
This consitution was discussed at and approved at the SNoMS AGM on 9 July 2012 at the University of Edinburgh.

1.    Title

The title of the Network will be the Scottish Network of Modernist Studies (SNoMS).

2.    Aims of the Network

The object of SNoMS is to provide a forum for discussion and productive exchange between scholars of modernism, particularly – though not exclusively – those based in Scotland. It includes those working in any discipline, within and outwith the academy. The Network embraces modernism in its broadest, most diverse senses. This includes, but is not restricted to: modernity, the avant-garde, the fin-de-siècle, modern and contemporary legacies and historical anticipations.

To pursue this aim the Network may:

  1. Collect and disseminate information on all matters affecting the aims of the Network and exchange such information with other bodies having similar aims, whether in this country or overseas.
  2. Organise and support conferences, seminars, workshops and other such meetings.
  3. Write and print or otherwise reproduce and circulate, free of charge or otherwise, such papers, books, periodicals, pamphlets, or digital documents that further the aims of the organisation.


3.    Membership

Membership of the Network shall be open to all interested in the aims of the Network.

4.    Subscription

The amount of any subscription to the Network will be proposed by the Treasurer in consultation with the Executive Steering Committee.

5.    Officers

The Network shall have a Secretary, a Treasurer, a web administrator, and a Chair.  Other officers may be added later if necessary. The officers shall be elected by the Annual General Meeting for a three-year term of office.  Officers shall be eligible for re-election at the conclusion of their term of office (for a maximum of two further consecutive periods).

6.    Executive Steering Committee

This will consist of the officers plus two postgraduate representatives. The postgraduate representatives must be registered postgraduate research students. Collectively the Executive Steering Committee (including postgraduate representatives) must represent at least three different Scottish institutions.  The election of all Committee members will take place at the Annual General Meeting. The term of office will be for three years, except in the case of postgraduate members where the term of office will be two years. Committee members shall be eligible for re-election at the conclusion of their term of office (for a maximum of two more consecutive periods), except postgraduate members who will not be eligible for re-election. Any election that takes place shall be organised by the Officers by a fair and transparent method. Information about the election, including date of election and names of candidates, will be communicated to members at least two weeks prior to the AGM. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt up to four ordinary members for a non-renewable period of up to two years.

7.    Quorum

a.    In the Executive Steering Committee, a quorum consists of at least 50% of elected members, including at least one of the officers.
b.    In an Annual General Meeting or Other General Meeting quorum consists of 12 members, including officers.

8.    General Meetings

An Annual General Meeting of the Network shall be held at such time of the year as the Committee shall determine. Other General Meetings may be called at other times, with at least a month’s notice given to all members by the Executive Steering Committee. All members of the Network in attendance at the meeting shall have the right to vote at such meetings.

9.    Amendment

The General Meeting of the Network may amend the constitution by a majority of two-thirds of the members present at the meeting, providing the meeting is quorate and that notice of the amendment proposed has been given to all members not less than one month before the General Meeting.

10.    Dissolution

The Network may be dissolved by the agreement of not less than three-quarters of those present at a General Meeting specially summoned for this purpose, of which at least a month’s notice must have been given to all members.