-making in the Sherlock Holmes detective stories.
In: Pillière, Linda and Sorlin, Sandrine (eds.)
Style and Sense(s).
Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 125-148.
ISBN 9783031548833
(doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-54884-0_6)
Emmott, C. , Alexander, M. and Marszalek, A.
Schema theory in stylistics.
In: Burke, Michael (ed.)
The Routledge Handbook of Stylistics. Second Edition.
Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 284-299.
ISBN 9780367567491
(doi: 10.4324/9780367568887-20)
Emmott, C. and Alexander, M.
Manipulation in Agatha Christie's detective stories: rhetorical control and cognitive misdirection in creating and solving crime puzzles.
In: Sorlin, Sandrine (ed.)
Stylistic Manipulation of the Reader in Contemporary Fiction.
Series: Advances in stylistics.
Bloomsbury: London, pp. 195-214.
ISBN 9781350062962
(doi: 10.5040/9781350062993.0016)
Emmott, C. and Alexander, M.
Reliability, unreliability, reader manipulation and plot reversals: strategies for constructing and challenging the credibility of characters in Agatha Christie's detective fiction.
In: Page, Ruth, Busse, Beatrix and Nørgaard, Nina (eds.)
Rethinking Language, Text and Context: Interdisciplinary Research in Stylistics in Honor of Michael Toolan.
Series: Routledge studies in rhetoric and stylistics.
Routledge: London, pp. 177-190.
ISBN 9780815395768
Emmott, C.
The observing We in literary representations of neglect and social alienation: types of narrator involvement in Janice Galloway's 'Scenes from the Life No. 26: The Community and the Senior Citizen' and Jon McGregor's 'Even the Dogs'.
In: Gibbons, Alison and Macrae, Andrea (eds.)
Pronouns in Literature: Positions and Perspectives in Language.
Palgrave McaMillan: London, pp. 151-169.
ISBN 9781349953165
(doi: 10.1057/978-1-349-95317-2_9)
Emmott, C.
Immersed in imagined landscapes: contextual frames and metalepsis in representing virtual travel in Elspeth Davie's "A map of the world".
In: Douthwaite, John, Virdis, Daniela Francesca and Zurru, Elisabetta (eds.)
The Stylistics of Landscapes, the Landscapes of Stylistics.
Series: Linguistic approaches to literature (28).
John Benjamins: Amsterdam, pp. 45-60.
ISBN 9789027200020
(doi: 10.1075/lal.28.04emm)
Emmott, C. and Alexander, M.
Defamiliarisation and foregrounding: representing experiences of change of state and perception in neurological illness autobiographies.
In: Sotirova, Violeta (ed.)
The Bloomsbury Companion to Stylistics.
Series: Bloomsbury companions.
Bloomsbury: London.
ISBN 9781441160058
Emmott, C.
Interpreting antecedentless pronouns in narrative texts: knowledge types, world building and inference-making.
In: Gardelle, Laure and Sorlin, Sandrine (eds.)
The Pragmatics of Personal Pronouns.
Series: Studies in language companion series (171).
John Benjamins Publishing Company: Amsterdam, pp. 241-257.
ISBN 9789027259363
Emmott, C. and Alexander, M.
Foregrounding, burying and plot construction.
In: Stockwell, Peter and Whiteley, Sara (eds.)
The Cambridge Handbook of Stylistics.
Series: Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics.
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, pp. 329-343.
ISBN 9781107028876
Emmott, C. , Alexander, M. and Marszalek, A.
Schema theory in stylistics.
In: Burke, M. (ed.)
The Routledge Handbook of Stylistics.
Series: Routledge Handbooks in English Language Studies.
Routledge: London, pp. 268-283.
ISBN 9780415527903
Emmott, C. and Alexander, M.
In: Hühn, Peter, Meister, Jan Christoph, Pier, John and Schmid, Wolf (eds.)
Handbook of Narratology, 2nd ed.
Series: De Gruyter handbook, 1.
de Gruyter: Berlin, pp. 756-764.
