Browse the publications produced by our team at the Centre for Robert Burns Studies
Baraniuk, C. (2021), ‘Who fears to speak of ’98?’: Tracing a trauma narrative in the Braid Scotch poetry of James Orr (1770-1816). Honest Ulsterman, February, online.
Baraniuk, C. (2021), ‘Quare dreams come to your min’’: The achievement of Florence Mary Wilson (1874-1946). In: Johnston, M. and Linnie, C. (eds.) Irish Women Poets Rediscovered: Readings in Poetry from 18th-20th Century. (Cork University Press: Cork) (In Press).
Brown, R. (2021) 'Robert Burns on the twentieth-century stage'. In: Brown, I. and Carruthers, G. (eds.) Performing Robert Burns: Enactments and Representations of the ‘National Bard’, Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp.120-136.
Brown, I. and Carruthers, G. (Eds.) (2021) Performing Robert Burns: Enactments and Representations of the ‘National Bard’. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh.
Brown, I. and Carruthers, G. (2021) 'The performance of Burns'. In: Brown, I. and Carruthers, G. (eds.) Performing Robert Burns: Enactments and Representations of the ‘National Bard’, Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp.1-12.
Burnett, J. and Carruthers, G. (2021) 'Performance and print in editions of Robert Burns in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries'. In: Brown, I. and Carruthers , G.(eds.) Performing Robert Burns: Enactments and Representations of the ‘National Bard’, Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp.13-29.
Carruthers, G. (2021) 'Who really wrote the epigram on Edmund Burke attributed to Robert Burns?', Burns Chronicle, 130:1, pp.111-114.
Caudle, J. (2021) ‘James Boswell’s Design for a Scottish Periodical in the Scots Language: The Importance of His Prospectus for the Sutiman Papers (ca. 1770?)’. In: Newman, D.J. (ed.) Boswell and the Press: Essays on the Ephemeral Writings of James Boswell, Esq., Bucknell University Press: Lewisburg, PA, pp.49–67.
Lamont, C. (2021) 'Stewart & Meikle's The Poetical Miscellany (1800): A Problematic Glasgow ‘Edition’ of Robert Burns', Burns Chronicle, 130:1, pp.59-70.
Hansen, M. (2021) 'Frae my ain countrie': Robert Burns in the archive of Jean Redpath'. In: Brown, I. and Carruthers, G. (eds.) Performing Robert Burns: Enactments and Representations of the ‘National Bard’, Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp.183-197.
Hansen, M. and Finlayson, N. (2021) ‘“Adrift after some wayward pursuit”: a literary and corpus-linguistic analysis of Robert Burns’s use of water-related language in relation to mood disorder’, Caledonia (Actes du Colloque SFEEC 2018), ed. Philippe Laplace (in press).
McCue, K. (2021) 'Orchestral Manoeuvres: Burns on the Concert Platform, 1879-1959'. In: Brown, I. and Carruthers, G. (eds.) Performing Robert Burns: Enactments and Representations of the ‘National Bard’. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp.148-163.
McCue, K.(Ed.) (2021) The Works of Robert Burns, Volume 4: Songs for George Thomson, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Young, R. (2021)'O what a glorious sight': Performing Identity and the Burns Supper'. In: Brown, I. and Carruthers, G. (eds.) Performing Robert Burns: Enactments and Representations of the ‘National Bard’. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp.85-102.
Baraniuk, C. (2020) 'Andrew Gibson, his Burns Collection and the Linen Hall Library, Belfast', Burns Chronicle, pp.68-78.
Brown, R. (2020) 'Networks of sociability in Allan Ramsay's The Fair Assembly', Studies in Scottish Literature, 46:2, pp.22-39.
Brown, R. (2020) '"The Bohemian Club": a study of Edinburgh's Cape Club'. In: Rendall, J. and Wallace, M. (eds.) Association and Enlightenment: Scottish Clubs and Societies, 1700-1830, Bucknell University Press: Lewisburg, PA, pp.127-142.
