
This page will host the papers and essays delivered by our speakers at John Galt Society events as well as those published elsewhere.

  • The first papers were delivered by Professors Christopher A. Whatley and Colin Kidd at the inaugural meeting of the John Galt Society at the University of Glasgow on Saturday 6th December 2014. You can access the papers by clicking their names here: Christopher A Whatley; Colin Kidd.
  • On 8th May 2015 the Society enjoyed lunch at the Tontine Hotel in Greenock, following a commemoration event at Galt's grave. You can access the paper by clicking here: Douglas Gifford.
  • On 30th April 2016 the Society held its Annual General Meeting at the University of Glasgow. You can download the minutes here: AGM Minutes 2016AGM Minutes. Our Secretary Ian McGhee also gave a paper on 'John Galt and North America', which you can download here: Ian McGhee. Honor Rieley's paper 'Betwitxt and Between: John Galt, Canada, and the Periodical Press' can also be downloaded here: Honor Rieley.
  • Dr. Gerard Lee McKeever's paper, '"With wealth come wants": Scottish Romanticism as improvement in the Fiction of John Galt', has been published in Studies in Romanticism 55:1 (2016). You can find it here, though you will need a subscription or have institutional access.
  • Professor Angela Esterhammer has just published a paper entitled "John Galt's The Omen: Interpretation and its Discontents". It appears in European Romantic Review. You can access it here with a subscription or institutional access.
  • At the AGM of 24 March 2018, Dr Craig Lamont gave a paper on John Galt & Glasgow (download here: Galt & Glasgow), and Prof Angela Esterhammer outlined the plans for the new Edinburgh Edition of the Selected Works of John Galt (download here: EUP Works)
  • History, Narrative and Language in the Fiction of John Galt: the John Galt Memorial Lecture on 4 May 2018 by James Robertson. 
  • Prof Jeffrey Cass, 'John Galt and the Colonisation of Canada', The Wordsworth Circle (Spring-Summer 2013, p. 136)
  • Prof Jeffrey Cass, 'John Galt, Happy Colonialist', The Wordsworth Circle (Summer 2010, p. 167). 

Please check this page again for future events and material.