Literature and Philosophy
The School of Critical Studies houses a strong concentration of Continental philosophy scholars and experts in Critical and literary theories. Members of the Literature and Philosophy Cluster publish regularly in these fields and hold special interests in poststructuralism, psychoanalysis, hermeneutics, Marxism and phenomenology, as well as theories of modernism, postmodernism and the contemporary.
Collaborative research and peer review is an important element of the cluster’s work. We host regular research and review sessions and are engaged in interdisciplinary projects with partners beyond the School and University. Projects currently in development include an epistemological critique of post-critique and a study of psychedelic-assisted narrative self-identity.
With members from across Subjects and Schools, and key roles in academic networks and programmes such as the Socialist Theory and Movements Research Network and the MLitt in Modernities: Literature, Culture, Theory, the cluster is genuinely interdisciplinary and invested in collaboration.