Watch recordings of talks by Centre members and visitors

*Neil Gray, 'Take over the City: Operaismo and Urban Revolution in 1970s Italy' (3 November 2023)

*Aasim Sajjad Akhtar, 'Digitalised resistance and its discontents' (10 November 2023)

*Panos Theodoropoulos, 'Migrant workers, precarity, and resistance in Glasgow: How precarity socialises workers, and implications for organising' (6 October 2023)

*Graeme Macdonald, 'The Perpetual Problem: Renewable Enery Imaginaries' (6 December 2022) - starts at 03:44.

*John Holloway: 'Hope in Hopeless Times' (15 November 2022)

*Wilson Sherwin: ‘Beyoncé Says, “Quit Your Job”: Feminism, work, and antiwork freedom dreams’ (28 October 2022)

Hillel Ticktin and Chrstine Cooper on the economy, tax and crony capitalism (23 February 2021)

Peter Hudis on Race, Class and Gender and the Black Lives Matter Movement (29 January 2021)

Rosa Luxemburg Symposium, co-hosted by Henry Holland (4 December 2020)

The recording starts with Vassiliki Kolocotroni's introduction of Henry Holland, who chaired the event. The order of presentations and timings was as follows:

Rida Vaquas, ‘The National Question and the Working Class Party: Rosa Luxemburg’s Perspective’ (from 00:07:18) - please note speaker's connection occasionally falters. 

Rory Scothorne, ‘Devolution Betrayed?: Luxemburg, Gramsci and the Scottish Question’ (from 00:28:45)

Brendan McGeever, ‘Race, Class and Revolution: Rosa Luxemburg's Confrontations With Antisemitism’ (from 00:59:00) 

Q&A from 01:35:25

The Clamour of Nationalism: A Discussion with Sivamohan Valluvan (20 November 2020) 

*Sheila Rowbotham: ‘Interactions between left ideas of participatory democracy and workers’ control in the Women’s Liberation Movement from the late 1960s through the 70s’ (6 December 2019)

*Robert Brenner, “From Feudal Stagnation to Capitalist Dynamism: Uneven Development, Late Development, and Uneven and Combined Development” Plemary public talk at the UNEVEN AND COMBINED DEVELOPMENT FOR THE 21ST CENTURY CONFERENCE, University of Glasgow, (5-7 September 2019)

*Thomas Rudman, 'A Reading of Alain Badiou in the light of Saint Paul: Communism and Theology Today' (October 2016)

*Nina Power, 'The Social Brain and Its Missing Body: Work in the Age of Semio-capital' (December 2015)

*Savas Matsas: 'The Divisions in Greece and the Future of Socialism in Europe' (November 2015)

*Tom Mills: 'The BBC and the Promise of Democratic Media' (October 2015) (Vimeo link). Click HERE for YouTube version

*Selma James: 'Women, Race and Class: The Fight for True Equality' (November 2014)

Greg Philo, 'Public Beliefs and Political Struggles' (February 2012)

John Holloway: 'On Finding Hope on a Dark Night' (November 2011)

John Holloway at the Free Hetheringon (May 2011)

*John Holloway: 'Crack Capitalism' (November 2010)

*With thanks to Stuart Platt