graffiti photographed from the pumphouse of the Govan graving docks

Infrastructure, Energy & Environment

The work of this fast-growing research cluster originates in the 2019-2020 ArtsLab initiative, Energy and Ecology which has since expanded into the UK’s first dedicated research group for the infrastructure humanities.

Much of the School’s activity in this area is delivered through the Infrastructure Humanities Group , an interdisciplinary research community of scholars from across the University who are invested in interrogating contemporary infrastructural crises from issues of energy poverty and food sustainability to local arts infrastructure and transnational labour politics.Members of this cluster are interested in how the methodologies and analytical frameworks of the humanities can address the material needs of diverse partners – from community to policy to industry – and make legible otherwise unavailable forms of collective agency and ways of knowing.

The cluster has an active events programme with monthly public reading groups, work in progress sessions, practitioner-led programming and open talks. For the current schedule please see our events page

Associated Staff

Associated Staff