Caudle, J. (2020) ‘“Soaping” and “Shaving” the Public Sphere: James Boswell’s “Soaping Club” and Edinburgh Enlightenment Sociability’. In: Rendall, J. and Wallace, M. (eds.) Association and Enlightenment: Scottish Clubs and Societies, 1700–1830, Bucknell University Press: Lewisburg, PA, pp. 103–126.
Caudle, J. (2020) ‘Clashes of Conversations in James Boswell’s Hebrides and Life of Johnson and “My Firm Regard to Authenticity”’. In: Caldwell, T.M. (ed.) Writing Lives in the Eighteenth Century, Bucknell University Press: Lewisburg, PA, pp.141–172.
Hansen, M. (2020) 'William Hunter and the Anatomy of the Modern Museum, eds. Mungo Campbell and Nathan Flis [Yale University Museum]'. Eighteenth-century Scottish Studies Society Newsletter. [Book Review]
Lamont, C. (2020) '"Some Few Miles from Edinburgh": Commemorating the Scenes of The Gentle Shepherd in Ramsay Country', Studies in Scottish Literature, 46:2, pp.40–60.
McCue, K. (2020) 'Sweet the merry bells ring round': John Clare's songs for the drawing room. In: Kovesi, S. and Lafford, E. (eds.) Palgrave Advances in John Clare Studies. Palgrave: London, pp. 37-60.
Brown, R. (2019) 'The Bohemian Club': A Study of Edinburgh's Cape Club'. In: Wallace, M. C. (ed.) The Need to Belong: Scottish Associationism in the Age of Enlightenment. Bucknell University Press: Lewisburg, PA. (In Press)
Brown, R. (2019) Educating the female child: debates from the Scottish periodical press in Enlightenment Scotland, 1750–1800. In: Dunnigan, S. and Lai, S.-F. (eds.) The Land of Story-Books: Scottish Children's Literature in the Long Nineteenth Century. Series: Occasional papers (Association for Scottish Literary Studies) (23). Scottish Literature International: Glasgow, pp. 1-19.
Brown, R. (2019) Self-curation, self-editing and audience construction by eighteenth-century Scots vernacular poets. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 42(2), pp. 157-174.
Carruthers, G. (2019) Responses to Peterloo in Scotland, 1819-1822. In: Demson, M. and Hewitt, R. (eds.) Commemorating Peterloo: Violence, Resilience and Claim-making During the Romantic Era. Series: Edinburgh critical studies in romanticism. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh.
Caudle, J. (2019) ‘Clashes of Conversations in James Boswell’s Hebrides and Life of Johnson and “My Firm Regard to Authenticity”’, in Tanya M. Caldwell, ed., Writing Lives in the Eighteenth Century, pp. 141–172
Caudle, J. (2019) ‘The Case of the Missing Hottentot: John Dun’s Conversation with Samuel Johnson in Tour to the Hebrides as Reported by Boswell and Dun’, in Anthony W. Lee, ed., Community and Solitude: New Essays on Johnson’s Circle, Bucknell University Press, pp. 53–78
Caudle, J. (2019) ‘A Model Minority? The Dissenting Press and Political Broadcasting in the Georgian Revolution’, in Nigel Aston and Ben Bankhurst, eds., Negotiating Toleration: Dissent and the Hanoverian Succession, 1714–1760, Oxford University Press, pp. 33–52
Caudle, J. (2019) ‘”The End of the Beginning?” The Rhetorics of Revolutions in the Political Sermons of 1688–1716’, in Brent S. Sirota and Allan I. Macinnes, eds., The Hanoverian Succession in Great Britain and its Empire, The Boydell Press, pp. 82–99
McCue, K. (2019) Romantic National Song Network. [Website]
Baraniuk, C. (2018) Bringing it all back home: the fluctuating reputation of James Orr (1770-1816), Ulster-Scots poet and Irish patriot. In: Devlin Trew, J. and Pierse, M. (eds.) Rethinking the Irish Diaspora: After the Gathering. Series: Migration, diasporas and citizenship. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, Switzerland, pp. 133-156.
