Interactive World Map of Burns Suppers

World map indicating the locations of Burns Suppers which took place in 2019

The ‘Interactive World Map of Burns Suppers’ is the broadest, most detailed record of Burns Night activities ever made to this day.

It was created in 2020, by Dr Paul Malgrati and Mr Brian Aitken, as part of CRBS’s research project ‘The Burns Supper in History and Today’ (PI: Prof Gerard Carruthers).

The map inventories more than 2,500 contemporary Burns Suppers and Burns Night events, spreading across the 6 continents and nearly 150 countries. Most of these events took place in either 2020 or 2019, although earlier occurrences (as early as 2009) have also been recorded for areas with sparser Burns activities. If an event you hosted or attended in recent years does not feature on the map and you'd like to be included, please contact us at

To make your browsing experience easier, feel free to open the map’s search filters by clicking on “Show Filters”. The map features 15 filters, sorting data by date, attendance, as well as by types of host, toast, menu, drink, dress code, and entertainment. 

You can also find further information about a particular Burns Supper by clicking on its red and white icon. The listed details are as precise and complete as possible, based on information made available online by the event’s organisers. However, whilst providing a faithful description of most events, details are not always exhaustive and occasionally rely on estimates (especially for attendance figures). If you notice any mistakes or missing information, please let us know. 

Finally, the map also features more than 900 pictures and 281 embedded videos (you can access these by clicking on ‘Watch Video’ below the event’s description). These are used with a strictly informative and educational purpose. Nonetheless, do notify us should you wish to see any picture or video removed.  

This map is a testament and a tribute to the global, creative, and diverse Burns movement of the twenty-first century. Its mission is to serve future research on Robert Burns, Burns Suppers, and Scottish culture, whilst also promoting Burns’s legacy and connecting Burnsians and Scotophiles across the world.