ISBN 9783110316346
(doi: 10.1515/9783110316469.756)
Emmott, C. , Sanford, A. and Alexander, M.
Rhetorical control of readers' attention: psychological and stylistic perspectives on foreground and background in narrative.
In: Bernaerts, L., de Geest, D., Herman, L. and Vervaeck, B. (eds.)
Stories and Minds: Cognitive Approaches to Literary Narrative.
Series: Frontiers of narrative.
University of Nebraska Press: Lincoln, NE, USA, pp. 39-57.
ISBN 9780803244818
Emmott, C. and Sanford, A.J.
Noticing and not noticing what's in a text: attention, depth of processing and text interpretation.
In: Głaz, A., Kowalewski, H. and Weremczuk, A. (eds.)
What's in a Text: Inquiries into the Textual Cornucopia.
Cambridge Scholars Press, pp. 6-19.
ISBN 9781443836364
Sanford, A.J. and Emmott, C.
Mind, Brain and Narrative.
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
ISBN 9781107017566
(doi: 10.1017/CBO9781139084321)
Emmott, C. , Sanford, A. and Alexander, M.
Scenarios, characters' roles and plot status: readers' assumptions and writers' manipulations of assumptions in narrative texts.
In: Eder, J., Jannidis, F. and Schneider, R. (eds.)
Characters in Fictional Worlds: Understanding Imaginary Beings in Literature, Film and Other Media.
Series: Revisionen/Grundbegriffe der Literaturetheorie (3).
De Gruyter, pp. 377-399.
ISBN 9783110232417
Emmott, C. and Alexander, M.
Detective fiction, plot construction, and reader manipulation: rhetorical control and cognitive misdirection in Agatha Christie's Sparkling Cyanide.
In: McIntyre, D. and Busse, B. (eds.)
Language and Style: In Honour of Mick Short.
Palgrave Macmillan: Houndmills, Basingstoke, pp. 328-346.
ISBN 9780230231566
Emmott, C. and Alexander, M.
Living Handbook of Narratology,
Emmott, C. and Alexander, M.G.
In: Hühn, P., Pier, J., Schmid, W. and Schönert, J. (eds.)
Handbook of Narratology.
Series: Narratologia (19).
Walter de Gruyter: Berlin, Germany.
ISBN 9783110189476
Sanford, A.J., Filik, R., Emmott, C. and Morrow, L.I.
"They're digging up the road again": the processing cost of institutional "they".
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 61(3),
pp. 372-380.
(doi: 10.1080/17470210701634552)
Emmott, C. , Sanford, A.J. and Dawydiak, E.
Stylistics meets cognitive science: studying style in fiction and readers' attention from an interdisciplinary perspective.
Style, 41(2),
pp. 204-226.
Sanford, A.J.S., Sanford, A.J., Molle, J. and Emmott, C.
Shallow processing and attention capture in written and spoken discourse.
Discourse Processes, 42(2),
pp. 109-130.
(doi: 10.1207/s15326950dp4202_2)
Emmott, C. , Sanford, A.J. and Morrow, L.I.
Capturing the attention of readers? Stylistic and psychological perspectives on the use and effect of text fragmentation in narratives.
Journal of Literary Semantics, 35(1),
pp. 1-30.
(doi: 10.1515/JLS.2006.001)
Emmott, C.
Reference: stylistic aspects.
In: Brown, E.K. and Anderson, A. (eds.)
Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics.
Elsevier: Boston, USA, pp. 441-450.
ISBN 9780080442990
Emmott, C., Sanford, A.J. and Morrow, L.I.
Sentence fragmentation: stylistic aspects.
In: Brown, E.K. and Anderson, A. (eds.)
Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics.
Elsevier: Boston, USA, pp. 241-251.
ISBN 9780080442990
Emmott, C.
Narrative comprehension.
In: Herman, D., Jahn, M. and Ryan, M.L. (eds.)
Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory.
Routledge: London, UK, pp. 351-352.
ISBN 9780415282598
Sanford, A.J., Sturt, P., Morrow, L.I., Moxey, L.M. and Emmott, C.