Brown, R. (2018) The afterlives of Allan Ramsay in the British Periodical Press, 1720-1870. Scottish Literary Review, 10(1), pp. 95-115.
Brown, R. (2018) Scotland, Britain, Europe: parallels with Eighteenth-Century political debate. Scottish Affairs, 27(1), pp. 54-62.
Carruthers, G. (2018) Jacobite Unionism. In: Carruthers, G. and Kidd, C. (eds.) Literature and Union: Scottish Texts, British Contexts. Oxford University Press: Oxford. ISBN 9780198736233
Carruthers, G. and Kidd, C. (2018) Literature and Union: Scottish Texts, British Contexts. Oxford University Press: Oxford.
Carruthers, G. (2018) Postscript: the strange death of literary Unionism. In: Carruthers, G. and Kidd, C. (eds.) Literature and Union: Scottish Texts, British Contexts. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 349-362.
Carruthers, G. (2018) Postscript: Varieties of cultural improvement in the long eighteenth century. In: Benchimol, A. and Mckeever, G. (eds.) Cultures of Improvement in Scottish Romanticism, 1707-1840. Routledge, pp. 233-237.
Carruthers, G. (2018) William Angus McIlvanney [Obituary]. Burns Chronicle, 2017, pp. 139-141.
Caudle, J. (2018) ‘Affleck Generations: The Libraries of the Boswells of Auchinleck, 1695–1825’, in Mark Towsey and Kyle Roberts, eds., Before the Public Library: Reading, Community, and Identity in the Atlantic World, 1650-1850, Brill’s Library of the Written Word Series
Hansen, M. (2018) "A mind diseased?": examining Burns's mental health within a modern clinical framework. Burns Chronicle, 2018, pp. 34-43.
Hansen, M. , Smith, D. J. and Carruthers, G. (2018) Mood disorder in the personal correspondence of Robert Burns: testing a novel inter-disciplinary approach. Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, 48(2), pp. 165-174.
Hansen, M. (2018) 'Tam o Shanter', The Literary Encyclopaedia, [online]
Hansen, M. (2018) 'To A Mouse', The Literary Encyclopaedia, [online]
Lamont, C. (2018) Allan Ramsay & Edinburgh: commemoration in the city of forgetting. Scottish Literary Review, 10(1), pp. 117-137.
Lamont, C. (2018) Cultivating the classics “in a cold climate”: the Foulis Press & Academy in Glasgow. Journal of the Edinburgh Bibliographical Society, 13, pp. 45-66.
Mackay, P. (2018) 'In Bawdy Policy Well-Gifted': Allan Ramsay, Bawdry and the Reformation of Manners. Scottish Literary Review, 10(1), pp. 73-94.
McCue, K. (2018) The culture of song. In: Duff, D. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of British Romanticism. Series: Oxford handbooks. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 643-660.
Young, R. (2018) 'The Book of Maybees is very Braid': Ramsay's collection of Scots Proverbs and Enlightenment print culture. Scottish Literary Review, 10(1), pp. 19-48.
Brown, R. (2017) The Edinburgh Gazetteer: Radical Networks and Journalism in 1790s Scotland. [Website]
Carruthers, G. (2017) Fraternal claims: the brotherhoods of Robert Burns. In: Müller, K. P., Schwittlinsky, I. and Walker, R. (eds.) Inspiring Views from "a' the airts" on Scottish Literatures, Art & Cinema: The First World Congress of Scottish Literatures in Glasgow 2014. Series: Scottish studies international, 41. Peter Lang: Frankfurt am Main, pp. 139-152.
Carruthers, G. (2017) Introduction: new developments in Robert Burns bibliography. Studies in Scottish Literature, 43(2), pp. 301-302.
Lamont, C. R. (2017) A Bibliography of Robert Burns for the 21st Century: 1786-1802. [Website]
Lamont, C. and Weir, D. (2017) 'Sir, Yours this moment I unseal': a Burns manuscript rediscovered in Paisley. Scottish Literary Review, 9(2), pp. 85-95.
Lamont, C. (2017) Towards a new bibliography of Robert Burns. Studies in Scottish Literature, 43(2), pp. 303-308.
Mackay, P. (2017) Robert Burns. In: Oxford Bibliographies Online. Oxford University Press.
McCue, K. (2017) ‘Difficult to imitate and impossible to equal’: Byron, Burns, Moore and the packaging of national song. Byron Journal, 45(2), pp. 113-126.
Baraniuk, C. (2016) Negotiating borders: Inspector Devlin and shadows of the past. In Mannion, E. (ed.) The Contemporary Irish Detective Novel. Palgrave MacMillan: London, pp. 73-90.
Brown, R. (2016) Thomas Muir and the Edinburgh gazetteer: reporting on the 'friend of the people' before and after his trial. In: Carruthers, G. and Martin, D. (eds.) Thomas Muir of Huntershill: Essays for the Twenty-First Century. Humming Earth: Edinburgh.
Carruthers, G. (2016) Thomas Muir and Kirk politics. In: Carruthers, G. and Martin, D. (eds.) Thomas Muir of Huntershill: Essays for the Twenty First Century. Humming Earth: Edinburgh, pp. 141-167.
Carruthers, G. and Kaur, S. (2016) Thomas Muir and staff and student politics at the University of Glasgow. In: Carruthers, G. and Martin, D. (eds.) Thomas Muir of Huntershill: Essays for the Twenty First Century. Humming Earth: Edinburgh, pp. 89-111.
Carruthers, G. (2016) Thomas Muir of Huntershill in memory, culture & literature. In: Carruthers, G. and Martin, D. (eds.) Thomas Muir of Huntershill: Essays for the Twenty First Century. Humming Earth: Edinburgh, pp. 1-19.
Hansen, M. (2016) Burns and ‘Blue Devilism’., Robert Burns Lives [Website]
Lamont, C. R. (2016) The beginning of a new bibliography of Robert Burns editions. Burns Chronicle, 2016, pp. 78-83.
Lamont, C. R. (2016) Burns in the heat of the South: rare books and modern technology. Robert Burns Lives,
Scott, P. and Lamont, C. (2016) Skinking and stinking: the printing and proofing of Robert Burns's poems (Edinburgh, 1787). Book Collector, 65(4), pp. 601-616.
Scott, P. and Lamont, C. R. (2016) The first Irish edition of Robert Burns: a reexamination. Scottish Literary Review, 8(2), pp. 133-140.
Mackay, P. (2016) “Low, tame, and loathsome ribaldry”: Bawdry in Romantic Scotland. European Romantic Review, 27(4), pp. 433-448.
McLean, R. and Young, R. (2016) Introduction. In: Simpson, K., McLean, R. and Young, R. (eds.) The Scottish Enlightenment and Literary Culture. Series: Studies in eighteenth-century Scotland. Bucknell University Press.
Pittock, M. and Lamont, C. R. (2016) Spatial humanities: mapping Edinburgh in the first age of Enlightenment. Studies in Scottish Literature, 42(2), pp. 151-163.
Scott, P. and Lamont, C. R. (2016) The first Irish edition of Robert Burns: a reexamination. Scottish Literary Review, 8(2), pp. 133-140.
Scott, P. and Lamont, C. (2016) Skinking and stinking: the printing and proofing of Robert Burns's poems (Edinburgh, 1787). Book Collector, 65(4), pp. 601-616.
Young, R. (2016) “A parcel of mash’d old rags”: some provisional remarks on the Burns Paper Database. Burns Chronicle, 2017, pp. 46-59.