Production and comprehension measures in assessing plural object formation.
In: Carreiras, M. and Clifton, C. (eds.)
The On-Line Study of Sentence Comprehension: Eyetracking, ERPs, and Beyond.
Psychology Press: New York, USA, pp. 151-167.
ISBN 9781841694009
Emmott, C.
Constructing social space: socio-cognitive factors in the interpretation of character relations.
In: Herman, D. (ed.)
Narrative Theory and the Cognitive Sciences.
Series: CSLI Lecture Notes (158).
Stanford: CSLI, pp. 283-309.
ISBN 9781575864686
Emmott, C.
Reading for pleasure: A cognitive poetic analysis of "twists in the tale" and other plot reversals in narrative texts.
In: Steen, G. and Gavins, J. (eds.)
Cognitive Poetics in Practice.
Routledge: London, UK, pp. 145-159.
ISBN 9780415277983
Emmott, C. , Sanford, A.J. and Morrow, L.I.
Towards a theory of reading in the age of cognitive science: cross-disciplinary perspectives on narrative from stylistics and psychology.
Belgian Journal of English Language and Literatures, 1 (New,
pp. 17-29.
Emmott, C.
'Split selves' in fiction and in medical 'life stories': From cognitive linguistic theory to stylistic practice.
In: Semino, E. and Culpeper, J. (eds.)
Cognitive Stylistics: Language and Cognition in Text Analysis.
Benjamins, pp. 153-181.
ISBN 9789027233325
Emmott, C.
The experience of reading: cognition, style, affect and social space.
In: Csábi, S. (ed.)
Textual Secrets: The Message of the Medium: Proceedings of the 21st PALA Conference, April 12 - 15, 2001.
Eötvös Loránd University: Budapest, Hungary, pp. 29-41.
ISBN 9789634635994
Emmott, C.
Responding to style: cohesion, foregrounding and thematic interpretation.
In: Louwerse, M. and van Peer, W. (eds.)
Thematics: Interdisciplinary Studies.
Series: Converging Evidence in Language and Communication Research (3).
Benjamins, pp. 97-117.
ISBN 9781588111074
Emmott, C.
Split selves in fiction and in medical life stories: from cognitive linguistic theory to stylistic practice.
In: Semino, E. and Culpeper, J. (eds.)
Cognitive stylisitcs: Language and Cognition in Text Analysis.
John Benjamins Publishing Co, pp. 153-81.
ISBN 978902733318
Emmott, C.
Embodied in a constructed world: narrative processing, knowledge representation and indirect anaphora.
In: Van Hoek, K., Noordman, L. and Kibrik, A.A. (eds.)
Discourse Studies in Cognitive Linguistics: Selected Papers from the Fifth International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Amsterdam 1997.
Benjamins, pp. 5-27.
ISBN 9789027236821
Emmott, C.
'Situated events' in fictional worlds: the reader's role in context construction.
European Journal of English Studies, 2(2),
pp. 175-194.
Emmott, C.
Narrative Comprehension: a Discourse Perspective.
Oxford University Press.
ISBN 9780198236498
Emmott, C.
Real grammar in fictional contexts.
Glasgow Review, 4,
pp. 9-23.
Emmott, C.
Consciousness and context-building: narrative inferences and anaphoric theory.
In: Green, K. (ed.)
New Essays in Deixis: Discourse, Narrative, Literature.
ISBN 9789051838312
Emmott, C.
Frames of reference: contextual monitoring and narrative discourse.
In: Coulthard, M. (ed.)
Advances in Written Text Analysis.
Routledge, pp. 157-166.
ISBN 9780415095198
Emmott, C.
Splitting the referent: an introduction to narrative enactors.
In: Davies, M. and Ravelli, L. (eds.)
Advances in Systemic Linguistics: Recent Theory and Practice.
Pinter Publishers, pp. 221-228.
ISBN 9780861870707
This list was generated on Thu Mar 27 19:24:27 2025 GMT.