Young, R. (2016) Sympathetick curiosity: drama, moral thought, and the science of human nature. In: Simpson, K., McLean, R. and Young, R. (eds.) The Scottish Enlightenment and Literary Culture. Bucknell University Press: Lewisburg.
Young, R. (2016) Teaching Robert Burns online. Robert Burns Lives [Website]
Young, R. (2016) Thomas Muir at Glasgow: John Millar and the University. In: Carruthers, G. and Martin, D. (eds.) Thomas Muir of Huntershill: Essays for the 21st Century. Humming Earth: Edinburgh, pp. 112-140.
Benchimol, A. , Brown, R. and Shuttleton, D. (2015) Introduction. In: Benchimol, A., Brown, R. and Shuttleton, D. (eds.) Before Blackwood's: Scottish Journalism in the Age of Enlightenment. Pickering and Chatto: London, pp. 1-8.
Black, R. and Carruthers, G. (2015) The eighteenth century. In: Sassi, C. (ed.) The International Companion to Scottish Poetry. Association for Scottish Literary Studies: Glasgow, pp. 54-63.
Brown, R. (2015) 'Beshrew the sombre pencil!": Robert Fergusson (1750-74) and sensibility in Scotland. In: Thompson, P. (ed.) Beyond Sense and Sensibility: Moral Formation and Literary Imagination from Johnson to Wordsworth. Bucknell University Press.
Brown, R. (2015) Literary communities and commemorations in the Edinburgh Cape Club. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 38(4), pp. 525-539.
Brown, R. (2015) 'Rebellious Highlanders': the reception of Corsica in the Edinburgh periodical press, 1730-1800. Studies in Scottish Literature, 41(1), pp. 108-128.
Brown, R. (2015) Robert Fergusson. In: Day, G. H. and Lynch, J. (eds.) The Encyclopedia of British Literature, 1660-1789. Wiley-Blackwell: London.
Brown, R. (2015) Wilkes and Scottish liberty: the reception of John Wilkes in the Weekly Magazine, or Edinburgh Amusement. In: Benchimol, A., Brown, R. and Shuttleton, D. (eds.) Before Blackwood's: Scottish Journalism in the Age of Enlightenment, Pickering and Chatto: London.
Carruthers, G. (2015) The Burns movement, the chair of Scottish history & literature at the University of Glasgow and the study of Scottish literature. Burns Chronicle, pp. 60-64.
Carruthers, G. (2015) The failure of historicism in Scottish literary studies: a case-study involving the Burns movement and the chair of Scottish history and literature at the University of Glasgow. In: Müller, K. P. (ed.) Scotland 2014 and Beyond – Coming of Age and Loss of Innocence?, Peter Lang: Frankfurt am Main.
Mackay, P. , Henderson, J. and McIntyre, P. (2015) ‘Epitaph' on Grizzel Grim: a newly-discovered manuscript in the hand of Robert Burns. Studies in Scottish Literature, 41(1), pp. 253-258.
Pittock, M. and Lamont, C. R. (2015) Edinburgh's Enlightenment, 1680-1750. [Website]
Baraniuk, C. (2014) James Orr, Poet and Irish Radical. Pickering and Chatto: London
Brown, R. (2014) The construction of Robert Fergusson's illness and death. In: Coyer, M. J. and Shuttleton, D. E. (eds.) Scottish Medicine and Literary Culture, 1726-1832. Rodopi: Amsterdam.
Brown, R. (2014) 'Memorialising the death and legacy of Robert Fergusson: romantic sympathy and enlightened medical improvement', Bottle Imp, 15.
Mackay, P. (2014) Timeline of the European reception of Robert Burns, 1796–2013. In: Pittock, M. (ed.) The Reception of Robert Burns in Europe, 'Bloomsbury Academic: London, xxiii-lxvii.
McCue, K. and Rycroft, M. (2014) The reception of Robert Burns in music. In: Pittock, M. (ed.) The Reception of Robert Burns in Europe, Bloomsbury Academic: London, pp. 267-291.
Brown, R. and Carruthers, G. (2013) Commemorating James Thomson, the seasons in Scotland, and Scots poetry. Studies in the Literary Imagination, 46(1), pp. 71-89.
Brown, R. and Buntin, M. (2013) Family resemblance: a dialogue between father and son. In: Campbell, M. and Dulau, A. (eds.) Allan Ramsay: Portraits of the Enlightenment. Prestel: Munich, pp. 51-65.
Carruthers, G. (2013) 'Character, Self, and Sociability in the Scottish Enlightenment ed. Thomas Ahnert & Susan Manning Palgrave, 2011'. Bottle Imp, 13, pp. 1-2. [Book Review]
McCue, K. and Campbell, K. (2013) Lowland song culture in the eighteenth century. In: Dunnigan, S. and Gilbert, S. (eds.) The Edinburgh Companion to Scottish Traditional Literatures, Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 94-104.
McCue, K. (2012) 'Magnetic Attraction': the transatlantic songs of Robert Burns and Serge Hovey. In: Alker, S., Davis, L. and Nelson, H. F. (eds.) Robert Burns and Transatlantic Culture. Ashgate: Farnham, pp. 233-246.
McCue, K.C. (2012) "O my luve's like a red, red, rose': does Burns's melody really matter? In: Scott, P. and Simpson, K. (eds.) Robert Burns and Friends: Essays by W.Ormiston Roy Fellows presented to G. Ross Roy. University of South Carolina Libraries: Columbia, South Carolina, pp. 68-82.
Carruthers, G. (2011) Fiona Stafford, Local Attachments: The Province of Poetry. Eighteenth-Century Scotland(25), pp. 18-19. [Book Review]
McCue, K. (2011) Posing as the ultimate Scottish Songster: James Hogg’s Songs by the Ettrick Shepherd or Hogg GOLD! Bottle Imp, 9, pp. 1-2.
McCue, K. (2011) Scottish song, lyric poetry and the Romantic composer. In: Pittock, M. (ed.) The Edinburgh Companion to Scottish Romanticism, Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 39-48.
Pittock, M., Mackay, P. and Whatley, C. (2011) Robert Burns: Inventing Tradition and Securing Memory, 1796-1909. [Website]
Carruthers, G. (2009) Abraham Lincoln and Robert Burns: Connected Lives and Legends. By Ferenc Morton Szasz. Scottish Historical Review, 88(2), pp. 381-382. [Book Review]
Orr, J. and Carruthers, G. (2009) 'The deil's awa' wi' the exciseman' : Robert Burns the giver of guns to revolutionary France? In: Rodgers, J. and Carruthers, G. (eds.) Fickle Man: Robert Burns in the 21st Century. Sandstone: Dingwall, Ross-shire, pp. 257-266.
Brown, R.L. and McCue, K.C. (2009) Burns 'The outré being' and 'The beautiful nymph of Ballochmyle'. In: Rodgers, J. and Carruthers, G. (eds.) Fickle Man : Robert Burns in the 21st Century. Sandstone: Dingwall, pp. 215-233.
McCue, K. (2009) Burns's songs and poetic craft. In: Carruthers, G. (ed.) The Edinburgh Companion to Robert Burns, Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 74-85.
McCue, K. (2009) 'An individual flowering on a common stem': melody, performance and national song. In: Connell, P. and Leask, N. (eds.) Romanticism and Popular Culture in Britain and Ireland. Cambridge University Press, pp. 88-106.
McCue, K. (2009) 'Singing 'more songs than ever ploughman could': The songs of James Hogg and Robert Burns in the musical marketplace'. In: Alker, S. and Nelson, H.F. (eds.) James Hogg and the Literary Marketplace : Scottish Romanticism and the Working-Class Author. Ashgate, pp. 123-137.
McCue, K. , Hamilton, D. and Wellington, S. (2007) I'll Sing Ye A Wee Bit Sang: Selected Songs of James Hogg. [Audio]